Saturday, September 21, 2024

Survivor Series Rewind: Team Mickie vs. Team Beth (2007)


Leading up to Survivor Series tomorrow night, we’re looking back at memorable Diva moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re looking to 2007, when Mickie James, Kelly Kelly, Maria, Michelle McCool and Torrie Wilson took on Beth Phoenix, Jillian Hall, Layla, Melina and Victoria.

Watch the match below:

What are your memories of this moment?

OVW Watch (November 20th, 2013): Jessie Belle & Lovely Lylah vs. The Bodyguy


Welcome to this week’s OVW Watch! After throwing down the gauntlet last week, Lovely Lylah and Jessie Belle are taking on The Bodyguy in a Handicap match.

Watch the match below:

What did you think of this week’s OVW?

Survivor Series Rewind: Team Moolah vs. Team Sherri (1987)


Leading up to Survivor Series tomorrow night, we’re looking back at memorable Diva moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re looking to the very first Survivor Series, when The Fabulous Moolah led Rockin’ Robin, Velvet McIntyre, Itsuki Yamazaki and Noriyo Tateno against Sensational Sherri, Leilani Kai, Judy Martin, Donna Christanello and Dawn Marie Johnston.

Watch the match below:

What are your memories of this moment?

Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 28th & December 5th, 2013


Below are spoilers for the next two weeks of Impact Wrestling, taped last night. More will be taped tonight.


Airing November 28th:
* Backstage segment with BroMans, Zema Ion, Eric Young and ODB. There will be a tag match against Dewey Barnes and Norv Fernum in turkey suits.

* Eric Young and ODB come to the ring with turkey suits. Zema Ion comes out next with his own DJ turntables and introduces BroMans. BroMans end up beating Barnes and Fernum. After the match, Fernum and Barnes dance around in turkey suits with ODB and EY.

* Everyone who has won a match comes out for the “Winner Winner Turkey Dinner” segment. Everyone talks about what they’re thankful for until Bobby Roode starts ripping Kurt Angle. Angle comes out and Roode challenges him to enter the ring for a beatdown. Angle ends up coming to the ring with ODB, Eric Young, Gunner, James Storm and Velvet Sky. Impact ends with a huge food fight.

Airing December 5th:
* Gail Kim defeated women’s wrestler Cherry Bomb in another open challenge match. ODB made the save after the match.

(Source 1, Source 2)

RELATED: Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 28th, 2013

Picture of the Day: A Former Women’s Champ Meets a Current Women’s Champ


Hey, we didn’t say they held the same title..

Mickie James, fresh off her run in TNA, has been quite a buzzy name over the past few weeks. Of course, this is attributed to the fact that she spent some time training NXT Divas down at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida.

We’ve seen pictures of her with various Divas, including a former POTD in which she and Emma executed the Aussie Diva’s infamous dance, but today it’s the NXT Women’s Champ’s turn to pose next to the decorated James.

Paige posted the photo on her Twitter account, tweeting:

Of course, we cannot go without asking something. Paige vs. Mickie James – who wants it as bad as we do?

SmackDown Reaction: November 22nd, 2013


There’s Divas action on tonight’s SmackDown, so tune in at 8pm ET on SyFy.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: SmackDown Spoilers: November 22nd, 2013

Video: Survivor Series Elimination Match Simulated in WWE 2K14

The WWE has again simulated an upcoming Pay-Per-View match in WWE 2K14, this time taking on the seven-on-seven Elimination Tag Team match set to take place at this Sunday’s Survivor Series.

Given the limitations of the game’s Diva roster, the simulation whiddles down the numbers, featuring just Brie Bella and Natalya taking on AJ Lee and Kaitlyn (Chickbuster’s reunion!) in an Elimination Tag Team match.

Brie first eliminates AJ, and Kaitlyn eliminates Brie soon after.

It all comes down to Natalya and Kaitlyn, and the third generation Diva eventually gets the win, pinning Kaitlyn after hitting a sit out bodyslam.

Watch the simulation below:

Do you think team Total Divas will win at Survivor Series?

Impact Write-Up (November 21st, 2013): Gail Makes it Quick and Brooke Makes a Big Mistake


Welcome, welcome Knockout fans! This week we get round two of Knockout champ Gail Kim‘s open challenge. After last week’s losing effort by Hannah Blossom, we’re left to wonder who – if anyone – will be able to knock Gail off her pedestal. We also got more of #HeelDixie to tide us over, which is where the action kicked off last night. So shall we head on over to Turning Point?

