Friday, September 20, 2024

WWE Main Event Redux (October 23rd, 2013): The Funkadactyls Flip and Fly Around Their Foes


1 Funk vs Aklicia

What’s up Diva fans and welcome to the Main Event Redux! We’ve got tag team action this week as Cameron and Naomi, The Funkadactyls, take on the non-Total Divas team of Aksana and Alicia Fox, or Foxsana as I like to call them. Considering Alicia and Aksana have never won a match where they have teamed together, it’s not looking good for the Floridian-Lithuanian tandem but, can they shock us all get a win? TO THE VIDEO!

Missing from the above video are the entrances and she start of the match, which saw Naomi hit Alicia with a headlock takeover. From there, Naomi looked to be utilizing the Stratusfaction, yet instead of sending Alicia to the mat bulldog style, she instead floated of Alicia and into a sunset flip style pin attempt. Near seamlessly done – lovely! After that near fall, Alicia is quick to catch her breath back and regain her composure, hitting Naomi with a on-point dropkick. Naomi gives it right back to Alicia though, booting her in the face before making a tag to Cameron.

The funky duo utilise a sensationally crisp double team maneuver which saw Naomi hoist Cameron onto Alicia’s shoulders so she could hit a beautiful hurricanrana. Cameron then forearms the stuffing out of Alicia before whipping her across the ring. Alicia grasps the ropes on the opposite side and then throws Cameron over the top rope after the funky mouthpiece ran towards her. Cameron lands on her feet and gets rid of Alicia for the time being, yet after being distracted by Aksana, Alicia takes advantange of the situation by dropkicking Cameron in the head, which Cameron sells amazingly. Clearly she’s been studying her idol Alicia’s tapes on how to sell like crazy! After a two count, Alicia tags in Aksana, who kicks Cameron in the chest before ramming her face into the mat. Aksana then goes for a scoop slam yet Cameron reverses it in a pin attempt before tagging Naomi back in.

Naomi returns to the ring all guns blazing and hits a flying hurricanrana, which Aksana clearly cannot take properly as her timing is way off. After a dropkick, Naomi’s irish whip is reverse yet she tries not to let that bother her by flipping over the ropes. Well, she tried to. She quickly recovers and forearms Aksana before going to the apron like what should have happened. Following a high kick and flip back over the ropes and Aksana, Naomi goes for a wheelbarrow armdrag or bulldog yey Aksana completely botches it, falling to the ground. Naomi, ever the profesh, just gets on with things, pushing Aksana to the ground hard as a way of telling her “Gurl, you mucked up!” Naomi hits a snapmare and leg drop next, before Alicia uses her crotch of all body parts to break up a potential three count. Alicia then dumps Cameron to the outside so then the two heels can try to work on Naomi. Naomi ducks under a double clothesline, Cameron trips up Alicia and after Naomi uses her moneymaker in a way Goldust would be jealous of (a.k.a The Rear View), Naomi pins Aksana for the win.

Thoughts: A short and neither sweet or sour showing for the Divas. There were some definite positives like the chemistry between Cameron and Naomi and Naomi in general (except for the slightly-botched flip). Although slight botches did occur, Naomi was a total trooper; she dusted her self off and instantaneously sorted things out and got them back on track, nearly without anyone noticing something had gone wrong. Another upside was Alicia’s hilarious pinfall break-up with her lady region/thighs (so random!) and the fact she Aksana’s sexy slug crawl was nowhere to be seen – HOORAY!

The downsides were of course, the slight botch from Naomi and the bigger botch from Aksana. The latter, coupled with her being unable to take the flying hurricanrana properly really make me scratch my head as to why WWE are high on Aksana. If they like sloppy in-ring work that does nothing to stand out, then I guess WWE are high on her! But in all seriousness, Aksana does have potential, but her time as a heel is over. She needs to freshen up her look completely and turn face. Until then, she’s continue to be as stale as 85 week old bread for me – sorry!

