Saturday, September 21, 2024

Full Results: SHINE Wrestling Presents SHINE 15

Diva Dirt presents live coverage of SHINE 15, airing tonight on iPPV.

In the main event, Rain‘s storied career will come to an end – win or lose – as she defends her SHINE Championship one last time, against Amazing Kong, while in the other marquee match of the night two former best friends face off as Jessicka Havok goes one-on-one with Allysin Kay.

It was announced earlier today that due to a family emergency Daffney will unfortunately not be appearing on tonight’s show. Our thoughts go to Daffney and her family at this time.

SHINE 15 comes to us live from the Orpheum in Ybor City, Florida at 9pm ET (2am GMT). View the full card and order the event now on

Live results will appear below.

Su Yung defeated Solo Darling. A rematch from the previous SHINE show, this was a solid but unspectacular opener which saw Yung make up for her defeat at SHINE 14 with a more aggressive performance than usual, picking up the submission victory with Yellow Fever following a devastating Michinoku Driver to Solo Darling.

Sojo Bolt defeated La Rosa Negra. The stream was down for the duration of the match.

Mercedes Martinez defeated Heidi Lovelace. The stream continued to be down for most of this match, and resumed just in time to see Martinez hit a Fisherman Buster onto Lovelace for the pinfall.

Angelina Love defeated Taylor Made. The first couple of minutes were decent enough, but the stream went down again early on and didn’t return for the rest of the match.

As the Friday 13th Massacre match between Leva Bates and Nevaeh was being set up, the stream went down again and didn’t come back. The show was put on hold while they tried to fix it, but it appears SHINE have accepted the problems as a lost cause.

However, we’ve learnt that those of you who ordered the live show will get the VOD for free tomorrow, while those who ordered it with the VOD will get another free VOD of your choice.

Here are the remaining results, courtesy of Twitter.

* Friday 13th Massacre Match: Leva Bates defeated Nevaeh.

* The SNS Express (Sassy Stephie & Jessie Belle) defeated The American Sweethearts (Santana & Amber O’Neal). As a result, the American Sweethearts must split up as a tag team.

* Ivelisse defeated Mia Yim.

* Jessicka Havok and Allysin Kay wrestled to a double disqualification. After the match, Kay attacked Havok.

* SHINE Championship: Rain defeated Amazing Kong to retain her title. Following the match, Rain celebrates with here Valkyrie stablemates and says she is not retiring. However, Lexie Fyfe comes out and announces that the next challenger to Rain’s title will be Ivelisse.

That’s all for tonight – the technical issues were a shame, but join us tomorrow after we’ve seen the VOD for a full review.

SmackDown Reaction: December 13th, 2013


There’s Divas action on tonight’s SmackDown! Tune in tonight at 8pm ET on SyFy.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: SmackDown Spoilers: December 13th, 2013

NXT Redux (December 11th, 2013): Bayley Got a Friend But Couldn’t Get a Win


BFFs vs Natalya and Bayley

What’s up Diva fans and welcome to this week’s slightly (majorly, sorry! Been very busy!) belated NXT Redux. It’s all about Bayley this week, as she finds a tag team partner to take on Sasha Banks and Summer Rae of the BFFs. Charlotte is still keeping a low profile yet if Natalya has anything to do with it, she’ll help Bayley get answers once and for all.


The first Diva sighting of the night is the lustrous Lana, looking fine in her red dress and silky ‘I’m a mysterious woman’ gloves. The commentary team (who are irrelevant due to the absence of Renee Young) put Lana over as a woman with money who has a hold over the actions of Alexander Rusev. Lana’s influence is that strong, Alexander only lets go of his Camel Clutch after she tells him to stop. Interesting!

