Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Layla Sees Orange


I’m sure you’ve heard the saying about lemons, but have you heard the one about oranges? “When life hands you oranges, pose like a Diva…” No? Just me? Okay. WWE continues to subliminally advertise WrestleMania in Diva photoshoots this week, as well as the boxing photoshoots featuring several of the Divas; they also have ECW vixen Layla posing with oranges. Mmm, zesty. View photos »

I thought I’d use this as a segue to express why I feel Layla is the most underrated and underused Diva Search winner/contestant in recent years, as well as the bright future (no pun intended) I believe she has ahead!

Layla is easily one of the most utterly, insanely gorgeous Divas in wrestling right now. She looks flawless all the time and is truly the definition of “natural beauty.” On top of that, this girl has a lot of spunk and personality. Among the generic, plastic-looking, big boobed, blonde-haired girls that think they have what it takes to be a WWE Diva – the 2006 Diva Search proved that the process actually can find someone unique and worthy of the “WWE Diva” title.

Layla’s growth since joining WWE has been huge; her personality, looks and progressing in-ring skills set her aside from past Diva Search contestants and compared to the likes of Ashley, Maria and to some extent – Candice Michelle – Layla’s developed and learnt the ropes at an exponential rate. Layla is a natural, I’m not sure if she’s had previous acting training, but her heel turn worked very well and I have no doubt that she’ll continue to enhance and grow as a performer, even though she is one of the Divas that is less in the spotlight. Reminiscent of Dawn Marie before her, a Diva with sufficient wrestling skills, a great personality and smokin’ hot – but often overlooked by the likes of (dare I say) Torrie Wilson and Jackie Gayda; similar to Kelly Kelly‘s position compared to the former Diva Search winner.

Layla is currently training with Jesse Hernandez, the man who trained former Women’s Champion, Melina. While Layla hasn’t the pressures of WWE’s “top-tier” Divas, this gives her more time to train and in time, we think will creep up on the radar as a legitimate women’s wrestler when WWE least expects it!

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