The Perfect 10 returns! The premise is simple: We will rank the ten Divas or Knockouts who we think have had the best week of television, similar to’s Power 25. Who will make the grade and who will fall short? It’s all new and exclusive only at Diva Dirt!
10. Taylor Wilde (New Entry)
The TNA Knockout Champion is the first new entry on this week’s top 10, after she scored a victory in the first ever Beautiful People Beauty Pageant. Taylor could move up even further if she successfully defends her title against Angelina Love at No Surrender tonight.
Erin: That seems pretty pointless, but it I suppose it advances the storyline. Hopefully tonight’s match makes up for that nonsense. Taylor’s been a pretty unremarkable champion, hasn’t she?
Melanie: There’s a reason it’s taken Taylor so long to make this list! Honestly, I think any Knockout Championship storyline that doesn’t include Awesome Kong is doomed to fail. And it’s a shame because there’s a great group of girls. Taylor has yet to win over the fans as champion though.
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09. Layla (Last Week: #10)
A woman who knows how to use her feminine wiles, Layla moves up one spot to #9. Ditching her suitor and leaving with William Regal on Raw? This storyline’s got all the trappings of a Grey’s Anatomy plot and has us hooked!
Erin: I’m kind of confused with what’s going on, because Layla seemed pretty hesitant in going with Regal, like he was forcing her. I guess that makes it more interesting than her outright turning on Noble, but it’s hard to tell exactly what she was doing. That said, I’m pretty interested in seeing where it goes from here!
Melanie: I’m excited to see where this goes. Katie Lea mentioned this at large in a Fan Nation blog, could she become involved in the storyline?
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08. Maria (New Entry)
Maria makes her first appearance on the Perfect 10 at #8. She was on the winning team this week with Michelle and Brie. How will her teammates fair on the chart? Keep reading…
Erin: She was a little sloppy in the match, trying to perform flashy moves instead of impressing us with the basics. I wonder what place she would hold if she weren’t just a stock face? She seems to be there simply to provide a face teammate for Michelle and Brie.. And egads – what was she wearing??
Melanie: Congratulations Maria, you’ve finally made it.
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07. Kelly Kelly (Last Week: #3)
How the mighty fall, Kelly manages to cling onto the chart thanks to her high position last week. But she’s clutching on with one hand, will Kelly slip further next week – or worse fall off completely?
Erin: What in the hell did she do on Raw? A backstage segment? I didn’t even see her..
Melanie: Kelly is on the chart still because it didn’t feel right totally axing her after she ranked so high. But as the description says, Kelly could soon slip off completely.
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06. ODB (Last Week: #4)
ODB falls two places to #6, her angle with Kong seemed as though we’d seen it all before. That’s because we just saw her do the exact same run-in last week! But ODB has a chance to redeem herself at No Surrender tonight.
Erin: It’s getting repetitive, but at least the match is tonight. It seemed like they were running out of steam right at the finish line, but hopefully tonight’s match will be as explosive as it has the possibility of being.
Melanie: I feel there was some WWE logic here, just having ODB attack Kong three weeks in a row without really expanding the storyline.