Wednesday, December 18, 2024

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Kristin Astara to Join WSU Roster

Diva Dirt has learned that our own Kristin Astara has joined the Women Superstars Uncensored family.

Kristin, previously known as Krissy Vaine, will debut for WSU on December 11th in New Jersey, following WSU’s first ever Internet pay per view on November 6th.

How will the former WWE developmental Diva factor into WSU’s post-iPPV plans? This landmark event will air live on November 6th at 5.30pm ET at

Kristin is previously known from her time in WWE developmental territories DSW and FCW, as well as her debut on SmackDown attacking Torrie Wilson. She is also a SHIMMER alumni. Since joining Diva Dirt, Kristin has penned her own column and hosted an audio show for our visitors.

Thoughts: Good luck, Kristin! We can’t wait to see what you do in WSU.

– Want to book Kristin for your event?

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