Saturday, September 21, 2024

Divas Championship Match Announced for WWE TLC

Tonight on the WWE App, SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero has used her power to book a Divas Championship match for the TLC Pay-Per-View: Divas Champion AJ Lee vs. Natalya.

Vickie has been having issues with AJ as of late, stemming from AJ’s victory over Vickie a few weeks ago on Raw.

As for Natalya, she scored a pin over AJ tonight on Raw, winning a Six-Diva Tag Team match for her team. She came up short in her last shot at the Divas Title, winning by DQ on an episode of WWE Main Event.

TLC takes place Sunday, December 15th on PPV.

Are you excited about this match?

Raw Response: December 2nd, 2013


Get your Monday night Divas fix by tuning in to Raw tonight on the USA Network at 8pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Lilian Garcia Auctioning Ring-Worn Outfits to Benefit Susan G. Komen


Longtime WWE ring announcer Lilian Garcia is teaming up with Closets For Causes to benefit Susan G. Komen.

Closets For Causes is a celebrity closet auctioneer “created to help raise awareness and funding for non-profit organizations through the auctioning of their pre-owned items”. Lilian has selected some pre-worn items of her own to auction off, with proceeds benefitting the breast cancer foundation.

These items will include clothing worn in the ring, on red carpets and during performances.

Lilian explained why she selected Susan G. Komen for her charity, saying, “Susan G. Komen is very dear to my heart because my mom is a breast cancer survivor. It is with great honor that I help educate women around the world about the importance of early screening. Early detection and early treatment are our best defense against this disease.”

The WWE has had a long partnership with Komen, having raised $1 million for the charity last year and this year making their pink merchandise selection available year round.

The auctions will start on Monday December 9th at 10am PT at

Closets For Causes has released a video of Lilian talking about the auctions:

Read the full press release below:


WWE host & recording artist Lilian Garcia has teamed up with Closets For Causes and her personal stylist, Ali Levine, to raise money for Susan G. Komen®.

“Susan G. Komen is very dear to my heart because my mom is a breast cancer survivor. It is with great honor that I help educate women around the world about the importance of early screening. Early detection and early treatment are our best defense against this disease. We WILL win the fight, we WILL rise above cancer!” says Lilian.

Susan G. Komen is the world’s largest breast cancer organization, funding more breast cancer research than any other nonprofit while providing real-time help to those facing the disease. Since its founding in 1982, Komen has funded more than $800 million in research and provided more than $1.6 billion in funding to screening, education, treatment and psychosocial support programs serving millions of people in more than 30 countries worldwide.

“Lilian’s efforts are a huge help in educating women about this disease and raising funds that will save lives,” said Director of Corporate Relations, Carrie Glasscock. “We’re grateful for Lilian’s support and hope that women and men will take action for themselves by learning about this disease and getting their recommended screenings.”

Susan G. Komen and WWE have a history of success in raising awareness for the fight against breast cancer. Last year, the WWE Universe raised $1 million for Komen during its month-long breast cancer awareness campaign. In addition, WWE has supported Komen through its “Make Mom Proud” campaign as well as participation in Race for the Cure® events throughout local communities.

The auction goes live Monday December 9th at 10am PST on

Report: Layla’s Absence Due to “Unknown Medical Issues”


Last week we reported that Layla, who had been absent from WWE television and social media for over a month, had not done so due to injury. Today, we’ve learned more details about her absence.

PWInsider (via Lords of Pain) reports that Layla was taken off the road due to “unknown medical issues”.

According to the report, this was something the WWE was aware of and gave her time to tend to.

It is unknown when Layla will return to WWE television, but the former Divas Champion reemerged on her social media accounts just last week.

Here’s hoping that these details leaking means she’s close to a return.

Video: Summer Rae’s WWE 2K14 Entrance and Finisher

Summer Rae fans will finally be able to play as the dancing Diva in WWE 2K14 tomorrow when her DLC pack goes on sale.

Today, 2K Sports debuted video showcasing Summer’s entrance and finisher. Though she enters to Fandango‘s theme, she does so in the style of her NXT character. Her finisher is a spinning heel kick.

Watch the video below:

The DLC pack that includes Summer (along with Brie and Nikki Bella) will be available for purchase tomorrow.

Watch do you think of Summer’s footage?

RELATED: Video: Brie and Nikki Bella’s WWE 2K14 Entrance and Finisher

Total Divas Redux: Episode 12, ‘Get That Chingle Chingle’


Believe me, I get OCD. I suffer from it every day of my life. I have all the pens at my desk arrange in certain order, in a special spot, reserved just for them. I have the items on my desk arranged in such a particular way I can tell when someone has been around my area and moved something, or “borrowed” it. I’m just a very particular, meticulous person. When it comes to things at work, my two co-workers put up with a lot. They’re not allowed to touch certain things because they know I will freak out over how they do it. Just today, I walked into work and found gold Christmas garland with stars on it, bought just for me, to use to decorate our office. I couldn’t deal with it, because number one, it was on my desk. And number two, gold didn’t go with the pink, white, and silver Christmas tree (with a splash of lime green for color) theme I’ve got going on.

