Friday, March 14, 2025

NXT Redux (April 22nd, 2015): A Triple Threat Delight


Hello, and welcome to this week’s NXT Redux. This go around we have some triple threat action to determine a shocking number one contender for Sasha’s wonderful title, most likely aiming for a shot at the next TakeOver special.

In addition, Devin Taylor chats with Dana Brooke and we get a second backstage segment featuring a fun imitation made possible by the Boss.

With that being said, let’s get started.

We head out to the arena as Bayley makes her twirly entrance to the delight of everyone at Full Sail and those watching at home. JoJo provides the intros, before in comes our second competitor, Becky Lynch. Becky looks radiant, as her feud with Corey Graves continues to my delight. Now arrives the third potential contender as Charlotte struts down, flips forward, and split slides inside. The bell sounds as we get things underway with a strong “Becky” chant. Both Charlotte and Bayley start going after Becky, but Lynch fights them off briefly. Charlotte scores a takedown for a clos count, as Bayley hits a nice elbow/clothesline combo.

They exchange one-upping each other until Becky gets rolled outside and Charlotte goes after Bayley. The fans now convert to Bayley chants, but Charlotte scores a chop, followed by another and then a snapmare into a knee drop. Charlotte now with the figure-4-head-lock, this time with multiple flips and a kip up. Becky returns to the fray and drops Charlotte with a nice suplex, then turning her attention to Bayley as we head to commercial.

Upon a return, Becky continues the assault on Bayley, hitting her patented series of leg drops for a two count. Lynch now with a knee submission, but Bayley counters into a roll up for a near fall. Becky now hits a dragon screw and knocks Charlotte back inside, then turning into a drop toe hold by Bayley as she fires up (on one knee), and tries for her corner comeback. Becky gets a roll up, then countered into her awesome submission. Charlotte hits the Natural Selection on Becky while she has Bayley in a submission, but Bayley breaks the pin up.

Charlotte now has Bayley up top and goes for a superplex, but Becky throws her off and tries for the move herself. Bayley blocks though, as Charlotte runs forward and grabs Becky in a powerbomb position as Bayley leaps off the top with a sick spinning elbow. Bayley with a set of hugplexes, but Charlotte breaks the pin attempt on Becky and locks the Figure-4 in on Bayley. She tries not to tap, eventually grabbing the ropes. Charlotte locks it back on again in the center of the ring, bridging up into the figure-8. Becky slowly crawls over and covers Bayley for the win as Charlotte’s vision was distracted.

Backstage, we see Devin Taylor standing by with Dana Brooke. She tries to offer some congrats on the successful debut, but Dana cuts her off and says that it was a rebirth of the women’s division. It’s molded in the shape of the most beautiful, defiant, strong Diva… Dana Brooke. This is Dana’s playground, and play time is over.

Backstage again, but this time we spot Sasha Banks approaching Becky Lynch. She sarcastically congratulates Becky on the win, but puts her in check that she has no shot at winning the title. Becky says silver’s not really Sasha’s color, and it looks discoostin on her (that of which Sasha proceeds to mock). She feels the title will look better around her waist, as Sasha claims that she made Becky Lynch. Lynch laughs it off and says that it’s untrue because she made herself. She’s kind of a big deal, but Sasha says the only big deal around here is the champion. Becky is about to recognize who the boss is around here.

Thoughts: The match was absolutely fantastic, and I thought all three women performed equally well (which is pretty obvious from the get-go that they would). The finish in particular was probably the most genius thing I’ve seen in a while, and I love that they put a spin on how to end a triple threat since I feel like a lot of multi-woman matches tend to go in the route of someone hits their finish and the heel throws them outside to score the win themselves. This felt modern and less archaic to me, which was very much appreciated.

Speaking of modern, I thought their change-up of the tower of doom spot was also brilliant, and definitely the highlight of the night. That was a common theme I had with the match to be honest, I just loved seeing how these women were able to take spots we’ve seen done to death (they still work though, it just feels kind of obvious in the set-up where they’re heading) and turn them into something different, and something way more impressive.

Becky scoring the win makes perfect sense. I’ve said a million times how I want Bayley to win the title off Sasha, but I want that down the road. Putting Bayley into a feud with Emma to keep her on screen while Sasha feuds with Becky (someone new to the title scene but also someone who has a built-in story with Banks) is absolutely perfect. I really hope both of those feuds get to be featured on the next TakeOver because it genuinely feels like the next step in Diva dominance that these live specials should put forth is having two women’s matches, and each with a great storyline behind it.

Dana’s promo was okay, but I still feel unfair judging her this early in the game considering how far so many of these Divas come from their early days on the show. Her accent is very thick, however, we’ve seen Becky Lynch improve leaps and bounds with an even thicker one so I think she can get there. She’s obviously still learning and I feel like some of the parts are there and it’s just going to take some time for her to work on fixing up some that aren’t. There were areas of the promo I thought were fine, but I’d like to see her be a bit more serious like I mentioned last week. Being that this is the last week of those two month old shows, I’m excited to see what kind of growth she’s experienced in the coming weeks.

That’s it for now, catch you again for the next episode.

Sara Del Rey Talks Training Divas at WWE Performance Center


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Vice has posted a new interview with NXT Trainer Sara Amato, formerly known as Sara Del Rey. Del Rey has been training future Divas for the WWE since 2012.

Del Rey commented on how and why she decided to become a trainer for WWE, crediting Daniel Bryan for helping her land the job:

“Daniel Bryan trained me a long time ago. That’s how I got my foot in the door. Training has always been my one true passion; it’s what I really love about pro wrestling. I thought I had unique experiences and perspectives to share with the women in NXT. WWE agreed, and here I am.”

Del Rey, who has worked with Charlotte and Sasha Banks, was also asked if she thinks this new generation of Divas would some day main event Raw:

“100 %. There’s no limit to what this generation of girls can do.”

Triple H even tweeted out the article in praise of Del Rey:

You can read the full article on

TNA One Night Only: Hardcore Justice in Review: Havok and Gail Take it to the Streets


Greetings and salutations loyal Knockout fans! We have reached a new month, which means it’s time for a new TNA One Night Only PPV recap. For the month of April, TNA are relighting an old feud between two Knockouts who have some unfinished business with one another, as Gail Kim takes on Havok in a Street Fight! Sure, the last time these two battled, Awesome Kong got in the way but this time there is no Kong and there isn’t even a Knockouts Championship in the picture and as suggested by the Hardcore Justice heading, there will also be no rules!

We open this contest with Havok making her way to the ring first, coming down the entrance ramp and by passing some of the stop signs and street barricades being provided for this style of match. As the Ohio native makes her ring entrance, climbing a corner turnbuckle and removing her signature gas mask, Gail Kim music hits as she is out next. The fan favorite is all smiles for what is expected to be brutal match. She high fives the Impact Zone fans, takes a peek at a close by trash can full of weapon goodies and assembles to the ring all while over at commentary, Jeremy Borash suggests the idea that Gail Kim be the first Knockout inducted to the TNA HOF. (Fingers crossed!)

The bell sounds off and Havok goes charging right after her enemy but Gail avoids this with an evasive dodge, rolling right under her Havok’s clutches. Still on the hunt, Havok quickly turns around and tries to land a clothesline but Gail proves too quick once again as she dodges Havok’s second attack and finds some safety in a corner.

Keeping close eye on her prey, Havok runs to Gail’s shelter of a corner but Gail times this and ducks out the way as Havok only manages to hit the turnbuckle. With Havok now in the corner, Gail lands her first offense of the match with some hard right forearms from the corner and to the middle of the ring. Once in the center of the ring, Gail runs the ropes but only returns for a shoulder block from Havok. Not letting a shoulder block slow her down, Gail runs the ropes once more and this time gets caught mid attack as Havok grabs a hold of Gail.

Finally able to get Gail in her hands, Havok looks to begin her physical harm by slamming Gail but the fighting Gail escapes yet again and sends Havok to another corner, following it up with a beautiful dropkick sending Havok down. With Havok down and adjacent to a steel post, Gail looks to make the most of the no DQ stipulation by stepping outside and grabbing a hold of Havok’s leg for a figure four leg lock from the post but Havok only kicks Gail off. As Gail tries to regain composure, Havok steps outside to the ring and takes Gail down shortly after with a strong clothesline.

The fans of the Impact Zone begin to pester Havok as she tosses Gail back to the ring. To hush these half hearten fans, Havok snarls at them (able to get some reaction from them) and then focuses her attention on the very same trash can Gail peeked in earlier. Havok pulls out a kendo stick as the first weapon to be used in this street fight. Kendo stick at hand, Havok smacks it first to ground then targets Gail but the staff never touches Gail as she manages to kick Havok’s arm in time causing Havok to drop the weapon.

