Lucha Underground 08/15/18: Going for the gold


Welcome to this week’s Lucha Underground review, Believers! In this week’s episode Kobra Moon and her tribe promise to bounce back quickly from their recent loss to the Worldwide Underground.

The episode opens up with Kobra Moon approaching Antonio Cueto and asking for a Trios Title shot for her team. She makes a point by saying they never had their rematch from last season when the current champions dethroned them.

Cueto questions her but she says her tribe is stronger even though they just lost Drago. So he agrees to set up a match against Killshot, The Mack, and Son of Havoc as the main event.

Before the match, backstage the team of Killshot, The Mack, and Son of Havoc seem to be coming apart. Killshot takes issue with his teammate Son of Havoc and they have it out before he leaves to challenge El Dragon Azteca Jr for the Gift of the Gods Title.

Daga and Jeremiah Snake accompany Kobra to the match. It’s tornado tag rules as the match begins, The Mack and Son of Havoc without Killshot.

The Reptile Tribe plays the numbers game and easily gain the upper hand early. Each teammate gets their time to shine one on one, with Kobra also getting assists from her partners.

Killshot enters the match eventually and goes up against Jeremiah Snake. He gets him in a choke but this causes Kobra to enter and choke him until all partners enter the ring and it becomes a chain of submissions. The submission eventually gets broken up and The Mack gains the advantage for his team.

Killshot hits Kobra in the face and tries to grab her up but she uses her knees to hit him in the face instead. This brings Jeremiah to her aid. They use their team work to pull off a few cool moves.

The match continues to go back and forth until things go haywire when Son of Havoc hits a dive and catches Killshot in the crossfire. Killshot interrupts Son of Havoc when he goes for his signature Shooting Star Press. The distraction is enough for Jeremiah to put Son of Havoc away and grab the gold for his team!

Thoughts: I wasn’t expecting this at all! Kobra Moon has really been showing out in her role this season as a leader. I’m so happy we got to see more of her capabilities in the ring.

Yeah, her pacing still needs a little work but the offensive with Jeremiah was slick and really interesting. Her team is the strongest unit in the Temple by far. I enjoyed her intro and how she brought up a point that they never had a rematch last season. I also was curious as to what was going on with The Mack, Son of Havoc, and Killshot. Killshot is a one man army so it’s fitting he was the one to basically break up his team.

While I was watching I came to the conclusion that…Jeremiah’s character is one of being easily manipulated by women. He was brought to the Temple by Ivelisse, and I’m sure if she didn’t get injured there would be more to that coupling, but then he becomes obsessed with Catrina. Now Kobra Moon was able to brainwash him. It’s a really interesting story they could exploit later on, with someone calling him out for being such a destructive tornado but with an easily overpowered mind.

I’m interested in seeing what team is next for the Reptile Tribe. Worldwide Underground is embarking on their own path. Mariposa is kinda in a weird limbo, Catrina is also in a limbo with Mil Muertes, and Ivelisse just started to gain her foothold back in the Temple. Who’s next for Kobra Moon?

What did you think of this week’s episode? Who will Kobra go after next? What do you want to see happen with Mariposa, Catrina, or Ivelisse? Sound off in the comments below.