Saturday, September 21, 2024

NXT Redux (November 13th, 2013): Charlotte Shows Off Her Beautiful, Fierce Side



In this game of Survivor, sometimes you have to vote people you like off the island. That’s what I’ve done with Jack this week. I was so disappointed that I couldn’t cover Raw this week, that I decided to throw about the power that comes with being the Khaleesi of the Diva Dirt Island, and made sure Jack’s torch was nice and snuffed. He’s currently on Redemption Island right now, plotting a way to get his NXT Redux back I’m sure, but it will be to little and much to late. Boy, bye!

I may or may not have watched an entire episode of NXT in a long, long, long, long time, but this week I was reminded why I had such an issue with Summer Rae being a ballroom dancer in the first place. Our favorite sequined salsa dancer teamed up with the fiercest of the fierce, Miss Sasha Banks to take on the team of Charlotte and Bayley (who was giving me nail polish envy, FYI).

Please excuse the Hulu embed. I can’t find anything better! Skip to 1:20 in the video below:

Now keeping in mind that I am a most casual viewer, take my opinions with that of a grain of salt. I’ll start with Charlotte. I’ll be honest, watching her wrestle didn’t impress me. I think she has a lot of basic skills that are masked very cleverly with gymnastics and athleticism. That being said, when one lacks with something, one must find a way to compensate. Her ring entrance is pretty incredible, and so is her physique. Girlfriend is FIT and TRIM, and once she figures out what she wants to do with her hair, she should be much more complete in terms of her look. I might not have enjoyed watching her wrestle, but I enjoyed her character and the twist at the end suited her rather well, I think.

Bayley’s gimmick is something I don’t get, and I don’t personally like it, but I can see why other people do. Comedy has never really done it for me when it comes to wrestling but she has come so far since SHIMMER it’s insane. As Davina Rose, she was kind of boring and kind of bland, but the WWE has done wonders for her. Other than Emma, I think Bayley is definitely the best facey-type of person NXT has, and I can’t wait to see even more progression from her. Her ring-work was solid. She made Charlotte look like a million dollars at the end, selling that attack like nobody’s business.

And as far as people looking like a million dollars, Sasha Banks might be my new favorite. This was the best thing to ever happen to her, and she WERKS. I love this girl almost as much as I love my precious Bella twins, and you guys who read the Raw Redux know that is a whole lot of love. Summer and Sasha exuded charisma, personality, and just sheer heel bitchyness. I’m not to fond of them throwing perfectly good headbands down to the ground, but I suppose it’s what a bad girl would do. They’ll probably just go buy the Chanel version later.

As far as the match goes, I really did love it. Bayley was the MVP and Summer continued to do what she does best and that is steal the show every time she steps in the ring. Her skills are soooo good and it’s going to be a sad day to see her leave NXT for good. It’s inevitable because in my opinion, she needs to be challenging for the Diva’s Championship ASAP. The turn at the end with Charlotte walking off with Sasha and Summer kind of makes me think that Charlotte may end up being Sasha’s go to person in place of Summer? I think Charlotte has the look and feel of a powerhouse heel and we all know that’s what her famous dad did best. I do believe she has a lot of potential, and I think she will get better. You really don’t need to have 2349720349823 moves to be someone whom a person like me might find entertaining, and being a super heel might just give Charlotte that boost she’s lacking as of right. It was a pretty great match and I’m very, very happy with it.

We also got a backstage segment featuring one of the one million and one new Divas, Lana, and a big bear of a man called Alexander Rusev. I see that he is Bulgarian. I wonder if he knows Katherine from The Vampire Diaries?

Anyways, skip to 18:00 in the video below:

Welp. I reckon digging my earplugs out of my gym bag was pretty pointless because I didn’t get any of that. Then again, I’m American and I guess I’m not supposed too. If that was the point of the segment, then well done. In other news, Lana is really pretty.

The last bit of Divaness from this episode of NXT comes in the form of a very interesting video package centered around Emma. I hated it. Emma is MUCH BETTER than that thirty seconds of my afternoon I’ll never get back.

