Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Diva Dirt Weekly for the Week Ending October 14th, 2013

Each week following Raw, Diva Dirt Weekly will take a look back at the week preceding it, hitting every noteworthy event along the way, from Impact Wrestling to SmackDown to Raw.

Joining the audio will be team members Chris, Erin and our host Jake.

We cover the following events:

  • Raw and SmackDown (10/7/13 & 10/11/13): Eva Marie makes her televised in-ring debut and wrestles again on SmackDown. Does she have the “it” factor?
  • Impact Wrestling (10/10/13): Brooke wins her way into a Triple Threat Knockouts Title match.
  • Bound For Glory predictions for Brooke vs. Gail vs. ODB.
  • Taryn Terrell reveals her pregnancy.
  • Raw (10/14/13): Brie Bella is defeated by Tamina Snuka. Will Nikki turn heel? What will happen at Hell in a Cell?

Listen below or download by right clicking here.

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Picture of the Day: Rosita Gets Mixed Up in Some Three-Way Action

Family Wrestling Entertainment – FWE for short – held its Openweight Grand Prix event which saw two ladies Three-Way matches, each involving top female athletes.

On one side, you had Angelina Love, Cheerleader Melissa and Serena Deeb.

On the other there were none other than former TNA Knockout Rosita, former WWE Diva Ivelisse Velez and the always impressive Kasey Ray.

Rosita posted the amusingly suggestive photo seen above on her Instagram account, captioning it, “Gotta love 3 ways.. #GetYourHeadOutOfTheGutter”.

Admit it, had you not seen the picture beforehand, you would’ve fallen for the deceiving caption. We can’t be the only ones who did a double take.

Vickie Guerrero Enrolls in College, Pursuing Medical Administration Degree


Full-time mom? Check. General Manager of SmackDown? Check. Enrolled college student? Check!

It’s safe to say that Vickie Guerrero is not afraid of hard work, as she has announced that on top of her demanding roles as both a mother and General Manager, she is beginning to start college.

According to Wrestling News World, Vickie recently passed her entrance exams and will start her studies for a degree in Medical Administration on October 28th.

Vickie took to Twitter to express her excitement about the new chapter in her life. She tweeted:

It’s amazing to see that Vickie is willing to better herself and try something new when she could easily rest on her success with the WWE.

Good luck and congratulations Vickie!

Report: AJ Lee Battling Another Injury?



Fresh off the news that Divas Champion AJ Lee is medically cleared to compete following her recovery, a new report is speculating that AJ is wrestling with another nagging injury.

According to a report from F4WOnline (via Lords of Pain), AJ has been dealing with an elbow injury since mid-September.

Keen-eyed fans will have spotted the supportive elbow pad AJ has been sporting for the past few weeks.

Regardless of which injuries she’s suffering from, AJ has received a wealth of support from fans. She thanked her loyal followers earlier today, tweeting:

We’re sure that not even Wonder Woman could have recovered this quick!

RELATED: Report: Divas Tag Team Match Planned For Hell in a Cell?

In Video: Natalya’s WWE 2K14 Entrance and Finisher

2K Sports has revealed Natalya‘s entrance and finishing move for the upcoming WWE 2K14 video game release.

The Total Divas star’s official profile has been revealed today, opening up the footage for fans to see.

In the video, we see Natalya’s Nattie by Nature clothesline and her signature Sharpshooter.

Watch Natalya’s WWE 2K14 entrance and finisher below:

View her full bio on the official WWE 2K14 site.

What do you think of the footage?

Photos: Stephanie and Linda McMahon Attend Fortune’s Most Powerful Women Summit


Stephanie and Linda McMahon are undoubtedly two of the most powerful women in sports, but yesterday they had the chance to rub elbows with some of the world’s most powerful.

The mother-daughter duo attended the 2013 Fortune Most Powerful Women Summit, which annually convenes female leaders in business, politics, philanthropy and more.

Stephanie tweeted about her experience at the summit’s opening reception, posting a photo of herself alongside Warren Buffett, one of America’s most successful and well respected businessmen:

Check out photos from the event below:

Trish Stratus Covers Parents Canada Magazine, Talks Pregnancy


WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus has covered many a magazine in her day, but this one might look a little different.

The Diva Dirt Legacy Award honoree graces the cover of this month’s issue of Parents Canada, talking (pre-baby, of course) about her fitness routine, the best and worst parts of being pregnant, revealing her pregnancy at the Hall of Fame ceremony and more.

The best/worst parts of being pregnant: “I’ve been very lucky and have had a great pregnancy. Everyday I’m still in awe about what is going on inside of me! The fact that my body is housing a little human being still blows my mind. Each month finding out how he was growing and developing new systems and organs was amazing. That must be the science student in me! I actually think I’m going to miss being pregnant, having him here with me every minute of the day and to feel his movements – I’m definitely going to miss that. Of course, having him in my arms will most likely trump that feeling!

