Saturday, September 21, 2024

SmackDown Reaction: December 6th, 2013


Tune in to SmackDown tonight at 8pm ET on SyFy.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: SmackDown Spoilers: December 6th, 2013

Impact Write-Up (December 5th, 2013): Someone’s Had Enough of Gail’s Open Challenge


Welcome Knockout followers! Last night saw the continuation of Gail Kim‘s open challenge. After a one week break, the Knockouts champ was back in force as she took on her latest opponent. We also got more #HeelDixie, who is amazing. On with the show…

Our first glimpse of the TNA president came when Dixie Carter was found by one of her assistants backstage. She was talking on the phone to someone called Jason when she was interrupted and informed her that she had a delivery. What could it be? Well, I’ll tell you. Flowers.

‘Flowers? I do not want flowers!’ And they’re from a fan. Dixie is not impressed. She instructs them not to bother her again unless the delivery looks and feels like her world heavyweight title. Good Lord! I am loving Dixie.

We see Dixie again not long later, and she’s gathered some of the boys in the back. In front of her are four briefcases, each with a number from 1-4 on them. It’s another one of Dixie’s great ideas. She knows they thought the #WheelofDixie was, like, the most innovative thing ever but this is better. Obviously. One of the briefcases has a world title match contract, the second has a tag team title match contract, the third an X division title contract and the fourth… well, has the end of your contract. Unlucky!

We got a little segment of Gail Kim and her husband, Robert Irvine, on the Impact365 thingy. Gail talked about how she’s been dominating in less than two minutes in all of the open challenge matches, and Robert agreed. He doesn’t want anyone wasting Gail’s time.

The video quickly cut to Velvet Sky backstage with her man, Chris Sabin. Basically they were just basking in their attractiveness. Fair enough.

Gail Kim makes her way out to the ring, accompanied by the ever-loyal (though I hope not for too long) Lei’D Tapa. The champ is totally cocky and ready to go.

And her opponent, from Toronto, Canada: Laura Dennis, otherwise known as Cherry Bomb!

Alrighty then, let’s see how this goes.

Gail gets right in her opponent’s face as soon as the bell rings. She runs her around the ring, then plants her face first into the turnbuckle. Gail doesn’t give Laura much time to breathe before she hits her with a mean uppercut. Gail with a nasty neckbreaker and a two count, which Laura doesn’t kick out of. No, no, Gail picks her up. She’s not finished that easily.

Gail hits a knee to the gut and a right hand, setting up Laura in the corner. A big clothesline and Laura with nowhere to go but down from it. Gail plays up the crowd, who boo her quite enthusiastically. She loves it. Gail calls Laura pathetic, and then kicks her across the spine to prove it. She pulls Laura up to her feet, then hits a big knee to the mid-section. Laura’s back down on the mat once again.

Gail’s taking her time and being quite meticulous to prove a point. That she’s in charge. She traps Laura in the corner again and starts to choke her out with her foot. Gail’s just punishing her right now. Gail then with the running elbow and the ‘aren’t I fabulous’ pose on the outside. Lovely.

Back in the ring, Gail is just taunting Laura now, and Laura looks like she’s just had enough. Gail knocks her back down with a boot to the face. Picking her opponent up off the mat, Gail demands, pointing to the crowd, that Laura tell them who the best is. She’s screaming at Laura, and now Laura really has had enough. Instead, she delivers a big slap to Gail’s face.

Laura on the offense now with two big right hands and a clothesline, knocking the champ clean off her feet. A big shoulder block off the ropes is next, followed by a pin attempt and a two count. Gail’s in the corner and Laura charges, but Gail gets her feet up in time to block her.

Gail with the Eat Defeat, and this one’s over.

Gracious as ever, Gail goes after Laura once again and this time with help from Lei’D Tapa. Another Eat Defeat to an already put of out Laura, some ‘loser’ taunts and an attempted TKO…

But here comes ODB to save the day!