Well, if that doesn’t give you guys sunshine, roses, and rainbow feelings then I don’t know what will. NXT, back when I watched it religiously, was always better than Raw and SmackDown, and it seems like it still is. No offense to Raw, obviously, but the talent down in Florida is just more interesting to me. They’re fresh and hungry, and the main roster is full of talent that just seems stale and burnt out a lot of the time. At this point, the only thing I watch WWE for are the Divas, and thank God for them. It seems like after this particular episode, if I need a wrestling fix for whatever reason, I’ll start turning into a regular viewer then.

My only concern is with so much female talent on NXT and on the main roster, what are they going to do?

Chances are, I won’t be around to recap it. Jack does an amazing job with this and with Main Event, so if I break down and decide to invite him back to the island, he will be right here next week. I’ll see you guys on the flip side! ;-)

Impact Wrestling Feedback: November 14th, 2013


Get your weekly dose of Knockouts action on tonight’s Impact Wrestling. Tune in to Spike TV at the start time of 9pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 14th, 2013

Exclusive: Taeler Hendrix Talks Battling Cancer, Leaving TNA, LGBT Storylines & More

Taeler Hendrix wants to be the Bette Davis of pro wrestling. Judging by the way she takes on and overcomes controversy, we think she’s well on her way towards becoming just that.

Since leaving TNA, Taeler has been the subject of rumors and graced many a headline, whether it’s for being diagnosed with cancer or her groundbreaking OVW storyline featuring a same-sex romance.

Speaking to Diva Dirt’s Jake, Taeler talks in depth about that storyline and how the wrestling world can adapt to changing views on LGBT rights.

She opens up about her ongoing battle with cancer, providing an emotional and inspiring outlook on her future.

The former TNA Knockout also addresses leaving the company, talking about why she didn’t want to extend her contract.

All of that, along with talk on her future in TNA, WWE and the indies, can be heard in the interview below.
Listen below or download by right clicking here.

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Follow Taeler on Twitter: @Taeler_Hendrix.

You can catch Taeler weekly on Ohio Valley Wrestling.

Perfect 10 for the Week Ending November 13th, 2013


For each week’s Perfect 10, the Diva Dirt team will compile a list of the top 10 women in wrestling. Placement is determined by performances and achievements from the past week.

The list will be presented in video form by Diva Dirt’s Jake.

This week’s Perfect 10 includes yesterday’s edition of WWE Main Event. Yesterday’s NXT will be included in next week’s list.

Watch the video below to see the countdown:

Visit our Perfect 10 page to see it in list form.

Tweet us your top five using hashtag #DivaDirtPerfect10.

What do you think of this week’s list? What changes would you make?

WWE Main Event Redux (November 13th, 2013): Nattie Has AJ’s Number, but Tamina Has AJ’s Back

What’s up Diva fans and welcome to the Main Event Redux. We’re in for a treat this week as you’ve got an English fellow recapping the action from within Manchester, England and the action is certainly history making! For the first time ever of WWE Main Event, the Divas Championship will be defended as AJ Lee, with her leather lady Tamina Snuka will put the strap up against Natalya. With a concerned husband in Tyson Kidd watching backstage, can Nattie get the job done tonight and bring the butterfly belt back to Calgary? It’s about time we found out before the pools of saliva on the floor become embarrassingly big. TO THE VIDEO!

Out first in the Manchester Arena is AJ Lee, acting like her usual happy-go-crazy self. As always, she’s joined by the surly-go-miserable Tamina. We get a recap detailing why Natalya has earned this shot tonight before the Dungeon Diva herself makes her entrance. Nattie looks so composed and quite frankly stunning as she proudly struts her way down to the ring. Let’s hope her bladder is as composed as she looks!

Following a special in-ring set of introductions from Tony Chimel (who once again doesn’t say where AJ is from, who accompanied her to the ring or what her character’s surname is), the match begins. The girls lock up before Natalya quickly takes advantage and throws AJ down with a headlock takeover. More chain wrestling ensues with head scissors, kip-ups and schoolgirls before AJ locks in a side headlock. Nattie trys to break free yet AJ grabs at Natalya’s roots and keeps the submission locked in. Tal then hoists AJ in the air yet AJ hits a headlock takeover, showing how easy it can be to just shift those hips in order to keep momentum in your corner.

