Thursday, September 19, 2024

Bound For Glory Predictions: ODB vs. Brooke vs. Gail Kim for the Knockouts Title


Tonight at Bound For Glory, Knockouts Champion ODB puts her title on the line against both Brooke and Gail Kim. Which Knockout will come out on top? The Diva Dirt team weighs in…

Bobby: I haven’t gotten to keep up with TNA as much as I used to, but I feel like I know enough to ask… why is Gail Kim in this match? I get Brooke since she won the contenders match against Velvet Sky, but I feel like I haven’t heard anything about Gail for a while. I could’ve missed something, so I may just be talking out of my you-know-what, but I will say this match at least does feel fresh in comparison to ODB facing either of them on her own. My guess is Lei’D Tapa wreaks havoc on everyone, but the question is whether or not that’ll come after the match ends or while it’s in progress to cause a DQ. Being that Tapa seems to be out on her own and not choosing to align with a certain disposition in the way monster type wrestlers typically are, it adds a bit of mystique as to who could win since I could logically see her feuding with either a face or heel. To be honest, she may be the underdog, but I think Brooke winning would do the most for the title. She’s involved with a top male, she’s newly turned heel thus adding an element of freshness we haven’t yet seen since her previous reigns were as a face, and, to put it truthfully, while I do also like some of the other Knockouts such as Velvet and… uhh, Dixie Carter (?), she’s pretty much the only one left that really peaks my interest seeing as champion unless they finally do pull the trigger on that Dixie reign I’ve been hoping for.

Chris: Aah, hard to believe it’s time for another Bound For Glory. It’s hard to be a TNA fan sometimes, especially over the past year. Scandals, Struggles, and crappy angles have certainly put a damper on the product that I once loved. I think it’s clear that Dixie Carter will win the belt and then the company will physically explode on the spot. #DixieLand. I kid. So in this match you have Brooke (no longer Tessmacher, now one name like Cher, Madonna or Ke$ha.) who was one of the most improved females in 2012, Gail Kim who always puts on amazing matches (two of them this year), and ODB… who…. is… the champion? Clearly the wild card in this situation is Lei’D Tapa. Who’s not only a fierce competitor, but her last name is also a type of appetizer. She’s gone through Velvet Sky and her hobo clothes, and she also made a statement by attacking ODB. Gail Kim is worried about the role Lei’D will play, Brooke of course is worried about Brooke. As she should be with that beautiful new smile. But the real question here is, Is ODB distracted by Tapa? I think so. That’s why I’m picking Brooke to cheat her way to a victory via a dirty roll up.

Cryssi: Ummm…. OBD because YOLO. Go Bears!

Eleri: Given the outstanding build up to this match and the recent turmoil between these three women – oh no, wait. In all honesty, I’m not sure where they’re going with this. I don’t think ODB will retain, but then what would have been the point of her winning the title in the first place when Mickie left? If Gail wins, I see them going down the Gail/Lei’D Tapa route. If Brooke wins, I can see them turning Gail straight and putting her with the Main Event Mafia to take on Brooke and Aces and Eights. I’d prefer if Brooke won, just because it would light a spark under a load of potential storylines that, let’s face it, the division needs. So I’m going with Brooke.

Erin: It’s weird that the one Knockout they’re relling pushing that the moment (Lei’D Tapa) isn’t in this match, but I suppose they feel they need to build her up a bit more – maybe wrestle an actual match? – before she gets her shot. With that in mind, I know TNA needs a babyface to be her foil as she climbs the ranks, and unless something drastic happens, Gail and Brooke will remain heels. So, TNA needs ODB to retain so she can eventually drop the title to Tapa. So yeah, ODB wins.

Jack: ODB has this one in the bag. As the only Face in active competition right now, the belt needs to be on her to allow the heels to chase the belt. With Brooke busy with Bully Ray and Gail having faced ODB about 93653523 times already, I see ODB winning before Lei’D Tapa makes her presence felt. ODB wins – BAM!

BREAKDOWN: 3 for Brooke, 3 for ODB and 0 for Gail.

Who do you agree with? Who is just dead wrong?

Note: We’re keeping a record of our Pay-Per-View predictions. Check out Team Diva Dirt’s PPV Prediction Scoreboard after the match to see who’s in the lead!

In Video: Stephanie McMahon’s WWE 2K14 Entrance and Finisher

The latest woman to be profiled on the WWE 2K14 roster page is none other than the Billion Dollar Princess herself, Stephanie McMahon.

Stephanie’s character in the game is a retro model, wearing ring gear from No Way Out 2001 and entering to Triple H‘s old “My Time” theme music.

Her finisher is, of course, her husband’s Pedigree, seen here performed on Lita.

Watch her entrance and finisher below:

You can view Stephanie’s full bio on the official WWE 2K14 site.

What do you think of Stephanie’s footage?

SHIMMER Volume 61 Taping Results

This weekend SHIMMER returns to the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois to film the next set of its DVD series.

Volume 61 results below, courtesy of Jennifer.

SHIMMER Volume 61:

* Santana Garrett def. Nevaeh w/ Mademoiselle Rachelle via a Shining Star Press.

* Jessicka Havok def. Crazy Mary Dobson via a sitout chokeslam.

* Mia Yim def. Angie Skye via a 450 Splash.