Gail takes new ownership of the kendo stick by picking it up from the ground and swings it in the air, signaling a hit to Havok but isn’t able to follow through as Havok’s strength enable her to take back the kendo stick. This isn’t an upset for Gail, as she releases the kendo stick to make her forearms and kicks her weapon of choice to fight Havok. Gail then climbs the second rope for a high flying attack but only gets punished for her risk when she is stuck with the very same kendo stick by Havok.

As Gail tries to recover from the mid section sting, Havok keeps the punishment coming by begining a beat total down to Gail, attacking her back with the very same kendo stick. As Gail becomes paralyzed with no where to go, Havok scoops Gail up and postions her body in an upside fashion at a corner turnbuckle. With Gail completely defenseless, Havok batters up and swings her kendo stick right in the mid section to Gail, bringing out a “one more time” chant from the audience. Havok obeys and strikes yet again to an open Gail and it’s not until the third strike that Gail becomes out and is in searing pain.

Still showing no mercy, Havok tosses Gail’s face first to the mat and applies a camel clutch choke with the help of the kendo stick still in play leaving Gail to whimper in pain and Havok screeching in superiority. As Havok releases her hold, Gail begins to fight back only to find herself trapped in yet another submission hold from Havok, this time a lifted full nelson one. To add some damage, Havok hurls Gail off to the mat and smashes her face to go for the cover. Gail kicks out at two, leading an astonished Havok shreik a loud “NO!!!” in disbelief.

Seeing as how the kendo stick didn’t lead to a victory, Havok draws back to the garbage can outside the ring in search of a new weapon. She passes off a steel chair and a garbage lid before becoming satisfied with the actual garbage can itself. Just as Havok is finding her way back to ring with her new instument of choice, Gail is back on her feet and dropkicks Havok’s garbage can right to her face, bringing down Havok. Gail isn’t done just yet, as she soars from the ring apron and lands a crossbody to Havok.

Looking for a win, Gail tosses Havok back into the ring and goes for a quick cover but only manages to get a two count. This doesn’t discourage Gail, as she brings in the unwanted steel chair Havok threw out from the outside and places it to one of the six side corners. Gail’s stratergy backfires, as Havok manages to power out Gail and give her a seat in very same chair that Gail had set up.

As Gail unwillingly sits down, Havok lands two big boots to Gail’s skull. When Havok goes for a third big boot, Gail overturns it by bringing Havok head first to steel chair and rolls her up from behind for a pin. Gail’s fighting spirit takes over, as she lands a fury of forearms to Havok, adding on a running clotheline and finishing it up with a quick crossbody from the top rope and into another pin. The referee only counts at two and a disappointed Gail is in awe.

Gail spots the steel chair she provided in the match close by and picks it up with the intensions of harming Havok. Instead, it would be Havok who would provide the chair damage, as Havok would kick Gail’s chair right back at her. With the chair still close by, Havok sets it up in the middle of the ring, aiming to hit Gail with the Harlot Slayer chokeslam onto to the chair sitting in the middle of the ring. Gail manages to counter this upon take off with a DDT onto the chair and, just for good measures, hits the Eat Defeat, going for a cover and gets the three count victory!

Thoughts: Another One Night Only PPV and another chance for the Knockouts to perform under a themed like kind of match; in this case, a no DQ street fight.

Much like her match against Taryn Terrell over on Xplosion a few weeks ago, it’s nice to see that Havok is still making these reemerging appearances on TNA. It allows her to feel like she has a place in TNA without having to get to involved with what is going on the main Impact Wrestling show and I really think having a match against Gail Kim was a nice reminder of that. The two already have some history with one another what with their fued from late last year, so there was already some story available to be told in the ring.

The match was pretty physical given the stipulation, which allowed for more optional spots that weren’t used during their initial feud; one in particular being when Havok trapped Gail to a corner and kept swinging her kendo stick to Gail’s mid section as well as the combination from Gail Kim to close the match. Havok’s dominance shined through when she was able to inflict more damage with these weapons that were around her, in the same way Gail Kim was able to fight off Havok’s destructive nature with whatever weapons she could find.

The commentary sounded a lot better than most of the regular commentary (although that may no longer be a problem with Taz now gone) that we’ve heard on a regular Impact show but the Impact Zone crowd being cold at some times took a bit from the match in my opinion. Still, it was a solid match regardless and it really just showed that there can be some dig to these special One Night Only PPVs.

So with Havok getting the first win against Gail on Impact Wrestling and Gail Kim scoring a win on Hardcore Justice, is there a chance for a best two out of three? Perhaps on a future episode of Impact, Xplosion or another One Night Only PPV affair? Only time will well!

Extreme Rules Results: Nikki Bella Retains the Divas Title

Tonight at Extreme Rules, Nikki Bella held on to the Divas Title, overcoming a huge challenge from Naomi with help from her sister Brie.

Naomi has drawn the wrath of Brie with a harsh kick mid-match, leading Brie to return the favor with a kick of her own.

This gave Nikki the opportunity to take Naomi out with the Rack Attack, pinning her and retaining the title.

What did you think of the match?

Extreme Rules Discussion Post


Tonight at Extreme Rules, Nikki Bella defends the Divas Title against Naomi.

Tune in to Extreme Rules on the WWE Network starting at 7:00pm ET with the Kickoff show.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Extreme Rules Predictions: Naomi vs. Nikki Bella for the Divas Title

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Tonight at Extreme Rules, Nikki Bella defends the Divas Title against Naomi. Will Naomi’s new attitude propel her to the top? The Diva Dirt team weighs in:

Bobby: Naomi wins because Leyvonna got released so I hate wrestling right now and the wish I’ve had for 5 years coming true would possibly make me hate it less. Maybe.

Chris: I’ve enjoyed the tremendous long running build up for this one! Wait, you can’t note my sarcasm via text? It seems like this month has been full of face and heel turns without a ton of explanation or reasoning. Sure, Naomi’s heel turn was a great moment and she’s shown tremendous viciousness since doing so but I have to question the logic of it all. You have Naomi turn heel to write off Paige and then face the Bellas who are now randomly faces? Oh wait, I forgot – it’s the Divas Division. WWE thinks it doesn’t HAVE to make sense! I see. Nikki Bella wins.

Cryssi: More than anything, I want a great, solid match with a nice amount of time for two deserving, amazing girls. Nikki has been an incredible champion thus far, and Naomi’s turn and attack on Paige was everything. As Bella biased as I am, I think it’s only fitting that Naomi wins the title tonight. She’s more than ready for this, and I think I speak for everyone when I say that Naomi is more than deserving of this opportunity. She can feud with Nikki and Brie a bit longer, and set up Paige’s eventual return to the roster. A feud between Naomi and Paige will be exciting and I can’t wait to watch it play out.

Eleri: I’m expecting a sort of double turn, I guess. Naomi has already gone heel, and when it’s heel vs. heel who is the crowd supposed to chant for? The Bellas are over – that’s fact. They have a huge following on multiple platforms, and they’ve both worked their asses off the last year. That gives weight to my theory that they’re going to turn face. We’ll have to wait and see, but it would certainly freshen things up in the division. With AJ Lee gone and Paige on hiatus, thanks to Naomi, there really aren’t many active faces at the moment. The Bellas have been in the spotlight longest, so logically they’re the way to go. As for tonight, my pick is Nikki Bella. I expect a clean win, and then a beat down from Naomi, prolonging the feud.

Erin: We’re in a unique situation here, with both sides of a match in the midst of switching their face/heel orientations. No one’s really settled in their new roles yet, though Naomi is definitely about to hit her stride. Tonight might be that moment, in fact. This is her chance to prove that she deserves to be at the top of the division. However, I don’t think she’ll actually capture the gold here. Things are still in flux, and I’d hate for her to be treated as some transitional champion, holding the belt until Paige comes back. I think this match could be used as a way to solidify both Nikki and Naomi’s new alignments, Nikki Bella winning in some manner that’s not cut-and-dry, leading to Naomi displaying some heel frustration and drawing babyface sympathy for Nikki and Brie. Let a loss here fuel her fire leading into the next PPV, where she finally wins the belt. It will mean that much more when that time comes.

Jack: Who would have thought we would be seeing a heel Naomi vs. face Nikki Bella at Extreme Rules?! Whilst the match was impossible to predict a few weeks back, the outcome of this is seemingly obvious. I think Nikki will retain her title, only for Naomi to cement her heel status further by assaulting both Brie and Nikki after the match. The match is the only one not to have an extreme stipulation or unusual aftermath (see the “Kiss Me Arse” match for that) so why not have Naomi get a little hardcore once the match is over? Nikki Bella wins. Naomi snaps.

