Wednesday, December 18, 2024

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New NXT Women’s Champion crowned

Tonight a new era is beginning in the NXT Women’s Division as Ember Moon defeated both Peyton Royce and Nikki Cross using a double Eclipse during a Fatal-4-Way for the NXT Women’s title.

The match started off hot and heavy with Peyton on the offense as Kairi Sane and Ember tried to clear house.

The fight spilled to the outside where Ember hit Nikki with a power bomb to lay her out. Ember and Kairi began going back and forth inside the ring but neither gained the upper hand because Peyton came in and hit a super plex.

Nikki jumped in and tried to take all the women down when they least expected it.

However, her unpredictability would be her weakness as she’d take an inSANE elbow and then a double eclipse from Ember back to back.

Ember pinned her to become the new and sixth NXT Women’s Champion! Asuka entered the ring to present her with the title.

What did you think of this match? Did the right woman win? What do you think Ember’s reign will bring? Sound off in the comments below.

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