ODB clears the ring and Tapa is seething on the outside. Gail Kim has to hold her back as ODB stands tall in the ring.

We spy Dixie once again backstage, and she’s finally received her package. She tells Spud that if something isn’t going your way, you just have to put your foot down hard enough to get exactly what you want. At that point the show cuts back to the ring, but Dixie reappears later on.

Dixie’s backstage with her package. She’s excited about the world heavyweight title picture, and to get the actual title back from AJ Styles. Spud opens the box up for her, only for it to reveal… a TNA Knockouts Championship belt. Well. Dixie is not happy. She starts to have a mild breakdown, her voice reaches some odd decibels and she walks out of shot, proclaiming this:

“Game on!”

And I can’t wait.

Impact Wrestling Feedback: December 5th, 2013


Get your weekly dose of Knockouts action on tonight’s Impact Wrestling. Tune in to Spike TV at the start time of 9pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 28th & December 5th

NXT Redux (December 4th, 2013): Paige and Natalya Put on a Clinic

natalya vs paige

What’s up Diva fans and welcome to this week’s NXT Redux! After a few weeks of backstage segments galore, we’re finally back in the ring on this edition of NXT… and the NXT Women’s Championship is on the line! The future Mrs. @Jack5326 defends the belt against Mrs. Wilson herself, Natalya. So weird referring to Natalya as that! Let’s just jump right into the action before I hyperventilate – you’re going to love this!


Our first Diva sighting of the night is a debut! Ms. Veronica Lane makes her first NXT appearance, looking awesome in an orange dress. Her ring announcing however, needs a little work. Onwards and upwards though! Out first is Natalya, in what appears to be a new silver gown. Looking slick Tal! Paige is out next, not wearing anything new, yet if it’s not broke, don’t fix it! Paige comes out to an unusually frosty reception yet she let’s out her textbook roar and shrugs the crowd’s indifference off. You know you’ll always have me in your corner!

The match begins with an awkward display of sportsmanship before both girls exchange headlock takeovers and headscissors reversals, complete with kip ups. Renee Young makes a fantastic plea for Paige’s sake on why she behaved the way she did last week backstage, showing how Paige could still be a face but feel that way she felt. Awesome explanation. Following a few armlocks, Natalya flips her way out of danger, capitalizing with a waistlock throw.

Nattie continues her offense with an armlock/pin combination yet Paige jumps right back at Tal, knocking her for six with a headbutt. Paige rolls Nattie up from behind for two before trying to pin her foe again with a jackknife cover. Natalya rises up and utilizes a backslide. Paige’s shoulders aren’t quite down and once both girls get back to their feet, Paige grabs Nattie’s boot, forcing her into a tricky predicament. Undeterred, Natalya shows off some of her dungeon instincts, rolling out of the sticky situation before applying a tight leglock on Paige. The pair exchange hairgrabs and elbows before Paige drapes her arm over Nattie’s neck, pulling her into a headlock eventually. Natalya grounds Paige once again with a headlock takeover before Paige’s shifts her hips and gets back to a vertical base.

Paige shrugs Natalya off yet the latter shoulder blocks the former before staring at her; the intensity is definitely building! Natalya uses Paige’s back as a catapult for herself and then she grabs at Paige’s ankles – it could be Sharpshooter time! Paige has other ideas though, retreating to the ringside area as we go to a commercial break.

Back from the break and Paige has gone PSYCHO on Nattie in the corner, delivering blows to the body like a berserk banshee! My kind of woman! Well, maybe not that crazy! The Diva of Tomorrow then channels the legendary Stone Cold by stomping a mudhole into Natalya. Alex Riley explains why Paige has been really riled up during the break and his explanation really added even more intensity to the match. Paige then puts her foe in a sleeper hold whilst Alex and Renee exchange some banter. “Stay on the pulse, brother.” Who knew Hulk Hogan had joined the NXT commentary team? Still not as random as Tensai

Paige thrusts Natalya back down to the mat as Alex and Renee continue to put over how amazing Paige is. Impressive commentary here. Thank god we don’t have another Mike Adamle on our hands! Paige then locks in an abdominal stretch that she keeps winched in for a short while. She shakes her like a ragdoll in the process – steady on girl! Natalya fights out though, wrapping Paige in an abdominal stretch of her own, complete with her signature heel hook twist. Love it. Paige eventually fights out and hip tosses Nattie whilst the term ‘twerking’ raises it’s ugly head.