And with that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

Picture of the Day: Summer Rae Speaks at Her First ‘Be a Star’ Rally


Summer Rae has certainly shot up the ranks of the WWE in a quick span of time. First, she gets to the main roster. Second, she scores a spot as both a manager AND competitor in their new WWE 2K14 video game. And now, she participates in her first Be a Star anti-bullying campaign to help bring an end to bullying.

Summer joined former World Champion Sheamus and NXT Superstar Xavier Woods at Lake Nona Middle School in Orlando, Florida today. The trio presented to the middle school children, saying that they too were bullied in school and ended up successful regardless.

The above photo was posted on Summer’s Instagram account, ans she captioned it, “I had an amazing time at the @beaSTARalliance rally today! I was truly moved by the passion that the 6th graders showed at Lake Nona Middle School! What a fantastic first time experience for me. Thank you for having us!”

Truthfully, if we were still in middle school, we would definitely pay attention if Summer Rae stood before us. If someone that flawless (not to purposely steal a phrase from Lay-Cool) could be picked on, then it certainly proves that words are nothing more than a cheap tactic to get someone down.

In conclusion today, students, rise above the bullying and you too could end up being a Sheamus or Summer Rae in the future!

Video: WWE 2K14 Simulates AJ Lee vs. Stephanie McMahon

Many Diva fans would put a fight between AJ Lee and Stephanie McMahon on their list of dream scenarios. Well, thanks to WWE 2K14, they now get to see it. Sort of.

The WWE’s official YouTube Channel has uploaded a simulated WWE 2K14 match between the two. The match, which lasts just over a minute, sees Stephanie win with a flying forearm.

Watch the match below:

We could only hope that a real match between the two would last a little longer than this one.

Do you think Stephanie circa 2001 could defeat AJ Lee?

‘Independent Women’, Episode 1: “Promo Class”

Diva Dirt’s latest leap forward is its own original web series: Independent Women.

The series will give fans a peek behind the scenes at the lives of women’s wrestlers on the independent scene, from life on the road to the action backstage.

The star of the series will be SHIMMER Champion and the woman atop the 2013 PWI Female 50, Cheerleader Melissa. She will personally film her experiences on the indy scene, from cutting promos to getting stitches to rubbing elbows with the biggest names in women’s wrestling.

We will be debuting the first few episodes of Independent Women over the next few days, leading up to footage from this past weekend’s SHIMMER tapings.

The goal of this series will be to expand to get the perspectives of several women on the indy scene, with Melissa as our star. If you are a well-known indy wrestler interested in getting involved, please contact us!

Below is the premiere episode of Independent Women. Titled “Promo Class”, it shows Melissa filming a promo while backstage at FWE’s Openweight Grand Prix.

Watch it below:

Tweet about the series using the hashtag #IndependentWomen:

WWE Main Event Viewing: October 23rd, 2013


There’s Divas action on tonight’s WWE Main Event! Tune in at 8pm ET on ION.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: WWE Main Event Spoilers: October 23rd, 2013

Video: Kaitlyn Unboxes the WWE 2K14 Phenom Edition

Hyping the release of WWE 2K14 this Tuesday, Kaitlyn is featured in a new video unboxing the Phenom Edition of the game, showing fans exactly what they’ll get with it.

Kaitlyn shows off the edition’s coffin-shaped box, a genuine Undertaker autograph and a special DVD containing highlights from the Phenom’s career.

The video also shows off the former Divas Champion’s new, darker hair.

Watch the video below:

WWE 2K14‘s Phenom Edition will be available October 29th and will retail for $99.99.

Perfect 10 for the Week Ending October 21st, 2013

For each week’s Perfect 10, the Diva Dirt team will compile a list of the top 10 women in wrestling. Placement is determined by performances and achievements from the past week.

The list will be presented in video form by Diva Dirt’s Jake.

The Perfect 10 will follow Raw, taking into account all events leading up to and taking place on Monday night.

Watch the video below to see the countdown:

Visit our Perfect 10 page to see it in list form.

Tweet us your top five using hashtag #DivaDirtPerfect10.

What do you think of this week’s list? What changes would you make?

Video: Brie and Nikki Bella Pull a Prank for Jimmy Kimmel


On last night’s episode of Jimmy Kimmel Live, Brie and Nikki Bella pulled a bit of “twin magic” on one unsuspecting security guard.