The worst part about being pregnant? Nothing! I think even if my pregnancy wasn’t going as smoothly as it is, I couldn’t come up with a part I didn’t like because in this case it is more about the destination than the journey!”

Did she have any strange pregnancy cravings?: “None at all!”

Deciding to announce her pregnancy at the Hall of Fame ceremony: “At the beginning of the year, I had just found out we were pregnant and the next day I got a call from WWE that they wanted to inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in April. Since I would be 4 months pregnant at that point, I decided to publicly announce my pregnancy at the end of my speech (did the Beyonce-esque reveal and everything!).”

Keeping fit in the first few months: “I wasn’t sure what I was going to be able to do as far as my workouts went, and the ladies who have been prego know that awkward, not quite showing, a little frumpy thing that happens for the first few months. I couldn’t help thinking that if I’m going to walk on stage in front of 20, 000 people at Madison Square Gardens and have this broadcast to millions of people all over the world – I want to look decent – especially with the fact that I’m making my announcement at the end and there would may be a few people thinking I had really let myself go! So, I gave myself a little challenge of doing 100 squats everyday, thinking that even if I had to slow down my workouts, this is a great bodyweight exercise that also gives a little cardio boost. To this day at 9 months pregnant I have done 100 squats everyday since I started – I think that’s like over 15,000 squats!”

Why did she choose to find out the sex of the baby?: “The moment I found out I was having a boy was when I really began to bond with my baby. We then named him, so when we spoke to him we called him ‘Max ‘rather than ‘baby’. When we spoke about the baby we could now say ‘he’ rather than ‘it’. And, I’m sure he will be familiar with the sound of his name as he has been hearing now for months. I also started to visualize him and see him in my sleep. I could see him as he grew up from a little baby boy to a boy to a young man. And maybe more importantly, it helped daddy connect with the baby. As the woman we get to experience the baby’s growth and the movements and that helps us bond, but daddy doesn’t get that. So, I felt that giving dad another piece of the puzzle helped him see that bigger picture, if that makes sense?”

You can read the full interview on


In Video: Footage of Maria Kanellis/Tara Altercation

Yesterday, Ring of Honor tweeted about an altercation between Maria Kanellis and Tara at Tara’s The Squared Circle restaurant.

Video of said incident has now been released. It shows Maria, in full heel mode, going off on a waitress after she was brought a diet soda.

Tara steps in to defend the girl, and Maria soon storms off.

Watch the video below:

While it didn’t come to blows on Monday, something tells us this spat is far from over.

SmackDown Spoilers: October 18th, 2013

Below are spoilers for this week’s SmackDown:

* Brie Bella defeated AJ Lee in a non-title match.


Report: Divas Tag Team Match Planned for Hell in a Cell?

bellas vs aj tamina

With Divas Champion AJ Lee now cleared to compete, fans are understandably wondering when she will next compete in the ring.

PWInsider is reporting (via Lords of Pain) that AJ will likely be kept out of the ring until the Hell in a Cell Pay-Per-View, presumably to ensure that she is 100% healthy following her concussion.

The report says that for the Pay-Per-View, a Tag Team match pitting AJ and Tamina Snuka against Brie and Nikki Bella has been discussed.

If this turns out to be true, it could also mark the first time Nikki has wrestled since her shin injury, not counting the 10-Diva Tag Match a few weeks back when she just stood on the apron. It being a tag match would make perfect sense also – it incorporates all four girls and it could mean that Brie and Tamina can work most of the match.

Would you like to see this match happen at Hell in a Cell?

In Video: AJ and Tamina Talk Concussion, Attacking Brie on Raw


After decimating Brie Bella on Raw, AJ Lee and Tamina Snuka spoke with Renee Young about why they did it.

AJ, after addressing Renee as “Gwen Stacy”, expressed frustration that no one said, “Poor AJ!” when she got a concussion in her match with Brie at Battleground. She says all that happened on Raw was that Brie lost her match, and she tapped.

Tamina demands to know why Renee is even questioning AJ. She says that they made a statement, and that should be good enough.

Tamina then shames Renee into apologizing and leaving.

Watch the interview below:

Raw Redux (October 14th, 2013): The Target is on Brie’s Back


Someone please pinch me… this week’s Raw was a dream, wasn’t it? There’s no way the perfection that went down tonight was put together by the same group of people who put together the crap we saw last week. NO WAY! I’ll be honest with you guys, I wasn’t even going to bother writing this Redux this week. I was going to give another Diva Dirt staffer the opportunity to write about the A-show because I wasn’t sure I could stomach it. That probably would have pleased a lot of people, but Raw delivered. I think it had a feeling I was getting ready to take a break, and it did what it had to do to rope me back in. I’m not saying that it was a perfect show, because it wasn’t, but it had the best thing you could ever hope to have – STORYLINE PROGRESSION.