Jake: Poor Naomi. Every time she gets a push the timing sucks. This PPV is another example of that. Tonight is a lose/lose for Naomi. If she wins the title it will be a totally rushed situation. Sure, she’ll be champion but there has been no time to build her up as a credible heel and also no time for the Bellas to be believable faces. If she gets the gold I don’t expect her to hold it long. And if she loses it will kill her momentum as a heel. There’s just no possible good outcome for her except one and my prediction. Nikki Bella wins by DQ. Naomi is just too vicious in the match and beats the hell out of Nikki and Brie forcing a DQ. This way Naomi and Nikki can build up more of a feud and project them further in their new roles. Layla really should be getting the title shot, bleh.

Josue: Despite how this match was announced, I’m glad to see that we are in fact getting a Divas title match. Although Paige may have won that number one contenders battle royal, Naomi really was next in line for a title shot for her continuous wins over the Belllas, more so now that there is meaning behind Naomi’s newly Heel persona. With the Bellas transitioning to Faces by default, I think there still needs to be time for the both Nikki and Naomi to build their recent turns and add more depth to them to their characters. I think Nikki Bella will retain after Naomi gets disqualified, adding another layer to Naomi frustration while also garnering sympathy for Nikki.

Steven: FUNK IS ON A ROLL!!!! Naomi has a new attitude, and she is on a mission to become the champ… but I don’t think her time is just yet. With this new cocky persona she’s sporting these, I would love to see her pride and ego get the best of her, costing the match. Afterwards, she could snap on The Bellas Twins like she did Paige, which will solidify their positions as babyfaces (WHEN DID THIS EVEN HAPPEN?!?!) and Naomi as a heel. I see Nikki Bella retaining the title tonight, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see this feud carry over to the next PPV.

BREAKDOWN: 2 for Naomi, 7 for Nikki.

Who do you agree with? Who is just dead wrong?

RELATED: The Team Diva Dirt PPV Prediction Scoreboard

WWE Main Event Redux (April 24th, 2015): Wait, What Year is This?


Hi all! Welcome to this week’s Main Event Redux. Two former Divas Champions went one on one this episode, as Brie Bella and Alicia Fox faced off. Brie was in full face mode, with her own entrance music making a return. She made her way out to the ring first, and Alicia soon followed.

We come back from commercial and kick things off right away. The ladies lock up and Brie tosses Alicia across the ring. Alicia looks amused as YES chants break out among the fans. Brie keeps her focus and takes the lead briefly, before running into a big boot from Alicia as Alicia comes off the ropes. Alicia takes her time and covers for a two count.

Frustrated early on, Alicia drives Brie face first into the mat. Brie climbs to her feet and attempts to fight back, but Alicia sends her into the corner. Brie’s sprightly, however, and turns the tables. She hits Alicia with a running bulldog and goes for the pin, but only manages a two count. Alicia gears back into action and catches Brie in her patented back breaker. Another pin, but Brie kicks out.

Alicia’s next tactic is to try and wear Brie down. She plants her in a headlock and settles in. With some support from the crowd, Brie manages to get to her feet. Alicia’s having none of that, and throws Brie right back down again. Alicia connects with her bridge pin, but after Brie kicks out yet again, Alicia starts to crack. She locks Brie up once again, perhaps hoping to subdue her opponent long enough to figure out her next plan of attack.

Brie breaks the hold, staggering to her feet, and suddenly she’s firing on all cylinders. She hits Alicia hard, coming out of the corner, then knocks her down with a lovely drop kick. A knee to the gut follows, and then Brie’s knee to the face. She fires up the crowd with her, too. Brie hits the missile drop kick on Alicia but fails to put her away. Alicia rolls out of harms way, then misses wildly with her scissors kick. Brie capitalises! She finds the Bella Buster, and it’s enough to put Alicia down for the three count.

Afterwards, Alicia Fox is pretty pissed off. No one tantrums like she tantrums!

Thoughts: This was a refreshing little match. I think it served a few purposes; Brie, and by extension Nikki, look strong going into Extreme Rules. It also shows that the crowd have faith in Brie as a face, so WWE know they have that to fall on if they do indeed turn the Bellas face at the pay per view. That remains to be seen. We also saw the return of Alicia’s tantrums, hence the title of this piece. Alicia going crazy? Brie as a face? Are we in the past?

All said and done, I’m looking forward to tonight’s match. Both Naomi and Nikki know how to put on a good show and, if nothing else, it’s going to be a fantastic change of pace from the feuds we’ve been getting recently. Hopefully Naomi captures gold – but not just yet. I want Nikki to reign supreme for a good while longer.

Until next time! x

Impact Write-Up (April 24th, 2015): Welcome to the Dollhouse


After long anticipation, we’ve at last have made it to TKO: A Night Of Knockouts! Hello Knockout fans and welcome to this week’s edition of Impact Write-Up. There is so much ground to cover from this week’s episode of Impact, some good and some bad. With me already being a day behind on this week’s write-up, let’s not waste anymore time and jump right in on all Knockout action that took place!

Our first Knockout sighting comes in the form of the Knockouts Champion herself Taryn Terrell! She’s backstage and speaks of how hard she has worked to for tonight’s match against Awesome Kong. She is going to prove herself tonight, doing everything she can to get a win over Awesome Kong and retain her Knockouts title! That you certainly did Taryn!

Before we get to that title match, we have to first crown a new number one contender’s match for the Knockouts Title and what better way than a Fatal Four-Way match between Gail Kim, Angelina Love, Madison Rayne and Brooke. Out first is Gail Kim is the very first Knockouts champion Gail Kim, following by the record breaking Knockouts Champion Angelina Love very shortly afterwards.

Brooke is the third Knockout to make her entrance but doesn’t make it to the ring right away as Madison Rayne ambushes Brooke from behind with a surprise attack! Bless the Queen Bee of the Knockouts division! Back in the ring, Angelina applies her own surprise attack to Gail Kim, sending her to the outside ring and this four way match has broken all out as we head to a commercial break.

Once we return from our break, all the Knockouts have found their way back to the ring as the action continues. Brooke being a victim of a double team attack from Angelina and Madison but is able counter this. Gail Kim returns in the match with a double dropkick to both Angelina and Madison, while also getting in some damage to Brooke. Gail takes control of the match, working against the heels of the match with flying forearms until Angelina puts a stop to Gail with a rolling kick.

With Gail now down, the double team attacks from former Beautiful People team members come to play again. Angelina and Madison throwing Gail to turnbuckles and taking turns to strike as the Impact Zone get behind Gail with their “Let’s go Gail!” chants. The teamwork favors Madison and Angelina, as they each manage to keep Brooke on the outside and keep Gail grounded by lifting her up and down the mat. This short partnership comes to an end when Madison takes it upon herself to break herself away with an attack to Angelina.

As Gail finds her way back to her feet, she begins to make a comeback with forearm shots to Madison. She races from one side to ring, but from the side of her eye, Brooke too is up on her feet again and takes down Gail Kim first. Brooke then begins working her other opponents in the match, hitting a face crusher to Madison and sending Angelina to the ropes and landing a flapjack maneuver! As she salutes the crowd, Brooke is taken down by another sneak attack from Madison.

When Madison turns around, she is taken down by toe hold from Gail Kim. Gail then follows up with a head submission to Madison using her legs. Angelina joins in wrapping her legs onto Gail’s upper-body, all while Gail maintains her hold. Not shying away from the submission train, Brooke joins in and locks in a submission to Angelina! Madison feeling the worst of all this, finds a way to free herself and kick Brooke causing he submission chain to fall apart.

Madison looks to pick up the win with a Rayne Check but Brooke counters. She then climbs the top of a turnbuckle and connects a flying elbow and adjacent to her, Gail too climbs a turnbuckle and connects a missile dropkick to Angelina. “This is awesome!”chants break out from the Impact Zone as Brooke and Gail collide when they both go for the same running cross body move.

It’s a race to who will get to their feet first and it’s Angelina who does so. In typical ending to a fatal four way match sequence, Angelina Love hits her Lights Out finisher to Brooke, Gail hits her Eat Defeat finisher to Angelina, Madison hits her Rayne Check finisher to Gail and Brooke tries roll up Madison but is unsuccessful. Instead, it takes a Tess-Shocker from Brooke to put away Madison and get the three count pin, giving Brooke the right to a future title match!

With a new number one contender crowned, we move on to another kind of playtime for The Dollhouse, as Jade and Marti Bell officially make their TNA debut. The same creepy juvenile music used in their vignette serves as Jade’s theme song as she plays an innocent game of ring-around-the-rosie with Marti Bell down the entrance ramp. They playfully run hand in hand to the ring with huge grins on their faces. In Marti’s other hand, she holds a sweet jawbreaker which she takes a lick from upon making it to the ring apron. Interesting choice of prop.

Already in the ring is Jade’s opponent Laura Dennis, who sadly gets no entrance nor ring introduction from ring announcer Christy Hemme. Instead, it is just Jade who is introduced by Christy with Marti Bell receiving a quick mention as well.