Dixie finds Samoa Joe backstage, who looks like he’s aged roughly ten years since last week. Seriously. Wow. Dixie asks how he is, though I’m sure she’s doesn’t care. She tells him she watched last week’s show – precisely, her segments – over and over again, and she asks if he knows why. Duh, it’s so she can be the best she can be, and give her fans what they want!

“While my performance was outstanding, Joe, yours was not.”

Dixie gets better and better every week.

“Let me give you a little warning.”

She’s so cutesy..

“If you ever take that tone with me again, you’ll find yourself like your little buddy AJ…”

…but she can turn sour in a second.

She asks if he understands. He does. She says he can forget any ideas he has about a unification match with AJ Styles, because AJ will never be back in TNA and Joe is lucky to be there. Dixie knows the people would rather see her first, before him, so she tells him to keep on warming up for his little match and ditches him…

..and she heads right out to the ring. She knows the people are just so excited to have her back in Orlando. She has to say a very special thank you to Sports Illustrated, who launched a massive article on her entitled Dixieland. Awesome.

But right now she has to publicly address AJ Styles. She says the people are upset with him for being so ugly to her. Look what’s happened to him since he decided to forego #TeamDixie. She has no pity for him, wrestling in ‘third, world countries’ for minimum wage. That’s right, zero pity from Dixie. She feels disdain – which she clarifies means ‘ticked off’ in trailer talk – because he has taken her intellectual property illegally. He has misrepresented it around the world, and it stops today. Dixie has lawyers everywhere, ready to shut him down. AJ better prepare himself for the consequences that are coming his way, but coming Dixie’s way is Cowboy James Storm.

He wants a Florida Death Match after being attacked by Bobby Roode the previous evening, but Dixie isn’t interested. His bar room escapades are on his time, not hers. The #WheelofDixie (I’m gonna have to stop with the hashtags) has spun and spoken. She can’t change it now and she won’t. The Cowboy gets himself worked up, threatening to have Roode arrested and therefore negating the tournament, and Dixie warns him not to take that tone with her. The crowd is behind Storm, and Dixie can barely get a word in. He’s trying to back her into a corner publicly. Nuh uh, buddy.

He changes his tone, asking politely, and promises to make the cops go away if she grants him this match. He called her ma’am and darlin’ and everything. Dixie agrees. As long as he calls the cops and tells them everything is a-okay, nay, perfect on her show.

(Sidenote: Magnus advanced in the tournament over Samoa Joe and I am allll smiles about that. Now all I need to Jeff Hardy on my screen and I’ll be content. Anyway…)

We cut back to the ring, where the Knockouts champion Gail Kim and her lady in waiting, Lei’D Tapa await the arrival of Gail’s next opponent. Who will answer the challenge this week?

It’s… Candice LaRae!

Candice comes in, fists a’flying! She takes it to the champ, who’s quite obviously caught off guard. Candice is on fire. But Gail turns it all around in an instant with a huge clothesline, flooring her opponent. Gail on the offense with a kick to the gut. She follows up by driving Candice head first into the turnbuckle, then nailing a dropkick. Gail gets an early two count. Gail with some right hands and an irish whip, but Candice reverses into a lovely head scissors. Candice with a pin attempt and a count of two.

Candice in control again with some shots to the face, and then an attempted clothesline in the corner. Gail dodges and the ladies trade blows in the middle of the ring. Candice sets up for the Frankensteiner, but Gail turns it into a big powerbomb. Candice kicks out at two. Somehow. Props to the girl.

And there’s the Eat Defeat. Gail gets the win, making quick work of her second challenger. I would like to see Candice and Gail square off again; they had some good chemistry going, despite a few slips. Definitely something for the future, I hope.

Next up we get a rare glimpse of Christy Hemme away from the microphone. Always nice to see her! She’s at the home of up and comer Samuel Shaw, and they have a nice little chat about his home life and the things he likes, and how he came into wrestling. He was an artist. And after filming ends, lookie here: Samuel asks Christy out and she says yes, giving him her number. Another on screen romance to come? Hopefully! Any Christy is good Christy!