The Divas appeared in one of Kimmel’s pranks, which have become the late night host’s signature. In it, they dress in identical black dresses and claim to be one woman named Bella. They fool Jimmy’s security guard Adelina into thinking Bella keeps slipping by her into Jimmy’s office, trying to take pictures and Vine videos with the annoyed comedian.

When it’s revealed that they’re actually two women, it all culminates in an epic food fight between the Bellas, who are dragged out through the elevator and leave poor Adelina to deal with the mess.

Watch the video below:

Photo: Kaitlyn Goes Brunette


Out with the two-tone, in with the one. Former Divas Champion Kaitlyn has gone brunette, and showed off her new look today on Twitter.

Over the past few days, she had popped up in various videos sporting the new color, but we got our first good look at it in a tweet:

Though the two-toned look has become her signature, it’s never a bad thing to mix it up. Not to mention, the upkeep must be a cinch in comparison.

What do you think of Kaitlyn’s new look?

Picture of the Day: Tara Meets Saraya Knight…and Lives to Tell About It!


Saraya Knight, mother of one NXT Women’s Champion Paige, has certainly built up a reputation as one of the more terrifying people to emerge in women’s professional wrestling.

Today, we got a small glimpse of just how scary she is, even in photo form, as she and Tara engaged in a comical snapshot while Knight was in town for SHIMMER weekend.

Tara posted the picture on her Twitter account, tweeting:

It’s nice to see that both Tara and her restaurant, The Squared Circle, made it out of SHIMMER weekend alive.

Although, personally, if we were there, we would’ve definitely tried to persuade Saraya to intimidate the staff in exchange for free pizza. It can’t hurt to try, right? Plus, it could build up to a dream match between the two. Win-win!

SmackDown Spoilers: October 25th, 2013

Below are spoilers for this week’s SmackDown:

* AJ Lee defeated Nikki Bella with the Black Widow.

* Fandango vs. The Great Khali is up next. The match ends in a no contest when Summer Rae and Natalya start scrapping. Khali ended the segment with a big chop to Fandango.


WWE Main Event Spoilers: October 23rd, 2013


Below are spoilers for this week’s edition of WWE Main Event:

* Cameron and Naomi defeated Aksana and Alicia Fox.


Video: Brie and Nikki Bella Talk About Aunt’s Battle with Breast Cancer


As part of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Brie and Nikki Bella shared their story of how their aunt, who battled stage two breast cancer, inspired them to live every day to the fullest.

They speak about how strong she was, continuing with her life throughout chemotherapy and continuing to attend Philadelphia Eagles games.

Watch the video below:

Raw Redux (October 21st, 2013): Brie’s Got AJ’s Number


Bear with me, folks. I’m taking on the monstrous task of filling in for Cryssi and writing this week’s Raw Redux. It’s a little bit intimidating, but I think I can handle it. Just don’t expect a Redux as long and glorious as Cryssi’s usual output. Also, this thing will be linear. I’m not doing the Quentin Tarantino thing Cryssi usually does. Ok? Let’s get going!

This week’s Raw opened, as it often does, with the Administration delivering their weekly dose of intimidation and suppression to the WWE locker room. However, things didn’t go all that smoothly:

After Stephanie McMahon announces the Divas Championship match amongst other big Hell in a Cell matches (nice), the Big Show, no longer Stephanie’s prized knockout punch generator, commandeered the Titan Tron and trash talked her and Triple H, at one point saying that when one sleeps next to Stephanie every night, they can never get up on the right side of the bed. Ouch!

Stephanie yells at a poor soul at ringside, eventually getting Big Show’s connection cut, acting like a magicians and making him disappear after a five count. Well, that solves that, right?

Yeah, not so much. Daniel Bryan decided to buck their authority as well, entering for his match early and ruining Triple H’s introduction for Dean Ambrose. Things aren’t getting off to a good start for Mr. and Mrs. Stephanie McMahon.

