Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Brie Bella Talks Wedding Plans, Tension With Eva Marie and More


Total Divas star Brie Bella recently spoke to OK Magazine about her wedding plans, tension with Eva Marie, a href=””>Nikki‘s future with John Cena and more.

On planning for her wedding with Daniel Bryan: “We really have to plan around work. But I have definitely gone and tried on a bunch of wedding dresses. That was first on my list and it’s been so much fun. Bryan and I will be in Austin Texas towards the end of November and we are actually looking at a wedding venue there. We really want a rustic, country wedding so we feel like Austin would be a great place.”

Has Total Divas changed her relationship with Daniel?: “It hasn’t affected us too much but there are moments where I just kind of want to scream at him. But then I see the camera and I’m like, fake smile, fake smile. I am lucky that Bryan is such a low key guy. He has really been great for this whole process.”

On tensions with Eva Marie: “The thing is, you are putting so many different personalities together trying to force friendships and it is like, we are still going for one spot. Especially in the first episode because it is Summer Slam, that is a big night for us and I was lucky enough to have a singles match but how can someone just walk in and try to capitalize off that?! We definitely have our moments where we get along great but you will see a lot more of Eva just kind of being herself and just trying to get ahead without working hard. She has her ways.”

Has John’s stance on marrying Nikki changed?: “Not really, but you will get to see too in the second half that John’s love for Nikki does grow stronger even though they have their ups and downs. We just don’t know if that love will be strong enough to put a ring on her finger. John is one of those guys that you never truly know, he sticks to something and then all of the sudden in one night he could change his mind. So I never think of it as a final no.”

Her least favorite moments to watch back on Total Divas: “All my conversations with my sister make me laugh. You have your own language with your sister but sometimes it can come off that we are the most uneducated people in the world. Sometimes I’m like, “gosh do people think I’m dumb?” It’s kind of like those Jessica Simpson moments and I’m like, “oh my gosh are we the next Jessica Simpson?” I think sisters can relate.”

You can read the full interview on

Total Divas returns this Sunday, November 10th at 10pm ET on E!.

Picture of the Day: Eva Marie Promotes WWE on Their Worldwide Tour


Doing promotion for the WWE is somewhat of a big thing for any Superstar or Diva, as it show the company’s confidence in one’s people skills. In other words, you’re a big deal!

2013 has certainly been a huge year for Eva Marie. Not only did she get signed and blast off on Total Divas, but here she is already doing promotion for the WWE as they embark on their latest worldwide tour.

The photo above was tweeted to Eva earlier today, which she retweeted with the following:

When you consider Eva’s first victory on this past edition of Raw and add on the fact she’s already been trusted to represent the company, it certainly seems they are as big a fan of the red headed beauty as the 100,000+ that follow her on Twitter!

Impact Write-Up (November 7th, 2013): Gail Has No Competition, So She’s Making Some


Hello Knockout fans, and welcome to a belated edition of the Impact Write-Up! I’m filling in for Eleri this week, so put on your metaphorical seatbelts!

We start our action exactly where it should be: the ring. Brooke, ODB and Velvet Sky will be going head-to-head-to-head in a Triple Threat match for the #1 contendership to Gail Kim‘s Knockouts Title:

Before the match can start, the Knockouts play a game of one-upsmanship, Brooke starting with some booty shaking, Velvet countering her with rope-straddling entrance and ODB taking out Brooke with her own sizable assets.

She whips both Velvet and Brooke into the corner and hits them with the only move that I despise more than the Bronco Buster – the double Bronco Buster! She figures the humiliation is enough to put Velvet down for the count, and goes for an early pin. Velvet kicks out, of course.

ODB scoops up Velvet, and Brooke comes from behind to roll her up. ODB kicks out. Brooke rams Velvet into ODB, sending ODB to the outside while she wears down Velvet. She hits her with a few chops and forearms before whipping her into the ropes. On the rebound, Velvet counters the momentum and hits Brooke with a clothesline and goes on a offensive tear, capping it off with a neckbreaker. She goes for the pin, but ODB dives in to break it up.

ODB slams Velvet to the mat, but Brooke pounces, hitting her with a neckbreaker. She climbs to the top rope and goes for a diving elbow, but ODB moves out of the way, and Brooke gets nothing but mat. Talk about hitting your funny bone…

With all three Knockouts are recovering, Gail Kim appears on the ramp, Lei’D Tapa by her side. We head to commercial break as Gail saunters to ringside.

When we return, all three competitors are back on their feet, trading blows. ODB gets the best of it, taking Velvet out of the equation and locking Brooke into a single leg crab. Velvet decides to get in on the action, taking Brooke’s free leg and putting it in a crab of her own. ODB breaks the hold, figuring that if Brooke did tap, she probably wouldn’t get credit for it anyways.