* Backstage interview with Hiroyo Matsumoto. She wants a rematch with Portia Perez.

* ThunderKitty def. Taylor Made via a sleeper hold.

* Nicole Matthews def. Heidi Lovelace via the Vancouver Maneuver.

* Leva Bates (dressed as Han Solo of Star Wars) def. Nikki Storm via the Pepsi Plunge.

* MsChif def. Miss Natural after a spike DDT off the second rope.

* Hiroyo Matsumoto def. Portia Perez via a backdrop driver after interference from ThunderKitty and MsChif.

* Global Green Gangsters (Kellie Skater and Tomoka Nakagawa) def. Cherry Bomb and Kimber Lee via a double team kick combination.

* Christina Von Eerie def. Saraya Knight in a Three Stages of Hell match. First round (Pinfall) ends in a draw. Von Eerie makes Saraya tap in the second round (Submission). Von Eerie makes Saraya tap in the third round (Hardcore), as well.

* Madison Eagles def. Kana and Hikaru Shida in a Triple Threat match, after hitting the Hellbound on Shida.

* Mercedes Martinez def. LuFisto in a Falls Count Anywhere match via a fisherman buster onto a chair, after Cheerleader Melissa lays LuFisto out using her belt.

SHIMMER Volume 60 Taping Results

This weekend SHIMMER returns to the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois to film the next set of its DVD series.

Volume 60 results below, courtesy of Jennifer.


* Midianne def. JK Kennedy by using the ropes for extra leverage.

SHIMMER Volume 60:

* Nikki Storm def. Heidi Lovelace via the Eye of the Storm.

* Video package from an injured Courtney Rush. She says she’s healing well and fully supports the Tag Team Champions, 3G.

* Mia Yim def. Melanie Cruise via a 450 Splash.

* Video package from an injured Athena. She says she’ll be back, better than ever.

* Kimber Lee and Cherry Bomb def. Crazy Mary Dobson and Mary Lee Rose after a Lungblower/German suplex combination on Rose.

* Saraya Knight def. ThunderKitty via submission. Post-match, Saraya challenges Christina Von Eerie to a Three Stages of Hell match. First match: Pinfall, Second match: Submission, Third match: Hardcore.

* Kana def. Allysin Kay via the Kana Lock.

* Portia Perez def. Hiroyo Matsumoto after slamming her head into an exposed turnbuckle.

* Mercedes Martinez def. Santana Garrett via a fisherman buster.

* Global Green Gangsters (Kellie Skater and Tomoka Nakagawa) def. Sassy Stephie and Nevaeh w/ Mademoiselle Rachelle after a kick combination on Neveah.

* Backstage interview with LuFisto. Lufusto vows to win the SHIMMER Championship.

* Madison Eagles def. Jessicka Havok via the Hellbound.

* In-ring segment with Lisa Marie Varon. She thanks the SHIMMER audience for welcoming her with open arms and praises the entire locker room.

* Hikaru Shida def. Nicole Matthews via a running knee strike. After the match, Madison Eagles offers Matthews consolation, but is rebuffed by Matthews.

* Cheerleader Melissa Melissa def. LuFisto via Air Raid Crash to retain the SHIMMER Championship. After the match, Melissa attacks LuFisto and Kana makes the save, followed by Mercedes Martinez coming to Melissa’s aid.

Photos: AJ Lee and Natalya Compete on WWE’s Tour of Mexico


The WWE recently wrapped up a short tour of Mexico, with events taking place in Querétaro and Guadalajara.

AJ Lee and Natalya wrestled in Divas Championship matches on both shows, with AJ retaining the title both times.

View photos from the events below:

You can see the full galleries on

Bound For Glory Rewind: Awesome Kong vs. Roxxi vs. Taylor Wilde for the Knockouts Title (2008)


Leading up to Bound For Glory tonight, we’re looking back at memorable Knockout moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re looking back at 2008, when Knockouts Champion Taylor Wilde defended the title against Awesome Kong and Roxxi in a Triple Threat match.

Taylor retained the title after taking Awesome Kong out of the equation, knocking her off the turnbuckle and then taking out Roxxi with a bridged German suplex.

Watch the match below:

What are your memories of this moment?

Picture(s) of the Day: A Very SHIMMERing Saturday


Yes, yes, before you bring it up, we caved and decided to go for another multi-Picture of the Day post. I guess the good thing about making the rules is you can also break them! This must be what a General Manager feels like.

As you all hopefully know, this weekend SHIMMER Women Athletes presents their filming of volumes 58 through 61, and what better way to celebrate than with a sampling of pictures from the days festivities? Let’s begin…

The first, seen above, comes to us from Sassy Stephie as she shows off her A+ tribute to Sensational Sherri in the form of cat-like makeup.

Stephie posted the photo on her Instagram account, captioning it, “Channeling my inner Sensational Sherri! Just not quite as sensational as she, but it’s very sassy! #sensationalsherri”.

Up next, we’ve got Mia Yim bringing forth a pose-filled picture of greatness alongside Hiroyo Matsumoto. Posting to her Instagram account, Yim included the description, “Team sexy with my old friend, @hiroyomatsumoto <3<3<3".

Following Mia, we head to JK Kennedy – formerly known as Jessie Kaye – who checks in with a selfie at the end of her Saturday showing. Through her Instagram account, she posts, “One day almost done. One to go.”