Ahem. Moving on, Paige goes ballistic with Natalya in the corner again, whacking her head and kicking her chest in. Paige then uses her sick thrust kick whilst Natalya is on the apron before hitting a few of her “I’M EUROPEAN AND CAN IGNORE THE ROPE BREAK LIKE SHEAMUS” knees to the head. Natalya becomes the first person to reverse this onslaught though, grabbing Paige’s leg and hitting a nasty looking dragon screw leg whip. After laying a beating on Paige, Tal whips the champion opponent and the two clash in the middle of the ring with a double crossbody.

Paige gets back up first yet she misses a leg drop, allowing Natalya to regain control. Nattie hits a clothesline before slapping Paige’s nose off and hitting a snap suplex. The Dungeon Diva then hits an awesome powerslam driver for a two count and frustration begins to sneak in. Paige then tries to mount a comeback with a kick to the shoulder yet Natalya isn’t going down without a fight as she nails Paige with her Nat by Nature clothesline. After a two count, Nattie knows it’s lethal weapon time. Here comes the Sharpshooter! Paige writhes in pain as she crawls closer to the ropes yet Nattie pulls her back into the middle of the ring. It’s a sick fight as Paige refuses to tap. Eventually, Paige rolls Natalya head first into the turnbuckle, leaving the challenger dazed. After a moment to catch their breaths, Paige hits the Paige Turner out of nowhere and pins Natalya clean. The two embrace after the match, having earned each other’s respect.

Thoughts: This could be a match of the year candidate, I loved it! It was intense, passionate, back and forth, unpredictable, physical, rough, brutal and told an amazing story. Paige was desperate to keep the gold and impress the veteran and the veteran didn’t want to be outshone by the ‘rookie’. The match was not traditionally booked and I loved how back and forth it was. It was refreshing and so unpredictable. Paige’s Paige Turner was a definite highspot, due to the fact it came out of nowhere and it because it has never looked better. Natalya sold it superbly and for once, the move looked genuinely dangerous. Oh, and I loved that Nattie brought back the “YEAHH BABY!”

Also, Renee Young, I can’t sing your praises anymore than I already have. She is witty, knowledgeable and a breath of fresh air. Her performance was nearly as good as the match!

And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

Your Two Cents: Will AJ Lee Break Maryse’s Record?

Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: AJ Lee is 45 days away from breaking Maryse‘s record for longest reigning Divas Champion. Should she? Will she? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

* Armando Munguia: No AJ should not beat Maryse’s record. Maryse’s defended her title way more than AJ has and Maryse’s fought like a champion, she faced champions ultimately losing to the 5-time WWE Women’s Champion Mickie James.

* Ashley Matthew: I think some fans are hoping for a title change, feeling that it is long overdue but I can understand why WWE wants AJ to be the Divas Champion this long. As of right now, I think making her the longest reigning Divas Champion is a good idea since it would give them more time to build up a decent feud between her and another Diva, who will eventually take the title away from her.

* @AWESOMENICK7: I think AJ’s time as a champion is coming to a close at TLC and that Maryse will reign supreme! :)

* Das Cool Santos: I’m ok with her breaking it as long as WWE builds her up. She’s been loosing way too many matches, She can’t survive on mic work alone.

* @FanOfLifeAndYou: YES YES YES Daniel Bryan style! AJ is the face of the WWE right now.

* @JosephAMT: I think she will, I don’t really want her to as I have a sentimental attachment to Maryse & hope 1 day she still might return.