Instead of jaw jacking, they trade chops, Velvet eventually taking a clothesline from ODB that stops her in her tracks. ODB then scoops up Brooke and slams her onto Velvet. She just then notices Gail at ringside and leaves the ring to confront her. Okay, ODB: 1. You have both of your opponents almost finished! 2. You really didn’t notice Gail until now? The ramp’s like two feet from the ring.

Anyways, ODB is now preoccupied with Gail, who has Tapa step up in front of her. Brooke takes this opportunity to kick ODB in the back of the head, sliding out of the ring to collect her. Velvet heads to the outside of the ring as well, coming around the corner to hit Brooke with an explosive clothesline! She tosses Brooke and ODB back into the ring and goes for the pin on Brooke, who kicks out. She then tries the same on ODB, who also kicks out.

Brooke takes down Velvet with a clothesline and climbs to the top rope, just as her opponents are getting to their feet. She flies and hits both with a double crossbody, but it seems to hurt her as much as them. As all of the Knockouts reel from this, Gail steps up to the ring apron. Tapa follows, and both get verrry close to the action as Brooke takes it to Velvet against the ropes.

Just as Velvet turns the tables an is about to hit Brooke with a finisher, Gail enters the ring and hits her from behind, bringing the match to an end. She hits Velvet with the Eat Defeat, then orders Tapa to take out the rest. Tapa hits Brooke with the TKO as ODB pops up out of nowhere to toss Gail out of the ring.

This brings Tapa face to face (or forehead to forehead) with ODB. ODB fights hard, nailing Tapa with a few blows, but it’s not enough, and she too succumbs to the TKO.

With everyone disposed of, Gail takes the microphone, saying that she’s beaten everyone and thus has no competition in this division.

With that in mind, she challenges any woman outside TNA to meet her in the ring. If they beat her, they then get a shot at the Knockouts Title. She caps off the promo by dubbing herself the “first ever, longest reigning and greatest” Knockouts Champion of all time.

Later, we spot our fearless leader Dixie Carter twice. Once in a backstage segment with her nephew Ethan Carter III and another where she spins the Wheel of Dixie™:

We get another shot of Velvet at the very end of the show, as she checks on Chris Sabin after he’s defeated by Jeff Hardy in a brutal “Full Metal Mayhem” match:

Thoughts: We really should have seen this “open challenge” thing coming! With the lack of depth in the Knockouts division, it only makes sense to open up to new blood through one of the open challenge tropes. I gotta give credit to TNA for making an effort to expand its division, because, as we’ve said countless times, it desperately needs it.

We’ve seen this open challenge thing jumpstart a TNA career a few times before, perhaps most memorably with Taylor Wilde. Maybe this will give a indy star or TNA developmental Knockout the chance to make the jump to TNA TV. I just hope this isn’t a string of one-off appearances, because that won’t do much to add depth to the division.

Clearly this won’t be just another Awesome Kong squash tour, since Gail will be using Tapa to get these wins. It will be different in that respect, with fans wondering how any challenger will be able to counter Tapa’s interference. Perhaps by bringing in backup of their own? Hannah and Holly Blossom, I’m looking at you! Then again, that just might add fuel to the “you’re ripping off AJ and Tamina” flames, so maybe not.

A lot of people tend to knock Gail for her mic work, but she did fabulously here, keeping it short and sweet and giving herself that nifty “first-ever, longest reigning and greatest” tag line.

Needless to say, I can’t wait to see who they bring in for this storyline! Let’s hope we get another Taylor Wilde out of it.

SmackDown Reaction: November 8th, 2013

There’s Divas action on tonight’s SmackDown, so tune in at 8pm ET on SyFy.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: SmackDown Spoilers: November 8th, 2013

Divas to Apear at WrestleMania 30 Ticket Pre-Sale Party


Former Divas Champions Alicia Fox and Kaitlyn will be on hand to celebrate the opening of ticket sales for WrestleMania 30.

At the all-ages party in New Orleans, Alicia and Kaitlyn will be among the stars signing autographs and taking part in Q&A sessions with fans.

The party takes place a week from today – Friday, November 15th from 5 to 9pm – at Champions Square outside the Mercedes-Benz Superdome.

Tickets for WrestleMania 30 will go one sale to the general public Saturday, November 16th.

For more information on the party, visit

Will you be attending WrestleMania 30?

Cameron Talks ‘Total Divas’, Not Getting Implants, the Ever-Present Cameras and More


Total Divas star Cameron recently spoke to radio show The Rack about the return of the reality show. She discusses her decision to not get breast implants, her catchphrases, time away from the cameras and more.