And finally, to round out the big day, we take it to Leva Bates for a quick semi-glimpse at one of her costumes. If you know Leva, you know she loves a good cosplay, and courtesy of her Twitpic account, we have the above shot with the caption, “Shimmer costume #2: Solid Snake! Cardboard box? It’s saved my skin more than a few times… #shimmer59”.

Phew… hopefully you guys don’t go into picture overload. Don’t they all make you wish you could hop on a plane and fly straight to Berwyn to be at the Eagles Club for tomorrow’s taping?

Bound For Glory Rewind: Mickie James Referees a Four-Corners Knockouts Title Match (2010)


Leading up to Bound For Glory tomorrow night, we’re looking back at memorable Knockout moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re looking back at 2010, when Mickie James made her first appearance in a TNA ring since returning to the company.

Mickie officiated a Four-Corners Knockouts Title match pitting champ Angelina Love against Madison Rayne, Tara and Velvet Sky.

Tara would win the match and the Knockouts Title, though she wasn’t as happy about it as you might think…

Watch the match below:

What are your memories of this moment?

Cheerleader Melissa Tops 2013 PWI Female 50

Pro Wrestling Illustrated has revealed the the woman topping this year’s Female 50, and it’s none other than SHIMMER Champion Cheerleader Melissa.

The news was revealed at today’s SHIMMER tapings, with PWI’s Dan Murphy making the announcement in the middle of the ring before awarding Melissa with a plaque.

We’ve also learned that 20 members of the SHIMMER roster will make up the list.

This is the first time Cheerleader Melissa has topped the list. Last year, she landed at number three behind Beth Phoenix and list topper Gail Kim.

Congratulations, Melissa!

Do you agree with PWI’s pick?

SmackDown Redux (October 18th, 2013): Vengeance is Sweet


Hey all, it’s Erin, filling in for Steven this week. Covering SmackDown will be a treat for me, as I’m used to covering hula hoop and tug-of-war contests for OVW. Yep. Anyways, let’s get started!

We kick off the show with SmackDown GM Vickie Guerrero, who assures the Administration (who are menacingly watching from home) that Big Show will not be getting into the building and that she will be running a tight ship:

Of course, that plans goes to hell when Big Show easily makes his way through the crowd and into the ring. After a confrontation with Vickie and Brad Maddox, Show knocks out Maddox, saying that he’s a man with nothing to lose:

No more tears, then? Boo.

The Divas action saw a rematch of sorts from Battleground, with AJ Lee taking on Brie Bella. I say “of sorts” because the title is not on the line. Think of it as a chance for Brie to release some of the frustration pent up from her crappy Monday night:

Nikki‘s allowed at ringside for the match, because apparently Stephanie McMahon prefers to get her fix of masochism on Monday nights. AJ, of course, has Tamina Snuka by her side.

Brie has her shoulder taped, which might as well be a target for AJ and her Black Widow submission. Surely, if she can lock it in, it’s all over, right?

Brie’s raring to go, and AJ isn’t into that. She slips out of the ring twice to avoid Brie, steering her opponent towards Tamina the second time. Tamina stands in between Brie and AJ, blocking Brie’s way as AJ jumps around, mocking her. Why won’t Nikki sneak up behind AJ and yank her by the hair or something?

AJ lets down her guard when Brie moves to climb back in the ring, and it’s all the opportunity Brie needs. She clocks AJ in the head and knocks her to the ground. She tosses AJ back into the ring and hits her with a Lou Thesz press, pounding her head against the mat.

AJ heads for the hills again, but Brie grabs her before she can get away. AJ hotshots Brie against the ropes and escapes. With Brie favoring her shoulder again, AJ smells blood in the water and reenters the ring, beginning to work on the arm.

She locks Brie in an armbar, but with some support from the crowd, Brie gets to her feet and fights AJ off, running the ropes but meeting with AJ’s boot on the return. AJ grabs Brie’s arm again and slams her face-first to the mat, taking the moment after to skip around the ring and bow before slamming Brie to the mat once again. She goes for the pin, but Brie kicks out easily.

Brie heads to the ropes so she can get to her feet, but AJ stops her there, wrapping her bad arm around the middle rope and tweaking the shoulder. After the ref makes her break the hold, she brings it to the middle of the ring, wrenching Brie’s arm behind her back.

Brie gets to her feet and drops back down, jaw jacking AJ and freeing herself. She hits AJ with a series of clotheslines and climbs to the turnbuckle to hit her with a missile dropkick. She connects and goes for the pin, but AJ kicks out.

With AJ prone against the ropes, she runs and drives her knee into her face not once, but twice. At the same time, Tamina tries to go after Nikki, trying to replicate the distraction that earned AJ the win at Battleground. Nikki dodges it, though, sending Tamina into the steel steps.

Seeing Brie distracted by this, AJ goes for the roll-up, but Brie rolls out of it, immediately getting to her feet and hitting AJ with the Bella Buster. It’s enough for the three, and Brie beats the champ! Brie gives AJ the loser sign as she celebrates. A little bit of a heel touch…why not?

The Bellas celebrate as Tamina gathers up a dazed AJ and, like the faithful heavy she is, carries her to the back without looking back.