Bully Ray is ready for interview and Brooke decides she should be the one to interview her hubby. Awesome. She asks him to tell the whole world what he has in store tonight for Ken Anderson. It’s brief, but there’s more Brooke to come. Stay tuned!

We’re shown Kurt Angle and Bobby Roode arguing backstage, and Dixie Carter pops up to quell the tension.

‘Lord would you pay attention to me, please?’

They both swing their noggins Dixie’s way. She reminds them that next week is Thanksgiving. It’s a day of traditions, such as family, turkey and Impact Wrestling. She congratulates them on reaching the final four of the world title tournament – ‘Pay attention to me!’ – but she knows they don’t get along so she’s going to fix that next week. It’s going to be the Dixie Carter Special Thanksgiving Edition of Impact. She wants them to know her how thankful they are to her, and bring her a great main event next week.

And here comes Brooke again. She’s accompanying her boo to ringside for his match against Anderson. It’s winner take all: Club vs. Career. Things get heavy and fast. Around 19:50, Bully’s on the outside with Anderson in pursuit and Bully – ever the gentleman – uses Brooke as a shield while he recovers. Anderson, being an actual gentleman, refuses to strike so Bully takes the fight to him. He shoves his lady love into his opponent, and then lands a right hand that takes out not only Anderson, but Brooke too! Bully helps Brooke to her feet, then sets on Anderson again.

Skip ahead to 27:40 and Bully orders Brooke backstage. She runs off for an unknown purpose. Tazz hands a hammer to Brooke, who hightails it back to ringside to deliver it to her man. But she throws it too far! It lands right in the hands of Ken Anderson, who clocks Bully Ray over the head with it and lands the three count. Brooke can’t believe it!

Thoughts: I’m looking forward to how the now disbanded Aces & Eights storyline will affect Brooke, whether or not she and Bully will stick together or if she’ll turn face again due to his blaming her for it. If yes, I can see her challenging Gail for the title somewhere along the line.

As for the match, I enjoyed it. As I said, I thought Gail and Candice had some good chemistry – aside from the fumbles, which I put down to Candice being nervous. I would like to see them go at it again sometime. Considering the lack of depth to the Knockouts roster right now, they could do with bringing in some fresh blood. I still think Lei’D Tapa will be the one to dethrone Gail. Where else could it be going?

Until next time, bon nuit!

Another NXT Promo Class Leaked: “Vince’s Angels”, Leah Van Damme, Sarah Backman and More


Last September’s leak of an NXT promo class gave fans a chance to see up-and-coming Superstars and Divas test out characters and work on their promo skills. Today, it’s happened again.

Divas were all over the leaked promos: new signees Ashley Sebera, Leah Van Damme and Sarah Backman get their first shot in front of the camera, while Bayley, Becky Lynch, Charlotte, Devin Taylor and Veronica Lane add some finesse to their characters.

Ashley appears in a vignette with Veronica Lane, playing a two-faced character that fools beauty queen Veronica into thinking she’s her lap dog.

Sarah introduces herself via promo, detailing her past as a champion arm wrestler and promising that she will be just as successful at wrestling. Sarah, who is Swedish, appears to be working to perfect her English.

Leah Van Damme, Devin Taylor and Veronica Lane team up to play “Vince’s Angels”, a babyface team of Divas who answer to Vince McMahon and are primed to take down the BFFs (Charlotte, Sasha Banks and Summer Rae).

Becky continues her limerick gimmick, cutting a standard “I’m better than the rest” promo, but rhyming the whole way through.

Charlotte shows up three times, first cutting a heel promo that addresses Stephanie McMahon. She claims that Stephanie should know that she’s “best for business”, having been born into stardom and being the best female athlete the WWE’s ever seen.

She also appears alongside Sawyer Fulton, dumping him and then trying to use him to get back her stolen purse. In the third promo, she is being accosted by Travis Tyler and Cal Bishop when suddenly a masked man (Sawyer) saves her. Charlotte, unaware that this is Sawyer, hits on him.

Leah shows off her physical comedy skills, pretending to sew threads into her lips and tug them in every direction, Charlie Chaplin style.

Bayley appears in a “confessional” style video, getting teary-eyed as she tells the camera how she wants to be the best, so that when she debuts, she gives aspiring Superstars and Divas the feeling she got watching Xavier Woods debut on Raw.

The videos will likely disappear soon, so find them and watch while you can!