Transcript courtesy of

Is it overwhelming to have cameras following her?: “I mean, at first, it’s a lot because you have a lot of people invading your personal space but I’m so used to it now and it’s what I do for a living. We’re out in front of thousands and the cameras are in our faces when we’re in the ring or even out of the ring or when we’re doing stuff backstage. So, I actually love it and for me, being a Funkadactyl, it’s two of us and sometimes a lot of fans don’t get to know who we are and now we can have that outlet to be like ‘This is who I am’ and ‘That is who Trinity is’ so you can see a difference in our personalities and it’s nice for the fans to get to know us on an one-on-one basis.”

On deciding to not get breast implants: “I do feel like I wanted to send a positive message to young girls saying, you know what I’m a role model; not to knock anyone who has ever changed anything about themselves because that’s just their own personal thing and to make them feel comfortable. But in my situation, I just wanted to show young girls that I love myself and I love everything about me but I also want to show thing that I don’t like about myself and say that I have these imperfections but be happy with how you are.”

On her numerous Total Divas catchphrases: “I mean, it’s strange to think that stuff I’ve said my whole life, for ever and ever and I’d never even realized I had all these catchphrases. I mean I did have a really outgoing personality and have always has these phrases and sayings and pretty much not having a filter when I say things but it’s so awesome because it’s really catching on with the fans on Twitter and Instagram that are like ‘Girl Bye’ or ‘Boy Bye’ and ‘’, you know what I mean? When I’m out and about shopping and people see me and are like ‘Girl Bye’. It’s so crazy but it’s so cool. SO I’m definitely capitalizing on that.”

What does she do on her downtime?: “Oh my gosh, I honestly like to sit on my couch with my dog, Glitty, and watch Family Feud. I love Family Feud and Mystery Detectives, that’s like my stuff right there. It’s actually hard for me to turn it off when I get home, I mean, that’s just me being nice; literally I’m always on the go. Even Vincent will go ‘Babe, just turn it off for a second and just enjoy’ but that’s really hard for me because I want to be successful; to me, I just want to give it 110% and when I’m not working it’s just I love what I do and I want to get better at what I do and I want to show my fans that.”

You can listen to the full interview on

Total Divas returns this Sunday at 10pm ET on E!.

Impact Wrestling Spoilers: November 14th, 2013


Below are spoilers for next week’s Impact Wrestling, taped last night:

* Knockouts Champion Gail Kim beat Hannah Blossom.


Picture of the Day: Mia Yim Showcases Her Body Transformation


For long time Diva Dirt readers, Mia Yim is a name you should be quite familiar with.

We’ve all seen what a huge transformation she’s made with her ring work after countless tours of Japan and working for many other prestigious companies, but today, Mia took the time out to show another improvement she’s worked hard to achieve: her muscles.

Yim posted the above photo on her Instagram account, captioning it, “#tbt body changes. Top pic 2010. Bottom two end of 2013. Crazy looking back at it…”.

It feels like just yesterday Mia burst onto the scene, but as the picture clearly shows, she’s been here all along and growing more and more by the day. Not only in her ring work, but her athletic build.

Mia continues to prove that anyone can achieve whatever they want out of life if they put forth the hard work required to see results. Congratulations to Mia on all the success!

Impact Wrestling Feedback: November 7th, 2013


Get your weekly dose of Knockouts action on tonight’s Impact Wrestling. Tune in to Spike TV at the start time of 9pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Bodybuilder Ashley Sebera Heads to NXT


Back in June, bodybuilder and fitness model Ashley Sebera was included in a crop of new Divas believed to be starting training at the WWE Performance Center.

Though the three other women – Devin Taylor, Lana and Veronica Lane – were indeed joining the company, Ashley shot down the rumors.

Earlier this week, though, she tweeted a photo of WWE Performance Center gear, indicating that she is finally heading to NXT:

She joins an already large group of aspiring Divas that include Devin, Veronica, Lana, Alexa Bliss and returning Divas Raquel Diaz and Brandi Rhodes, among others.

Check out footage below of Ashley performing at the last month’s Arnold Classic Europe:

Best of luck to Ashley in her training!

Your Two Cents: Who Should Square Off With Stephanie McMahon?


Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: With rumors swirling that Stephanie McMahon could step back into the ring, who should be the Diva to face her? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

* @ARGirl1011: Personally, I’d LOVE AJ Lee vs. Stephanie, but it would probably be Brie Bella due to the current storyline. You never know, though…

* Ashley Matthew: AJ Lee, for the simple fact that they had the sensing of a feud potentially rumbling earlier this year.

* @JillianHallTNA: Aksana should start flirting with Triple H or Vince McMahon that would make Stephanie jealous/angry and have another Sable feud.