However, this seems to rather upset The Dollhouse duo and they get right into the face of Christy to sort out her ring announcing errors! “Say it again! Dile otra vez!” are demands Marti yells to Christy, who gives in to their request and re-introduces the duo the RIGHT way – by referring to them as The Dollhouse! When the words are correctly spoken, The Dollhouse mood quickly change as they’ve gone from anger to full play mood, giddy and swinging around in the middle of the ring.

With the ring introductions properly done to The Dollhouse’s suit, the bell rings and our second Knockouts match of the night is underway. Jade taking down Laura as they tie-up, as Marti cheers in full support at ringside. Still, Laura has her own support within the Impact Zone as they cheer her on, chanting her by her more familiar name in Cherry Bomb.

The chants seem to give Laura inner strength, as she takes control of the match taking down Jade with an arm drag first and follows up with a drop toe hold then a running dropkick. Laura wraps it all up with a crucifix pin, looking for an early victory fall but only gets the two count.

As Jade catches her breath, she looks for encouraging words from Marti at ringside but the Impact Zone don’t stay quiet for their favorite “Cherry Bomb” as the chants for her name become even louder. Such a warm and surprising welcome from the Impact Zone if you ask me. Recollecting herself, Jade goes for the attack onto Laura, who ducks out of the way and hits her own forearms to Jade. It isn’t long before Jade counters Laura’s attacks, as she knees Laura in the midsection, lifts her up and tosses her with a gutwrench suplex.

Anger takes over Jade, as she pummels a fallen Lauren. Official referee Brian Stiffler tries to maintain order and calls for Jade to remove herself from Lauren. Jade is not to pleased by this and begins a brief tantrum to Stiffler before going for a cover only to get a two count.

In a more calmer state of mind, Jade continues her offense to Laura with a running knee shot before scooping her up and delivering a nice fall away slam. The camera catches Marti’s reaction at ringside and she is LOVING every second of Jade’s performance, taking yet another lick of her trusty jawbreaker and treats Jade to a lick as well, almost as if it was a reward token for her dominance thus far.

Jade refocuses on Laura and sends her to the turnbuckle with a running dropkick. Once at the turnbuckle, Jade mounts onto Laura and begins to strike her with some right punches. Just when Jade least expects it, Laura begins to build momentum with a combination of numerous forearms, a flying clothesline and a reverse elbow shot.

As Laura runs the ropes, she is taken down by an outside interfering Marti. This is enough for Stiffler to intercept his referee authority, step outside the ring and send one of the newest TNA Knockouts to the back. Marti throws a fit but Stiffler stands by his call. Marti begins to head backstage… or so we think! Instead, Marti attacks Stiffler with her knee, sending him to a ring post just before he finds his way back the ring.

With the referee down, The Dollhouse begin a full on double beat down to Laura. As a consequence of Marti’s action to Stiffler, he rules this match a disqualification and award the win to Laura Dennis (a win is a win right?) which The Dollhouse hear once Christy Hemme announces it.

For the second time in the night, Christy Hemme has upset The Dollhouse and this time they aren’t holding back their anger! They meet Christy outside the ring and the innocent bystander is gets a taste of Jade’s fist to her face. Marti joins in on the fun and follows up the attack by sending Christy’s lower back to the never forgiving steel steps. The attack doesn’t stop there as Jade hits a running dropkick to an already knocked out Christy Hemme.

As if all that humiliation isn’t enough, The Dollhouse finish up “playing” with Christy by taking their little colorful jawbreaker candy and place it in the mouth of an unresponsive Christy. The Impact Zone unites to chant a “You Suck!” to our newest Knockouts who only leave the arena the same way they entered, by ring around up the entrance ramp as a more dubstep Dollhouse theme song, complete with an opening creepy laughter, plays. Talk about making a debut!

From Knockouts debut to a Knockouts announcement, we move on to our next TKO segment of the night which involves Mickie James to reveal her future with TNA.

Who else better to introduce Mickie before she makes this surprise of an announcement than her better half Magnus. Mickie Jame’s fiance begins by stating that he appreciates all the support that fans have been giving him and Mickie. He continues by saying that tonight we will not hear from Mickie James not as his fiance or as the mother of his child but rather as one of the best female performers of all time; there’s no arguing that!

The ever-so catchy Hardcore Country theme song plays and out comes Mickie James in a floral dress and brown high boots. She enters the ring to a very strong ovation from the Impact Zone (this was a GOOD DAY in the Impact Zone!) and begins her announcement by first thanking everyone, including the man whom she shares a son with. It’s been a real roll coaster month for Mickie’s family, as she recalls Magnus’ personal battles with Bram.

She is so grateful to have been welcomed back with open arms and have been able to step into the ring with some of the other great female performers of this generation; beating every single one of them as well. Mickie recalls winning championship after championship (she is the only triple crown women’s champion after all) and feeling a sense of accomplishment and purpose every time. With all that said, Mickie has reached a new purpose in her life and that is within her son Donovan.

As a mother, she gets the greatest feeling in the world when she holds her child. The Impact Zone applauds Mickie and once again, Mickie is just so grateful for all her fans but drops a bombshell when she breaks the news of her retiring from the ring to be a better and more focused mom. Say it ain’t so Mickie! The audience break out a “Thank You Mickie!” chant and it would seem that one more person would like to personally thank Mickie James as well and that is none other than old friend James Storm.

The Revolution cult leader joins Magnus and his misses in the ring, grabs a mic to tell Mickie to stop shedding those tears! There’s no crying in wrestling! He understand this may be an intimate moment for Mickie and her family but he has something he would like to share with them. Storm says tells Mickie that she is almost a female version of him. She’s the kind of girl who would wear cowgirl boots before high heels, who would drink wine out of a box instead of a fancy cup and lastly the kind of woman who stand up to anyone, no matter who that may be. Mickie nods as Storm goes on but Magnus seems unsure as to where Storm is going with this.

Storm continues by reminding Mickie of the adrenaline rush that comes when she steps through the curtains, her theme song hits and she is steps into a ring all while fans chant “Mickie! Mickie!”. On command, the Impact Zone chimes in with Storm and the “Mickie!” chants commence.

As evident by the fans in attendance, Storm doesn’t want to see Mickie go just yet but Magnus disagrees. He thanks Storm for his kind words and action towards his family but this has been a difficult decision for them. Storm brushes off Magnus’ idea of this being a “difficult decision” to let Mickie know that her talent, inside and outside the ring, is far too good to be put away! After hearing all of what Storm has had to say, Mickie gets a chance to respond.

She says that she is happy with the decision she has made to be a full time mother and stands by it. As a family man himself. Storm completely understands but does not give up on trying to get Mickie to reconsider. All he asks is for Mickie James to have “one more time” in the ring and the Impact Zone unites and agree by chanting along with Storm.

Surprisingly, the final person to join in on the “one more time!” chant is Mickie James herself, suggesting that she is indeed not ready to hang up the boots just yet! A celebrated feeling emerges as the master manipulator asks for Mickie’s music to hit but Magnus does not look all too pleased by this!

Once backstage, Magnus shares his indifference with Mickie, asking her what had happened to their mutual agreement concerning their family. Mickie simply responds that she was caught in the moment and it would only be for one more match; nothing wrong with that right? (Although inside we are all hoping it is more than just one more match) She looks for support from her fiance and she has it, as Magnus understands Mickie James’ passion for the business.

Also backstage is Davey Richards, who has personally dealt with the likes of Jame Storms as well. He welcomes Micie James back to TNA and asks to briefly speak to Magnus. As Mickie excuses herself, Davey warns Magnus of the danger that comes with James Storm. He doesn’t trust him, call hims the devil and warns Magnus to keep a close eye on what he may be up to. Magnus takes this advice in and later in the night, would talk to some of the backstage crew to help keep an eye on Mickie James.

As we near the end of our TKO night, the time has come for our Knockouts Championship match between the champion Taryn and her challenger Awesome Kong. We begin with a video package high lighting the long journey and dream Taryn has had to become Knockouts champion. Since her return to TNA at the start of the year, Awesome Kong has been an destructive obstacle and painful force of nature that has been a doubt and struggle of Taryn’s. A breaking point has been reached from both Knockouts and it will come to play in this title match!

With Christy Hemme seemingly out the picture, it is Jeremy Borash who fills in on the ring announcing duties. Out first is the challenger Awesome Kong who bides her time at entering the ring and looks unimpressed when the Knockouts champion Taryn makes her entrance next. From the solo commentary booth, we hear Josh Matthews that Taryn is clearing in on Gail’s record as the longest reigning champion at day 184. Should Taryn want to surpass Gail’s record, she has to go through Kong in this match!