Later in the backstage area, after appointing Vickie Guerrero to the prestigious position of “just not screwing anything up”, Stephanie and Triple H came across Shawn Michaels, who pointed out that the old “take over the Titan Tron” trick was always funny when he and Triple H did it. Skip to 0:50 in the video below:

Of course, those hijinks were the equivalent of fart jokes and penis doodles, whereas the Big Show’s actions were breaking the law! That was the gist I got from this segment, anyways.

Next up, it’s Divas time! Brie and Nikki Bella (returning to action for reals this time) are taking on AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka:

Brie and Tamina start things off, with Tamina manhandling Brie pretty easily. She knows to work that sore shoulder, even though Brie took the target bandage off of it for this bout.

Brie fights out of a hold, flipping backwards toward her corner and tagging in Nikki. Yay, Nikki’s back in the ring!

Nikki’s first move is a double dropkick with Brie, knocking Tamina to her knees. She then hits her with a spinning facebuster, going for an early pin attempt that Tamina powers out of.

As Tamina gets to her feet, Nikki pounces, hitting her with a cool-looking leaping snapmare. She follows Tamina to the other side of the ring but gets tossed through the ropes to the outside, knocking her repaired shin. Tamina grabs her by the hair and easily yanks her up to the ring apron, pulling her hair and choking her against the middle rope before hot-shotting her onto it.

Tamina hits Nikki with a suplex and goes for the pin, getting a two-count. She puts Nikki in a choke hold, wearing her down as AJ watches on with her manic smile. Nikki powers out, but before she can get free, Tamina slams her to the mat. Then, for good measure, Tamina knocks Brie off the apron.

Pissed, Brie enters the ring, distracting the referee, but not long enough for Tamina to start to choke Nikki on the ropes. The referee gets her to break the hold quickly. Tamina scoop slams Nikki twice and gives her a hair mare, wearing her down even further. She tags in AJ, who simply goes for the pin. Nikki kicks out.

AJ latches in a sleeper hold on Nikki, while Brie gets the crowd to cheer on her twin. Nikki gets to her feet and backs AJ into a corner, knocking her off her back. Nikki starts to move toward her corner, but a firm kick to the back sends her to the mat.

AJ stomps Nikki in the corner, celebrating a bit and hitting empty turnbuckle when she charges towards Nikki. This gives Nikki enough time to tag in Brie, who comes in guns-a-blazing. She hits AJ with a series of clotheslines and dropkicks before nailing her with a missile dropkick from the second rope. Brie goes for the pin, but no dice.

Brie brings AJ to her feet, but AJ fights her off, kicking her in the stomach and slamming her back to the mat. AJ bends to pull Brie to her feet, but Brie surprises her by rolling her into a single leg crab! Brie sees Tamina entering the ring to stop this and meets her head-on, knocking her out of the ring.

AJ tries to take advantage of this distraction, but Brie knocks her down, leaving AJ leaning against the bottom rope. Brie goes for her running knee strike, but AJ dodges it and a returning Tamina gets a face full of Bella knee.

AJ tries to roll Brie up, but Brie fights out of it again, immediately hitting her with a great looking Bella Buster and once again pinning the Divas Champion!

Brie and (a slightly unenthusiastic?) Nikki celebrate while AJ makes her customary defeat departure, being carried limply away by Tamina.

Of course, I’m probably looking into Nikki’s reaction waaaaay too closely because I desperately want her to turn heel, but she does look a little annoyed. Please let something happen at Hell in a Cell! I’m not here for a slow burn.

It’s clear that AJ’s usual tricks aren’t getting the job done, so it stands to reason that she’ll have to bust out the big guns to keep her title this Sunday. But what will she do? Stash a pair of brass knuckles in Tamina’s leather vest? Either way, I don’t see her trying the “distract and roll up” strategy after seeing is blow up in her face two times in a row.

We also got a Funkadactyl sighting, as Cameron and Naomi accompanied Ton of Funk to the ring for their match against the Real Americans:

I really hope they find more for Cameron and Naomi to do soon, because this managing thing is getting old. I think I’ve been spoiled by them being included in an actual Divas storyline over the past few months.