* Jon Vega: About a month ago I would have said Brie Bella but seeing that denial been knocked off the championship hunt I would say AJ cause they have crossed paths done time ago.

* Justin McElhiney: Stephanie has taken all kinds of anger out on Daniel Bryan. I think a feud with Brie Bella would be nice.. have brie stop chasing the title and have her protect Daniel.

* Randi Parker: I know she just got back, but to accompany the storyline she was mentioned in, Brandi Rhodes, even Brie Bella with everything Stephanie did to Daniel Bryan, and there is some unfinished business with AJ Lee and her!

* ROxana Hardplace: I think she should face Tamina Snuka leading up to a final showdown with AJ Lee VS Stephanie – but right when SMH is about to lose, Kharma‘s music hits and saves The Billion Dollar Princess.

* Samuel C. Garner: Definitely AJ Lee! Not only is Stephanie her dream match, but both of these women are untouchable on the mic in the division. This would be a fun feud to watch with many great promos.

* Scott Lochrane: I would love for Lita to return for a storyline with Stephanie maybe have them face each other at Royal Rumble and then again at Wrestlemania. I think fans would love to see that happen. But out of the Divas on the current roster I would have to choose AJ Lee.

* @WWEDrico: The only diva worthy of a match against Stephanie is AJ. Any other Diva and it just simply won’t add up!

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? Who should wrestle Stephanie?

WWE Main Event Redux (November 6th, 2013): Nikki Must Be a Cop, Because Alicia Got BUSTED!


What’s up Diva fans and welcome to this week’s Main Event Redux! This week, we got a fresh singles match pitting Alicia Fox against Nikki Bella. With the second half of Total Divas kicking off in just a few days time, can Nikki go into the festivities with a win or will Foxy spoil the party? Let’s take a look. TO THE VIDEO!

Out first this week are the terrific twins, Brie and Nikki Bella, the latter of which is dressed to compete in her new sexy yet sporty ring attire. Not going to lie, Nikki is looking better than ever. The backwards cap = SHUCKY DUCKY. The only way she could look better is by wearing a beanie. Top tip if you want to impress me ladies! Out next is Alicia Fox, who one minute is being a prude to fans on the ramp and then the next minute, she’s all smiles posing to the crowd whilst attempting a world record for most consecutive lassos of furry hoodedwear. Someone needs to explain to Alicia that Yo-Yos were so 1996 and she needs to stop acting like one! Side note: Tony Chimel, I’ve called you out on this before: announce where the girls are from, it’s really not hard. Did Aksana hit you in the head with a shovel and you forgot everyone’s hometown? Anyway…

The match begins with Alicia gaining control by kicking Nikki in the gut, forearming her in the mush and then tripping her to the mat. She then traverses off the ropes and flies right past Nikki, who smoothly dodged to one side and brought Alicia to the ground. Nikki applies a front facelock before clubbing Alicia’s back and sliding down the back of her sunset flip style for a two count. Alicia makes it to a vertical base first yet she gets her legs swept from under her. Foxy goes outside for a breather and has a staredown with Brie, a cheeky distraction meaning Nikki can baseball slide dropkick Alicia’s midriff and keep her momentum going.

Back in the ring, the Divas collide as Nikki hits a Lou Thesz Press, which she then transitions into a front facelock again. Alicia rams Nikki back first in an attempt to break free and although she manages to, she gets decked by a kick to the face and a clothesline. Nikki then whips Alicia into the corner, a corner that disaster is seemingly just around, as Alicia counters Nikki’s monkey flip attempt, sending Nikki ribs first into the top rope and coccyx first into the ring apron.

Alicia sends Nikki’s limp body back into the ring and goes for two consecutive covers in the hope that she can tire her opponent out. Alicia’s next devilish tactic is to hit her beautiful northern lights suplex, a move that gets her a two count. Alicia then works on Nikki’s neck with a headscissors yet Nikki rolls right out of it and ontop of Alicia, which starts consecutive pin attempts from both girls. Alicia goes for yet another cover after hitting a dropkick, yet she’s unsuccessful yet again. Next, Alicia drapes her leg over Nikki’s throat and the middle rope before trying to get the win yet again with a lateral press. Considering all of her pins are failing, Alicia goes back to the submission well, wrenching Nikki in a chinlock. However, Nikki eventually elbows her way out and begins to mount a comeback!

After armdragging Alicia and ducking a big boot, Nikki hits consecutive dropkicks before elbowing Alicia into the corner. Someone call Beyonce as I swear it’s Deja Vu, as Nikki manages to hit her monkey flip this time and afterward, she hits a running bulldog for a two count. Nikki then whips Alicia into the corner yet she runs into a boot to the chin for her troubles. Alicia eyes Nikki up for a Scissors Kick yet Nikki averts danger and hits the Bella Buster for the win!