My boss gave me the Nikki Bella look. He looked absolutely devastated that he went out of his way to bring me Christmas decorations and I basically crapped all over them because it didn’t fit the particular color scheme I’m going for. I felt bad, kind of. But at the same time, I can’t help who I am. I’m a John Cena.

That being said, my heart went out to Nikki last night. Bless this poor girl’s heart, she was doing everything she could to keep it together. All John did was nitpick everything and that would have destroyed a lesser woman’s confidence. I mean seriously, Cena is so bad with his OCD, he had no personal pictures, no food in his fridge, and had separate clothes hampers for gym clothes and good clothes. I’m shocked Nikki handled things as well as she did because she could have just snapped. I have so much respect for her patience and tolerance when it comes to her relationship and you can tell that she truly loves John, quirks and all.

The ending was so sweet between them. I love that he went out and bought her two gorgeous picture frames and some candles. Relationships are all about compromise and after having a little heart to heart with his bestie, John decided that he needed to do that. How can you not root for these two? They have so much to deal with and so many things to work past, that you just want to see them get that happy ending. I want to see Nikki get that happy ending.

Relationships were definitely the theme last night. Naomi (Trinity) and Jimmy Uso (Jon) definitely had their struggle. Naomi’s father is a musician, as we all know, and he decided that he was going to stay with his daughter while he was in town. Needless to say that Papa McCray overstayed his welcome in Jimmy’s soulful brown eyes and tension between Naomi and her man came to a head when Papa McCray’s band decided to have an after party at their apartment.

Despite the fact that he has to get up in the morning every day of his life, Jimmy was super annoyed at the partying that was going on. Naomi was having a blast, but once Jimmy stormed out, she was left in a depressed state. Naomi ended up having to kick her dad out of the apartment and we’re just going to assume that her and Jimmy were living happily ever after at the conclusion of the episode.

This left me so torn because I see both sides of the situation. I understand Naomi wanting to spend as much time with her father as she can, especially when she never sees him. It was so refreshing to see their bond and see what a healthy relationship they have. However, that apartment is a two person home and I did feel like she wasn’t being very respectful towards Jimmy. She came to realize that at the end, and that’s what matters. It was even nicer that her father understood, and this was probably my favorite part of the episode.

I guess if there’s something I didn’t really like about this week’s episode, it was the Cameron (Ariane) and Vincent bit. It was downright excruciating watching him try out for the WWE and I felt so bad for him. It was great television, don’t get me wrong, but bless his heart. Vinnie was clearly not cut out for the business, despite the fact Cameron pushed him to be, and his breakdown after NXT trainer Bill DeMott told him that he wasn’t cut out for wrestling was kind of sad. Cameron was very supportive after being kind of pushy and I love that she took him out to try and cheer him up. They are so cute and so fun, and I hope Vinnie’s dreams of opening up a hookah bar end up coming to fruition.

Fun episode tonight, I have to say. There wasn’t a lot of Brie Bella, Eva Marie and Natalya this week which made me super sad. There was also no JoJo this week, but we’ve come to expect that. Despite all that, there were still hidden gems this week so lets get that started, shall we?

Eva Marie and her future action come in this week at number five. There is just something so wrong about this, that it makes it so right. I laughed so hard when she said it needed to have big boobs so it would sell more, and the catty tension between her and Nattie gives me life. I hope we see these two get into it again and again and again… haha.

Hidden gem number four involves the phrases “chingle, chingle” and “stank face.” Do I really need to sit here and type out why these things are so random? I didn’t think so.

John’s face when he came home to find Nikki cooking him dinner comes in at number three today. This man literally looked like he was about to burst into tears over the fact that a super hot woman was standing in the kitchen, making him food. It got even better when she decided to clean up after himself and instead of getting turned on at the site of a hot woman cleaning the kitchen, all John could do was worry about whether or not she got water on the floor while washing dishes. I just could not even.

John and Nikki are both involved in the runner-up hidden gem of the week. Parking luxury cars that none of us regular people will ever be able to afford is apparently not Nikki’s fortay. She was driving John to an appointment for his injured arm and nearly ran over the parking bump (is that what you even call that thing?). These two are perfect.

Number one shouldn’t be any surprise to any of you. Cameron’s singing is definitely the best hidden gem of the week. What can I even? She also gets several honorable mentions for her outfits this week!

That wraps us up for this week. I already know that next week’s episode is going to break me so be prepared with tissues. I’ll likely end up frying my keyboard with the steady stream of tears from my eyes because I can not handle anything animal related.

Video: ‘Total Divas’ Episode 13 Preview Teases Bella Twins Tension and a Medical Emergency

Next Sunday’s episode of Total Divas will explore a range of emotions, from frustration to jealousy to sorrow.

We’ll witness the tension built up between Brie and Nikki Bella during Nikki’s time away from the ring, jealousy harbored by Jimmy Uso and the events that lead to the passing of Natalya‘s beloved cat Gismo.

Watch the official preview below:

Total Divas airs Sunday at 10pm ET on E!.

Video: ‘After Total Divas’ for Episode 12 Featuring Natalya

Last night’s episode of Total Divas has been given the After Total Divas treatment.

Renee Young and Alicia Fox break down everything that went down, from Cameron pushing Vinnie to get into wrestling to Nikki Bella dealing with John Cena‘s neat freak tendencies.

They also welcome special guest Natalya to talk about the rift she witnessed between Naomi and Jimmy Uso over Naomi’s father.

Watch the latest After Total Divas below:

What was your Soundbyte of the Week?

Total Divas Talk: Episode 12, ‘Get That Chingle Chingle’


Total Divas airs its twelfth episode tonight at 10pm ET on the E! Network.

Tonight’s episode is titled “Get That Chingle Chingle”.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Kaitlyn Talks Getting Engaged, Her Ring and Wedding Plans

Last week we learned that former Divas Champion Kaitlyn became engaged to bodybuilder PJ Braun, and now the Hybrid Diva has spoken to about the engagement.

The couple first met on the bodybuilding circuit, but didn’t start dating until recently. Kaitlyn told, “We didn’t start dating until this summer, which is funny because he lives in Florida and I was living in Florida for three years. I finally moved back home to Houston, and we started dating shortly after that. We lived a few hours from each other for three years!”

PJ popped the question on Tuesday at the Mohegan Sun Arena, a few days earlier than planned. Kaitlyn revealed, “He was planning on asking me today [Friday] while we were in New York City, but when he got to Connecticut, he lost the ring in the airport. So he sits me down in the big suite after SmackDown and we’re laughing and hanging out [with his family] and he’s telling me this ridiculous story about how he lost it and eventually found it. After that, he knew he had to ask me the very next time he saw me. I had no idea it was coming.”

Kaitlyn says the ring, which is an orange chocolate diamond, is perfect for her, saying, “I don’t like normal ‘girly’ things, and PJ knew I wouldn’t want a traditional diamond. He went through a lot to pick the ring out and make it perfect.”

Photo: Kaitlyn/Instagram
Photo: Kaitlyn/Instagram

On her wedding plans, Kaitlyn is planning on keeping it simple, saying, “I didn’t think I’d ever get married, so this is all new to me. I think I’m going to keep it really simple, because I detest over-the-top and spectacular weddings. And, of course, you know big WWE weddings always end in disaster, so we’ll try to avoid all of that.”

You can read the full article on

Vote for December’s Addition to the Diva Dirt Shop!


The Diva Dirt Shop is the way to get your women’s wrestling merchandise in the form of tees, tanks, totes, iPhone cases and more!

Every current Diva and Knockout have been given “Team” tees, but what about the former Divas and Knockouts? Well, that’s where you come in.

Monthly, we will post a poll allowing you to vote in the next alumni to join the Diva Dirt Shop. This poll will run until 8pm ET tonight, when the winning shirt will appear in the shop.

It’s a short time frame, so be sure to tweet your pick to encourage others to vote in your favorite:

You’ve got hours to rally fellow fans to the cause! Vote below and share now!

View previous polls below:

September 2013 | October 2013 | November 2013

OVW Watch (November 27th, 2013): Lei’D Tapa Issues a Challenge to The Bodyguy


This week on OVW, Lei’D Tapa has seen enough of The Bodyguy demeaning the women of OVW, and challenges him to a match.

Bodyguy accepts on the condition that their match happens at the Saturday Night Special with the OVW Women’s Title on the line.

Watch the segment below:

What did you think of this week’s OVW?

Video: AJ Lee and Tamina Try to Crash Vickie Guerrero’s Thanksgiving Celebration

Last night’s SmackDown didn’t feature any in-ring action for the Divas, but a number of them were present for SmackDown GM Vickie Guerrero‘s Thanksgiving leftover party.

Aksana, Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, Rosa Mendes and Summer Rae were all there to witness an eating contest between Titus O’Neil and The Great Khali.

Divas Champion AJ Lee, still steaming over Vickie booking her in a Handicap match last week, tries to crash the party with Tamina Snuka. Vickie threatens to start a food fight – all of the partygoers vs. them – if they don’t leave, so AJ is quick to change her mind.

Watch the video below:

Picture of the Day: Eva Marie and the Gobbledy Gooker Share Hair Care Tips


Thanksgiving (in America at least) may be winding down, but the festivities haven’t quite let up just yet.

The Gobbledy Gooker is pretty much to the WWE’s Thanksgiving what Santa Clause is to Christmas. In fact, Diva fans will even recall a certain French-Canadian making her grand return a few years ago dressed up in the large bird costume.

Why is this relevant to today, you ask? Why, look no further than the fact that Total Divas star Eva Marie has a certain hair color in common with the large birdlike creature. Not only that, but it appears the two have gotten chummy while in the midst of a photoshoot.

Eva posted the above photo on her Instagram account, which was a snapshot from the WWE App.

Could a new rivalry be brewing between these two fiery redheads? I mean, with all we’ve seen over the years, feuding over a hair color certainly wouldn’t be the worst story idea, right?

SmackDown Reaction: November 29th, 2013


Tune in to SmackDown tonight at 8pm ET on SyFy.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Impact Write Up (November 28th, 2013): Gail Has Her Pie and Eats it Too


Good evening, afternoon or morning, Knockouts fans! Whichever time zone you’re in, hello. To the Americans among you, Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you’re stuffed full of turkey, even today!

So this week we see Velvet Sky go one on one with the very intimidating Lei’D Tapa. Like, you might not agree with her being intimidating but none of you would feel particularly confident if you were facing her, and you’d just annoyed her. So there’s that. There’s also the continuation of #HeelDixie, which by now you should know the Diva Dirt Family is thankful for this year. Plus we’ll see the fallout of Brooke costing Bully Ray his match last week, and thereby being responsible for them having to disband.

Dixie Carter is starting the show. Things have been going amazingly for Dixie lately, according to Dixie. She’s been crazy busy, so she decided to hire herself a Chief of Staff. Who could it be? She’s been interviewing people for weeks, trying to find the right person. In the end, only one person had the very special attribute that Dixie was looking for. Turns out the attribute was that they had to be British, because the British know how to treat royalty. Cheers, Dixie! The accent is really stinkin’ cute, too. (Just by the by, not every British person has the same accent. Diva Dirt’s Jack and I could not sound more different and we’re both humble Brits! But this isn’t the place.)

The new Chief of Staff is: Rockstar Spud! The incredibly orange winner of British Bootcamp.

He tells Dixie, now that he’s in the US, she’s his queen. Oh yes. She’s thrilled.

But back to business. We’re down to the last four men in the world heavyweight championship tournament, one of whom is my love Jeff Hardy. The #WheelOfDixie was spun earlier today. I’m enjoying the way Dixie is walking the line of heel and tweener here, because while her character is not one the crowd like, she makes tables and last man standings matches between their faves, which they cheer for. Interesting. I like it.

Dixie’s talking about a game from one of her family’s ‘many’ companies. They play every year to help motivate their workers. They take the company, split the staff in half and make them compete against each other. So… wrestling, then. Oh no, it’s called Winner Winner, Turkey Dinner! Dixie hath decreed that whomever wins their matches shall be treated to a feast fit for a king. Splendid. And what of the losers? Well, it’s another of Dixie’s infamous one liners.

“They get nothing, because they’re losers!”

Dixie is trying to earn the thankfulness of her employees, who are unlike AJ Styles in that he has never shown her an ounce of thankfulness in his entire life. But enough about him. She brought him up but that’s enough about him. Dixie introduces her nephew, Ethan Carter III! Together, they say that ‘they’re the Carters, and the world needs them’. Lovely. Just lovely. Dixie heads out of the ring for her nephew to carry on with a match.

Moving on, Velvet Sky heads out for her match against the fearsome Lei’D Tapa. Out second is Tapa, accompanied by Knockouts champion, and her assosciate, Gail Kim.

The ladies lock up in the centre of the ring but Tapa throws Velvet back easily. Velvet isn’t having that and, showing a lot of heart, runs right back to Tapa for another lock up. Tapa makes quick work of her once again and throws her back, this time knocking Velvet off her feet. That is one powerful woman. But Velvet is a tough chick, and she’s quick. She dodges an attack by Tapa and delivers some quick kicks to Tapa’s legs. Good strategy; if she can knock her down, she can beat her. Velvet makes a mistake by going for a headlock. Tapa picks her up and drives her into the turnbuckle with a smash. It knocks the wind out of Velvet.

Tapa goes in for the kill but Velvet manages to get out of the way. Tapa hits the turnbuckle and Velvet jumps on her back, going for what appears to be a sleeper hold. Again, good tactics. Velvet may be outmatched but she knows how to play it. Tapa whips her over her head and back to the mat. Tapa lines up Gail for a big boot in the corner, but Velvet’s quickness comes into play and she’s well out of the way. Tapa gets hung on the ropes, giving Velvet an ample opportunity to get in some big kicks to her mid section and legs. Velvet is mounting an offense and runs the ropes, but Gail trips her from the outside – and in view of the referee! He’s not having that!

Gail is out of there!


Tapa’s got the ref backed into a corner, distracted by her friend getting sent away. She doesn’t look happy. Velvet looks for a surprise attack but Tapa sniffs it out and nails Velvet with a shoulder block. Tapa is just dominating Velvet right now. She whips her into the corner and Tapa nails her again. Tapa drags Velvet up by her throat and sets up a choke, but Velvet fights out with some knees to the gut and a jawbreaker. Velvet with the kicks to the legs again, then the mid section and then the gut. She seems to be taking Tapa by surprise, and tries to run the ropes again but Tapa sends her to sleep with a massive big boot to the face!

She finishes it with the TKO and a three count. Tapa proves herself the dominant force in the Knockouts division right now. I look forward to her and Gail Kim’s inevitable collision, whenever that may be. I really enjoyed that match. It put over both ladies really well. Tapa was dominant and picked up the win, which she should have, and Velvet looked confident and resourceful and was painted as a fighter. It was great. She kept going right ’til the end. Solid effort by both.

Following an AJ Styles promo, we cut to Dixie backstage in the production booth and she’s not happy. She has some choice words for AJ Styles. She gave him that belt. It’s her intellectual property, not his. There are two things he doesn’t know about her.

“One, I have a lot of shoes.”

Dixie, never stop. ILY.

“Two, I have even more lawyers.”

She plans to use them to shut AJ down. He has one week to return the world heavyweight championship title to her. As of last night, AJ is on notice. Bam.

Dixie is backstage once again, checking in on Rockstar Spud (who I’ll now be calling Rock) and his turkey table for winners. Now that is something I never thought I’d say. Ethan pops in to be rude about the spread, saying the British don’t know anything about good food. Excuse you, Derrick Bateman. I suggest you cork it. Dixie says not to worry, she has a gourmet meal waiting on a private jet to take them to the family ranch. Dixie leaves Rock in charge of the meal, saying he must make it festive. She’ll want a full report after the show. What could go wrong?

Rock invites all the winners out for their meal. Chris Sabin brings Velvet Sky with him, so she gets some turkey despite losing her match. Also in attendance are Lei’D Tapa and Gail Kim, who wasn’t even in a match but never mind. Gail sits down in what should be Tapa’s place at the table. How rude. Bobby Roode has a problem with Velvet being at the table, and he’s not too polite about it. Sabin slams his fist in anger onto his plate, preluding one of my favourite bits of the night.

‘Bobby!’ *insert dramatic pause* ‘You are absolutely right, sorry Toots.’

Oh dear. But don’t worry Vel, he’s going to bring you a doggy bag!

Bobby offers the microphone around so they can tell us what they’re all thankful for. Gail – who shouldn’t be there because she didn’t even compete but I guess she’s champ so it’s okay – takes the mic next and says she’s thankful for Lei’D Tapa, for being so dominant. She’s also thankful for being the prettiest, most dominant knockout in the history of the company. Oh, and her family too.

Chris is thankful for many things, including but not limited to Velvet Sky. Whose name he may or may not have forgotten…

So everything appears to be going swimmingly, but Kurt Angle decides it’s time to interrupt the festivities. He brings out his own load of wrestlers, including Velvet Sky AND ODB! Lovely! Needless to say, things get a bit out of hand. Food is thrown, hair is pulled, dinner is ruined… you get the picture! Velvet goes right for Gail, and while Tapa is busy with ODB, she gives Gail a pie to the face. Brilliant! The good guys are left standing tall. Isn’t it always the way?

I enjoyed this edition. I liked the match, LOVED Dixie. My only gripe is that we didn’t get to see Brooke. I only hope that she doesn’t fade back into obscurity, and that the situation gets rectified one way or another. I’d be happy for Brooke and Bully to stick together – she’d still get main event exposure. Fingers crossed.

From me to you, I hope you had a very happy Thanksgiving!

Video: Alicia Fox Reveals the One Thing She’d Bring Back to WWE

In the latest edition of WWE Inbox on WWE’s official Youtube channel, Superstars and Divas alike were asked what one thing they would like to bring back to the WWE if they could.

On Alicia Fox‘s wishlist? The Women’s Championship.

“It would be the Women’s Championship”, said Alicia. “So we could have two titles!”

We hope you’re listening WWE!

In addition the the former question, they were also asked who they would like to team with from the current crop of WWE talent. Both Alicia Fox and Summer Rae said Dolph Ziggler! Dolph’s answer? Summer Rae.

That’s got to burn for both Alicia and Fandango!

You can view the video, which features interaction between Summer and Dolph, below:

What Diva or Diva-related thing would you choose to bring back to WWE?

NXT Redux (November 27th, 2013): Tensions Flare in a Week of Backstage Clashes


What’s up Diva fans and welcome to this week’s NXT Redux! In a week in which no matches took place, I knew NXT was still going to deliver, and I wasn’t wrong! What it did deliver though, was well, a little confusing to say the least. I don’t want to waffle on on this special Thanksgiving as clearly, everyone is wanting to read this quickly and tuck right back into the food. So without further ado, let’s check out this week’s goodies to be thankful for!

The first backstage segment of the night sees a stunning Devin Taylor interview the leader of the Emmalution, Emma. Emma says that she was beaten up by the BFFs backstage so she’s medically unable to compete.


Since when did WWE become a soap opera and have scenes take place off camera? I’m not here for that. Anyway, Paige walks into view and says that Emma is just making excuses and delaying their match for the NXT Women’s Championship. Emma declares that all the miscues between them were just accidents and that she does not like Paige’s tone! Emma makes Paige flinch with her praying mantis dance moves before crunking off into the background. I’m holding my tongue on what I thought of this until I uncover more evidence.

What’s that I spot? More evidence! The next backstage segment features the epic Paige once again. She is first seen using her phone, Snapchatting a photo of herself to me before Natalya ruins our moment and makes her presence felt. Nattie says that she felt that Paige was really rude to her in the locker room and didn’t deserve to be treated like that.

HOLD ON A MINUTE????!!!!!!

Did I miss something? I thought I skipped through a Tyler Breeze vs. Kassius Ohno match no-one cares about considering the latter has been released? I scrambled through the show again and I had missed nothing. Why are WWE throwing random bits of unexplained storyline at us this week? Back to the segment, Paige says that Natalya is “Miss Hollywood” now with a “new group of friends”. A list of logical things wrong with this segment:

1. Why is Nattie in the NXT locker room anyway? She’s a main roster Diva.
2. Why is Paige annoyed at Natalya having so-called “new friends”? Since when have they been major chums?
3. Why is my beloved Paige acting like a heel?

Paige continues her verbal assault on Natalya, saying she cares more about reality TV than the Divas Title.

HOLD ON A MINUTE???????????????!!!!!!!!!!!

Have you been under a rock for the last eternity Paige? All Nattie has done as of late is cry a pool as big as the Great Barrier Reef because she lost to AJ Lee. What is up this week?! Like the true champion she is, Paige declares that she’ll take Tal on for the belt. Natalya says she will happily take the chip from Paige’s shoulder and the title from her waist. Paige retaliates by telling Nat that she’ll show her where her roots are. Now those were two epic lines to finish on.

Our final backstage moment comes later in the show when the BFFs are using what seems to be a Hot or Not app and they’re bitching about the guys they see on the phone. Or they’re looking at phones with blank screens. Summer Rae notices someone is coming so Charlotte quickly scurries out of sight.

HOLD ON A MINUTE?????????????????????????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why do people always enter the shot from the left and leave to the right? How did Bayley not see Charlotte leave the room? Why are all the Divas and male Superstars too congregating in this office and not the locker room, canteen or corridor? And where is JBL to sort all of this nonsense out and tell people to get out of his blooming office?!

Bayley enters the mix and says she wants to speak to Charlotte right now. Summer says that Charlotte wants nothing to do with Bayley and she rubs more salt into Bayley’s wounds by saying that her only other so-called friends Emma and Paige hate each other, and they are “‘sorry’ about that”! Bayley won’t take no for an answer so Summer gets all fierce on her arse and tells her to go and eat some donuts in her cat t-shirt. Simple yet hilarious! Bayley responds by making a tag match between her and a friend against Summer and Sasha.


Just kidding. Since when does Bayley have match-making authority? Or did she follow the new trend and speak to JBL off camera? Either way, Bayley is ready to bring the fight, and she’s got back-up.

Thoughts: Before I get into how bamboozled I am about what went on this week, let’s talk about how stunning Devin Taylor looked and how well she performed in her backstage role. Devin has prior journalism experience so it makes perfect sense for her to begin as a backstage announcer before transitioning to the ring. She looked fantastic and was solid in her role this week. Great job Devin!

The Paige and Emma argument really confused me. Why Paige is still going on about Emma accidentally hitting her is just beyond me. I can only explain it by saying that they plan on turning her heel as being this pent up about something so minor is petty and not expected of a babyface character, even one like Paige’s who is passionate and full of angst.

Why is Emma being written out of matches too? It would have taken 30 seconds to show her being beat up backstage by the BFFs so I don’t understand why WWE went all lazy on us and didn’t film the beatdown. NXT’s storylines always go at a snail’s pace due to the show only being an hour, yet the backstage segments are always what tie together the loose ends of stories and keep them refreshing for weeks on end. The reasoning behind Emma’s injuries lack that refreshment for me. It seems like they are holding off on Paige vs Emma to allow Bayley vs Charlotte to grow, which I’m totally fine with, yet they could have handled the explanation a little better.

Paige continued to flabbergast me in her backstage segment with Natalya. Why was she portrayed in such a moody, unlikable and bratty fashion? I am the biggest Paige fan under the sun and I very much enjoyed her heel-like behavior yet it came across as unnatural to me at this stage in her storyline and made no sense to me considering how her character has been behaving over the last few months. Although she’s always been aggressive, she’s came across looking noble. This week, she definitely didn’t. Whilst not bad if she was a heel, she’s not meant to be right now.

Natalya was hit and miss for me. She made a great comparison between her and Paige’s backgrounds and I love her dialogue about Paige not knowing what battle to fight yet other than that, she came across as again, a busybody that you would love to hate and enjoy booing as a heel character. Being a goody two shoes is annoying and I don’t want to get annoyed by a face character. I love your in-ring work Natalya yet your face character needs to woman up and to quote Lily Allen: “Forget your balls and grow a pair of t**s.”

My favorite segment of the night by far was Bayley’s encounter with the BFFs. Although I thought the hot or not part was a little childish, I really enjoyed the rest of it. Although Summer’s lines were very simple, her delivery was as usual, spot on and she delivered big time. Sasha‘s facial expressions were great yet she was overshadowed by both Charlotte and Summer. Charlotte needed to speak more at the start as it was her first time being seen with the BFFs and the fact she was leaving the segment quickly yet Sasha clearly could have spoken to Bayley first before Summer went down on her like a ton of bricks.

Finally, Renee Young, the bits I heard from you on commentary were very witty and entertaining. Another positive of Devin’s arrival means that she can grow on the mic and Renee can stay at the announce booth – woohoo!

All-in-all, NXT was good yet logically, not great. However, whether it be for the right reasons or all the wrong ones, NXT got me thinking and got me ranting talking so that is surely a positive. I may eat my hat in a few weeks when all of these new story archs begin to unfold so whilst I’m confused as to where everything is headed right now, we’ve got to be patient and have a little faith in WWE. NXT is normally the ‘A’ show and if this was the one-off week that is needed to guarantee strong showings for the next few weeks, then I’m happy with that.

I think I now have a migraine. So many rhetorical questions!

And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

PS: It’s a little late in the day, but Happy Thanksgiving to all of the American Diva Dirt readers. I hope you’ve had the best day celebrating with family and friends!

Impact Wrestling Feedback: November 28th, 2013


Get your weekly dose of Knockouts action on tonight’s Impact Wrestling. Tune in to Spike TV at the start time of 9pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 28th; Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 28th & December 5th

Photo: ‘Total Divas’ Star Embarking on a Music Career?


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Is one half of the Funkadactyls thinking of swapping dancing for singing?

That could well be the case, as Naomi has recently been photographed in a recording studio.

Naomi’s fiancé Jimmy Uso posted the following image on his Instagram account with the caption, “Late night session with @trinitymccray …..can’t wait till y’all hear this!!!”

Following on from Jimmy’s Instagram post, Naomi took to the social media site herself to post another shot of her in the studio.

It’s not the first time Naomi has been laying down some tracks in the studio. On Total Divas, Naomi and JoJo recorded a new version of Planet Funk’s theme song, “Somebody Call My Momma”.

Watch Naomi and JoJo record the track below:

Would you like to see Naomi take on a music career?

Diva Dirt TV for November 28th, 2013: The Thanksgiving Special

Hosted as always by Jake, Diva Dirt TV wraps up the week in women’s wrestling by naming the best moments of the week as “Match of the Week”, “Tweet of the Week”, “Story of the Week” and more.

On this week’s episode: It’s the Thanksgiving special! Jake tells you what team Diva Dirt is thankful for this year.

Watch the show below:

Subscribe to our channel on YouTube to get each episode before anyone else!

Jim Ross Has High Praise for Renee Young


jim renee

WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross has updated this week’s Q&A on his official website with additional questions, one of which asks if he was surprised by how good Renee Young has become since arriving in WWE.

In his response, Jim did nothing but praise the Canadian broadcaster. He said, “Renee has plenty of talent and should continue to do well in WWE as I see her role expanding and then see other opportunities coming her way.”

If Jim is impressed with Renee, she’s definitely doing something right!

Before joining WWE, Renee co-presented Aftermath, a wrestling discussion show alongside Arda Ocal for The Score network in Canada. She was then signed by WWE in October of 2012 before debuting on WWE programming in February of this year.

Since starting out as just a backstage interviewer, Renee has also transitioned into a commentator on NXT and has recently started conducting in-ring face-to-face interviews with the likes of CM Punk and Daniel Bryan.

What do you think of Renee’s progress?

Video: Alicia Fox and Eva Marie Volunteer for the Greater Boston Food Bank


Just in time for Thanksgiving, WWE Divas Alicia Fox and Eva Marie joined Superstar Ryback to help pack food for the Greater Boston Food Bank.

While in town for Survivor Series, the group helped prepare boxes of food for those in need.

Eva Marie spoke to the WWE cameras about the experience, saying that it’s one she’ll never forget.

Watch the video below:

Brooke Talks Working as a Heel, the Knockout She’s Learned the Most From


Former Knockouts Champion Brooke recently took part in an interview with the v2 Wrestling Podcast and discussed working as a heel character, her TNA Knockouts Title win and who she believes has helped her the most in developing her craft.

Addressing who she feels she has learned the most from, Brooke said, “Gail Kim. She is phenomenal. I would have never had my run last year if it wasn’t for her. I pick her brain, I annoy her and just being in the ring with her has helped guide me.”

Brooke also discussed if she ever saw herself ever playing a heel and if she is enjoying it.

“I think it’s just more rewarding to get out there and feel the hate from the crowd that means you’re doing your job. It’s so much more fun to be over the top and annoying and mean, and to play dirty.”

Another topic of conversation was her first Knockouts Championship win. Regarding the historic moment, Brooke said, “It was something I never saw coming. I never thought I’d be good enough to hold the title and be looked at as the champion of this company… I’ll always remember that, and I remember that feeling of, ‘Now I’m finally somebody, now I’ve made a point that I’m not just some dancing chick.'”

Brooke also talks about fighting a norovirus that kept her out of action, her motivation to apply for the WWE Diva Search and if she was shocked at how physical the business can be.

Check out the entire interview on the v2 Wrestling website.

Jim Ross Comments on AJ Lee vs. ‘Total Divas’


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WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross recently had harsh words regarding the Divas division.

In his weekly column on his website, Jim was asked if, since AJ Lee gets a better reaction than any of the Total Divas, shouldn’t she be the one we’re meant to be rooting for against the cast of Total Divas?

JR’s response? “I don’t know. Does it really matter?”

Jim’s answer can be interpreted in a number of ways. It could be understood that Jim simply feels that regardless of fan reaction, WWE should utilize it’s women in any way that they choose.

On the other hand, due to the uninspired booking as of late, could it be that just like some of the fan community, JR just cannot get invested in the current product?

Jim was also asked for his favorite Divas match of all time. He replied, “There’s no way that I can pick one. I’ve seen many.”

Judging by his response to the latter question, it’s clear that JR is a fan of the Divas, but perhaps not the current direction of the division.

What do you make of JR’s comments? Catches Up With Tara

tara’s latest addition to its “Where Are They Now?” feature spotlights former WWE Women’s and TNA Knockouts Champion Tara aka Lisa Marie Varon.

Varon talks about a plethora of topics, including training for her WWE tryout, working with Steven Richards and the moment that changed her life: a chance meeting with a former WWE Intercontinental Champion at a health club.

“I ran into Chyna at a health club. I told her I was friends with Torrie Wilson and Trish Stratus. She said I had a good look and asked if I had ever thought about [getting into wrestling].”

Immediately following her surprise encounter with the Ninth Wonder of the World, Lisa reminisces on how she put together a tape of her fitness competition material and news segments that she had appeared in. Following a call from WWE and high praise from Jim Ross, she began to learn to wrestle at UPW before attending a WWE tryout.

“I called them and said, ‘I have 28 days to learn how to wrestle, can I come visit your facility?’ Of course, you can’t learn how to wrestle in 28 days.”

One of Lisa’s most popular on-screen relationships is her partnership with Steven Richards. Lisa recalled the connection her and Richards had, saying, “Oh my gosh, we had total chemistry. I remember one time, I got so into it that I licked his face and bit his ear. People were like, ‘Whoa, what was that?’ I didn’t know. Once my music hits, Lisa doesn’t exist, I’m Victoria.”

Lisa also discusses her working in OVW, training with Finlay and her current work at her restaurant, The Squared Circle.

You can check out the entire interview on