Before the match can start, Taryn requests for a mic and has a something to say to Awesome Kong. She wants to give the Impact Zone a match to remember and that is by making this title match a no DQ match! No one objects to this request at all and after a quick stare down, the bell rings to start this now no DQ title match, Taryn going straight to Kong but it’s no use as Kong easily brushes off her smaller opponent.

Kong overpowers Taryn and tosses her to the outside of the ring, where Kong begins to bring the pain to Tarym, swinging her around and hitting her on to the steel barricade. A pair of kendo sticks are then introduced to this title match, as Kong hits Taryn’s shoulders first! Still on the outside, Awesome Kong looks to inlfict major damage by going for an Awesome Bomb onto the steel steps but Taryn is fight out of it, countering Kong’s move by stomping her head to the steel steps!

As Taryn stands over Kong, she is taken down by an expected from Kong to Taryn’s leg, causing the champion to fall and land on her shoulder. Kong brings Taryn back to the ring and goes for a big splash but misses as Taryn. Looking for a comeback, Taryn fights Kong off to a corner, sending her to a turnbuckle after landing a dropkick. The champion then sneaks behind Kong, elbowing her back and lands a cross body from the top rope and into a pin but Kong is able to get a shoulder up before the count of three.

Still putting up a fight, Taryn steps outside the ring and looks for some goodies under the ring to make the most of this no DQ match that she requested. She finds a table which the Impact Zone fans have been asking for! It’s not the weapon Taryn brings with her in the ring, as she also brings more wood in the form one of the kendo sticks used earlier in the match. She rams the kendo stick to Kong, who falls when it strikes!

With Kong down, Taryn sets up the table she brought into the ring, revenge on her mind from when she was the victim of a power bomb through a table! Just as this is all happening, The Dollhouse appears from a close view of what is about to happen. Taryn pays no mind to any of this, as her focus is purely on getting Kong through that table with her finisher Cutter! Awesome Kong counters this and instead drives Taryn head first. She sets Taryn onto the table and climbs the turnbuckle to presumably send Taryn another table.

Things don’t go as Kong has planned to as The Dollhouse serve as guardian angels to Taryn, interfering in the match and striking the beast Kong with Kendo sticks each in a metronome pattern. Taryn slides under the table and positions herself under Kong. With the table in place and her new allies by her side to assist, Taryn delivers a MASSIVE powerbomb to Awesome Kong through the table, goes for the pin and at last gets the pin that she longed wanted over Kong!

With the match over, we are introduced to a new side of Taryn! She calls for a mic and tells EVERYONE that they are on notice now! She has finally beaten Awesome Kong and that if anyone else dares to get in her way again, they will have to deal with her and her new friends in Jade and Marti Bell. As with Christy Hemme before, a jawbreaker is placed in the mouth of Awesome Kong as Taryn announces a new kind of house to the Knockouts division – The Dollhouse!

Thoughts: Wow, where do we even begin?

I think I’ll start by getting out all the negatives I had with the show. As a fan of the Knockouts, I was so ecstatic when the news broke that we would be getting an all out Knockouts show! It brought back memories to when TNA aired their special Rockin’ Knockouts New Years Eve special from years ago, a full episode dedicated to women’s wrestling.

However, we would learn that this would not be the same case as we were treated to several non-Knockouts segments throughout the night including a World Heavyweight title match between Austin Aries and Kurt Angle (that never took place because of an interring Eric Young), an X-Division match between Davey Richards and Manik and an announcement from ECIII for his brilliant campaign for a World Heavyweight Title shot (no association with #DIX2016 for you Diva Dirt Weekly fans).

I understand the need to bring in some male segments, as it just seems to be a different time in TNA. The Knockouts were certainly still being played as the focus point throughout the show, which is just as important, but I just can’t help feel mislead by TNA; more so when some of the Knockout matches felt as they weren’t given enough time. While the Knockouts title match was technically the main event (or at least it was said to have been), I really wished that The Dollhouse win would’ve been the one to close the show over the World Heavyweight title picture as they really did steal the show.

Part of me was also hoping to see Rebel and Havok somewhere on the show as they too are current Knockouts! I just feel like maybe Rebel could have taken on Christy’s ring announcing duties after being attack. Havok could have been given some kind of video promo or something as an update to where she currently is and a hint to when we will see her again but alas we didn’t get that.

Still all that being said, I think there was a lot of significance throughout each Knockout segments of TKO. Beginning with the four way contest, the match was fun and TNA typically do well in these multi-women matches when they aren’t Battle Royals. It’s a nice change of pace to have Brooke in the title picture as we’ve already seen Gail, Angelina and Madison have their shot already. Brooke has been quite a comeback since her return so I’m really looking forward to seeing how she will do in this new title hunt.

The Dollhouse debut was very interesting and I think they made an impression just by intimidating Christy Hemme before the start of Jade’s match. The gimmick is only starting and I think it will develop thoroughly overtime. As for the match, it was short but it was enjoyable for the most part. It was fantastic to see Cherry Bomb be so over in the Impact Zone, who I again am very glad to see were responsive throughout the episode, despite no build up at all! I really hope TNA are looking to sign her if she isn’t already because they have quite a find in her.

Much props to Christy Hemme for taking the sick bumps that she did post Jade vs. Laura (these name swaps will take some time to get use to) as these attacks only gave more heat to The Dollhouse and really help build up to their mean streak.

For sometime now, we’ve been wondering whether Mickie James would compete in the Knockouts division again. While her fights aside with Magnus have been fun to watch, she’s to talented to be put to the side as James Storm has said. I have to say that I loved his interaction with Mickie James. Storm was cutting such a babyface promo despite being a heel and was selling Mickie’s idea to reconsider so fantastically. It’ll be real interesting as to what the playoff of this will be as Mickie James has already said she would (kayfabe) have “one more match”. It will also be interesting to see how Magnus feels all about this and what he’ll do to protect Mickie from the harm that may come from allying with James Storm.

Lastly, the biggest twist of the night, where Taryn turned Heel and FINALLY got the win over Awesome Kong after weeks of trying to do everything to put her away! While I wish this title match was a bit longer I LOVED the table power bomb ending! I think it would have only made sense for Taryn to have gotten the win as we’ve seen week after week of how frustrated Taryn was of never getting a win over Kong. Now, she has and also carries The Dollhouse with her! The team together look so diverse and have a ton of potential to do something great within the Knockouts division. This will be the first time we see Taryn as a Heel and it comes at a great time as this will really help refresh Taryn as a character and as a champion.

As announced, next week is the return of “Free-PPVs” as Hardcore Justice takes place. A bit odd in my opinion, as Hardcore Justice has already been labeled as a ONO PPV but regardless, there’s still a Knockouts match to look forward to as new number one contender takes on Taryn, with the revelation of The Dollhouse now in her corner

How will Brooke do battle? Find our next week Knockout fans!

Extreme Rules Rewind: Paige vs. Tamina Snuka for the Divas Title (2014)

Ahead of tonight’s Extreme Rules, we’re taking a look back at memorable Diva moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re going back to 2014, when Paige defended the Divas Championship against Tamina Snuka.

After her shocking main roster debut saw her unseat AJ Lee, Paige was faced with a huge challenge in her first Pay-Per-View title defense: AJ’s bodyguard Tamina.

Paige managed to keep up her unprecedented momentum in this match, overcoming Tamina’s size and strength advantage to pick up a definitive win. She blocked Tamina’s dreaded superkick and found herself in the perfect position to lock in the PTO, trapping Tamina and forcing her to tap out.

Watch the match below:

What are your memories of this moment?

Vote for the Star of the Week Ending April 25th, 2015

Whose star shone brightest this week? You tell us!

With our Star of the Week poll, we’ll pick the week’s top five women in wrestling and let you choose who is number one.

The poll will open each Saturday and close on Sunday afternoon.

Let’s take a look at this week’s top five:

Becky Lynch

Becky Lynch became number one contender to the Women’s Title on NXT, defeating Charlotte and Bayley in a Triple Threat match.


Brooke nabbed the Knockouts Title number one contendership on Impact, defeating Angelina Love, Gail Kim and Madison Rayne in a Fatal Four-Way match.

The Dollhouse

Jade and Marti Belle made their TNA debuts in a big way, helping Taryn Terrell retain the Knockouts Title against Awesome Kong on Impact and officially forming The Dollhouse.


Ivelisse overcame a serious injury to kick ass as the sole woman in the main event of Lucha Underground, teaming with Angelico and Son of Havoc to win the Trios Tag Team Championship.


Heading into her Divas Title shot at Extreme Rules, Naomi picked up two wins this week: one over Brie Bella on Raw and one over Natalya on SmackDown.


Winner: Ivelisse (49%)

Vote for the Star of the Week ending April 25th, 2015 (Poll Closed)
Total Votes: 889

Extreme Rules Rewind: Layla vs. Nikki Bella for the Divas Title (2012)

Ahead of this Sunday’s Extreme Rules, we’re taking a look back at memorable Diva moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re going back to 2012, when Nikki Bella defended her newly won Divas Championships against Layla.