Did you see the promos? Who impressed you the most? Names AJ Lee as a Possible “Face of the WWE”

The argument of who’s worthy to be the “face of the WWE” has so far been limited to Superstars, but one list has tossed in a Diva name: AJ Lee.

The Divas Champion is listed among the likes of CM Punk, Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton as those that have an “it factor” that makes them worthy of representing the company. explains their choice in saying:

Yes, she’d be the first, but isn’t it time? The entirety of pop culture is hinged upon the exploits of young, beautiful, unpredictable women. WWE has one who knows how to execute shiranuis and we’re sitting here bickering over which sweaty dude deserves to be on the red carpet.

Fact is, no Diva has commanded attention quite like AJ Lee. T-shirts, watches, iPhone cases, hoodies, even baby bibs — her likeness is on more products than Yogurt from “Spaceballs.” And we’ve barely scratched the surface on her abilities as a sports-entertainer. Those Shining Wizards, that Black Widow … she’s like The Great Muta if The Great Muta looked awesome in a pair of cutoffs.

Then she comes out on Raw on Aug. 27, 2013, and cuts the greatest tirade ever delivered by a woman in WWE with the “pipe bombshell” she dropped on the cast of “Total Divas.” You mean she can talk, too? AJ’s already great, and only getting better.

Still, what’s most convincing about her is that even as an in-ring villain, she’s become a role model for legions of young girls. Her retweets of preteens decked out in knee-high Chuck Taylors and strategically shredded T-shirts have revealed the kind of devoted fanbase usually reserved for “The Vampire Diaries” cast members. All #humblebrags aside, no one else on the WWE roster is enjoying this level of hero worship.

You can see the full list on

Could AJ be the face of the WWE?

Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 28th, 2013


Below are parital spoilers for next week’s Impact Wrestling, taped last night.


NXT Spoilers: December 18th – January 8th, 2014


WWE taped four weeks worth of NXT tonight at Full Sail University. Spoilers below:

Airing December 18th:
* NXT Women’s Champion Paige defeated Sasha Banks with Summer Rae in a non-title match. Sasha accidentally kicked Summer while she was trying to provide distraction.

Airing December 25th:
* Lana and Alexander Rusev come out next. Kofi Kingston is out next to barely a reaction. Rusev dominated Kofi and got the easy win. Lana spoke in Russian after the match.

* Natalya vs. Emma in a #1 contenders match is next. Emma got the win and Natalya celebrated with her after the match. This was said to be a very good Divas match.

Airing January 1st:
* Bayley with Natalya defeated Summer Rae with Sasha Banks in a quick match. This was described as another very good Divas match.

* Alexander Rusev with Lana defeated Xavier Woods.

Airing January 8th:
*No Divas match.


Impact Wrestling Feedback: November 21st, 2013


Get your weekly dose of Knockouts action on tonight’s Impact Wrestling. Tune in to Spike TV at the start time of 9pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

NXT Redux (November 20th, 2013): Alexa and Devin Debut, Lana is Successful and Bayley is Confused


On this week’s NXT, there wasn’t much to see as Divas action goes. Still, there were a few interesting developments. Let’s dig in.

We start with Alexa Bliss, who is making her NXT debut as a ring announcer, introducing us to Colin Cassidy, who will be taking on Alexander Rusev. Lana is, of course, accompanying the Bulgarian powerhouse. Skip to 5:50 in the video below:

Rusev wins the match and clocks in a time of 5:33 for the ongoing Beat the Clock challenge.

Right after this, Devin Taylor makes her NXT debut, interviewing Adrian Neville.

Later, we get a glimpse of Bayley, who was double-crossed last week by her supposed best friend Charlotte. Devin steps up to interview her, asking her for her thoughts. Skip to 15:10 in the video below:

Bayley can’t understand why Charlotte would betray her – they were like Spongebob and Patrick, Tommy and Chucky! Bayley wrestled her in her first NXT match. She met her father (WOOO!). She taught her how to ride a pogo stick and did the robot with her.

Bayley says she hasn’t had the courage to confront Charlotte yet, but she might do it next week. She then tells Charlotte (via the camera) that “these two” (her fists) will do the talking. After making sure that her show of aggression didn’t frighten Devin, she invites her to do the robot with her. Devin just splits, leaving poor Bayley to do the robot alone..