The girls get back to their feet and Natalya locks in a hammerlock, which AJ bursts out of thanks to a stiff looking elbow to the mush. I feel like we’re in the midst of Submission city as opposed to Manchester as AJ utilises another – this time a wristlock. Natalya rolls and flips her way out of the predicament and then hits a gorgeous throw. She goes for the first cover of the match so far yet can only muster a two count. Natalya whips AJ across the ropes, with the latter then traversing over the back of the former crucifix style yet Nattie is too fresh and powerful to be taken down for the pin and she grabs AJ by the hair and talks some smack. Following another Irish whip into the corner, AJ floats over Natalya before kicking her in the legs and throwing her by the hair to the mat. Nat avoids AJ’s running move before hitting a whirlybird scoop slam, proving she’s got plenty of life left in her yet. The former 1-time Divas Champion then picks AJ up, ramming her into the turnbuckle in the process. After a few kicks, Nattie goes for a Sharpshooter, yet AJ wriggles free and goes for a breather on the outside.

Natalya wants AJ to stop breathing, so she runs in hot pursuit of the champion. Tamina Snuka makes her presence felt yet Natalya shows how focused she is tonight; she knew AJ was about to baseball slide dropkick her yet she just side-stepped out of the way before proceeding to throw AJ into the barricade. Back in the ring, the girls tussle in the corner before Nattie scales the second rope. Heights are not normally Nattie’s forte and it shows, as AJ trips Nattie to the ground, smacking the back of her head and lower back big style.

After a commercial break, AJ is still in control of the challenger, wrenching the oxygen out of Nattie with a modified chinlock. Mrs Wilson then breaks free yet she slowly runs into a spinning heel kick for her troubles. She’s clearly not got enough breath back into those dungeon destroyed lungs! Ok, that sounds way more sinister after I typed it… Anyway, AJ goes for her first pin attempt of the match and although Nattie is short of breath, she’s not short of fight, and she kicks out. AJ then crushes Nattie’s windpipe onto the middle rope before hitting her head off the top turnbuckle and throwing her to the outside. Natalya has been thrown to “the wolves” AKA Tamina, yet Tamina ends up looking like a baby seal or something as all she does is kick Natalya once; make the most of the time you have Tamina for god sake!

Back in the ring, AJ goes for another unsuccessful cover before lynching in a sleeper hold complete with vicegrip-like body scissors. After a good 30 seconds in hold, Nattie makes it to her feet yet AJ beats her to the punch, well the elbow, as before Natalya can elbow AJ, AJ is quicker than a hiccup in using Nattie’s hair to take her to the mat once more. AJ skips like a lunatic for a short time yet it nearly costs her because Natalya hits a schoolgirl for two. Natalya looks to have regained control but just when you think AJ is down and out, she pounces, NXT Season 3 vs Naomi style with a sick DDT.

AJ goes for a cover yet it’s not enough to keep tenacious Tal down! She then beings to spin her web yet Nattie spins right back out! Nattie hits a kick to the stomach followed by a clothesline and then a snap suplex. Following a dropkick to the back, Natalya pulls AJ to her feet before knocking her right back down again with her discus clothesline. She mounts AJ for the cover yet all of her body weight is still not enough. The challenger goes for the Sharpshooter again yet AJ kicks her way out before getting desperate, utilizing a schoolgirl and small package in quick succession.

AJ charges at Natalya and the latter of which has had enough! It’s third time lucky for Natalya who locks in the Sharpshooter. AJ writhes in pain and clambers towards the bottom rope like a thirsty traveller lunging for an oasis in the desert… or something like that… Natalya pulls AJ back into the center of the ring and it looks like we’re about to get a new Champion….. until Tamina enters the ring and boots the lips off of Natalya’s face! The referee calls for the bell as Tamina stares at Natalya’s lifeless body. AJ gets back to her feet and then locks in the Black Widow, adding insult to injury to an emotional Natalya.

Thoughts: Holy mackerel, what a match! Whilst some parts were a little rough around the edges, I really enjoyed this match. The MVP for me is Natalya, who made every move look realistic and painful. I especially loved how after she had the life choked out of her by AJ, when she went to run across the ropes, it was clear to see that she was slow and lethargic, unable to muster any offence because of AJ’s submission. She made herself look passionate and determined throughout and she made AJ look like a genuine threat. Natalya could sell ice to eskimos if you ask me.