Nikki had been originally scheduled to face the woman she won the belt from: Beth Phoenix. However, as Beth was not medically cleared, Eve Torres replaced her with a surprise challenger: Layla. Nikki’s six day title reign came to an end in this match, Layla winning the match after twin magic backfired and Brie fell victim to the Layout.

The Bellas would end this stretch of their WWE career the very next night, being fired by Eve.

Watch the match below:

What are your memories of this moment?

Diva Dirt Hype: Naomi vs. Nikki Bella (Extreme Rules 2015)

Get hyped for Extreme Rules with an exclusive Diva Dirt Hype video package highlighting the Divas Title match pitting champ Nikki Bella against Naomi, made by Diva Dirt’s own Chris.

Check out the latest Diva Dirt Hype below:

Music: “Somebody New” by Joywave

Listen to every song featured in a Diva Dirt Hype video on our Spotify playlist.

NXT Diva Released

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NXT Diva Leyvonna Zakari has been released by the WWE, according to PWInsider.

Leyvonna is among six NXT releases, none of whom had wrestled at NXT events.

She acknowledged her release on Twitter, speculating that her injury lead to her being let go:

Leyvonna was signed last April and has backgrounds in modeling and acting.

TKO: A Night of Knockouts Feedback: April 24th, 2015


Tune in to Impact Wrestling’s TKO: A Night of Knockouts tonight at 9pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: Impact Wrestling Spoilers: April 24th, 2015

WWE Considering Divas Documentary DVD?

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The latest WWE Fan Council survey is gauging fans’ interest in a new slate of DVDs. One of these focuses on the Divas, an unprecedented documentary-style DVD examining the history of the division.

The survey describes the DVD, saying it would allow fans to “hear from all the most important figures in history::

Divas – The Women’s division in WWE has grown in leaps and bounds from the days of the Fabulous Moolah, to Sunny, to Trish Stratus, to Michelle McCool, and now to the future in Charlotte… hear from all the most important figures in history as they discuss how they changed the role of the female in a male dominated sport!

This is by no means confirmation that such a DVD is in the works – that would hinge on the response the idea gets from the surveyed fans.

Would you buy an all-Divas DVD?

Extreme Rules Rewind: Santina vs. Vickie Guerrero in a Hog Pen Match (2009)


Ahead of this Sunday’s Extreme Rules, we’re taking a look back at memorable Diva moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re going back to 2009, when “Santina” (Santino in women’s clothing) took on Vickie Guerrero in a Hog Pen match for the Miss WrestleMania crown.

Even with Chavo Guerrero‘s help, Vickie couldn’t defeat Santino. She was pinned easily, losing the title of Miss WrestleMania once and for all. In her post-match humiliation, Vickie fought with Chavo in the mud.

Watch the match below:

What are your memories of this moment?

SmackDown Redux (April 23rd, 2015): Naomi Preps for Her Big Moment

Welcome to the last SmackDown Redux before Extreme Rules! It feels like yesterday, WrestleMania 31 was on everyone’s minds. I’m not sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing that we’re already at another Pay-Per-View. The quick turnaround isn’t conducive to fleshed-out storylines, that’s for sure, but at least we have a fresh matchup to look forward to: Naomi vs. Divas Champion Nikki Bella.

Naomi’s no longer on the side of the good guys, presenting us with an interesting dynamic. She’s still early into the heel turn, though, and needs to settle into the role. Who better, then, to help her do that than veteran Natalya? The third generation Diva takes on Naomi….RIGHT NOW:

Natalya’s out first, telling me that we’ll be getting two full Diva entrances!!! It’s the little things, people. I know we’ve given up on her heel turn for a while now, but her enthusiastic interaction with the fans tells me that she’s solidly back in the babyface camp. Oh well. Not every Diva can be a heel, though the WWE seems to be trying.

Naomi then makes her entrance. It’s very strange to see her not jumping around and dancing, only because she’s been doing it since her main roster debut. Well, that and the entrance music. Talk about incongruous. Put it to bed, WWE! I promise Naomi can get over without it.

As the match starts, Jerry Lawler calls out Byron Saxton for checking out Naomi, but doesn’t admit to doing the same. I’m not even going to touch that…

The bell sounds, and Naomi immediately backs Natalya into the ropes, the referee forcing her to back off. She knees Nattie in the stomach and whip her into the opposite ropes, but Natalya blocks her ensuing arm drag attempt, hitting Naomi with one of her own.

Naomi’s quick on her feet again, but Natalya’s quicker, and hits her with a Russian leg sweep. Natalya shows a bit of frustration, pummeling Naomi against the bottom ropes. The referee forces her back. When she tries to continue her attacks, Naomi sends her face-first into the turnbuckle. She hot-shots Nattie against the bottom rope and goes for the pin. Natalya kicks out at two.

Naomi nails Natalya with a forearm to the head before locking in a headlock. It’s not long, though, before Nattie’s fighting to her feet. She tries to elbow her way free, but Naomi knees her in the stomach and maintains control, scooping up Natalya and slamming her to the mat. She goes for a legdrop, but gets nothing but mat when Natalya rolls out of the way.

Natalya ducks Naomi’s next attack and hoists her up, springboarding her off the top rope and dropping her to the mat on her tailbone. She then runs the ropes and hits Naomi with a dropkick to the chest, following it up with a pin attempt. Naomi kicks out at two.

Naomi is whipped into the corner, but stops herself, catching Natalya with her ankles. She refrains from doing the butt shaking move, instead being tossed out onto the ring apron. She kicks Natalya in the head over the top rope, taking her down with a sunset flip into the ring. Natalya rolls through to avoid a pin, though, and instead finds herself in position for the Sharpshooter.

Naomi fights to avoid the submission, finally just slapping Nattie across the face to put a stop to it. That’s a new one! Natalya reverses Naomi’s whip into the corner, but Naomi ducks Nattie’s attack, running and taking her out with the Rear View. She pins Natalya for the three count.

She’s not done, though, screaming at Natalya and sending a swift kick to her stomach for good measure. She leaves the arena, confident, momentum on her side going into Extreme Rules.

Elsewhere, uncrowned Queen Lana made an appearance alongside Rusev, cutting a promo before his match with Ryback:

Thoughts: I really enjoyed Naomi and Natalya’s match. At this point, I’m convinced Natalya can have a good match with anyone. That’s not to say Naomi needs her hand held or anything – she’s just had a rough time in recent weeks, her moveset and lack of chemistry with her opponents working against her. Here, there was no such problem, proving that she just needs to slow down, stay confident and remain on the same wavelength as her opponent to put on a good match. I’m starting to think that this heel turn is the spark she needed to truly catapult to the top of the division. She’s probably having a lot more fun playing a heel, and it looks to have reenergized her. After all, as I always say, babyfaces are bland! Heel rules, babyfaces drool, etc.

I’m so glad to see they’re starting to tailor Naomi’s moveset to fit her heel persona. Sure, she’s still showing her athleticism (and doing the damn Rear View), but I can sense a change starting. She’s a bit more methodical. Hopefully, soon, they can find ways to demonstrate how athletic she is without moves that get pops, since that undermines her new persona. Alicia Fox manages it, in a way. Maybe they should look to the indies for some examples. She’s not looking for the audience’s approval anymore, so why would she bust out the flashy stuff? Screw them – she’s out to hurt her opponent and get a win. One request, though: DO NOT replace her moves with restholds.

The Extreme Rules match was (stupidly, in my opinion) not announced until the last minute, but the buildup’s been there for weeks. We assumed Naomi would get the title shot even before she turned heel. It’s interesting how quickly the heel/face tables have turned. I don’t really expect Naomi to win the title on Sunday, but I hope the match works to put her over even more as a heel and manages to keep her in the title picture. The last thing I want it for her time in the spotlight to be burned through quickly. Let’s hope for a finish that moves us toward another Naomi Pay-Per-View match in May. There’s so much to explore here, and it would be a shame if they blew though it so quickly. Let’s stay here a while.

Lucha Underground Analysis (April 22nd, 2015): Sexy Seeks Revenge, Ivelisse Seeks Gold


SPOILER ALERT! Lucha Underground was mindblowing this week! If you want to watch a product where women are front and center and absolutely tearing it up, then Lucha Underground is where it is at!

Already announced for the show was the finals of the Trios Tag Team Championship Tournament to crown the first-ever holders of the coveted belts. Ivelisse will be teaming with the thorn in her side Angelico and her ex-boyfriend Son of Havoc in the match; it’ll be plain sailing right?