Next, we see a glowing Natalya (not literally, it doesn’t look like she’s a regenerating Time Lord or anything) walking down the corridor and she sees Bayley sat on a random bench. Bayley says she’s really nervous about tonight’s match and the fact she still hasn’t been able to speak with Charlotte. Natalya says that she’s got her back tonight and that she’s her friend. Bayley is shocked that she has a friend (what with Paige going psycho and Emma going AWOL) and she proceeds to hug the oxygen, carbon monoxide and organs including bladder, pancreas and left intestine from Natalya – that was a tight hug! Nattie tells Bayley to just breathe. Well that’s always good advice. It’s not good when you stop breathing.

Out first this week in Full Sail are Bayley and Nattie, and they enter to Bayley’s music. WHAT A SHUN! Not really. I’m trying to create some drama. Natalya will no doubt thank me later. Out next to the epic theme music of Summer Rae, is of course, Summer Rae and Sasha. The antics are uniform and in-time with one another with one-another this week (take note Bella Twins and your hip shimmying) and I’m loving the attitude from Sasha. Just as over-exaggerated as Summer this week and it’s great to see she’s definitely improving.

The match begins with Sasha sassing Natalya after she shoved Bayley to one side. Bayley locks in a sleeper hold and then starts whacking Bayley like a pinata. Sadly for Bayley, there is no candy inside Sasha, just the heart-breaking memories of when Audrey Marie was her stalker. Alas, Bayley tags in Natalya, who hits a double suplex with the help of her bashful pal.

Sasha scrambles for a tag to Summer and the leggy blonde gets a drop-toe hold for her troubles. Bayley tags back in and the pair hit another double suplex. Summer tags Sasha back in again and my brain begins to hurt thanks to the deja-vu of Bayley hitting another drop-toe hold. The pair then jockey for position with a few irish whip attempts before Sasha goes slap happy on Bayley. Her banshee behaviour only gets a two count so she decides to keep things fresh by tagging Summer back in. Summer chokes the happy-go-lucky out of Bayley before ramming Bayley hairbow first into the floor.


Summer pins Bayley for two before ‘The Boss’ comes back into the squared circle, thrusting Bayley to the mat. Following a cover, Sasha gives Bayley a stiff slap to the pectorals as she goes her springboard armdrag. Bayley however counters out of nowhere, tossing Sasha half way to Albuquerque. Bayley manages to get a tag and here comes Nattie!

The Dungeon Diva clotheslines Sasha before nailing a snap suplex. After a sit-out scoop slam, Nattie kicks Sasha in the face and utilises her discus clothesline. Natalya locks in the Sharpshooter but then can’t decide where she should be positioned so it looks like she’s trying to start the next ‘Gangnam Style’ dance craze. Sharpshooting may take. Then again, it may not. Bayley tags in and instead of going for Sasha, she rams Summer off the apron. Unfortunately, she should have kept her sights set on Sasha as she turns into a kick before getting destroyed with Sasha’s ‘Bankrupt’. See what you did there, Sasha! ;) Bayley can’t get up from that and the BFFs get another one over on poor Bayley.

Thoughts: Another week, another solid performance. Natalya filled a great purpose of helping Bayley when right now, there’s no-one else active who really can. She wasn’t in the match too much, meaning Bayley got the most exposure, and she wasn’t pinned so she still looked strong in defeat.

Sasha and Summer had matching color attires this week and their new and improved entrance was excellent. I was skeptical at first yet I’m really loving them as a team now. Let’s hope Charlotte’s intergration into the group will end up being just as good.

The standout though was Bayley, who continues to make me say “AAAAWWW”. I’m heartless and cold and the only film I ever nearly cried at was Toy Story 3, so it takes a lot to get me to feel empathy or emotion. Bayley somehow does that for me. I can honestly see her winning the NXT Women’s Championship next and the slow, gradual build of her character is a pleasure to watch, meaning I wouldn’t mind seeing it at all. Off to get some soap now to wash my mouth out. And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back! Names Alicia Fox One of the WWE’s Most Underrated has published a list of who they consider to be the most underrated performers in the WWE, and the lone Diva represented is former Divas Champion Alicia Fox.