Another positive was the length of this match. I can’t remember the last time we saw a match this long. It just goes to show that if given plenty of time, the women can deliver the goods. Another thing I liked was ow important the match felt by being placed on Main Event. Backed up by the video replay from Natalya’s win two weeks ago on SmackDown and the in-ring introductions, I legit felt like we could see a new Champion crowned.

A lot of people seemingly complained about the finish yet I thought it was excellent. Natalya had not let Tamina get within her head through the entire match and she finally forgot about her right at the last second, letting the hysteria of a potential win take over. Alex Riley perfectly put over how Natalya’s three year wait for a one-on-one title match had been so cruelly taken from her and fans will definitely start to root for he even more knowing how she was robbed by a cheap bit of interference from Tamina.

Main Event often feels like Superstars in that it features basic, throwaway bouts, yet this week’s showing proved that if WWE add a little storyline and ‘big match feeling’ into the mix, they can come up trumps for the Divas. Main Event isn’t watched by the masses, yet it’s still a good enough platform to spotlight the Divas on, so more storyline-driven action on this show please! Let’s hope the storyline continues now with Natalya aiming for a fair shot at AJ’s championship. And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

‘Total Divas’ First Look: Nikki Bella and John Cena Talk About His Surgery

On this Sunday’s Total Divas, Nikki Bella and John Cena head to Pensacola, Florida for his elbow surgery.

John gets emotional at the thought of being away from the ring, and as usual, Nikki is able to bring some levity to the situation.

Watch the clip below:

Total Divas airs Sundays at 10pm ET on E!.

Exclusive Interview Sneak Peek: Taeler Hendrix on Wrestling in a Four-Way Ladder Match

We’ve recently wrapped an interview with former TNA Knockout Taeler Hendrix.

The full interview will make its debut later today, but for now, we’re giving you a sneak peek.

In the clip below, Taeler discusses taking part in a historic Four-Way Ladder match for OVW:

For more, check out the interview this afternoon!

Picture of the Day: Winter Takes on a Different Look for Upcoming Web Series


We’re used to seeing former TNA Knockout Katarina, AKA Winter, sport a rather enchanting look while in the ring, but it seems those days are behind us, as she’s traded in the darker look for something a bit out of her comfort zone.

If you’re wondering where the above photo comes from – since we can assume she doesn’t dress like this in her day to day life – it’s for an upcoming sci-fi/fantasy web series titled Tinker.

The picture was posted on the series’s official Facebook page along with special shots from the rest of the cast. The caption revealed her character name(s), listing her as “Katarina Leigh Waters as Eldine Herzhaft & Verdalet Merewood.”

Needless to say, this is quite a change of pace for the woman who once portrayed a witch-esque figure famous for the drugging and manipulation of one Angelina Love.

Perhaps the Winter character was beyond its years given the newfound popularity of dark magic with shows like FX’s American Horror Story: Coven and Lifetime’s Witches of East End, but we’re beyond excited to see what trouble she causes as the ever so interesting Eldine Herzhaft & Verdalet Merewood (try saying those names five times fast).

For more information on Tinker, you can visit their official Facebook page.

‘Total Divas’ First Look: Nikki Bella Moves in With John Cena

On this Sunday’s Total Divas, Nikki Bella moves in with John Cena.

John seems a little taken aback when Nikki’s boxes (all 26 of them) arrive, especially when he finds out what’s inside one of them.

Watch the clip below:

Total Divas airs Sundays at 10pm ET on E!.

WWE Main Event Viewing: November 13th, 2013


There’s Divas action on tonight’s WWE Main Event! Tune in at 8pm ET on ION Television.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: WWE Main Event Spoilers: November 13th, 2013

Exclusive Interview Sneak Peek: Taeler Hendrix Talks Same-Sex Romances in Wrestling

We’ve recently wrapped an interview with former TNA Knockout Taeler Hendrix.

The full interview will make its debut tomorrow, but for now, we’re giving you a sneak peek.