Thoughts: It’s interesting to see them demonstrate that, had things gone down a tad bit differently at Battleground, Brie could be Divas Champion right now. They set up the ending to mirror the one that saw Brie distracted by Tamina hounding her sister, but with only a few modifications (Nikki avoiding the attack, Brie rolling out of the pin), Brie was able to get the win cleanly.

I like that they don’t AJ look invincible, especially since she isn’t the kind of champion who needs it. They’ve established a while ago that AJ isn’t the strongest Diva, but she uses her wiles to get (and keep) the upper hand. That way, it makes sense that she can lose a match to Brie when her plans fall apart.

A clean win for Brie doesn’t rob a future Divas Championship match of its suspense, because next time, AJ could orchestrate any sort of scenario to tip the scales in her favor. With these two, it’s never really down to who is the better competitor: it’s if AJ is able to outfox Brie. They could wrestle each other every week, and it could end in a number of different ways. In my eyes, that’s the mark of a really intriguing feud. I just hope they keep it up!

SHIMMER Volume 59 Taping Results

This weekend SHIMMER returns to the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois to film the next set of its DVD series.

Volume 59 results below, courtesy of Jennifer.

SHIMMER Volume 59:

* ThunderKitty def. Miss Natural via a sleeper hold.

* Christina Von Eerie def. Saraya Knight, Melanie Cruise and Su Yung after Cruise hits Yung with a tombstone piledriver and Von Eerie steals the pin. Post-match, Saraya and Christina brawl to the backstage area. Su Yung has to be helped to the back.

* Nikki Storm def. Veda Scott via the Eye of the Storm.

* Sassy Stephie and Nevaeh def. Santana Garrett and Savannah Summers after a double team maneuver on Summers.

* Portia Perez def. MsChif by slamming her head into an exposed turnbuckle, after a distraction from Nicole Matthews.

* Kana def. Kimber Lee via submission in what was described as a “tremendous match”.

* Jessicka Havok def. Leva Bates (dressed as Solid Snake of the Metal Gear Solid series) via a sitout chokeslam.

* Madison Eagles def. Mia Yim via the Hellbound.

* Global Green Gangsters (Kellie Skater and Tomoka Nakagawa) def. Made in Sin (Allysin Kay and Taylor Made) to retain the SHIMMER Tag Team Championships.

* Nicole Matthews def. Hikaru Shida after nailing her with a kendo stick while the referee wasn’t looking.

* LuFisto def. Mercedes Martinez via the Burning Hammer.

* Main Event: SHIMMER Champion Cheerleader Melissa def. Hiroyo Matsumoto with the Air Raid Crash. Melissa attacks Hiroyo after the match, but LuFisto runs in to make the save. The two brawl until referees pull them apart. Melissa clocks Kevin Harvey and leaves to end the tapings.

At tomorrow’s tapings, Melissa will defend her SHIMMER Championship against LuFisto.

SHIMMER Volume 58 Taping Results

This weekend SHIMMER returns to the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, Illinois to film the next set of its DVD series.

Volume 58 results below, courtesy of Jennifer.


* JK Kennedy (formerly Jessie Kaye) def. Midianne via a second rope flatliner.

* Angie Skye def. “Crazy” Mary Dobson via the Unprettier.


* Portia Perez def. ThunderKitty after slamming her head into an exposed turnbuckle.

* Santana Garrett def. Sassy Stephie w/ Mademoiselle Rachelle via a Shining Star Press. Post-match, Santana attacks Rachelle, prompting Nevaeh to interfere, who is run off by the debuting Savannah Summers.

* Jessicka Havok def. Mary Lee Rose via a chokeslam.

* Nikki Storm def. Su Yung via the Eye of the Storm in her SHIMMER debut.

* Mercedes Martinez def. Veda Scott via the fisherman buster.

* Backstage interview with Madison Eagles. She says she hasn’t lost a match since losing her title and issues an open challenge.

* Hikaru Shida def. Mia Yim via a running Yakuza kick.

* Cherry Bomb and Kimber Lee def. Christina Von Eerie and MsChif with a Codebreaker/release German suplex combination on Von Eerie.

* Dan Murphy of PWI and Amber Gertner are in the ring. It is announced that over 20 members of the SHIMMER roster are in the PWI Female 50 this year and SHIMMER Champion Cheerleader Melissa has ranked #1. She’s presented a plaque in the ring. Melissa trashes the locker room, including Allison Danger and Leva Bates. Leva comes out to the ring and we have a impromptu match!

* Cheerleader Melissa def. Leva Bates via Air Raid Crash to retain the SHIMMER Championship. Post-match, Melissa hits two more Air Raid Crashes and Allison Danger makes the save. Melissa attacks Danger and LuFisto makes the save.

* Hiroyo Matsumoto def. Saraya Knight.

* Nicole Matthews vs. Madison Eagles ends in a 20 minute time limit draw.

* Main Event: SHIMMER Tag Team Champions Global Green Gangsters (Kellie Skater and Tomoka Nakagawa) def. LuFisto and Kana to retain the SHIMMER Tag Team Championships after a double kick to LuFisto.

Diva Dirt TV for October 19th, 2013: AJ’s GIF-Worthy Face, #ChokerSteph and Hell in a Cell Rumors

Hosted as always by Jake, Diva Dirt TV will be posted every weekend, wrapping up the week in women’s wrestling by naming the best moments of the week as “Match of the Week”, “Tweet of the Week”, “Story of the Week” and more.