Lastly, we have a contract signing for Daniel Bryan and Randy Orton‘s title match this Sunday.

As is the custom with contract signings, things did not go smoothly. However, how it broke down was pretty unexpected:

That’s right.. Big Show comes in, Steve Austin-style, with a semi truck that he drives right up to ringside. Though, instead of spraying beer on the Administration, her merely honks the horn and waves at them to demonstrate that nothing can keep him from doing what he wants. Daniel Bryan lays out Orton and joins Show at the truck, closing the show with a chorus of “Yes!”

Well, that was fun. Until next time, readers!

Video: Brie Bella Promises to Become Divas Champion at Hell in a Cell

Following her win on Raw and heading into another Divas Championship shot at Hell in a Cell, Brie Bella is as confident as can be.

The WWE’s official Tout account has uploaded a video of Brie, alongside her sister Nikki, promising to hit the Bella Buster one more time on AJ Lee at the Pay-Per-View and win the Divas Title.

Seeing how obsessed AJ has become with the title, Brie makes sure to say that she too has passion for the Divas Championship.

Watch the Tout below:

Do you think Brie’s confidence can overcome AJ’s wiles?

Video: AJ Lee’s WWE 2K14 Entrance and Finisher

2K Sports has finally revealed Divas Champion AJ Lee in all her WWE 2K14 glory, unlocking a video showing her entrance and finishing move.

The video shows AJ making her signature skipping entrance and hitting the Shining Wizard on Kaitlyn.

Watch the video below:

View AJ’s profile on the official WWE 2K14 site.

What do you think of AJ’s footage?

Video: A Distraught AJ Lee Reacts to Loss on Raw

After being pinned for a second time by Brie Bella on Raw, AJ Lee looks absolutely distraught heading into Hell in a Cell this Sunday.

Renee Young (aka Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles‘s April O’Neil) caught up with AJ to talk about her strategy for her upcoming Divas Championship match, first encountering Tamina Snuka, who instructed Renee to move her microphone to the floor where AJ was sitting.

AJ, who looked beside herself with worry, mocked Renee for asking about her game plan. She says she’s bruised and bleeding and may have lost tonight, but she’s never losing “her”. One can assume the “her” AJ is referring to is the Divas Championship.

Watch the interview below:

Even though Brie has the momentum, it’s hard to imagine AJ not pulling out every trick in the book to keep the title on Sunday.

What plan will AJ hatch at Hell in a Cell?

Diva Dirt Weekly for the Week Ending October 21st, 2013

Each week following Raw, Diva Dirt Weekly will take a look back at the week preceding it, hitting every noteworthy event along the way, from Impact Wrestling to SmackDown to Raw.

Joining the audio will be team members Chris, Erin and our host Jake.

We cover the following events:

  • SmackDown (10/18/13): Brie Bella defeats Divas Champion AJ Lee cleanly.
  • SHIMMER Tapings (10/19/13 & 10/20/13): Cheerleader Melissa is revealed to be topping this year’s PWI Female 50 and later is busted open during a match. Should Divas be seen bleeding?
  • Bound For Glory (10/20/13): Gail Kim wins the Knockouts Title with help from Lei’D Tapa. Is this alliance ripping off AJ/Tamina Snuka?
  • Raw (10/21/13): Brie and Nikki Bella defeat AJ and Tamina.
  • WWE 2K14 DLC Divas revealed.
  • Hell in a Cell predictions for AJ vs. Brie.

Listen below or download by right clicking here.

[yendifplayer audio=18]
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Picture of the Day: ‘Total Divas’ Banner Hangs Proud in NYC


Are your Sunday nights really feeling a void with Total Divas on hiatus? Well fear not, because the time for a big return is nearly upon us!

In fact, if you live in or plan to visit New York City sometime soon, you could get a daily reminder of this if you gaze upon the big banner shown above featuring Natalya, Naomi, Cameron, Brie and Nikki Bella.

Cameron posted the shot on her Instagram account, captioning it, “#TotalDivas baybay! Looking the on the billboard down in #NYC! Don’t forget season 1.5 starts Nov.17th”.