In the clip below, Taeler discusses her same-sex storyline in OVW and if pro wrestling at large will ever feature genuine same-sex romances:

For more, check out the interview tomorrow!

All-Women Team Makes List of “Lamest Survivor Series Teams”

With Survivor Series just around the corner, has published a list of what they consider to be the “lamest” Survivor Series teams.

The only female team on the list was from 1987, when Sensational Sherri led Leilani Kai, Judy Martin, Donna Christanello and Dawn Marie Johnston against The Fabulous Moolah, Rockin’ Robin, Velvet McIntyre, Itsuki Yamazaki and Noriyo Tateno at the first Survivor Series.

Sherri’s team left a lot to be desired, according to They explained their choice in saying:

Nineteen eighty-seven wasn’t exactly a banner year for the women’s division, as then-Women’s Champion Sensational Sherri demonstrated with her assemblage at the first Survivor Series. Though the WWE Hall of Famer smartly surrounded herself with WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions The Glamour Girls to face a mostly youthful five-lady team captained by The Fabulous Moolah, it seemed as though Sherri had trouble rounding out the unit beyond her fellow titleholders.

Enter Donna Christianello and Dawn Marie. Cagey veterans though they were, Christianello and Marie had all but vanished from WWE in 1987. Their inclusion at WWE’s second-ever pay-per-view felt random and left some fans wondering if Sherri had discovered them day-of slinging Happy Waitresses at an I-77 truck stop diner. Against a team that included the dynamic and fast-moving Jumping Bomb Angels, their traditional offenses appeared wholly outdated. Needless to say, Sherri’s team wasn’t a winning one.

Watch the match below and judge for yourself:

You can read the full list on

Do you agree with’s pick?

Video: Gail Kim Responds to Fans’ Ideas for Her Open Challenge


Since Knockouts Champion Gail Kim issued an open challenge to any woman outside of TNA, fans have been eager to suggest who they think should answer the call.

Gail has posted an Impact 365 video responding to these ideas, dismissing them and saying that the fans have a great sense of humor.

Watch the video below:

You can find out who will answer the challenge first on tomorrow’s Impact Wrestling.

Picture of the Day: Trish Stratus Keeps Baby Maximus Close


It seems like a century ago we were posting a picture of Trish Stratus showing off her baby bump, due to pop at any second. On September 30th, she did just that.

Now we’ve got a new photo that’s emerged of both Mama Stratus and her son Maximus as they pose for the camera and get their picture taken as a duo!

The above snapshot was posted on Trish’s Twitter account. She tweeted:

Trish may look a bit happier to be photographed than Maximus does, but never fear – we’re sure he’ll get used to the cameras being around. Who knows? Maybe he’ll even try to top the number of magazine covers his mother’s landed.

‘Total Divas’ Repeat Draws an Additional 1.2 Million Viewers

The quick decision to repeat the season 1B premiere of Total Divas after last nights edition of Monday Night Raw seems to have, again, been a smart one, as the second airing drew an additional 1.2 million viewers.

This, of course, comes quite close to matching the 1.3 million that the inaugural airing amassed when it returned to the E! Network Sunday night following the season finale of Keeping Up With the Kardashians.

Per the coveted 18-49 year old demo, the replay took in a 0.5 which is just below the 0.6 the episode drew Sunday. To put it into perspective, that 0.5 (for a repeat) ranks higher than pretty much everything E! has outside of the Kardashians. Not only that, it’s also on par with how other current USA Network shows such as White Collar and Covert Affairs are performing for original airings. Nice work for a repeat, right?

The next two weeks will, of course, be a bigger test for Total Divas, as it has to not only lose its Kardashian lead-in, but also compete against WWE’s own Survivor Series on November 24th. However, we’ve got faith that the Divas can pull it off!

SmackDown Spoilers: November 15th, 2013

Below are spoilers for this Friday’s edition of SmackDown:

* Natalya beat Tamina via submission. Natalya won after about a minute with the Sharpshooter after Tamina accidentally collided with Divas Champion AJ Lee on the apron.

* Cameron & Naomi beat Brie & Nikki Bella after Cameron pinned Brie.