On this week’s episode: AJ Lee‘s gif-able faces, a Match of the Week-worthy Triple Threat match, Stephanie McMahon‘s choker and much more.

Watch the show below:

Subscribe to our channel on YouTube to get each episode before anyone else!

What are your “of the week” picks?

In Video: Vickie Guerrero Talks Losing Control of SmackDown

Renee Young caught up with SmackDown General Manager Vickie Guerrero after the Friday night show, talking to her about losing control of the show.

At first, Vickie deflects the questions well, saying that it was Brad Maddox‘s fault that the fired Big Show got into the building and knocked him out.

Though, when asked what the Administration would think about how things unraveled, Vickie looks worried, saying that she was sure they were watching and that the show was great…in the beginning.

Vickie finishes by saying that despite all that, she’s still SmackDown General Manager. Though, by the look on her face, we’re guessing she’s not sure it’s going to be that way for much longer.

Watch the interview below:

Do you think Vickie will be punished for how things went down?

Independent Women: Coming Soon to a Screen Near You

Remember that indy wrestling web series we spoke of last month? Well, it’s all coming together.

While we don’t want to release too many details just yet, we do want to share with you its name: Independent Women.

Independent Women will present a never-before-seen look at the lives of your favorite indy women’s wrestlers, from life on the road to the action backstage.

Footage is already coming in, so it won’t be long before you get your first taste. Stay tuned!

Picture of the Day: A Happy Couple Visits a Zoo, But Can You Guess Who?


If you answered the question posed in the title of this Picture of the Day with some form of the phrase “TNA President, Dixie Carter and her faithful husband, Serg”, well ding ding ding, you’re a winner! (Note: “Dixie Carter and her newly released t-shirt” would have also been acceptable.)

That’s right, this southern belle/wrestling president took some time away from gracing us with her on-screen presence to hit up a local San Diego zoo with her husband and his brand new Dixie shirt.

We’re going to pretend they spent the day arm in arm as she sipped an iced tea and blessed some animal hearts.

Miss Carter posted the photo on her Twitter account, tweeting:

We’re not sure if this is implying that she really did see a lot of TNA fans around the zoo (hey, don’t lie, you’d run up for a picture and an autograph) or if she was referring to their fan base as animals, which would make an equal amount of sense.

Whether you cheer or boo her, Dixie’s certainly entertaining. If you disagree that’s fine and dandy, as we’ve all got an opinion, but that doesn’t mean we still won’t let out a “Bless your Heart!” in true Dixie form.

SmackDown Reaction: October 18th, 2013


There’s Divas action on tonight’s SmackDown, so tune in at 8pm ET on SyFy.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: SmackDown Spoilers: October 18th, 2013

Impact Write-Up (October 17th, 2013): A Contract Signing and a Knockout or Two


Hello Knockout fans, and welcome to this week’s Write-Up. It’s not going to be jam-packed, because it obviously makes total sense to not feature a Knockouts match on the “go home” show before Bound For Glory, right? It also makes perfect sense that the Knockouts champion, who will be defending her title this Sunday, made no appearance. Logic. TNA is severely lacking in it. Anyway, on with the write-up…

We kick things off with Dixie Carter heading to the ring. She’s accompanied by some security, one of whom is carrying a brief case. (By the way, Dixie’s music sounds like a Disney show opening…). She compares herself to Michelangelo and the Sistine Chapel, saying masterpieces take time. Of course, Michelangelo wasn’t dealing with a redneck AJ Styles in the meantime, splattering paint all over his masterpiece. She recaps what happened between Bully Ray and AJ at the end of last week’s Impact.

As a leader, Dixie says, it’s her job to motivate and, apparently, she does motivation reeeeeeally well (she says as she shakes her butt). The crowd is chanting for Hogan, but Dixie doesn’t really care because she’s got a big thing planned for tonight. A contract signing for Bound For Glory. She wonders what might happen if AJ didn’t make it to the signing, and if someone else might step up to impress her. I’m going to go off on a bit of a tangent, and I know that Dixie is not a professional on screen personality. But her promos need a lot of work. They’re long, wordy and it takes her faaaar too long to get to the point of her sentences. But I suppose it works in favour of her heel persona, because people are booing her for that if nothing else!

She promises that there’s someone who’s not going to repeat AJ’s stupid mistake from last week; walking away from a whole lot of money. Dixie says that creating opportunities and making people rich is what she does best. Really, Dixie? Really? You keep telling yourself that…

So there’s a fifty thousand dollar bounty on AJ’s head. Here comes Bully Ray, and he’s got Brooke by his side. This segment effectively ends to start another one between Bully and Magnus. Before that, though, Magnus voices his displeasure over Dixie’s decision to put a bounty on AJ.

‘It’s no wonder everyone’s saying Dixie sucks.’

(Sidenote: I really enjoy Magnus’s voice. His body isn’t so bad either…)

Dixie cannot believe he just said that.

We get a quick recap of Lei’D Tapa’s domination from last week and the week before. It’s followed by a quick hype of the triple threat coming this Sunday, where ODB will defend her title against Brooke and Gail Kim.