* Joshua Mcdonald: I think she should simply because Maryse while being a great character was a horrible wrestler. I simply don’t think she deserves to hold any record.

* Megan Travis: Honestly I would be perfectly okay with AJ beating the record. Maryse’s big reign tends to be overrated anyway since she was not only hurt for a month of it but never had any sort of good matches while she had it. Her one big feud with Mickie had a crap culmination match. AJ’s booking has suffered post HIAC but she’s had good title defenses, has a crowd connection, cut the most talked about diva promo in recent memory, was part of the first ever divas contract signing segment and has two long running feuds (Kaitlyn and the Total Divas cast). WWE just needs to fix up her booking for non-title situations and have her feud with Natalya continue and reach deep meaning and continuing on with the reign would be good.

* @MelaniePrice01: I adore Maryse but if someone is going to take that record, AJ should be the 1 to do it, time to elevate some new stars.

* Randi Parker: If WWE doesn’t take the title off of her at TLC, which I don’t see happening, I see her holding the title till Mania, and breaking Maryse’s record. As a huge fan of hers, I would love if she did, no matter what happens in the future, she’ll always have her name in WWE history!

* Raphael Lamounier: She deserves to be the longest reigning Divas Champion. In a roster where the Divas are so underestimated she’s the only one who really stands for herself! I like Nattie, but honestly I don’t think that AJ should lose her title to a “Total Diva”.

* Samuel C. Garner: I believe she most definitely should and will break the record. The way she’s been losing lately, I highly doubt she’ll lose at TLC. That would practically bury her, and I don’t see WWE doing that to their top diva, especially when she’s this close to breaking the record.

* @WWEJosePerez: No, I have faith that Natalya would take the title from A.J before she over passes Maryse’s Reign.

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? Will AJ break Maryse’s record?

‘Diva of the Year’ Slammy Award Nominees Announced has revealed the short list for the Diva of the Year Slammy, which will be presented by former Diva Eve Torres.

The official nominees for the award are:

* AJ Lee
* Brie and Nikki Bella
* Cameron and Naomi
* Eva Marie
* Kaitlyn
* Natalya

Since the WWE lists the Bellas and Funkadactyls together, it can be assumed that those teams will be grouped together in the poll.

The Slammys will be voted on by the fans on the WWE App. The results will be revealed live on this Monday’s Raw.

Who do you think will win the award?

Impact Wrestling Spoilers: January 2nd, 2014


Below are spoilers for the January 2nd edition of Impact Wrestling, taped last night:

* Gail Kim issues an open challenge and Madison Rayne answers it, then gets the win.


‘Total Divas’ First Look: Natalya Gets Bad News About Gismo

On this Sunday’s Total Divas, Natalya gets some bad news about her beloved cat Gismo.

Natalya’s husband Tyson Kidd calls to tell her that Gismo has collapsed, and she rushes home to find out what’s wrong.

Watch the clip below:

Total Divas airs Sundays at 10pm ET on E!.

Picture of the Day: Rosa Mendes Looks Back on Her Slammy Win


The Slammy Awards are just around the corner, and what better way to prepare than to look back at some of the WWE’s past Diva victors?

The year was 2010. Sure, Michelle McCool may have taken home the coveted Diva of the Year statuette after emerging victorious in a Divas Battle Royal, but that didn’t mean the fun was over just yet.

That year, debuted their very own “Supplementary Slammys”, which focused categories Raw just didn’t have time to feature that night. Taking home the prize for “Best Use of Exercise Equipment” was none other than everyone’s favorite freakin’ Costa Rican, Rosa Mendes!

Rosa posted a photo with her Slammy trophy on her Instagram account, captioning it, “Remember? #Slammy @wwe”.

This category was all Rosa. No one was able to hold a candle to Rosa’s many backstage segments on SmackDown in which she jumped rope, operated a shake weight and climbed stairs. All of her hard work paid off that fateful night, and we hope to see more of it get rewarded down the road!

Diva Dirt Fan Awards 2013: Make Your Nominations!