WWE Main Event Spoilers: November 13th, 2013


Below are spoilers for this week’s WWE Main Event:

* Natalya def. Divas Champion AJ Lee via DQ. Tamina Snuka super kicked Natalya while she had Lee in the Sharpshooter, saving Lee from losing her title. After this, Lee locks the Black Widow in on Natalya.


Raw Redux (November 11th, 2013): Nikki Can’t Stop the Superfly


Hey there, Redux readers. I’m filling in for Cryssi this week, who is camping out for WrestleMania 30 tickets. I’m just kidding, of course. She’s actually off vacationing with Stephanie McMahon and Triple H. More plausible, right?

Anyways, let’s get into the action, which featured Nikki Bella (with Brie) taking on Tamina Snuka (with AJ Lee):

Right off the bat, Tamina takes control, tossing Nikki across the ring. Nikki dodges another attack and performs an Eva Marie Roll-Up™ – a roll-up performed on Tamina – but Tamina kicks out. Tamina battles back, but suffers a boot to the face and another roll-up. She kicks out again.

Nikki keeps Tamina reeling with a drop toe hold and a low dropkick. Tamina decides to take a breather, leaving the ring. After she fumes a bit, she reenters the ring guns-a-blazing with a clothesline attempt, which Nikki ducks. Nikki comes back with a monkey flip attempt, but gets batted off like a fly. Tamina hits one of her lesser known signature moves (taking off her vest and throwing it at her opponent) and goes for the pin. Nikki kicks out.

Tamina scoop slams Nikki and locks her in an abdominal stretch. Brie gets the crowd fired up, trying to motivate Nikki to hang on. Tamina relinquishes the move soon after and Nikki kicks her in the face. Nikki heads for the ropes to get to her feet, but Tamina’s on her, threading her around the second rope and stretching her out.

She breaks the hold and hits Nikki with a pump handle slam, going for another pin that Nikki kicks out of. Tamina catches her in a sleeper for a bit, then lifts her up into a backbreaker rack, impressively holding Nikki on her shoulder. Now this is a move that sells Tamina as a powerhouse. Sleeper holds? Not so much.

Tamina stumbles near a turnbuckle, and Nikki finds her footing, pushing off it and flipping out of the hold, fending off another attack from Tamina with a back body drop. Nikki continues the momentum with a headscissors, two clotheslines and a monkey flip. She hits Tamina with a quick bulldog and tries for a pin, but Tamina kicks out.

Nikki’s roll is stopped with a kick to the stomach, Tamina shoving her throat-first against the second rope. As Tamina distracts the ref, AJ hotshots Nikki against the rope, sending her right into a big boot from Tamina. As Tamina goes for the pin, AJ fends off an attack from Brie, tossing her into the ring apron. This allows Tamina to hit the Superfly Splash and get the win.

As AJ celebrates the win in her customary way – skipping – Brie comes out of nowhere to dropkick her in the face. She hits another dropkick on Tamina, sending her to the outside. Brie assumes the protective sister position and AJ and Tamina head to the back.

We also got a glimpse of Natalya and Summer Rae when they were at ringside for Tyson Kidd and Fandango‘s match. This time, the dancing duo got the last laugh:

Thoughts: One of the reasons I don’t like the overseas Raws is it inevitably feels like storylines are in stasis for the week. I guess it doesn’t help that AJ’s defending her title against Natalya on Wednesday. It just feels like the Divas Title feud is all over the place. Do they want to continue the AJ/Bellas feud, or was this just a placeholder?

As for the match, I liked it well enough. In this role, Tamina just isn’t an exciting wrestler, but they did a good job of making Nikki look resourceful, keeping on Tamina and going for every quick pin attempt she could. It’s weird, though, that Tamina needed assistance to win. I know she’s a dastardly heel, but if she’s as tough as we are lead to believe, surely she could cleanly defeat a Diva fresh off an injury?

I guess I’m not enthusiastic about this because I want to know the direction the division’s heading in, and it’s hard to latch onto a story when it’s not consistent. This taped Raw and last week’s rub for the Total Divas cast just muddles everything up. Is Brie supposed to be feuding with AJ? What about Eva Marie’s “big big big big” win? Where does Natalya fit in all of this? Why didn’t she and AJ cross paths to hype the title match? I hope things are cleared up after Main Event. I just want a clear direction!