If that monumental trios triple threat elimination match wasn’t enough, Sexy Star is also in action in a match that everyone has been waiting for. The Fearless female will clash with the menace with No Fear, Pentagon Jr. On top of that, we also get a training update from Black Lotus – love it! One whole hour dedicated to women’s wrestling on TV is right up my street!

This week’s episode opens up with another entry in the diary of Black Lotus. She says that she feels ready to fight after 8 weeks of training yet her guardian El Dragon Azteca disagrees. To test her abilities once more, the lights are diminished and Lotus is seen fighting actors thugs in the darkness. She is whacking, flipping and matrixing the men around her before she stomps on the final guy’s family jewels. Yikes.

Lotus looks to be ready yet then El Dragon approaches. He tries to grab her and really test her abilities. She locks in an armbar yet he soon counters it and she is unable to escape. A dejected Black Lotus looks disappointed as the segment closes and Azteca deems her not ready to fight and find Matanza again.

Our first match of the night immediately follows as Sexy Star flies into the temple clad in red. She is all smiles during her entrance yet she’ll have to ditch the smiles and get in zone once she in the ring with her opponent, arch-rival Pentagon Jr. Melissa Santos is far from pleased to be announcing Pentagon, the man who tried to snap her arm last week.

The match starts with Sexy striking like it is going out of fashion! She hits a speedy dropkick which she follows up with stomps and fists before working over Pentagon’s leg. Sexy hits a chop yet Pentagon soon retaliates with two loud-as-hell kicks, both to Sexy’s midsection. The crowd are split as Pentagon talks trash to Sexy and then delivers a sick superkick.

Despite the prior shot being so stiff, Sexy manages to turn the tide again. She hits a drop toe hold and then repeatedly stomps on Pentagon’s head and shoulders in the corner. She then chokes Pentagon as Matt Striker says such a neat little bit of commentary. Love him and Vampiro. Sexy then hits a variation of a Bronco Buster that gets her a near fall.

Pentagon hits back by delivering an ear-shattering kick to Sexy’s thigh. I love the physicality being displayed! He then caves Sexy’s ribcage in with a devastating running kick. Pentagon doesn’t go for the cover, which was a mistake as Sexy Star manages to briefly mount some offense. Sexy ascends to the top rope yet Pentagon catches her mid-air and decks her with a sit-out Implant Buster! Pentagon fails to make a cover again, and this time he opts to try and break Sexy’s arm!

Sexy rolls out of harms way and then lures Pentagon into following her to the outside. She created the space she so desperately needed, a veteran move that sets her up perfectly to hit a monumental tilt-a-whirl DDT – stunning! Unlike Jr, Sexy goes for the pin and the win yet only manages two. Melissa is seen cheering Sexy on as the latter hits a flipping senton through the middle rope to the outside onto Pentagon!

Back in the ring, Sexy charges at Pentagon only to be caught in a dangerous position. He flattens her with a lungblower powerbomb (that is new to me too!) yet somehow, Sexy kicks out! Pentagon hits yet another of those killer moves yet Sexy ain’t dying! She also scurries her way out of yet another arm break attempt from her ruthless foe. Sexy is not going down without a serious fight!

Pentagon clubs Sexy in the back as he sets-up his next move, a one that Sexy counters! Sexy Star is flipping and flying all around Pentagon as she manages to hit a headscissor backstabber! She then gets all of her weight onto Pentagon and secures the win! Pentagon kicks out just after he lost the match yet that doesn’t matter as Sexy is celebrating her biggest win in Lucha Underground so far!

Who wants more action from the female luchadores? Well you’re in luck as Ivelisse is involved in the main event! Ive teams with Angelico and Son of Havoc as they face one team consisting of Big Ryck, Killshot and The Mack whilst the other features Cage, King Cuerno, and Texano.

Ivelisse is all screams and squeals on the apron as she begs Angelico to tag her in instead of getting his ass kicked. Later in the match, Ivelisse kicks Cuerno in the back; it’s just what baddest bitches do. Angelico eventually tags in Son of Havoc, annoying Ivelisse even more! Ivelisse gets over her anger though when she hits a seated senton to King Cuerno on the outside.

We then notice that Ivelisse has somehow now injured her leg and she is clutching her knee on the outside. I know that Lucha Underground features soap opera-esque cut-scenes yet I didn’t want the show to replicated soaps by having off-screen story developments too! What happened to Ivelisse?

The first fall in the elimination match happens shortly after when Daivari of all people attacks Texano after Taxon is thrown onto him in the crowd. The favorites are out so can the underdogs win?

Ivelisse is barely part of the final part of the match due to her bad injury, yet she does manage to muster up the strength and courage to dive from the middle rope. Unfortunately, she fails to knock Big Ryck and The Mack down as they catch her mid-flight. Son of Havoc comes to the rescue after that as he dives onto The Fam too and all four combatants are on the ground. That leaves just Angelico and Killshot, the latter who was just hit with a reverse hurricanrana from Son of Havoc. Angelico picks up the pieces and hits the Fall of the Angels…


Or so we thought.

Before Melissa can even finish annoucing ‘Fun in Dysfunctional’ as the winners (that is my nickname for them), Dario Cueto interrupts. He says that one more personally selected team have been added to the tournament, and they will face Ivelisse’s team right now. To spice things up too, the match will be No DQ! Because the last match featuring an audience member attacking a wrestler resulted in a disqualification… #Sarcasm

After the break, The Crew are revealed as Dario’s hand-picked trio and they begin to destroy Ivelisse’s team. Cortez Castro pummels Ivelisse as the rest of his team dish out damage too. Bael is then seen biting Ivelisse as she writhes in pain on the floor. The guys throw Ivelisse into the ring and set upon her with a Singapore cane! Bael hold Ivelisse hostage until Son of Havoc stops his ex from being pummeled with the wood. I could have perhaps worded that one better!

Bael takes Angelico to the top of temple as Castro beats in Ivelisse in the ring. He then applies a Singapore cane-assisted Camel Clutch to Ivelisse and she is in a world of trouble. To her credit, she refuses to tap out yet she is left a mess on the mat. Angelico saves her though, leaping from the top of Dario Cueto’s office onto The Crew members in the ring.

OH MY SWEET NEYSUS! What a fantastic move!

Ivelisse gasps at what she just witnessed and it looks like she has realised how far her partners are willing to go to pull out the win. She then realises that despite her injury, this is her chance to leave a major mark. The only luchadore left standing, she grabs the singapore cane and decided to have some fun! Ivelisse pelts Bael and Cortez, setting Angelico and Havoc up to hit top rope masterpieces. Both men pin their downed opponents and win yet another match! They are the new Trios Tag Team Champions!

Thoughts: Tonight was such a fantastic night of exposure for mainstream women’s and intergender wrestling. Whilst I had gripes with some elements of the show, I loved most of it.

Onto the negatives, Ivelisse being injured off camera was so lame. Vampiro said it was from her dive to the outside yet she was walking around fine afterwards, as seen in the aerial camera shot. Whilst Ive’s injury made for compelling storytelling throughout both matches, why couldn’t one of the guys had that injury? Why was Ivelisse the one who laid down most of the match? Whilst I loved Ivelisse’s cane swinging moment at the end, I would have booked both matches differently to showcase her in-ring skill some more as opposed to showing how well she can sell, which is amazingly well by the way.

I was also a little let down with the actual triple threat match. Whilst it was fun with some nice spots (mainly from The Mack), I thought Texano and Big Ryck were sluggish and I don’t know, something just seemed a little off and not as compelling as I was expecting. Ivelisse barely getting a chance to do anything was probably why.

I loved everything else though – hooray! The second championship match was way better in my opinion. Everything from the physicality, the camera work, Ivelisse’s breakout hardcore moment and Angelico’s breath-taking dive, this match was a lot more intense and exciting. Whilst I wish Ivelisse was able to mix it up some more with the men, her injury will have made casual fans get behind her more I guess.

Speaking of excellent physicality, Sexy Star vs. Pentagon Jr was Sexy’s best showing in Lucha Underground thus far. Her spinning DDT and headscissor backstabber were both stunning and the arena’s roof was blown off after she got the victory. I was pleasantly surprised to see Sexy be the one to halt Pentagon’s momentum and I am glad that she finally got a convincing win that wasn’t just a roll-up. Pentagon’s very-near kick out and Matt Striker’s commentary suggested that this feud wasn’t over and I hope it isn’t. The two have amazing chemistry (likely due to the fact they are tag team champions together in Mexico) and I would love to see them tussle some more with even higher stakes.

Black Lotus’ promo was one of the highlights of the night – a tremendous video package. Her story is one of the most captivating in pro wrestling and I loved everything about the clip. Her character is followed by so many unanswered questions and I cannot wait to see who she mixes it up with when she finally begins to fight.

Finally, I need to talk to you guys in some spoiler tags. We need to get a little secretive for our final topic of conversation. If you don’t want to view spoilers for upcoming Lucha Underground episodes, do not click below!