We’ve got to admit that while the poster certainly is the, there are two women missing that have made quite the impression on fans around the world. We are speaking, of course, of Heel Jane and Sandra Gray!

Joking aside, we would like to see JoJo and Eva Marie join in on the artwork. But nevertheless, it’s great to see the promotion rolling in for their big return.

The time shift to 9pm may prove to be a challenge, but we’ve got faith that our Total Divas can hang in there with the best of them!

Raw Response: October 21st, 2013


Get your Monday night Divas fix by tuning in to Raw tonight on the USA Network at 8pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Divas Championship Match Announced for Hell in a Cell

This Sunday at Hell in a Cell, Brie Bella will get a second shot at AJ Lee‘s Divas Championship. has made the announcement, revealing that it was Brie’s win over AJ on SmackDown that earned her the title match.

This debunks rumors that emerged last week saying that plans were in place for a Tag Team match pitting Brie and Nikki Bella against AJ and Tamina Snuka.

Hell in a Cell takes place this Sunday, October 27th.

Do you think Brie will win this time? Debates Whether AJ Lee Should be Cheered or Booed

Most wrestling fans will be familiar with the term “tweener” – a wrestler who sits comfortably between being a babyface and a heel.

Recently, fans have suggested that Divas Champion AJ Lee is heading to that middle ground, and today has added fuel to that fire, publishing an article that debates whether fans should cheer or boo AJ.

The site explains the reason for the divide:

“Few Divas in the history of sports-entertainment have driven the WWE Universe into such a divided reaction. Half of WWE fans love her for her unorthodox style and her unique personality traits, while the other half hates that she’s channeled her talents by physically or verbally eviscerating nearly every fan favorite on the roster over the last two years.”

Among its reasons for AJ to be cheered, the site suggests that AJ has empowered women in her journey to the Divas Title:

“For many, including an army of young girls, watching AJ navigate WWE’s treacherous waters has served as an inspiration, a reinforcement of the notion that, if you’re willing to invest the sweat and the hours, and if you believe in yourself, you too can achieve the seemingly impossible. But this is not an after-school special. This is not a Tony Robbins self-help lecture. This is not a poster of a kitten clinging to a tree branch. This is reality. This is AJ Lee.”

On the other side, they suggest she should be booed in recapping her various evildoings:

“To recap: AJ is the woman who fiddled the heartstrings of one of WWE’s most secretly malleable romantics, Kane, to such a degree that he thought she was too nuts for him….When she decided to break up with her next boyfriend, she threw him off a 20-foot ladder…Costing Dolph Ziggler the World Heavyweight Championship at WWE Money in the Bank was forgivable in context, if a little boneheaded. Manipulating Kaitlyn into a humiliation-fueled rage with that secret admirer business was vicious – a brilliant “gotcha!” that caused Chickbusters fans to disintegrate into a pile of mournful hashtags, to say nothing of Kaitlyn’s own anguished reaction.”

The article is most notable for the fact that it’s even acknowledging that AJ gets cheers. Usually, when it comes to Divas, the WWE doesn’t embrace anything other than the black and white babyface/heels roles. It will be interesting to see if this translates to changes on screen.

Thoughts: Even if you write off this article as a puff piece, the claims they made are a bit sketchy and makes me worry that if the WWE turned AJ into a tweener, they might do it in a way that misses the point.

True, AJ has empowered young girls and women who don’t fit the “mold”, but what about women who do wear high heels and like reality TV? A good part of her character, in delivering the Pipe Bombshell, was being hypocritical. After all, she tore down one segment of the female population in boosting another, participating in the very frivolous behavior she was blasting. Of course, this hypocrisy was probably intentional, but it’s difficult to suggest that she should be cheered for overcoming naysayers when she’s one herself.

A more in-depth analysis of AJ could bring up the fans’ affinity for cheering those who break the fourth wall, as AJ certainly did with that promo. Or, they could connect her to perhaps the most famous tweener: “Stone Cold” Steve Austin. Fans cheered him because he did whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted, to whoever he wanted. AJ’s got that “wild card” aspect to her, but whether or not it will be used to its full potential is up to the WWE.