We’re taken backstage to where Brooke is taking selfies. Gail interrupts, telling her she looks fabulous. Brooke replies with a very smug ‘oh girl, I know’. Loved that. Gail needs to talk to Brooke about this Sunday, and something very important. Namely, Lei’D Tapa. Brooke has no intention of following through on Gail’s plans to work together if Lei’D Tapa shows up to ‘destroy them’. Brooke only makes promises to one person, and Gail looks ‘a little ratchet’ compared to him. Oooooh.

TNA iMPACT Wrestling – 10.17.2013 – 17th… by desishows19
(skip to 11:00)

Our next glimpse of a Knockout is Velvet Sky, who is accompanying her man Chris Sabin for his match against Samoa Joe. Chris plants one on Velvet on the ramp, and she follows him to the ring looking a little shell shocked. The beginning of Samoa Joe’s music sounds like something you’d hear in a cartoon when a villain appears.

During the match, after Samoa Joe has him beaten down in the corner, Chris Sabin escapes the ring and makes a beeline for Velvet. They hug on the outside, and a little later Chris grabs Velvet’s hand and pulls her away from ringside, saying ‘Screw this’. Apparently he’s not interested in getting his ass kicked. Samoa Joe heads after them and Chris uses Velvet as a shield. Samoa Joe is reluctant to put his hands on a lady. Good bloke. Chris uses the distraction to DDT his opponent on the ramp. Sabin taps out later on, losing the match, but Velvet is there to comfort him. What happens next is reminiscent of those ten diva tag matches. Basically, everyone shows up to use their finisher and there are bodies everywhere.

Brooke heads to accompany Bully Ray in his match against Magnus. Bully hands her the title and she heads down to ringside to watch her man in action. Bully Ray wins in less than honourable circumstances and hightails it out of there with his lady love!

To finish out the evening, Dixie and Brooke are both in the ring for the contract signing. Bully and AJ get down to business. AJ looks a bit like a hobo with that hair. Brooke is wearing Bully’s hat, which I can only assume is soaking with set given how red and worked up Bully gets. Gross… Anyway, things break down (shocking) and AJ lays out Bully with the briefcase. He then proceeds to throw the contents of the brief case (paper, basically) at Dixie and her heavies. Well done AJ, that’ll do some real damage. Dixie gets on her knees and scrapes up the cash as Impact comes to a close.

Well… not a banner show in terms of the Knockouts. No KO champ on the go home show before the biggest TNA pay per view of the year. No actual Knockouts match to hype the triple threat, or anything else. Basically, the knockouts were relegated to arm candy this week. I’m not so mad about Velvet Sky, because she’s in a storyline with her man, in that he keeps using her as protection and surely that’s got to come to a head and go somewhere for Velvet. We can hope. I’m more mad about Brooke being arm candy this week. Aside from a tiny backstage segment, where she didn’t even seem that interested in Sunday, we got nothing to say that Brooke – arguably the most powerful knockout in the company because of her connections with Bully (after Dixie, of course) – is going for gold this Sunday. Yes, she said she’s going to be the next Knockouts champion, but it was very flippant and I want more passion from her.

All in all, not a good showing for the ladies. It’s one thing for them to make an appearance, but it’s another to give them time to develop and connect with us. All I’m asking for is some direction. And where was Lei’D Tapa?

Until Monday, when I will hope to recap a bloody amazing match. Eleri out!

Perfect 10 for the Week Ending October 14th, 2013

For each week’s Perfect 10, the Diva Dirt team will compile a list of the top 10 women in wrestling. Placement is determined by performances and achievements from the past week.

The list will be presented in video form by Diva Dirt’s Jake.

The Perfect 10 will follow Raw, taking into account all events leading up to and taking place on Monday night.

Watch the video below to see the countdown:

Visit our Perfect 10 page to see it in list form.

Tweet us your top five using hashtag #DivaDirtPerfect10.

What do you think of this week’s list? What changes would you make?

In Video: Layla’s WWE 2K14 Entrance and Finisher

Following Natalya‘s WWE 2K14 reveal, Layla‘s profile has been added to the game’s official website.

The profile includes a video of Layla’s entrance (with her “Instatiable” theme music) and finishing move, the Bombshell.

Watch the video below:

View her full bio on the official WWE 2K14 site.

What do you think of Layla’s footage?

NXT Redux (October 16th, 2013): Can the BFFs Score the 1-2-3?


What’s up Diva fans and welcome to this week’s NXT Redux! There is a sickening chill in the air that is sending a shiver down my spine and shocking me to the core. Without giving anything away, I am in shock at the events that unfolded in the land of the yellow ropes this week. In their first tag team showing together, “The Boss” Sasha Banks and “The First Lady of NXT” Summer Rae a.k.a “BFFs: Beautiful Fierce Females” squared off against the unlikely duo of Emma and the NXT Women’s Champion Paige. Will the sassy sistahs (wow, I just typed that, how awful) get the win at the first time of teaming together or can Paige and Emma unite to successfully take down their common enemy? TO THE VIDEO!

Out first this week is the woman my heart belongs to (and the woman who would no doubt knee the crap out of it on the proverbial ring apron if she ever saw me as I’m not man enough for her), it’s the NXT Women’s Champion, Paige. Following the Diva of Tomorrow, Emma is out next in a flourescent green outfit, the colour of which reminds of me of those alien toys that you used to get where the alien grew when put in water. An incredibly random reference and comparison, yet hey, what more do you expect from me?! Next into the Full Sail arena are Sasha and Summer, who both arrive together using Summer’s theme. Who’s the boss now, Sasha? You just got a new theme – you need to demand that it get used!