The reason behind the pick seems to be Alicia’s recent in-ring improvement, as the article states:

Alicia Fox has shown the most in-ring improvement of any Diva — or Superstar, for that matter — in the last year. Don’t believe me? Search her name here on and watch one of her matches from 2012. From her tight lockups to her precisely placed dropkicks, her wrestling is Divas Championship caliber.

In addition to improving her craft on the canvas, the fabulous Miss Fox is in flawless condition. With a body that looks like it belongs to a comic book heroine, her speed and conditioning are better than ever.

There seems to be just one intangible piece missing to complete the puzzle of Alicia wearing the butterfly again. Perhaps a fresh finisher? In any case, the hen house that is the Divas locker room would do well to fear the fox.

Fox, despite being a constant presence in the WWE since her debut in 2008, has only held the Divas Title once.

You can see the full list on

Do you agree with the article? Is Alicia the WWE’s most underrated Diva?

Your Two Cents: Predictions for TLC’s Divas Title Match

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Give us your predictions for AJ Lee and Natalya‘s Divas Title match at TLC. We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

  • Ashley Matthew: AJ will retain since she still has not passed Maryse‘s reign yet. It’s pretty clear that WWE is headed towards that direction in having AJ be the longest reigning champion plus there isn’t enough build up between the feud with Nattie and AJ, so it would be way too random if they just took the title away from AJ like that.
  • @BeliEVEinCMPunk: It’s Natalya’s time. AJ has had the title long enough.
  • @BorisGlisic: Natalya should bring Pinup Strong back and make AJ tap out, cry and she should come out as true champion!
  • @HiOnTopher: Hoping they add a stipulation to make the match historic!
  • Lars Peter Tvilling Olsen: I see Kaitlyn being involved in this match somehow! Maybe special referee or something and she will give the title to Natalya and then we can have two storylines! Bellas and other Total Divas vs. Natalya and AJ vs. Kaitlyn feud again!
  • @nebjosef: I wanna see Natalya to take the win & AJ go CRAZY! Leave TV for a while and come back as SUPER PSYCHO AJ LEE!
  • Owen Livett: I think that AJ will retain the title. After not winning the Slammy and seeing the reaction of the audience, they’ll keep the belt on AJ. Nattie is great, but with no real storyline behind the match; I don’t see her becoming 2 times Divas Champion.
  • Randi Parker: I really feel if WWE wanted to take the title off AJ, they would have done so already, and would have been to one of the Bellas, we have the season finale of Total Divas Sunday, so I think with some shady tactics AJ retains!
  • Robert D Martinez: Natalya will definitely win at TLC! They’ve hyped her to be a top contender, it’s time for a fresh face as champ, they still can have AJ feud with her but also give some other Divas a shot at the title.
  • Sammie Nuriko: It wouldn’t be random if Tamina turned on AJ and then attacked the new champ Nattie…which is what i wish would happen. I still am not impressed with AJs ring work. Nattie and Tamina have had some good matches. Tamina and Nattie could have an intense feud with some nice stipulation matches. Table match? Falls count anywhere/no DQ? I would kill if WWE just let these ladies loose for 1 match.
  • Samuel C. Garner: I see AJ retaining here in a clean match to get comeuppance for her Slammy snub and almost a month of losing. I also see Tamina turning on AJ after the match, leading to AJ’s long overdue face turn.

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? What will happen at TLC?

Impact Write-Up (December 12th, 2013): The Killer Queen Returns


Okay, so like last night a major decision was made that affected Diva Dirt’s immediate future. I kinda, sorta decided that Eleri needed to be sent packing so I manipulated my tribemates and got them to send her packing to Ponderosa. Meanwhile, I acted like a martyr, bravely volunteering my Thursday night ritual of a rose scented bubble bath, glass of wine, and classical music in order to take over Eleri’s duties as Impact writer. My tribe hails me as a hero. And I get to once again shove my thoughts and feelings in the face of the Diva Dirt universe. Victory is mine and there is nothing anyone can do to stop me…. muahahahaha!

So yeah, Eleri is off for the week and I’m still buzzing over last night’s episode of Survivor. Deal with it.