Video: ‘Total Divas’ Previews the Rest of the Season

The rest of the inaugural Total Divas season will be a bumpy ride, judging by its official preview.

The clip, shown after Sunday’s episode, shows conflicts emerging between almost every Diva. There’s tension between Brie and Nikki Bella, as well as with their beaus. Eva Marie has drawn the ire of Natalya, who herself has gotten into a sticky situation with Stephanie McMahon.

Watch the preview below:

What are you most excited about seeing?

Diva Dirt Weekly for the Week Ending November 11th, 2013

Each week following Raw, Diva Dirt Weekly will take a look back at the week preceding it, hitting every noteworthy event along the way, from Impact Wrestling to SmackDown to Raw.

Joining the audio will be team members Chris, Erin and our host Jake.

We cover the following events:

  • Impact (11/07/13): Gail Kim interrupts a #1 contendership match to make an open challenge. Who will TNA bring in to challenge her?
  • SmackDown (11/08/13): Cameron impresses in tag action. Do Divas get more over with the crowd if they’re managers first?
  • Total Divas, Episode 9: “SummerSlam”
  • Mickie James will be training NXT Divas this week. Will this lead to a bigger partnership between Mickie and the WWE?
  • Raw (11/04/13): Tamina Snuka defeats Nikki Bella.
  • Divas Title match announced for WWE Main Event: AJ Lee will defend against Natalya.

Listen below or download by right clicking here.

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Divas Title Match Set for WWE Main Event

On last night’s Raw, it was announced that Diva Champion AJ Lee will be putting her title on the line against Natalya on this week’s episode of WWE Main Event.

The match, which is said to be the results of Natalya’s submission victory over AJ two weeks ago, will be taped tonight prior to SmackDown and will air tomorrow night.

WWE Main Event airs Wednesday nights at 8pm ET on ION Television.

Are you looking forward to this match?

Picture of the Day: Natalya and Tyson Kidd Prove it Was Love at First Sharpshooter


Stemming from the red hot return of Total Divas, today’s picture of the day is quite a keeper when it comes to memories.

We all know the history of Natalya and Tyson Kidd, how they met when they were young as can be and evnetually tied the knot in the season 1A finale of the hit reality show. But today, we get an indescribable trip down memory lane in a photo featuring the Anvilette herself applying a devastating Sharpshooter to her future husband!

The picture was tweeted originally by the youngest child of Davey Boy Smith, Georgia, which Nattie retweeted and added the following comment:

Okay, while we all know the basics of Nattie and TJ’s relationship, how great is it to actually see a photograph of the two training in Stu Hart‘s infamous dungeon together?

And not only that, but said snapshot is that of Natalya locking in the move her family made famous. If there was ever any photo that was really worth a thousand words, I think we’ve officially found it.

Raw Response: November 11th, 2013


Get your Monday night Divas fix by tuning in to Raw tonight on the USA Network at 8pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

‘Total Divas’ Returns with 1.3 Million Viewers


The E! Network has touted the success of last night’s return episode of Total Divas, which garnered a respectable 1.3 million viewers.

Although not one of the series’ most-watched episodes, it matches the rating that the season premiere got back in July.

Despite not reaching the ratings high of episode three, the return installment did way better than September’s mid-season finale in all key demographics including adults 18-49 (+10%), women 18-49 (+16%), adults 18-34 (+26%), women 18-34 (+27%), total viewers (+21%) and households (+20%).

It’s great to see that the Divas are still impressing!

WWE Superstars Spoilers: November 15th, 2013


The following Divas match was taped for WWE Superstars earlier today in Manchester, England:

* Cameron and Naomi defeated Aksana and Alicia Fox. There was a “this is awesome” chant during the match.


Raw Spoilers: November 11th, 2013


WWE is taping tonight’s Raw today in Manchester, England. Spoilers below:

* Tamina Snuka defeated Nikki Bella after AJ Lee interfered. Brie Bella cleared the ring after the match.

* Fandango and Summer Rae are out next as the whole arena does the Fandango dance. Tyson Kidd is out next. Fandango gets the win.