Before the match can even start, Tony Dawson is already being borderline sexist (without actually intending to be) by making a perfectly valid statement yet I enjoyed the fact Renee Young and William Regal made him squirm on his final day as a WWE announcer. So long. Goodbye. Shut the door on the way out!

After an incredibly long and awkward pause from the commentary desk, the action begins with Sasha and Paige in the ring. Paige charges at Sasha like a bull in a china shop and needs to be restrained by the referee as her aggression is off the scale! Paige then rams Sasha throat first into the top rope. Sasha tags in Summer who ends up getting the same top rope rebound treatment from the Norwich, England native (Not so fun fact: Norwich is geographically ages away from me! *Sad face*) Paige then gives Emma a chance to step up, who just like Paige, runs at Summer like a.. dancing bull in a china shop! Summer immediately runs into her own corner and she tags in “The Boss”… or is that perhaps “The Lacky” Sasha.

Sasha runs toward Emma, who drop toe holds her for good measure. Tony refers to Emma as “the first Australian Diva” (I guess we’re meant to forget Leah West from FCW) as she gets her irish whip reversed by Sasha. Emma then avoids Sasha’s charge towards her by twisting onto the apron, which she follows up with a sliding pin attempt for the two count. Following another pin attempt, Emma is kicked in the stomach by Sasha, who then follows that up with some trash talking and an Irish Whip. The turning point of the match then takes place as with the referee distracted, Summer yanks on Emma’s hair as Sasha whacks her in the face.

Following some stomps and a cover, Sasha tags in Summer, who drapes her shin over the back of Emma’s head, which is unfortunately resting on the middle rope. From here, I have turned the commentary off for this second time of watching the action as Tony Dawson asked the dumbest of questions about fashion, which both Renee and William gave dumb answers too. Whilst talk of elephantiasis is ensuing, Summer hilariously mocks Emma’s dancing before ramming her head into the mat. Summer then applies an interesting submission to Emma’s shoulders and neck with those long legs of hers whilst Paige starts to rally the fans into helping Emma out. Emma and Summer then sloppily wrestle with each other in a tussle of strength before Emma wriggles free and tags in Paige!

Hell in Boots has well and truly arrived and she’s clobbered both Summer to the mat and Sasha to the arena floor! Paige then delivers her “I’m European like Sheamus so I get to ignore the rope break count” series of knees to the face on the ring apron, sending Summer into a daze. Sasha then grabs Paige’s ankle yet the Anti-Diva shrugs her off before dropkicking Summer. After a near fall, Paige throwbacks to her Britani Knight days and hits the Knight Light, a.k.a a Fisherman’s suplex, with Sasha breaking up the pin attempt following it. Emma then tries to send Sasha out of the ring, yet it’s the latter who reverse the former’s move. Paige then turns her back on Summer to get Sasha out of the ring. Sasha is out of the picture, yet Summer is very much in it! She locks a full nelson on Paige, which she transitions into a headlock before hitting her finisher that doesn’t officially yet have a name. Summer has done it agian – she’s pinned Paige for the three count, sending shockwaves throughout NXT.

Thoughts: This match was solid. The only thing I didn’t like was the awkward tussle between Emma and Summer when Emma was trying to get a tag. I feel like they could have done something more interesting than just having Emma wriggle free to tag in Paige.

Everything else was competent from the girls and they delivered. Is this a standout match that I will remember forever and rewatch? Probably not yet there was still nothing wrong with it; there just wasn’t many unique and standout moments, for me personally anyway.

What will stand out though is the fact Paige was pinned for, I believe, only the third time in NXT. She’s pinned by Summer twice and by Raquel Diaz back in NXT’s incredibly early days. Correct me if I’m wrong Diva fans out there. Although I’m the biggest Paige fan going, having her lose and also get pinned has only made this story more interesting and only solidifies the new BFF unit of Sasha and Summer. It makes perfect booking sense and makes things more exciting so I’m definitely a fan of that.

Also props to Renee Young. The Pony Princess will no longer be known for just her signature hair-do but also her 95% of the time excellent commentary. She called the action on all of this week’s show and from the bits I heard, she was a natural!

With that, stay tuned, Jack will be back!

Photo: Veronica Lane Makes In-Ring Debut at NXT Live Event


NXT Diva Veronica Lane made her official in-ring debut at a live event last night in Tampa, Florida.

Diva Dirt contributor Jordan was there, and tells Diva Dirt that Veronica – dubbing herself “Miss NXT” – teamed up with Charlotte and Sasha Banks.

We first saw Veronica’s pageant gimmick in the leaked NXT promo class videos, and it’s interesting to see it being translated into a full-fledged character.

Check out a full photo of Veronica at last night’s live event on our Instagram account.

Photo: @nerdyjordy, Instagram.

What do you think of Veronica’s gimmick?

Picture(s) of the Day: Nikki Goes Blonde and Brie Goes Seahawks Blue


Hey… if Lay-Cool can split the Women’s Title, we can split our Picture of the Day just this once.