Thoughts: I really, really enjoyed this match! Although Nikki hasn’t had the best chance to show off her new Face character as of yet, her in-ring work, just like her sister’s, is really impressing me. Nikki reminds me so much of Torrie Wilson in the ring in that although she isn’t the best, something about her just makes me want to root for her. She only uses the basics yet her style comes across as really scrappy and more believable than the movesets of some of the other girls. I am really enjoying her look and her craft as of late, so keep it up Nikki! And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

Video: Natalya Answers Fan Questions for ‘WWE Inbox’

To hype this Sunday’s return of Total Divas, Natalya is answering fan questions in a special edition of WWE Inbox.

Her favorite moment from Total Divas so far is, of course, her wedding. Despite all of the setbacks, she loved having her whole family there for the magical moment.

When asked which Attitude Era Diva she’d like to face, she chose Trish Stratus as, like Natalya herself, she’s Canandian, blonde and knows how to kick serious butt.

Natalya revealed that the first person she ever gave the Sharpshooter to was her husband Tyson Kidd, because he was the person who taught her how to do it.

She singled out her uncle Bret Hart as the ultimate Hart family member to team up with, saying that he’s encountered pretty much everything, so he would know how to handle any situation that came their way.

See the rest of the questions below:

NXT Redux (November 6th, 2013): A Whole Host of Tensions Brew and Lana Provides Something New


What’s up Diva fans and welcome to this week’s NXT Redux. It’s time for part two of your double dose of me today, or as I like to call it… ‘JACK THURSDAYS’! Ok, I really to come up with a more catchy title for that. Does the french for Thursday begin with J? I need to find some form of alliteration to make it work!

Moving swiftly on, although there was no match this week, we were treated to an arena Diva sighting in the form of Lana, who took to the mic and spoke a language that frankly, I never knew existed. Answers on a postcard please for what she was speaking! In addition to Lana loveliness in the arena, we also saw her backstage. Aswell as that, we also saw the BFFs, Sasha Banks and Summer Rae clash with Bayley and Charlotte in the locker room area and speaking of clashing, Emma and Paige get in each other’s faces in a new flashback segment. With a surprising amount of talk time to get through, let’s get cracking. *X Factor voiceover man voice* TO THE VIDEO!

Our first Diva appearance of the night comes from Lana, who is speaking backstage with Sylvester LeFort, the former manager of Alexander Rusev, the man Lana has had her eye on over recent weeks. Alexander explains that he always paid Alexander well, so why has he now sided with Lana? Lana retorts in a foreign language and I assume she says “Get lost you hairy creep” or something along those lines. LeFort says he doesn’t speak Russian yet I’m not even sure that is what Lana is speaking. I thought she was American! Whoops, I’m breaking kayfabe!

Lana is back after the opening credits and she introduces her new client Alexander before his match with his former manager, Sylvester LeFort. Although I have no clue of what she was saying, I preferred it to her wanting to be Dusty Rhodes‘ lapdog. Good job that gimmick was scrapped! On commentary, Renee Young says that she’s done a little investigative journalism on Lana, and then proceeds to say absolutely nothing else on the matter. You can’t be about to spill the beans Renee and then just not spill them! WWE can’t get the staff nowadays it seems!

Our next backstage segment sees the BFFs, Sasha and Summer, interrupt a conversation between the most unlikely friends ever, Bayley and Charlotte.

Seriously, Bayley and Charlotte as best friends is about as believable as seeing Lorde become Maid of Honor at Selena Gomez’s wedding. Just no. The segment starts with the dodgy duo discussing Bayley’s fixed hairband. Question: Tell me what you think about me? Who took so long to do such a shoddy job of fixing Bayley’s hairband? Let’s hope it wasn’t Sandra’s responsibility and someone spiked her drink…

Bayley lets out a Ric Flair-esque “Woo” and Charlotte doesn’t look at all impressed. Sasha and Summer then make their presence felt and Charlotte is also not impressed with them either. The Beautiful, Fierce Females say that they are really sorry that they broke Bayley’s hairband and as they feel so bad about it, they decided to get her a new one. Bayley is over the moon by the fact it has kittens on yet Charlotte is having none of it. Summer asks what Charlotte’s problem is and says that although she knows Charlotte has a few personal issues going on, don’t take it out on her. How does Summer know about Charlotte’s issues? Hmmm. Renee Young, here’s another line of inquiry you can delve into and then subsequently not tell us what you’ve discovered!