It appears that Ivelisse may no longer be the baddest bitch in the building.

That’s right people. Melina Perez is joining Lucha Underground!

The former three-time WWE Women’s Champion and two-time Divas Champion has barely wrestled since leaving WWE in 2011 yet thankfully, she has signed on the dotted line with Lucha Underground and I couldn’t be more excited to see one of my all-time faves back on TV.

The possibilities really are endless for Melina. She could act as a manager and tear it up on the mic, or she could face fresh opponents like Black Lotus and Sexy Star. The drool-worthy reality that she could have a war of words with or clash in the ring with Catrina is nearly too much to handle. The thought of them two on-screen together makes me so, so excited!

Unfortunately, we have to wait until August to see Melina make her debut yet at least that gives us ample time to dream up potential scenarios and storylines. Trust me, I will be doing a lot of dreaming! After dreaming of a return and knowing that Lucha Underground was the perfect fit for Melina, I am glad to see that this dream has came true!

Well guys, that rounds off another edition of Lucha Underground Analysis. Until next time!

SmackDown Reaction: April 23rd, 2015

Tune in to SmackDown tonight at 8pm ET on Syfy.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: SmackDown Spoilers: April 23rd, 2015

NXT Spoilers: April 29th – May 13th, 2015


WWE taped three weeks worth of NXT tonight at Full Sail University. Spoilers below:

The next NXT Takeover event is announced for May 20th.

Episode 1 (Airing April 29th):
* Dana Brooke defeated Bayley when Emma came out to Bayley’s music and distracted her.

* Becky Lynch quickly defeated Crazy Mary Dobson by submission.

Episode 2 (Airing May 6th):
* Charlotte defeated Emma by pinfall. Emma worked as a vicious heel. Bayley came out after the match and offered Emma a hug but held onto her and hit the Hugplex. Charlotte tried to hold Bayley back but she snapped and has had enough of Emma’s taunting.

* William Regal is out for a Takeover contract signing segment between Becky Lynch and NXT Women’s Champion Sasha Banks. Becky tells her career story and Sasha uses her stamp to sign the contract. Sasha then attacks Becky but Becky gets the upperhand before referees break it up.

Episode 3 (Airing May 13th):
* Bayley defeated Jessie McKay with a Hugplex.

* Sasha Banks defeated KC Cassidy by submission.

* Alexa Bliss defeated Carmella after Blake and Murphy distracted Carmella by trying to get her attention. They try to pick her up but she cuts a promo on them and says Enzo and Cass will take the titles at Takeover.


Your Two Cents: Predictions for Naomi vs. Nikki Bella at Extreme Rules

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Give us your predictions for Naomi vs. Nikki Bella for the Divas Title this Sunday at Extreme Rules. We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Adrian Flores Kanellis: I think that Naomi is going to win so Paige can return later on and challenge her for the title during the next Raw.
  • Alex Ginyard: As much as I love Nikki Bella, off the bat, I’d say Naomi will win and finally be crowned the new Divas Champion. If not, then, Naomi will in it at Payback. Make no mistake, though, this is an opportunity Naomi deserves. She needs to win that belt.
  • Ashley Matthew: Naomi wins and becomes the new champion. Maybe Brie could distract the ref and cost Nikki the title or maybe Brie could try to interfere but accidentally hits Nikki and costs her the belt, leading to Nikki getting angry and turning on her sister. Either that or Naomi wins the title and keeps feuding with Nikki until Paige comes back to feud with Naomi for the belt after Paige is done filming her movie.
  • Brandie Leann Scott: I want to see interference from someone besides Paige. Spice it up a little!
  • David Bentz: Nikki, its a heel vs. heel match. Nikki’s gonna drop the belt to debuting Charlotte.
  • George Loveland: I think Nikki will retain after an upset from Paige. I’m looking forward to the Triple Threat or even Fatal Four-Way with Brie that would fall out of this one!
  • @HarryOddie: Maybe Nikki will hold that title until Payback. That’s when I think Naomi will win it.
  • Jon Vega: Naomi is freshly heel. I expect her to lose the match, allowing her anger to grow. Let her beat up a Bella post-match and carry this feud out till the next PPV.
  • Mauricio Cordova: Naomi will win! And then I really hope Brie Bella turns face. Naomi as heel and Brie as face could be an interesting feud for the title!
  • Randi Parker: I think Nikki is gonna win, I want this feud to last a little longer, maybe build up to a match at SummerSlam with Nikki, Brie, Paige and Naomi!
  • @RyanBaxter123: It’s a toss-up. I feel like this story was too rushed. And I don’t think Naomi should win as of now. I say Nikki retains.
  • @SirBrandonKnt: I think Naomi wins the title – but it’s not a clean victory. She’ll cheat in some way.
  • @SteveMsh_: I think Naomi will not win it now in order to develop her character more! But she’ll win the title soon enough for sure!

And now we turn it over to you…

Give us your two cents! What’s your prediction for Extreme Rules?

NXT & Lucha Underground Exchange: April 22nd, 2015

Tune in to NXT on the WWE Network and Lucha Underground on the El Rey Network, both at 8pm ET.

Discuss the shows in the comments!

RELATED: NXT Spoilers: March 25th – April 22nd, 2015

Eva Marie Talks Training With Brian Kendrick

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By now, fans have seen plenty of evidence that Eva Marie‘s hard at work training to reinvent herself in the WWE ring, all with the help of former WWE Tag Team Champion Brian Kendrick. has posted an interview with the two to discuss Eva’s training and progression in the ring.

In the interview, Eva explains how she wound up working with Kendrick:

“I’ve been out for six months because I had to get surgery. That bummed me out, because I really wanted to perfect my craft. When I come back, I really want to show the WWE Universe how much Eva Marie wants to be here. So, I reached out to Triple H and Mr. McMahon and said I would love the opportunity to just train, so that I could learn the craft. Hunter put me in contact with Brian Kendrick, which is the best thing that’s ever happened to me.”

Eva shared her unique approach to training, comparing it to learning how to dance:

“It depends on what we’re learning that day. My first day was a lot of rolls, the basics, to get me back in the swing of things, since I hadn’t stepped in the ring for six months. From there, Brian has everything set up strategically. We’ll go over holds, or now, I’ll learn strikes. Each day is different. Now that I’m further along, I’m starting to learn how to put a little bit of spice on things, figuring out what I want as a signature and a finisher. He’s taught me a lot of the basics, so now it’s time to figure out the special moves I want to bring to the WWE Universe. It’s like learning dance moves, but now I need to learn how to dance. The next phase of training is going to be putting everything together.”

She also revealed her ultimate goal, setting her sights on the Divas Title:

“I’m going after the Divas Title for sure. There needs to be a little change in the Divas Division. I’ll add some red spice to it for sure.”

You can read the full interview on

Video: Angelina Love, Gail Kim and Taryn Terrell Talk TKO: A Night of Knockouts

This Friday, Impact Wrestling will present TKO: A Night of Knockouts, an episode filled entirely with Knockout matches and segments.

Top hype the show, TNA has posted a video of Angelina Love, Gail Kim and Knockouts Champion Taryn Terrell discussing the importance of this event and explaining why fans need to tune in.

Watch the video below:

TKO: A Night of Knockouts airs this Friday at 9pm ET on Destination America.

Exclusive: Taryn Terrell on TKO, Motherhood, Stuntwork & More


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Even as TNA’s longest-running Knockouts Champion, Taryn Terrell remains the ultimate underdog.

From WWE Diva Search competitor to TNA referee to Knockouts Champ, Taryn’s journey is a bona fide Cinderella story. Far from having her opportunities handed to her, she’s earned them, developing ring skills and displaying gutsiness that few expected out of the all-American beauty.

In an exclusive interview with Diva Dirt’s Chris and Jake, Taryn talks about her journey to the Knockouts Title and what is perhaps her biggest challenge yet: a main event title defense against Awesome Kong on this Friday’s all-Knockouts edition of Impact Wrestling.

She hypes the rest of the show, which includes a number one contendership match that presents several enticing match-ups, should Taryn retain the title. It also brings the debut of two new Knockouts: indy wrestlers Jade and Marti Belle. Taryn shares with us her wishlist for future indy-to-TNA transitions.

All of that, plus talk on new motherhood, going viral with Will Ferrell, her post-wrestling plans and much more in the interview below.
Listen below or download by right clicking here.

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TNA’s TKO: A Night of Knockouts airs this Friday at 9pm ET on Destination America.

Follow Taryn on Twitter: @TheTarynTerrell.

Follow Taryn on Instagram: @taryn_terrell.

SmackDown Spoilers: April 23rd, 2015

Below are spoilers for this Thursday’s edition of SmackDown:

* Naomi pinned Natalya. Naomi won with the Rearview.