It’s that time of year once again! Now that we are into the final month of 2013, it’s time to give out some awards.

For the sixth year running, Diva Dirt presents its Year-End Awards, which include the Writers’ Choice Awards, the Five to Watch, the Women of the Year and, of course, the Fan Awards.

Who will succeed AJ Lee as Diva of the Year? Who will follow Brooke as Knockout of the Year? Who will take Jazz‘s crown as Independent Wrestler of the Year?

It’s all down to you.

If you’re just joining us for the Fan Awards this year, or if you need a refresher, here’s a breakdown of how our awards work…

Fan Awards – How it works:
The Diva Dirt Fan Awards are voted for by you and only you, the readers. We consider your input throughout the entire awards process, from voting for your winners to even informing the nominations process!

Each year, we open our awards season with the nominations suggestions ballot. Here, you’ll have the chance to suggest potential nominations for categories such as Match of the Year. We’ll take all of your suggestions into consideration when forming the official nominations shortlist.

The nominations will be revealed and voting will commence on the day after the final WWE/TNA pay per view of the year. This year, that PPV will be WWE TLC on December 15th. Voting, therefore, will commence on December 16th.

The winners will be revealed, as is annual tradition, throughout the day on January 1st.

Nominations suggestions ballot:
To get the process under way, we are looking for your suggestions for the following categories. These suggestions will help us decide the official nominations shortlist which will be revealed on December 16th. To have your say, simply leave a comment copying & pasting the form at the bottom of this post.

Remember: This does not count as your official vote. The categories here do not reflect all of the categories in the Year-End Awards, simply the ones we want your input for.

The categories are…

Independent Wrestler of the Year
Independent wrestler that has had the most exceptional year. Locations considered: North America (US and Canada), Europe, Japan and Mexico.

Televised Match of the Year
Match of the year that has taken place on television or Pay-Per-View. Open to WWE, NXT, TNA, OVW and ROH only.

Independent Match of the Year
Match of the year that has taken place in an independent promotion and is available on DVD, online or Pay-Per-View. Matches that are not available for public viewing are not eligible.

News Story of the Year
What has been the year’s biggest and most interesting news story? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Best Moment
What was the best moment in women’s wrestling this year? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Best Feud
What was the best feud in women’s wrestling this year? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Best Tag Team/Group
Who was the best tag team or group in women’s wrestling? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Most Improved Wrestler
Who has improved the most? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Most Skilled Wrestler
Who was 2013’s most technically-gifted wrestler? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Best Newcomer
Who was the best new entrant in women’s wrestling this year? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Best Finisher
Who had the most exciting finishing move? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Best Babyface
Who was the best fan favorite? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Best Heel
Who did you love to hate the most? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Best Gimmick
Who best portrayed their character in 2013? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Most Underrated
Who was the most underrated in 2013? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

One to Watch in 2014
Who should we watch out for next year? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Most Stylish
Who had the best fashion sense? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Best Photoshoot
Who had the best photoshoot? Open to WWE, NXT and TNA only.

Biggest WTF Moment
What was the biggest moment that made you go “WTF?” Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

Most Social
Who is the most entertaining on Twitter? Open to WWE, NXT, TNA and independents.

To submit a ballot, copy and paste the following form into the comments section.

Please answer each category succinctly. No additional details, reasons etc. necessary.

Independent Wrestler of the Year:
Televised Match of the Year (provide YouTube link and/or event name/date):
Independent Match of the Year (provide event name/date):
News Story of the Year:
Best Moment (provide date):
Best Feud:
Best Tag Team/Group:
Most Improved Wrestler
Most Skilled Wrestler
Best Newcomer:
Best Finisher:
Best Babyface:
Best Heel:
Best Gimmick:
Most Underrated:
One to Watch in 2014:
Most Styish:
Best Photoshoot:
Biggest WTF Moment
Most Social:

‘Total Divas’ First Look: John Cena and Nikki Bella Test Out His Muscle Stimulator

On this Sunday’s Total Divas, Nikki Bella and John Cena have some fun with the newest part of John’s rehab: a muscle stimulator.