Charlotte says she hates how Sasha and Summer act like they run NXT. “News flash: you don’t.” News flash: is it bad I’m laughing at Charlotte’s attempt at sass? Summer bigs up Sasha before declaring that they could “use” someone like Bayley. Like how Summer is using Sasha I guess? The segment ends with Summer referring to Charlotte as trash and Charlotte gets all angry and moody. She then tells Bayley to stop touching her, something Bayley must hear about 979077398 times a day.

Our final backstage segment is exclusive “ footage” that wasn’t on at all, showing what happened between Paige and Emma after Emma accidently hit Paige last week. Take a look.

Thoughts: I’ll start with my take on Lana. Lana definitely has charisma and I’m intrigued to see why she and Alexander are now together. I hope WWE give us a genuinely good reason and don’t leave it unexplained like who The Shield were working for when they joined the main roster. I’m not a fan of bad explanations! But back to Lana, she has a great look that is unique from anyone else on the roster so fingers crossed WWE keep up the momentum with her story.

Next, I enjoyed the backstage segment with the BFFs, Bayley and Charlotte? The BFFs exude bitchiness with their characters and I am believing them more and more as a unit with every appearance. I also think that Bayley’s character is so strong right now. Although she eventually tried to calm Charlotte down, it was funny to see how gullible she was and how easily she was nearly drawn in by Sasha and Summer, and just because they bought her a new hairband. The whole hairband fixing thing was illogical and silly yet those three girls performed well.

Charlotte also did well, but I just don’t get her character at all. One minute, she’s wooing in the ring and lapping up her famous heritage. The next minute, she hates any mention of Ric Flair. Her new hairstyle and her mannerisms come off as massively heelish and I think seeds may have been planted with her reaction to Bayley at the end of the clip. Time will tell!

Finally, my favorite segment was the backstage argument between Emma and Paige. “WHA WAS THA OUT THERE EMMAARR?!” Paige’s stroppiness is epic to me and Emma’s reaction was equally as entertaining. The two clearly respect each other yet both don’t want to admit that what they did in the heat of the moment was wrong. “There is definitely something wrong with that girl.” Says Emma, the girl who jives around like an epileptic lobster…

In closing, recapping NXT is certainly a treat every week. With 7 active female characters all getting time to showcase their characters, there are so many things going on and it’s incredibly exciting. We have the BFFs clashing with Emma, Paige and Charlotte, Charlotte’s tension with Bayley, Emma and Paige’s volatile relationship, Lana’s strange pairing with Alexander and we even have a woman doing a stellar job on commentary. This week goes to show that although the spoilers don’t look up to much, NXT still delivers. And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

‘Total Divas’ First Look: John Cena Shares an Embarrassing Secret

On this Sunday’s return of Total Divas, Nikki Bella learns more than she probably ever needed to about John Cena.

After Nikki tells him about Natalya‘s pants-wetting incident, John shares a similar story of his own. Let’s just say his in-ring accident was twice as bad as Nattie’s.

Watch the clip below:

Total Divas returns this Sunday at 10pm ET on E!.

‘Total Divas’ First Look: Cameron’s Got Road Rage

On this Sunday’s return of Total Divas, we see Cameron‘s temper flare like never before.

While driving with Naomi and Jimmy Uso, Cameron encounters a frustratingly slow driver. She eventually snaps, prompting Jimmy and Naomi to come to the other driver’s rescue.

Watch the clip below:

Total Divas returns this Sunday at 10pm ET on E!.

WWE Main Event Viewing: November 6th, 2013


There’s Divas action on tonight’s WWE Main Event! Tune in at 8pm ET on ION.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: WWE Main Event Spoilers: November 6th, 2013 Highlights AJ Lee’s Love for the Divas Title has released a new photo gallery of shots demonstrating AJ Lee‘s affection for her Divas Championship.

We all know AJ loves her title, even getting a tattoo to commemorate the date she won it, but now AJ has given some quotes about her “baby” to further illustrate her attachment.

“They’re personal conversations between me and my child,” AJ said, referring to being spotted talking to her Championship.

The gallery contains several photos of AJ kissing her title belt and holding it tightly against her chest. On that, she said, “I just reassure it. I just reassure it it’s not going anywhere.”

AJ has definitely shown she’s not ready to lose her belt anytime soon and feels the need to keep her belt safe.

“It’s scared anytime it’s around The Bellas or Kaitlyn or any of those girls,” Lee said, “But it’s going to stay here forever and ever.”

Yikes! has certainly succeeded in making AJ seem even more imbalanced! After hearing this, one has to wonder if AJ Lee could go on to be the longest reigning Divas Champion ever.

You can view the full gallery on

Do you think AJ Lee’s Divas Championship reign will break the record?

Video: ‘Total Divas’ Stars Appear on the ‘Steve Harvey Show’

Leading up to this Sunday’s return of Total Divas, Cameron, Naomi, Brie and Nikki Bella appeared on the Steve Harvey Show to give new viewers a crash course on the reality show.