Like usual, I am coming into this thing cold turkey. The last time I watched Impact was the last time I wrote one of these; Mickie James was standing on a ladder cutting a promo and I had a bunch of hate hurled at me because I made this write-up all about me. Fair warning, I’ll probably continue to do that because my world revolves around me and my likes and dislikes, so continue reading at your own risk. I am totally cold turkey tonight, clueless to what’s going on and who’s even in the title picture. I don’t read results and I certainly don’t check spoilers. In fact, I had to look up what channel Spike TV was and set a reminder so I wouldn’t get that wrapped up in It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia on Netflix. You know, to this day, I still can’t decide which guy is a better fit for me: Mac, Dennis, or Charlie. Each of them have just enough loser to attract me.

You know, what’s sad? I broke a nail today. That’s sad.

Ohhh, wait. Cops (talk about high class programming) is ending, which surely means Impact is starting, right? Lets do this thing live, okay?

I can only assume they are recapping last week or some feud between AJ Styles and Dixie Carter. Who is Rock Star Spud? Why is there a roulette wheel and four confusing brief cases? Gunna need some help to sit through this.

I still kinda, sorta like how Impact shoots their scenes and backstage stuff like a reality show. If you take nothing else away from this future Pulitzer price winning piece of writing, you will take away the fact that I searched high and low for a silver lining. OH LOOK!!! After forty minutes of suffering, it’s time for the Knockouts.

Unfortunately, listening to Gail Kim wheeze into the microphone isn’t my idea of a good time, but she looks hot. Lei’D Tapa just looks like she’s either carved from stone or is a three-month old bran muffin. Either way, she is like… stiff. So apparently, Gail has been doing some type of weekly open challenge thingy and she is getting bored with the lack of competition. She wants her next opponent and ODB comes out. Like always, she looks totally trailer and is still drinking from her flask, and when Gail says that she can’t compete, ODB makes it perfectly clear that she is out here for another reason.


Lei’D Tapa gets slammed with the microphone. A small brawl breaks out until Gail gets involved and it turns into a two-on-one assault.


The queen is back! Madison gets rid of Gail and works with ODB to get rid of Lei’D. Holy crap, her post-baby body is smoking hot. So, so good to have the queen back! Gail looks stunned to see her former rival back in the ring and Madison gives Gail and her sidechick a queenly wave as they retreat. Welcome back, Madison!

Yay! I love Madison Rayne and I’m so glad she is back. The lack of Knockouts in TNA is so super depressing so having one return that has such an awesome history with the company is so refreshing. Madison totally came into her own during her TNA run. She proved that she was a dynamic little firecracker, full of spunk and fire, and I hope she takes that title away from Gail.

Oh, here comes Dixie Carter.

Dixie Carter might be the worst actress I have ever seen in my life. She’s bitching about Kurt Angle destroying the Wheel of Dixie or whatever, and then goes on about AJ Styles ruining her title belt or something. To be honest, I’m just super distracted by the fact Dixie looks like she shops at Cato. That skirt is so loud and those panty hose… I can not.

The man candy in the ring, Jeff Hardy and Magnus (mainly Magnus because damn…), can’t seem to distract me from Dixie’s awful droning. They’re talking about some title match for next week and Dixie lets them know they will be competing in something called a DixieLand match. But honestly, none of that even matters because at the end, she basically offers to bang them both.

And I am just like really?

To be fair, I had to double check that I heard her right, but yeah, my faithful hand, Ser Steven, pretty much confirmed that we heard the same thing.

Good God. Yes, Dixie, we are judging you. And we are stunned. Just when you think this show can’t sink any lower, it blows my mind. But anyway, Velvet Sky and Chris Sabin are backstage.

Like, what happened to you, Sabin? When you were with Alex Shelley you were the hottest thing ever to step foot inside the wrestling. You were like my everything. Oh, well here comes Austin Aries. I guess he is about to face Sabin for the X-Division Championship.