Let’s just say things don’t go well for Nikki.

Watch the clip below:

Total Divas airs Sundays at 10pm ET on E!.

‘Total Divas’ Ratings Rise: 1.4 Million Viewers

After a slight delay due to the Thanksgiving holiday last week, the ratings are in, and Total Divas is back to form after last week’s disappointment.

This week’s episode notched 1.4 million viewers and a 0.7 rating in the 18-49 year old demo. This, of course, is way up from the 920,000 viewers and 0.5 demo that the show attained last week when it had to face not only WWE’s own Survivor Series, but highly rated and viewed programs like the American Music Awards and the NFL as well.

One observation to me made is this is the exact same rating the show got two weeks ago, when it had to air sans Kardashian lead-in. While it did see the return of America’s favorite family in a Christmas special this week, it appears Total Divas has leveled off and found its core audience.

Only two episodes remain before we start our wait for the recently confirmed second season, so we’ll have to see if the numbers continue to stabilize at this level.

Whatever the case may be, E! should continue to be extremely pleased with the reality show’s performance. Outside of an understandable low last week, Total Divas has been doing great for them.

Congratulations to the cast and crew, as always!

Former Diva to Present at the Slammy Awards

At tonight’s SmackDown tapings, the WWE announced presenters for next Monday’s Slammy Awards.

Former Divas Champion Eve Torres will be among them, presenting the award for “Total Diva of the Year”.

The Slammys will be voted on by the fans on the WWE App during Raw.

Are you excited to see Eve on WWE TV again?

Impact Wrestling Spoilers: December 19th & 26th, 2013


Below are spoilers for the December 19th and 26th editions of Impact Wrestling, taped tonight.

Airing December 19th:
* ODB and Madison Rayne defeated Gail Kim and Lei’D Tapa.

Airing December 26th:
* Brooke Tessmacher debuts a new theme song and cuts a promo about how she hasn’t seen or heard from Bully Ray in weeks. She calls him out and wants to fix things. They argue for several minutes and Ray threatens to piledrive her. Ray bullies her into the corner and says he is done before walking off.

* Gail Kim comes out with Lei’D Tapa and isn’t happy about Tapa getting pinned by Madison Rayne last week. They call out ODB and Tapa defeats her in a match.

(Source 1, Source 2)

SmackDown Spoilers: December 6th, 2013

Below are spoilers for this Friday’s edition of SmackDown:

* Tamina Snuka vs. Natalya is up next. AJ Lee is on commentary. Natalya gets the win via pinfall.


Perfect 10 for the Week Ending December 2nd, 2013

For each week’s Perfect 10, the Diva Dirt team will compile a list of the top 10 women in wrestling. Placement is determined by performances and achievements from the past week. The list will be presented in video form.

Each week’s Perfect 10 follows Monday’s Raw and includes all of the action leading up to it.

Watch the video below to see the countdown:

Visit our Perfect 10 page to see it in list form.

Tweet us your top five using hashtag #DivaDirtPerfect10.

What do you think of this week’s list? What changes would you make?

Videos: AJ Lee and Natalya Talk Divas Title Match at TLC

Both AJ Lee and Natalya have reacted to the announcement of a Divas Title match being set for the upcoming TLC Pay-Per-View.

Natalya, with husband Tyson Kidd by her side, spoke to Josh Mathews on the WWE App, saying that her DQ win on Main Event left her feeling like everything was being taken away from her.

Tyson reminded her that at the time, he told her she’d get another opportunity, and here they are.

Watch Natalya’s interview on

AJ, meanwhile, also caught up with Josh on the WWE App with Tamina Snuka by her side. She bristled at the suggestion that Natalya was favored to win, asking what more she has to prove, having made every cast member of Total Divas tap out.

She goes on the assure the Divas Title that it won’t be going anywhere.

Watch AJ’s interview on

Who do you think will come out on top at TLC?

Raw Redux (December 2nd, 2013): Natalya’s Back on Top


Le sigh. I totally hate being so uninspired. Not only does it completely kill my mood, but it affects my writing. I pride myself on not being fake and when I don’t like something, I’m so not going to sit here and pretend that I do. I didn’t like the Diva’s match last night on Raw, at all, and I’m sick of trying to sit here and search for positive things to say when I just want to bitch, moan, whine, and complain. It’s irritating because, like I say every week, those women work their butts off for us. They wouldn’t do what they’re doing if they didn’t get some type of satisfaction out of performing for fans. It’s not their fault they’re continuous victims of shitty booking and repeat storylines. Natalya, Brie and Nikki Bella, AJ Lee, Tamina Snuka and Summer Rae all looked great last night. But at the end of the day, I’m over seeing the same thing I’ve been seeing since Survivor Series.

It’s a shame that I feel this way because this match wasn’t really bad. Sure, Tamina ripped her jacket off and slapped someone with it like she has done 23498230498222 other times in the past. And sure, AJ was pointless last night, just skipping around the ring like she had no crap to give. For all I know, she didn’t. But not everyone has a God complex like Gail Kim… anyway. Sure, Brie and Summer didn’t really gel together while they were wrestling. They were both sloppy, but not everyone can be amazing all the time.

But really, other than those three things, I have no issues with the match. It got a nice amount of time. It was storyline related and not random (even though I hate this storyline). I even said I wanted to see this match actually happen last week in my Redux. Unfortunately, it didn’t give me everything I wanted. I wanted more Nikki and Summer. Nikki has gotten the best of Summer a few times now, and I would love to see those two have more interactions. Of course, we don’t always get what we want (Diva fans especially) but it’s just whatever.

I was so overly annoyed with AJ last night that I really can’t put it into words. At this point, I don’t care if she drops the title to a returning Santina Marella, just please drop it. The skipping made me rage and her entire title reign has just been so uneventful and long, it’s just blah. She’s so much better than this title reign, and if I have to say something nice, I guess I’ll go to the ending of the match. I really like that she looked she was about to snap after getting pinned by Nattie, but took a moment to just brush it off and go about her business. That was fun. For a minute, I thought maybe she would attack Summer Rae who was trying to comfort her, and the possibility of that made me excited.

So really, good ending.

And THANK YOU!!!! We are finally getting Natalya and AJ on pay-per-view. I have absolutely no reason to believe they are going to pull the trigger with Nattie and the title, but who knows anymore? They don’t seem to want to truly capitalize on Total Divas, but perhaps with the bickering Bella twins and AJ as a challenger, with Summer Rae waiting, they may just do that. I’ll see what happens on SmackDown before making a final prediction.

We also saw Cameron and Naomi at ringside as they witnessed Tons of Funk tease a break-up following their loss to R Truth and Xavier Woods.

Well, that’s it! Until Sunday… Cryssi out!

Gail Kim Confirmed for TNA’s Tour of India


gail kim

It has been announced that Knockouts Champion Gail Kim will be taking part in TNA’s upcoming tour of India.

Alongside Kurt Angle, the three-time Knockouts Champion will represent TNA in a meet-and-greet in conjunction with Sony Six, TNA’s official Indian broadcast partner.

Sony Six’s Twitter account broke the news, tweeting:

It is currently unknown if TNA will be taping any events in India or if Gail and Kurt will just be present to promote TNA’s product.

TNA previously taped the Ring Ka King show in the country back in early 2012. Knockouts that took part included Cheerleader Melissa and former Knockouts Champions Angelina Love and Mickie James.

Would you like to see TNA tape in India again?

Video: ‘Total Divas’ Cast Brings the Holidays to WWE Shop

The cast of Total Divas is the latest group to push the products of the WWE Shop, appearing in a video touting the site’s official WWE gear.