Steve singled out Cameron for her apparent temper issues, speculating that she was about to kick his ass.

Naomi said that they were “frenemies” with Brie and Nikki, as once they get to the arena, it’s all business and competition.

Brie hints at a storyline from one of the upcoming episodes, claiming that the Funkadactyls stole their entrance. Cameron is quick to respond, saying that their entrances are night and day.

Steve decides to settle the score by letting them demonstrate their similar entrances. Brie and Nikki do the “Bella booty shake”, while Cameron and Naomi do the “booty rise up”.

Watch it all below:

Total Divas returns this Sunday at 10pm ET on E!.

Eve Torres Talks Life After WWE, Returning to the Ring

30 recently caught up with former Diva Eve Torres. The three-time Divas Champion has been pretty silent since departing from the WWE, but spoke up about a lot of questions that have been on fans’ minds.

On staying busy since leaving the WWE: “Well, aside from building a house and planning a wedding and all of that real-life stuff that I’ve finally gotten around to, I’ve been teaching a lot of women’s self-defense classes at the Gracie Academy. Since January, I’ve pretty much been teaching Gracie Women Empowered self-defense full-time, working with women from all walks of life. We’ve got grandmas in there, we’ve got mothers with their daughters, and we’ve had several contracts with the U.S. Air Force.

Also, this summer I actually filmed my first movie. I did a really fun fight scene in [“Scorpion King: The Lost Throne”], which will be coming out next year. I was so excited to be a part of it. Ellen Hollman is the actress I worked with, and she is just incredible. We got to incorporate some wrestling stuff, too. I pulled out some of my old tricks in there. It was a lot of fun to shoot.”

On teaching a self-defense class to the current crop of WWE Divas: “WWE actually reached out to me. I went to the WWE Performance Center [in Orlando] and worked with the NXT Divas down there. That’s how it started. WWE wanted me to work with the NXT Divas, talk to them about my experiences in WWE and also teach them a seminar. Then they said, while I’m there, because Raw and SmackDown were so close, that I could teach the girls on the main roster as well.

This is something I had always wanted to do even when I was with WWE, but we’re all so busy and schedules are so crazy that I’m glad I finally had an opportunity to do it. I know all of those girls have been in situations similar to what happened to me because it happens so often. They’re traveling a lot, they’re all beautiful women and they have to face so many situations that the average man doesn’t really even have to think about. So it’s not only about educating them about how to be aware and present themselves, and how to not be a target in the first place; it’s also about instilling them with confidence based in these techniques, so they really feel like they can address the situation if they have to. And they have a plan to fall back on if they really have to.”

On being part of the WWE in a non-wrestling capacity: “When I left WWE, it was, of course, one of the hardest decisions I’ve ever had to make. But I really feel like WWE is a part of me. I do want to be involved whenever I can. Of course I can’t go back on the road, I’m not going to be having matches or anything like that, but any way I can represent WWE, any capacity in which I can contribute and still live the life I have chosen now, I’m excited to do that.”

Would she return to the ring? “I knew that question was coming [laughs]. The truth is, I get asked that question all the time, and I really can say that, right now, I don’t see it happening. But I know myself enough to know that I’m not going to sit here and say that it’s never going to happen. I just don’t know what the next few years will bring. Like I said, if things go as planned in my life, and I start a family or anything like that, then probably not. But who knows? There are people who have families and still come back. Right now I don’t see it coming, but I still have dreams about matches, I will tell you that.”

You can read the full interview on

Do you want to see Eve back in the ring?

Picture of the Day: Natalya Celebrates Raw Victory with Husband Tyson Kidd


Last night’s edition of Raw saw quite the impressive return to action for Tyson Kidd, as he teamed up with his Total Divas star spouse Natalya to defeat the duo of Fandango and Summer Rae in a Mixed Tag Team match.

It was a huge night for Natalya and Kidd, as he had finally made his big comeback from a near career ending torn meniscus injury. Following the victory, the delightful twosome could be seen embracing one another in celebration, giving us even more anticipation for the return of Total Divas this Sunday.

Nattie posted the picture on her her Instagram account, captioning it, “We did it @kiddwwe!!!!”

He may have been a bit unappreciative of her desires, and she may have nearly found some sort of love in the arms of Jaret, but through thick and thin, Natalya and Tyson – Nattie and TJ – are pretty much that couple you know are going to be together forever, and we wouldn’t have it any other way.

SmackDown Spoilers: November 8th, 2013

Below are spoilers for this week’s SmackDown:

* AJ & Tamina defeated The Funkadactyls.