You can read the full article on

Should AJ be turned into a tweener?

Bound For Glory in Review: Gail Gets By With a Little Help From Her Friend


Welcome, Knockout followers, to the Bound For Glory write up. Many things have been said about last night’s show. Some nice, some not so nice and some just downright sad. Based on some fan pictures, the arena was less than half full. Make that less than a quarter. But whether you’re a TNA fan or not, the Knockouts put on a good showing last night, so let’s get to it.

Our first Knockout sighting is Velvet Sky, accompanying her man Chris Sabin. Velvet was rocking the pink dress; she looked great. But she was out there for a little more than moral support, as Chris has some ideas for the end of the match. As things were coming to a close in the match, Chris forced Velvet into the ring to cause a distraction. Jeff scoots Velvet out of the way, but she’s in there long enough for Sabin to climb the ladder
and steal the X Division title.

Velvet had this to say on Twitter later in the night:

Oh, Velvet. I’m not sure how long this on screen relationship is going to last. We’ll have to wait and see.

We’re shown Dixie Carter backstage. She murmurs about needing a new assistant, then answers her phone and gets all excited. She says that she wants all of AJ Styles’ merchandise on sale and off the shelves. As she natters away, Derrick Bateman arrives on the scene. He calls her Aunt D, I think, unless I misunderstood what he said. Anyway, she’s hand picked the perfect opponent for him tonight.

“The world needs us. We’re the Carters.” Apparently that’s a thing.

Next up, the Knockouts Championship.

Out first is Gail Kim, followed by Brooke and finally, the Knockouts champion ODB.

ODB takes out Brooke with a hard clothesline to kick things off, that’s after Brooke is done trash talking the champ’s attire and hair. Gail rushes in to get the upper hand on ODB, but she’s too quick for the Canadian. ODB clears house, but Brooke is on the offensive after Gail has been knocked to the outside. Brooke takes it to ODB in the corner, and delivers some Asstastic while she’s at it. Brooke gets carried away, distracted by the crowd, and ODB takes the opportunity to knock Brooke down. With her boobs. Those are some powerful boobs.

As Gail heads back into the ring, ODB tries to pin Brooke for the three after a Bronco Buster. Gail rolls up ODB from behind, but doesn’t get a two count before ODB is back on her feet and taking it to her. Gail turns the tables, but not for long. She lines up ODB for the flying corner elbow, but Brooke knocks her out of the ring mid-run! Gail flies out of there and Brooke’s in control now. She takes it to the champ with some hard right forearms in the corner, then hits a facebuster from the top rope for a two count.

Brooke tangles ODB up in the ropes, hits her a few times and climbs on her back, but ODB backs her into the turnbuckle to give herself a minute to recover. Brooke doesn’t give in, and knocks ODB down with a flying forearm to the face, followed by two neckbreakers for a two count. Frustrated, Brooke slams ODB’s head against the canvas.

Gail has been gone for a while.

Oh wait, there she is! She grabs Brooke by the ankles and wraps her in a figure four around the ring post! Vintage Gail Kim!

She drags Brooke back into the ring but Brooke clocks her across the temple. ODB takes Gail out in a huge way, leaving just herself and Brooke alone again. Is it just me, or has Gail done almost nothing yet? ODB and Brooke exchange shots, before Brooke goes for a roll up attempt and gets a two count. ODB traps Brooke in a Boston Crab, but Gail breaks it up with a kick. (I don’t know what she did before the kick, though. Apart from some acrobatics.)

Gail pounds on ODB for a bit, then heads to the top rope. Brooke goes after her, and they go back and forth for a little bit, until ODB joins in and bangs their heads together, before attempting a double superplex. Which would have been awesome. Brooke and Gail shove her back down, and Gail nails ODB with a big missile drop kick. Brooke follows her down, landing a flying elbow on Gail! All three Knockouts are down for a count of seven. Gail and Brooke both go after ODB first, but she’s ready and takes it to them both. She hits a vertical suplex on Gail, which made my toes curl because I thought she was going to drop Gail on her head.