It was a very Bella-friendly picture day on the twins social media accounts, as Brie posted a snapshot of she and Daniel Bryan enjoying the Seattle Seahawks game and Nikki went with the Throwback Thursday theme, showcasing an old blonde hairstyle. Pretty surprising, right?

The first photo was posted on Brie’s Instagram, which she captioned, “Best Date Night….Seahawks game in Cardinal Stadium!! #braniel #goseahawks”.

The second, as shown above, was of course posted on Nikki’s, with her writing, “High School Memories (and blonde ones) #tbt”.

Now that we’ve gotten a glimpse at blonde Nikki, do you think she should keep her current look or go back blonde? That would certainly set her apart from Brie, should her on-screen persona crave a bit more of the limelight.

Impact Wrestling Feedback: October 17th, 2013


Get your weekly dose of Knockouts action on tonight’s Impact Wrestling. Tune in to Spike TV at the start time of 9pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Your Two Cents: Who Should Join the Authority


Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: Which Diva(s) should align themselves with Stephanie McMahon and the Administration? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

* @alex23contre: Maybe she can bring back the perfect combination of beauty & strength Beth Phoenix or the ever powerful Kharma.

* Alvie Gayagoy: Raquel Diaz…. Would be a great segway into a Stephanie/Vickie Guerrero leadership feud.

* Ashley Matthew: Honestly, I think they should bring in an NXT Diva. Maybe Sasha Banks?

* Brandon Jones: Alicia Fox. She should proclaim that she’s been under utilized for too damn long and use Steph’s power to give her the push she deserves!

* @ChickFightsRock: I think Natalya should,with the angle “You useless Divas don’t know what wrestling is.”

* @coleyhallWWE: I believe this would be the perfect angle for Summer Rae. She has tons of energy class and can hold her own.

* Francisco Mata: Natalya, I can’t vision anyone else but her! I can totally imagine her being the bitchy heel everyone hates, and she needs that ASAP as she’s slowly losing momentum, but definitely Natalya. I wonder why some months ago on SmackDown, Triple H called out Alicia Fox. could this mean something? Or was he punishing her for saying something she shouldn’t have said on live TV? I don’t know but it just wasn’t scripted at all. But Foxy would make a great choice too.

* @Jaffney_Quinn: I’d say Summer Rae or Tara. I’d like to see them bring a new Diva into the title picture to do to AJ Lee what they’re doing to Daniel Bryan. Summer with her NXT heel character would be a great kiss ass to Stephanie, and Tara would be a great powerhouse to bring back. Though I don’t want her treated like she was when she first left again.

* Josue Guzman: Honestly I don’t think Stephanie needs anyone to join her in the Administration Allegiance, she’s an extremely strong heel on her own. However I would like to see her continue to abuse her power more towards the Divas division. She’s already doing wonders with Brie Bella.

* @KevinGonzalez_: Bringing Kharma back would be perfect to reignite the feud between her and the Bellas.

* Lan Galvez: I think AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka (with their former alliance: Layla, Alicia Fox and Aksana. Plus! Rosa Mendes) They will be the girl version of Nexus and they will interfere and ruined everything especially the Total Divas!

* Randi Parker: I’m hoping for the Sister vs. Sister feud, Nikki Bella aligned with Stephanie because she is the girlfriend of the true face of the company John Cena, vs. Brie who is the soon-to-be wife of the anti-establishment guy is Bryan, I just really want to see Brie vs. Nikki!

* @Royal_TRP: I’d go with AJ and Tamina or Natalya, Stephanie could do the mic work, Tamina/Natalya could be the muscle of the three and AJ doing whatever to keep her title. They’ll do Stephanie’s dirty work within the Divas division, and Stephanie will ensure that AJ remains champion, then Stephanie and Tamina/Natalya will turn on AJ with the title on the line vs Tamina/Natalya.

* @smazzy14: Kaitlyn. It would be a nice twist!

* @SoRandy4Rosa: La freakin’ Costa Rican Rosa Mendes! She’s got the experience, the charisma and the shimmy!

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? Who should join the Administration?

Former TNA Knockout Talks Leaving TNA & Goals of Making it to the WWE


Former TNA Knockout Rosita recently spoke with VOC Wrestling Nation about one of her career goals, working with the WWE. Rosita may have been a Knockouts Tag Team Champion, but it seems she has even bigger career aspirations.

When asked if she would like to be a Diva, Rosita responded, “Absolutely. Since I was four years old, I knew that this was something I wanted to do. This was my dad’s dream as well. He took me to WWE events as a child all the time. I knew from a young age that this was something I wanted to do – being the Women’s Champion, working WrestleMania. Some people get into wrestling because they want to do it for a living, they’re happy working the independents or just wrestling anywhere, and they don’t care about working for WWE; for me, I’m not fully (fulfilled yet) in my wrestling career. Plus, I’ve only been doing it for 5 years and I have a long way to go.”

Rosita also opened up about her time in TNA, saying, “I didn’t leave on bad terms. The door is never closed. I don’t have any bad feelings toward anybody, and I will never burn a bridge. Tommy Dreamer got me my tryout, Terry Taylor signed my contract, and D’Lo was there with me from the start. My best friends were made at TNA. I have amazing memories.”

With today’s slim Knockouts roster, it may not be a bad idea to bring back Rosita.

Would you like to see Rosita return to TNA or head to WWE?