WWE Main Event Spoilers: November 6th, 2013


Below are spoilers for this week’s edition of WWE Main Event:


Raw Redux (November 4th, 2013): Husband and Wife Reunite and a Rookie Picks Up Her First Win


Raw keeps on delivering it seems and last night was no exception. We were gifted with two beautiful Diva matches, both unique and special in their own way. First up, we had Total Divas co-stars, the husband and wife team of returning Tyson Kidd and Natalya taking on our favorite sequined duo Fandango and Summer “Slay” Rae. Up second, we had more Total Divas bombshells Brie and Nikki Bella and Eva Marie taking on WWE Divas Champion AJ Lee, her bodyguard/bestie Tamina Snuka and the Lithuanian Queen Aksana.

First and foremost, all of us here at Diva Dirt want to welcome Tyson Kidd back to Raw with open arms. Thanks to Total Divas, all of us were privy to some of Tyson’s ups and downs during his rehabilitation and to see him back in action is a total treat. Also, it was completely and totally awesome to see him teaming with his wifey. Love these two!

Summer controlled most of the Diva portion of the match, like we’ve been seeing, and once again she proved just how far she has come. I can’t stress this point enough, some people either get it or they don’t, and Summer Rae gets it. From her head down to her toes, she is in character at all times and doing all the little things that make someone stand out from the competition. At this point, she is probably the best Diva on the roster in terms of being the complete package, and I can’t wait to see her continue competing and going against some of the other Divas. This is all I wanted for Summer when she was brought up from FCW because she showed so much down there. That’s why I was disappointed when she was reduced to the roll of arm candy/dancer. This girl has loads of potential and just seeing how she owned her role as Fandango’s valet speaks volumes about her.

This was another solid match, and Tyson looked amazing. He hasn’t lost a beat. I thought he had great chemistry with our favorite ballroom leading man (sorry Derek Hough!), and they worked well. The ending was fun, with Natalya making sure Summer didn’t interfere again, and the celebration was so cute. Nattie and Tyson are adorable. Loved it and I loved this match. Curious to see what’s going to happen next, if anything between these four.

The second match of the evening saw a surprise ending that none of us could have possibility predicted. Miss Eva Marie got a HUGE pin on Tamina! This match, for me, was the better of the two because of how it was paced. I love when we get these tag matches and everyone has a chance to get involved. Sure, Eva got a sneaky little victory, but it was perfect for her and for building her character. We know she’s got a long way to go before she becomes a solid force inside the ring, but the bump she took the outside thanks to Tamina was sick looking. I really liked that, and I like that she had the gumption to tag herself in when Brie was trying to recover in the corner. Great job to Eva Marie.

Aksana didn’t get a chance to do much, and that’s alright. She still got a tag and she still got to pick on Nikki, and that was fun. Aksana isn’t the best, but she works with what she’s got, and I appreciate the fact she’s getting more of an opportunity on television at the moment. On the other side, Nikki is becoming just as great as Brie in the ring. She made Tamina look like a million dollars tonight and is great at bumping and selling. I’m so glad she’s able to wrestle again and I’m hoping she gets a chance at the title soon. AJ, Tamina, and Brie just continue to do what they do week in and week out. I love the Divas right now, so so much, and it’s about time that these women get these chances. They’re so underrated and I’m just thankful that we are getting so much from them now.

I might now have watched all of Raw, but I did watch the parts of it that were important to me. These two Diva matches made me so happy and so, so proud! Excellent work, ladies, and kudos to Tyson and Fandango too. I can’t wait to see what happens on SmackDown later this week, and obviously you guys know I’m amped up for Sunday. Total Divas has been gone from my life for way to long. Obviously, I welcome that show back with open arms. That’s all I’ve got for this week. Until then… Cryssi out!

Video: Eva Marie and the Bellas Celebrate Their Victory

After scoring her first ever pin, Eva Marie spoke to alongside her teammates, Brie and Nikki Bella.

Eva expressed her excitement over the win, saying that she wouldn’t rather have any other Divas by her side than the Bellas.

Nikki said, in getting the win, Eva took advantage of an opportunity, much like she often does on Total Divas.

The Divas then preview this Sunday’s return of the reality show.

Watch the video below:

Video: Kaitlyn Comments on Big Show’s WWE Reinstatement

Big Show‘s reinstatement to the WWE last night had a lot of people talking, including the WWE’s Superstars and Divas. For this week’s Backstage Fallout, the WWE cameras spoke to a number of wrestlers about what went down.

The only Diva featured was Kaitlyn, who said she thinks everyone can relate to wanting to stick it to their bosses – not in this job, mind you – and that anyone can get behind the Big Show in this fight.

Kaitlyn closes out her thoughts with the hope that things within the WWE can go more smoothly from here on out.

Watch the video below: