Thursday, March 27, 2025

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More News And Notes From The ECW/Superstars/SmackDown Tapings

As you all know by now, I had seats for last night’s tapings at Madison Square Garden. Unforunately I couldn’t give all the details I wanted, due to the fact that I was trying to actually watch the  show. So highlight for a few more details on the shows:

The crowd was predictably dead during Alicia/Michelle vs Maria/Gail. Maria got a OK pop however. Me and my girlfriend were torn on which team to cheer for, since we like both Alicia and Gail so we just cheered both. Alicia sold really well and looked very natural in the ring. McCool and Fox had good chemistry together. I hope they team together more in the future. Surprisingly the match was botch-free. Go figure.

The Layla/Eve dance segment got really good reaction from the crowd. Both Divas were really working it. The cat-fight got a decent reaction as well. The crowd (myself included) were yelling “Let Them Fight!”.

After The Show:
I saw all the Divas on the Card, except Michelle, exiting the arena. Natalya, Eve, Gail, Maria and Alicia all left together, along with Evan Bourne and Tyson Kidd. They all smiled and waved. Alicia stuck around longer than the other and waved and blew kisses. No Diva signed autographs though. In non-Diva news, Shad Gaspard hung out and signed my program. MVP and R-Truth interacted with the crowd outside. Jimmy Wang Yang also signed a few autographs.    

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