Thoughts: No match, but it’s nice to see two NXT Divas make their TV debuts, even if in “secondary” positions like ring announcing and interviewing. Lana, as always, looked amazing, and Devin showed off those skills she demonstrated in that leaked promo class a few months ago.

Poor Bayley doesn’t know how to react to Charlotte’s betrayal, and it’s pretty funny to see her try to be aggressive. I’m curious to see what her idea of confronting Charlotte will look like.

WWE Main Event Redux (November 20th, 2013): Naomi and Tamina Battle Through the Chaos


On this week’s WWE Main Event, we were set to build towards Sunday’s seven-on-seven Elimination Tag Team match with Divas Champion AJ Lee taking on Naomi.

Unfortunately for AJ (wink wink), she was unable to compete, so Tamina Snuka took her place:

At ringside in Lumberjill fashion are all of the Survivor Series competitors. Brie Bella, Cameron, Eva Marie, JoJo, Natalya and Nikki Bella are on one side, while AJ, Aksana, Alicia Fox, Kaitlyn, Rosa Mendes and Summer Rae are on the other.

They start with a tie-up, Tamina shoving Naomi to the mat. They tie up again, and Tamina again gets the best of it, kneeing Naomi in the stomach and whipping her hard into the corner. Naomi blocks another attack from Tamina with a kick and sunset flips over the ropes into a roll up. Tamina kicks out.

Tamina manhandles Naomi a bit more, slamming her to the mat repeatedly. Naomi fights back, but is stopped in her tracks by a clothesline. Tamina goes for a pin attempt, but Naomi kicks out. She soon gains control of the match, latching a front face lock on Tamina. The more powerful Diva eventually gets on her feet and barrels Naomi into the corner, whipping her into the opposite corner. Naomi stops short, slipping behind Tamina and hitting her with a dropkick. Another pin attempt, another near fall.

Naomi locks in another front face lock, but before Tamina can work out of it again, Naomi slams her to the mat and tries for another pin. Tamina kicks out with authority and soon takes control, clotheslining Naomi over the ropes and to the outside. This brings to opposing sides face-to-face, and they jaw jack outside the ring. AJ, meanwhile, is watching all of this from a safe distance. We cut to commercial as the confrontation breaks up and Naomi and Tamina reenter the ring.

Back from commercial, we see that Tamina has once again taken control, performing a chin lock on Naomi. The babyface Diva powers out, getting Tamina in a corner and choking her with her boot. Tamina gets out of it in a pretty creative way, getting Naomi’s foot caught on the top rope and sweeping her other leg out from under her. Naomi grabs her hamstring and Tamina notices, continuing the attack on that leg. Tamina taunts the Total Divas cast as Naomi hobbles around, eventually going for an unsuccessful pin attempt.

Tamina keeps the momentum, keeping Naomi down and locking in another chin lock. Naomi tries to fight out of it, but a jab to the hamstring stops her. We see a quick choke against the ropes and another unsuccessful pin attempt by Tamina. She continues to dominate until a monkey flip sends her across the ring. Tamina stops the momentum in its tracks, toying with Naomi a bit more until an enziguri and a leg drop put Naomi in the driver’s seat. She goes for a pin, but gets a two-count.

Tamina fights off more offense from Naomi, whipping her towards the ropes. Naomi slides out of the ring instead, fighting off Tamina on the ring apron as the two groups of Divas collide on the outside, starting a straight-up brawl. Tamina knocks Naomi off the apron and into the sea of Divas. While all of this is going on, Josh Mathews notes that the “injured” AJ is chilling on the announce table.

Meanwhile, Naomi tosses Tamina back into the ring, climbing the turnbuckle the hitting a cross body. She doesn’t keep Tamina down, though, and gets to her feet in time to be hit with a boot to the face. Tamina pins Naomi and scores the win. As the “true Divas” celebrate, Nikki and Cameron collect Naomi from the ring.

Thoughts: Wow, a Divas match that clocks in at over ten minutes? When’s the last time we saw that? I think this match and its brawl on the outside did more to sell the Survivor Series match than any game of musical chairs could, but I guess that goes without saying.

Yes, the pace was much slower than we’re used to with Naomi matches, and given the time allotted there was a lot of pacing around the ring and rest holds. It wasn’t all that exciting, but it really sold Naomi as a major competitor, able to hang with Tamina for so long. The fact that she was chosen to represent Total Divas made her look really good, because as much as I hate Lumberjill matches, they always make the competitors look important. Seeing the rest of the Divas roster on the outside of the ring as two Divas battle it out makes the ones who are competing look like they’re a cut above the rest, worthy of representing each side’s interests.