To be honest, I really don’t care about this match. We all know that we’re only covering this because Velvet is at ringside and she will probably get involved. And she doesn’t disappoint. I kind of like Velvet as a valet because she can be a centerpiece now instead of swallowed by a Knockouts division that is always going to be dominated by Gail Kim as long as she is around. Sabin loses the match and backstage, he confronts Aries for putting Velvet in danger.

There’s nothing left for me to really say. I want to say that I enjoyed taking over this but really, I didn’t. I guess that’s what happens when I decide to throw my power around and get rid of the other staff members. Truth be told, I need them. I need them just as much as they need me, and that’s why we are a happy little family.

This episode of Impact wasn’t bad, by any means. Madison’s return leaves a lot of potential and this is my first time really seeing Lei’D Tapa. What she’s doing with Gail Kim is no different than what Tamina is doing with AJ Lee, but we know that TNA likes to steal storylines and rehash various angles. At least they’re not giving up on the division and at the end of the day, isn’t that the main thing? The Knockouts in their heyday were the best example of women’s wrestling around. There’s no reason they can’t get back to that point. I guess I’m cautiously optimistic about this?

I don’t know, but Madison Rayne and ODB will be taking on Gail Kim and Lei’D Tapa in a tag match next wee, I guess. That might be fun!

Have no fear, by the time that rolls around Eleri will be back. Who knows? I might be the next one voted off the Diva Dirt island. I’m sure my time is coming up. I can’t keep bringing the awesome forever, but you better believe I will try. Goodbye, Impact watchers and readers. Until next time…

Namaste, bitches! ;-)

Oh wait… Impact just ended with Jeff Hardy showing up to meet Dixie and taking a glass of wine from her. I cannot…

Photos: Divas at Tribute to the Troops 2013

On Wednesday, the WWE filmed their annual Tribute to the Troops special at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, meeting members of the military before the show.

RELATED: WWE Tribute to the Troops Spoilers: December 28th, 2013

A number of Divas tweeted pictures and posted photos to their Instagram accounts, showing them atop massive tanks, at a shooting range and meeting members of the military at the base.

View a few of the photos below:

As a bonus, here’s a WWE Tout featuring the cast of Total Divas and singer Chris Daughtry:

Tribute to the Troops will air Saturday, December 28th at 8pm ET on NBC.

Picture of the Day: Veronica Lane Looks Back on Her Pageant Days


Ever wonder what sparked NXT Diva Veronica Lane to take on the moniker of Miss NXT? Well, look no further than the above photo.

It appears that Veronica, real name Erika Hammond, is a former Miss Texas Teen USA pageant contestant.

Veronica posted the picture on her Instagram account, captioning it, “#tbt to my pageant days…Miss Texas Teen USA 2010 1st RU now on to #missNXT”.

So how about it Diva Dirt readers: what are your thoughts on Veronica’s Miss NXT persona? Has it won you over yet?

Madison Rayne Returns to TNA


On tonight’s Impact, former Knockouts Champion Madison Rayne made her return to TNA, coming to the aid of ODB and standing up to former partner Gail Kim and Lei’D Tapa.

Madison was released from TNA back in July, but the departure was speculated to be temporary, as Madison was set to give birth.

She went on to give birth to a daughter in September.

Glad to see you back, Madison!

What did you think of Madison’s return?

Impact Wrestling Feedback: December 12th, 2013


Get your weekly dose of Knockouts action on tonight’s Impact Wrestling. Tune in to Spike TV at the start time of 9pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: Impact Wrestling Spoilers: December 12th, 2013

Video: Behind the Scenes of Naomi’s JET Magazine Photoshoot

On this past Sunday’s Total Divas, we saw Naomi take part in a photoshoot for JET Magazine’s Beauty of the Week feature.

WWE’s official YouTube channel has taken us behind the scenes to give us a better look at the photoshoot. We also get to see a bit of Sandra, who made Naomi’s favorite outfit from the shoot.

Watch the video below:

Naomi’s issue of JET hits newsstands this Monday.

Video: AJ Lee in ‘Scooby Doo! WrestleMania Mystery’ Trailer


The first trailer for the WWE’s collaboration with Scooby Doo has found its way online, giving us a look at AJ Lee‘s animated alter ego.

The animated movie, titled Scooby Doo! WrestleMania Mystery, will be released on DVD in March 2014.

Watch the trailer below:

Read the film’s synopsis below:

When Shaggy and Scooby win tickets to WrestleMania, the entire gang travels in the Mystery Machine to WWE City to attend the epic event. However, when a mysterious ghostly bear appears and threatens to ruin the show, Scooby, Shaggy, Velma, Daphne and Fred work with WWE Superstars to solve the case.

For more information on the movie, visit its IMDB profile.

WWE Main Event Redux (December 11th, 2013): Alicia Fox and Natalya Get an A+ in Chemistry


What’s up Diva fans and welcome to this week’s WWE Main Event Redux. Natalya is on a roll as of late as she gears towards her WWE Divas Championship Match at TLC. Her latest roadblock, the sassy and classy Alicia Fox. Alicia and Natalya are known for having excellent chemistry in the ring so were we correct to get excited about this one? Let’s have a butcher’s hook shall we? (For any non-UK readers, that was Cockney rhyming slang for ‘look’. I know, I’m an amazing educator too!)

Out first this week is the pink and black bombshell herself, Natalya! Josh Matthews notes that although Natalya didn’t win the Slammy for ‘Diva of The Year’, she was just happy to be nominated. Of course she was. Natalya’s face character is so diplomatic, understanding and bor… respecting. Her opponent Alicia Fox swings her hips out next, motioning with her hands that she is a heartbreaker. I actually like this new pose from Alicia; it reminds me of the days when she was a man-stealing wedding planner. Those were the days. I could reminisce on worse moments of her career – like when she the undefined ‘hungry pirahna’ or her partnership with DJ Gabriel. I digress…

The match begins with Natalya locking a wristlock on Alicia, which the latter flips out of before utilizing one of her own. Natalya rolls out of her predicament before tripping up Alicia and wrenching her leg. Alicia counters with a headscissors yet Natalya quickly moves Alicia’s leg from her neck and mounts her before changing mindset and going for a cover. Nattie hits a headlock takeover next, her face beaming with happiness (I take it she didn’t watch this past week’s Total Divas then…)

Alicia thrusts Tal off her yet Natalya rebounds with a shoulder tackle. Alicia floats under and then leapfrogs over before hitting a crisp headscissor takeover. Nattie quickly retaliates with a waistlock roll-up yet Alicia powers out at 2. Nat goes back to the waistlock yet Alicia gets the ropes to break the hold. Natalya does a backward roll and then kips up.. into a MAJOR kick in the face from Alicia.

That. Was. Sick.

Alicia goes for two consecutive pin attempts, the second clearly because she was shocked that she didn’t get the win with the first. She then wraps her long lower limbs around Natalya’s neck, standing on her hands at one point to gain some extra leverage. Natalya eventually breaks out yet Alicia slams her back to the mat, targetting the head and neck at all times. Alicia then delivers her patented northern lights suplex yet she is still unable to get the win.

Alicia reverts back to her headscissor submission yet Natalya manages to stand up with Alicia still wrapped around her neck. Nattie drops ‘Lic in front of her, which is seemingly a mistake as Alicia quickly elbows Natalya, keeping the momentum in her corner. However, as Alicia goes for a tilt-a-whirl backbreaker, Natalya reverses it and lands a crossbody, which she gets a two count from.

Alicia then looks to hit a dropkick yet Natalya isn’t in position and a little bit of awkwardness ensues before Alicia, like the true professional that she is, thinks on her feet and kicks Natalya in the stomach before playing up to the crowd, saying how smart she is. Great save, Alicia! Ms Fox chokes Nattie out in the corner and just as she is about to charge into Nattie, the Dungeon Diva averts danger and business is about to pick up!

Natalya hits a series of clotheslines before dropping Alicia with a lovely sit-out scoop slam. Nattie follows it up with her discus clothesline, which only gets a two count. She then tries to pick up Alicia’s pieces yet Foxy isn’t as rattled as first thought, which becomes apparent as she kicks Nattie in the head. Natalya then charges at Alicia in the corner, the latter of which does the splits on the top rope before rolling over looking for a pinfall. However, Natalya rolls through the pin attempt and locks in the Sharpshooter. The referee is positioned between Alicia and the ropes she is facing which I find hilarious and this leaves Alicia no choice but to tap out.

In addition to Natalya and Alicia, check out Cameron and Naomi managing Tons of Funk during the main event. The aftermath gets interesting as Brodus Clay gets irate yet again. Planet Funk is not a happy planet right now!

Thoughts: Yet again, Alicia and Natalya show to WWE why a championship feud between them would be solid gold. Their chemistry, apart from the dropkick slip-up, was fantastic and in some ways, the mistake helped put over Alicia a little more. Although it was clearly a mistake, Alicia proved how quick she is to think on her feet and she almost covered it completely with her lightning fast reactions as she teased the crowd.

The opening exchange was so slick and I particularly liked how Nattie switched up the normal way she would get out of a wristlock. Although she was using basic moves, the way she strung them together was sleek and unique. The pace of the match was different to normal too and I liked how Natalya’s comeback towards the end wasn’t long-winded and typical of what we would normally see. She only managed to hit four moves before Alicia made it a level playing field again.

The headscissor submissions from Alicia also made the match that little bit more refreshing as not only do they look better than a basic chinlock, but they also provided Natalya with a really cool way of getting out of them, showcasing her pure power. The match was yet another top-notch Alicia/Natalya match and I would love to see them become entwined again, yet this time with a storyline for the title mixed in.

As for Camerona and Naomi, I am really excited for this storyline and I hope it means they are no longer funkalicious aliens from a fictional planet. These two girls are reality TV stars and it’s just not realistic for them to be happy about the spot they are in. Their on-screen personas when they are seen with Brodus are nothing like their representations on Total Divas and I think it’s time for the girls to drop the glitterball and focus on the Divas Title. And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

WWE Tribute to the Troops Spoilers: December 28th, 2013

The following Divas match was taped for WWE’s annual Tribute to the Troops.

The event will be broadcasted in a one hour special on NBC. Not all matches will be shown.

* Brie Bella won a Divas battle royal by eliminating AJ Lee.

‘Total Divas’ Season Finale First Look: Eva Marie’s Fiance Meets Her Family

On this Sunday’s season finale of Total Divas, Eva Marie introduces her fiance Jonathan to her family, and they have no problem giving their opinions about him to his face.

From his “Eva” tattoo to being shirtless at the dinner table, the family finds plenty to criticize him for – and this is before the couple tells them they’re engaged.

Watch the clip below:

The season finale of Total Divas airs this Sunday at 10pm ET on E!.

Picture of the Day: Naomi and Cameron Celebrate Slammy Victory


Monday, we focused on the Slammy awards taken home by Daniel Bryan and both Brie & Nikki Bella, but fear not, as that wasn’t the only statuette to be taken home by a Diva.

Naomi and Cameron, our resident Funkadactyls, also took home a prize on the Slammy pre-show as the WWE Universe voted the divalicious duo to having their favorite dance moves amongst the many dancing Superstars and Divas.

The twosome defeated Fandango, R-Truth, The Great Khali, Miz-co Inferno and fellow dancing Diva, Summer Rae in their claim to victory. Some more skilled in their dance steps than others, but all nonetheless quite viable competition.

Naomi posted the above photo on her Twitter account, tweeting:

So did the Funkadactyls sweet moves win your vote in the end? Or did another nominee captivate you with their style on the dance floor instead?

WWE Main Event Viewing: December 11th, 2013


There’s Divas action on tonight’s WWE Main Event! Tune in at 8pm ET on ION Television.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: WWE Main Event Spoilers: December 11th, 2013

Jillian Hall Recovering From Fall Down Flight of Stairs


Last night, former WWE Diva Jillian Hall informed fans on Twitter that she was in the hospital, recovering after falling down the stairs at her boyfriend’s house.

She tweeted:

Jillian looked to be in rough shape in the photo she tweeted shortly after:

She soon clarified that aside from a headache, black eye and some butterfly strips, she’s recovering well:

Lastly, just a few hours ago, Jillian tweeted a photo showing her in much better shape:

We’re glad to see that Jillian’s recovering well!

‘Total Divas’ Season Finale First Look: Nikki Tells John That She Wants Children

On this Sunday’s season finale of Total Divas, Nikki Bella tries once again to soften the resolve of John Cena, telling him that she wants to build a family.

She tells him that visiting her friends – who are having children of their own – made her feel like she could be missing out if John doesn’t change his mind.

Watch the clip below:

The season finale of Total Divas airs this Sunday at 10pm ET on E!.

Videos: Gail Kim on TNA Promotional Tour in India


Knockouts Champion Gail Kim, as previously reported, has joined Kurt Angle on a promotional tour of India, celebrating the partnership between TNA and sports channel Sony Six.

Two Impact 365 videos show Gail hard at work, one showing her and Angle at a Sony Six press conference in Mumbai:

In another, we go behind the scenes of Gail’s video shoot for Sony Six:

Judging by Gail’s tweets, this trip has been full of hard work – and eating. Enjoy yourself, Gail!

Video: Stephanie McMahon Speaks at WrestleMania 31 Announcement


Yesterday, the WWE made it official: WrestleMania 31 is coming to Santa Clara, California.

While the 2015 Pay-Per-View is still a ways away, the WWE held a press conference hyping the announcement and teasing the impact WrestleMania will have on the area.

WWE’s Chief Brand Officer Stephanie McMahon was among those who took to the podium, speaking about how wrestling touches lives, teasing WrestleMania week activities and emphasizing the role the Be A STAR charity will play.

Watch Stephanie’s speech below:

Will you be heading to the San Francisco area for WrestleMania 31?

Video: Stephanie McMahon, Brie and Nikki Bella React to Slammy Wins

Two of the biggest upsets on Monday’s Slammy Awards were in the Insult of the Year and Diva of the Year categories. Their winners – Stephanie McMahon for her Big Show insult, Brie and Nikki Bella for Divas of the Year – spoke to Renee Young about their wins.

Stephanie claims that she wasn’t berating Big Show in her Slammy Award-winning moment, saying that she was actually doing what was best for business. She says she is proud and excited to see that the fans, in voting for her, agreed with that.

Meanwhile, Brie and Nikki express how amazing it feels to be crowned Divas of the Year. Nikki says she’s grateful for being able to make a return last year and to be given the opportunity to star on Total Divas, two major factors in what was a very successful 2013 for the Bellas.

When asked who gets to keep the trophy, the twins speculate that they may have to cut it in half. Until then, Nikki says, she’ll take it.

Watch the interviews below:

WWE Superstars Spoilers: December 13th, 2013


Below are spoilers for this week’s episode of WWE Superstars:

* Kaitlyn defeated Aksana. (Source)

‘Total Divas’ Season Finale First Look: Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan’s Engagement Party

On this Sunday’s season finale of Total Divas, Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan host a party to celebrate their engagement.

Daniel reveals that he had planned the party as a surprise for Brie, getting help from her sister Nikki to set it up.

Watch the clip below:

The season finale of Total Divas airs this Sunday at 10pm ET on E!.

SmackDown Spoilers: December 13th, 2013

Below are spoilers for this Friday’s edition of SmackDown:

* AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka defeated the Bella Twins.


WWE Main Event Spoilers: December 11th, 2013


The following spoilers were taped earlier tonight for tomorrow’s edition of WWE Main Event:

* Natalya defeated Alicia Fox by submission. (Source)