ODB and Gail both manage to hit the referee by accident, and he’s taken out of commission for a little bit. ODB has Gail and Brooke on her shoulders, going for a double Bam! but Brooke falls off, so ODB dumps Gail on top of her.

And then… Lei’D Tapa.

ODB drinks up her liquid courage and she’s ready to go! The champ isn’t backing down!

But Lei’D Tapa lays out ODB with a big boot to the face. Brooke’s on the top rope, ready to go for Gail but she changes her mind and goes for Tapa instead! Tapa catches her in mid air, then powerbombs her into the ring from the ramp! Gail covers Brooke, the ref is back and we have a new Knockouts Champion!

And she’s celebrating with Lei’D Tapa!

Well, well, well…

So much for it being Tapa’s ring? Not sure how I feel about this pairing. Lots of people are saying it’s a blatant rip off of AJ/Tamina, but the bodyguard thing has been done before, countless times. I wish they’d found something more creative for Tapa and her role. I’m not a fan of Gail winning the title; I would much rather have seen Brooke take it tonight. I don’t know who Gail is going into a feud with now, aside from ODB and her rematch, but… I’m not excited about it.

Brooke came out with her man, Bully Ray, in his main event match against AJ Styles, but after that powerbomb I wasn’t expecting her to. Kudos, Brooke.

During the match (if you skip to 17:20 in the video) Bully starts to call someone down to the ring. And out comes Dixie! She hands Bully a steel chair, but it backfires because AJ springboards right on to his opponent, who knocks himself out with said chair. AJ pins Bully after a 450 splash, but Dixie interrupts the referee before he can count. Dixie remains ringside, but AJ picks up the win despite this later on. He then exits through the crowd, title in hand.

You know, I feel like I’ve watched this before…

Dixie can’t believe it as Bound For Glory comes to a close.

I’m not sure how I feel about this Pay-Per-View. The Knockouts match was okay, but the fact that Gail Kim did nothing for most of it and then won was annoying. I found myself wishing they’d added Velvet Sky randomly, too. At least then no one would have lain around on the outside for half of it, doing nothing.

And Lei’D Tapa is a bodyguard now? Not what I’d hoped for, to say the least.

Until Friday, au revoir!

WWE 2K14 DLC Pack Details: Three Divas Included (Photos & Video)

2K Sports has revealed revealed some long-awaited details on the downloadable content for WWE 2K14, telling us which Divas which be available to add to the game.

Summer Rae, Brie and Nikki Bella will be available for download in the “WWE Superstars and Moves Pack”. Though Summer is listed as coming “free of charge” with the pack, the whole thing will cost $7.99.

In addition to being Fandango‘s manager, Summer will be a playable character, seen in a screenshot wearing her NXT ring gear.

See more of the Bellas and Summer in the WWE 2K14 DLC trailer below:

Our first shot of Kaitlyn in the game can be seen around the :30 mark in the video above, showing her as she takes a hit from Summer.

Check out more screenshots of Summer in the game:

WWE 2K14 hits stores in America a week from tomorrow on October 29th and in Europe on November 1st.

Who should have been part of the DLC pack?

SHIMMER Star Gets TNA Tryout


SHIMMER star Veda Scott received a TNA tryout last night before Bound For Glory, according to PWInsider.

Scott, who also competes for ROH, is said to have wrestled Candice LeRae.

No word yet on how the tryout went.

Do you think Veda would be a good addition to TNA?

Picture of the Day: All That SHIMMERs is Gold


On yesterday’s rousing Picture(s) of the Day, we focused on some of the stars of the SHIMMER weekend festivities, so in today’s, how about we take a gander at what the wrestlers are all there to fight for… title belts!

Included in the above snapshot are the SHIMMER Championship (held by Cheerleader Melissa), the SHIMMER Tag Team Championships (latched on the shoulders of Kellie Skater and Tomoka Nakagawa) and the JWP Openweight Championship (currently belonging to Kana).

SHIMMER posted the picture on their Twitter account, tweeting:

Considering every title belt shown looks like a million bucks, wouldn’t you want to hold one too? Really, all you’d have to do is defeat any of the women listed above. Easy, right?