Massive Diva brawls rarely don’t look ridiculous, as it’s not like they can pull a Trish Stratus/Victoria fight and start choking each other and hitting with closed fists. It’s got to look like chaos, and unfortunately if you look too closely at that chaos, it’s a lot of girls smacking each other’s hands away. It’s not pretty, but I’m not sure there’s any other way to do it and keep all the action on screen.

The added touch of AJ letting the chaos unfold without her sold her as the manipulative, no-allies-except-Tamina Diva we’ve come to know. She’s content to trigger the tension (Pipebombshell promo) and simply watch as it explodes. It’s entertaining, but it makes you wonder when her fellow “true Divas” will finally notice that and kick her ass instead. This Sunday, perhaps?

Video: ‘Army of the Damned’ Trailer Featuring Maria Kanellis and Rosita


Earlier this year, we learned that former WWE Diva Maria Kanellis and TNA Knockout Rosita would both be featured in the horror movie Army of the Damned.

This week, the first full trailer for the movie was released, giving us glimpses of the roles each of them will play.

Watch the trailer below:

Army of the Damned will be released in the United States on January 15th, 2014. Visit its IMDB page for more details.

RELATED: Photos: Thea Trinidad’s Behind the Scenes Look at ‘Army of the Damned’

Perfect 10 for the Week Ending November 20th, 2013

For each week’s Perfect 10, the Diva Dirt team will compile a list of the top 10 women in wrestling. Placement is determined by performances and achievements from the past week. The list will be presented in video form.

This week’s Perfect 10 includes yesterday’s edition of WWE Main Event. Yesterday’s NXT will be included in next week’s list.

Watch the video below to see the countdown:

Visit our Perfect 10 page to see it in list form.

Tweet us your top five using hashtag #DivaDirtPerfect10.

What do you think of this week’s list? What changes would you make?

WWE Main Event Viewing: November 20th, 2013


There’s Divas action on tonight’s WWE Main Event! Tune in at 8pm ET on ION Television.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: WWE Main Event Spoilers: November 20th, 2013

Video: Kaitlyn Talks Changing Her Hair Color and the Unscripted Moment that Kickstarted Her Career


Back during the Ringside Fest convention, former Divas Champion Kaitlyn spoke with Sam Roberts about jumping through hoops to change her hair color, accidentally becoming number one contender and more.

Kaitlyn says the hair color change was something she wanted to do for a while, saying that it’s an effort to bring in a “new era of Kaitlyn”.

She admits it was “a process” to get the change approved and management was “very against” her changing her hair color due to the recognizability of the two-toned style. She says before becoming Divas Champion and having her feud with AJ Lee, she needed that recognizable hair color. Now that she’s made a name for herself, she doesn’t.

Kaitlyn also acknowledges that the accidental Battle Royal win that earned her the number one contendership to the Divas Title was “unexpected” and a “surprise”, but she credits it with kickstarting her career.

Watch the full interview below:

Do you think Kaitlyn still needs that recognizable hair color?

Vickie Guerrero Talks Favorite Eddie Moments, Her “Excuse Me” Catchphrase and More


Ahead of this Sunday’s Survivor Series, Vickie Guerrero spoke to DirecTV about her favorite moments in the career of her late husband Eddie Guerrero, serving as General Manager, the origins of her “Excuse Me!” catchphrase and more:

Favorite moments from Eddie’s career: “Gosh, there’s so many. I think my favorite moments were when he worked with Chyna. When he vied for her affection and they “fell in love” and went to prom. I just loved it! He treated me like that in real life, so I related. He was always so fascinating to watch by just being who he was. He really believed in what he did and I think that showed in his work in the ring. His work was just genuine. He cared about it. He had a lot of respect for the fans and gave 100% to make the match everything they wanted it to be when they walked into that arena. They knew Eddie was going to give them his whole heart. It meant a lot to him. I respected him for that.”

Her favorite role to play: “General Manager. You get to manipulate the whole roster. That’s a high for me. I may not be on the level of the McMahons or The Authority but to work with them side-by-side, I’m honored. Of course, being the older woman and having these young guys to work with, that’s something that’s always fun. I know the fans enjoy it too because they hate me more when I have that power.”

Her favorite Superstars to manage: “I would love to manage Dolph Ziggler again. We have a great chemistry. AJ Lee got in our way, but we had a lot of fun out there. Dolph is really entertaining and one of my favorites. And then Edge I will always respect. He showed me psychology, how to work in the ring, helped with my promos, and how to work with the cameras. He took me under his wing and made me feel like I was his partner. He really built my confidence and made me believe that whatever I did out there would be great. He really believed in me and I think that’s why we got to stay together for so long.”

Being impressed by Tamina:Tamina Snuka has really proven herself as AJ’s bodyguard. Her matches are getting stronger and I see her becoming the Divas Champion one day. I’d hate to be splashed by her. I want to keep her as my friend.”

How her “Excuse Me” catchprhase came about: “One night I had this long promo to do and in the middle of it I forgot my lines. I had a deer in headlights look so the crowd got loud because they knew there was something wrong. I just kind of needed to regroup so I said ‘excuse me’ to them to buy some time. But the more I said it, probably two or three more times, the crowd just went insane. Afterwards, I kind of thought ‘OK that’s done and over with.’ But we decided to try it again the next night and now it’s something the crowd expects from me. There were a few times that I didn’t say it and people let me know on Twitter that they were disappointed. It was their one night a year they got to see a WWE show and to see me and not hear me say it, it was disappointing to them. Now I always try to incorporate it into a show to help make it that one special night for a fan. The more they hate me, the more I get a kick out of it. It makes me feel good.”

You can read the full interview on

‘Total Divas’ First Look: Natalya and Tyson Kidd Bring Their Jealousies to the Ring

It may have felt like yesterday that Total Divas featured the wedding of Natalya and Tyson Kidd, but this Sunday, we’ll see that the honeymoon’s definitely over.

Nattie, after seeing Tyson training with Eva Marie, decides to invite a shirtless Fandango to train with her. This brings out the green-eyed monster in both of them, and they argue before Tyson storms off.

Watch the clip below:

Total Divas airs Sundays at 10pm ET on E!.

Picture of the Day: Renee Young Meets Ted


It was Christmas night 1985 when a boy named John Bennett received a stuffed bear named Ted that he wished would come to life – and it did just that.

What ever happened to Ted, you ask? Well, he obviously made his own wish come true by meeting the one and only Barbara Walters of wrestling journalism, Renee Young!

Renee posted a picture of the two on her Instagram account, adding the both captivating and impressive caption, “Work”.

Some people may think this is Hornswoggle donning a Ted costume, given certain photographic evidence. We don’t think that’s possible, because Ted is real. Duh.

Video: Gail Kim Trash Talks “Blonde” Mystery Opponent


The next woman to answer Gail Kim‘s open challenge is blonde and has a few years of wrestling experience. At the moment, that’s all we know about her.

Gail posted an Impact 365 video revealing these details but not naming her opponent, deciding to do some trash talking instead and claim that this woman is not ready to face the Knockouts Champion.

Watch the video below:

Find out who will challenge Gail by tuning into this Thursday’s Impact Wrestling.

Who do you think is Gail’s next opponent?

SmackDown Spoilers: November 22nd, 2013

Below are spoilers for this Friday’s edition of SmackDown:

* Cameron and Naomi defeated AJ Lee in a handicap match, made by Vickie Guerrero. Tamina Snuka was at ringside and kept Cameron from tagging in.


Swedish Arm Wrestler Sarah Backman Reports to NXT


Back in March of this year, we initially reported that Swedish arm wrestler Sarah Backman had signed with the WWE.

Though at the time she expressed hope that she would be ready by the summer, there were no further developments in the story and she never reported to NXT.

Now, however, it looks like Sarah has finally become a Diva in training. She revealed last week that her visa issues had been cleared up, posting a picture on Instagram with her newly approved visa.

Earlier today, she confirmed on Twitter that she indeed has made it to Orlando.

Backman is an eight-time World Champion, eight-time European Champion and 11-time Swedish Champion in arm wrestling.

Congrats, Sarah!

WWE Main Event Spoilers: November 20th, 2013


The following spoilers were taped earlier tonight for tomorrow’s edition of WWE Main Event:

* Tamina Snuka def. Naomi (All Divas surrounding the ring in Lumberjill style). Snuka picks up the victory with a super kick. (Source)