Brie Bella, Cameron, Eva Marie, JoJo, Naomi, Natalya and Nikki Bella fawn – and fight – over their favorite WWE merchandise while competing to see who is the best “salesdiva”.

Watch the video below:

WWE Superstars Spoilers: December 6th, 2013


Spoilers for this week’s episode of WWE Superstars below:


Photo: Artwork for Cameron’s Debut Single “Bye Bye”


Cameron Album

For those of you who missed this past Sunday’s Total Divas, we learned that Cameron has spent time in recording studio, laying down tracks for her debut album.

Cameron teased her new music projects on Instagram in an image that displays the cover art for her first single, “Bye Bye”. She added, “Last night’s episode of #totaldivas featured my song #byebye! Stayed tuned for my single/album release coming soon.”

Photo: Cameron/Instagram
Photo: Cameron/Instagram

Last week, we saw that Naomi might be entering the world of music. Cameron’s big news leads us to wonder if these two Funkadactyls projects have anything to do with each other.

Are you excited to hear Cameron’s debut single?

‘Army of the Damned’ Featuring Maria Kanellis and Rosita Now Available on VOD

Photo: @chadv12/Twitter
Photo: @chadv12/Twitter

Today you can finally see Rosita and Maria Kanellis face off, horror movie style, as their movie Army of the Damned is now available via Video on Demand.

Universal on Demand is releasing the movie to audiences a month before its DVD release, giving fans of the former Diva and former Knockout a chance to see the movie early.

Just two weeks ago we got our first look at the movie’s trailer, which confirmed that both women have action-packed roles.

Army of the Damned explores what happens when “a search and rescue mission becomes a fight of epic proportions when those sent in to help are confronted with a force they’ve never seen before, and an evil that they didn’t know existed.”

To catch the movie via VOD, check out

Video: WWE Tout Teases Tension Between Brie and Nikki Bella

After scoring a tag team victory on Raw, Nikki Bella doesn’t appear to be basking in the glory of her win.

Alongside teammates Brie and Natalya, they appear in a video from the WWE’s official Tout account. In the Tout, Nikki asks Brie why she tagged in Natalya instead of her, insinuating that she could have gotten the win for their team just as easily.

Watch the Tout below:

Just as they did last week, Nikki’s remarks put Natalya and Brie in an awkward situation.

Are we seeing the beginnings of a Nikki heel turn, or are they just prepping us for the Bella twins friction taking place on this Sunday’s Total Divas?

Do you think Nikki will turn heel?

Diva Dirt Weekly for the Week Ending December 2nd, 2013

Each week following Raw, Diva Dirt Weekly will take a look back at the week preceding it, hitting every noteworthy event along the way, from Impact Wrestling to SmackDown to Raw.

Joining the audio will be team members Chris, Erin and our host Jake.

We cover the following events:

  • Impact (11/28/13): Lei’D Tapa defeats Velvet Sky. Will Tapa eventually turn against Gail? Will the Knockouts Division soon be back to its former glory?
  • Kaitlyn gets engaged. Does the desire to build families result in short careers for most women in wrestling?
  • Total Divas, Episode 12: “Get That Chingle Chingle”
  • Raw (12/2/13): Natalya, Brie and Nikki Bella defeat AJ Lee, Summer Rae and Tamina Snuka.
  • AJ vs. Natalya is announced for TLC. Will the match get a stipulation?

Listen below or download by right clicking here.

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Picture of the Day: Cameron Helps Naomi Celebrate a Funkalicious Birthday


Resident Funkadactyl Naomi celebrated her birthday this past Saturday, and what better way for her tag team partner Cameron to mark the occasion than with a very booty-ful birthday card?

Naomi posted the above picture of Cameron’s card on her Instagram account, captioning it “Thank you @arianeandrew for my card I love it! it’s so me”.

While known for her insane athleticism and exciting move set, Naomi is also known for her…impactful backside, so the card was more than appropriate for her.

What do you guys think? Is there a better way to say happy birthday to Naomi or has Cameron pretty much put us all to shame?