AJ Lee returned after a week off due to a concussion. Brie Bella finally got in the middle of the storyline we all wanted her in. Tamina Snuka had a GREAT match on Raw. Summer Rae continued to slay. And Stephanie McMahon continued her trend of questionable fashion sense while killing every single segment she was involved in.

Summer kicked off all the Diva goodness tonight, which is fitting. Every single week she continues to rock and get better.

Every time Summer interferes in a match, my smile gets a little brighter. She is such a good manager and there hasn’t really been a solid female ringside presence since Melina was paired with MNM back in the day. It’s fair to say that Maryse worked pretty well with Ted DiBiase, but he just didn’t have the character or charisma to go with someone as flashy and flamboyant as she was. Summer and Fandango definitely play off each other well and have really developed into a solid unit. It definitely didn’t start off that way, but it works now and it gets better every week.

Santino coming out without Khali and Hornswoggle was a big step in leading me to believe that Emma could be on her way to the main roster. She did so well with Santino down in NXT and even though I don’t agree with it, I think it could work on the main roster since Santino is so over. With Summer costing Santino the match, it wouldn’t be far-fetched to think that he would bring back-up should there be a rematch in the near future. Emma would be a breath of fresh air on the main roster, to be honest. Just sayin’!

After totally ripping to pieces Summer Rae being Fandango’s dance partner and seeing how well it has turned out, I’ve promised to be open-minded towards almost everything these days and that includes the possibilty of Emma being brought up to be with Santino.

We also saw Cameron and Naomi do their Funkadactyl thing, accompanying Brodus Clay and Tensai as the took on Jack Swagger and Antonio Cesaro.

Queen Stephanie made the most of her time this week as well. Not only did she come up big in a segment with her husband, Triple H, addressing the shenanigans of the Big Slow last week, but she decided to turn her attention to Daniel Bryan’s lady love, Brie.

Stephanie set up a match between Brie and Tamina Snuka, banned Nikki Bella from ringside, and allowed AJ to have a bird’s eye view.

Now, when Stephanie made the match I rolled my eyes. I cannot tell a lie. I’m not really sold on Tamina being this big, huge threat to the Divas division. Boy was I surprised at just how amazing this ended up being.

First of all, that match had no right to be that good. I’m not even kidding. Tamina and Brie worked so, so great together. I loved that for awhile the match was back and forth, and Tamina really did look like a powerhouse. I’ve never really been a fan of her matches, but she definitely stepped it up in this one.

Brie is growing into a great face and a great singles star. She sold the heck out of Tamina’s moves and really, really made the ending of the segment look like a million bucks. I LOVED the beatdown of Brie Bella so much that I wish I could hug it. It was exactly what we needed last night and it worked so, so well for everyone involved. Tamina looked powerful. AJ looked like an amazing heel. And Brie definitely played the sympathetic face.

Tamina and AJ ended their night on a high and that was awesome.

Brie’s night just got worse. Nikki finally made her way to ringside after the beatdown was over, despite only being banned from the ring just for the match. Brie was taken to the back to get medical treatment. I still won’t speculate over a Nikki heel turn, because in my head, John Cena is going to return and team with Daniel Bryan to overthrow the regime with their lady loves by their sides. Awwwww!!!!!!!

Speaking of Daniel, he went straight to Stephanie to confront her over harassing Brie. Have I ever told you guys just how much I absolutely love Daniel Bryan?!

Stephanie was very quick to jump down Daniel’s throat and send him off to check on his fiancee. I can only assume that Daniel did just that and then went for his match against Alberto Del Rio.

Oh man!

Those screams! What did Randy Orton do to the Bellas when he slammed that door shut?! Daniel was a man infuriated and it was soooooooooooo adorable when he went running to make sure Brie and Nikki were okay. It was so obvious that it wasn’t going to end well for him, and no, it didn’t. Daniel ended up attacked right in front of the Bella twins and all those two could do was watch in horror.

I LOVED it!!!! Although, I will say that the acting during this wasn’t the best.

It doesn’t matter much, though, but in terms of storyline and entertainment Raw was pure gold. AJ does all the little things right. The talking to the championship belt had me in stitches last night. I can’t say enough nice things about Tamina this go around and that’s a nice change. Brie continues to give me life each and every week and Nikki is turning into quite the wild card. I’m hoping Santino brings in Emma to battle Summer, and Stephanie McMahon is Stephanie McMahon. Raw was a homerun. I could not be more happy. And a happy khaleesi is a nice khaleesi… until next time!

Daniel Bryan Discusses Proposing to Brie Bella, Impact of ‘Total Divas’ on Wrestling


brie bryan

What was more nerve-wracking for Daniel Bryan: Performing in front of 70,000 people or proposing to Brie Bella?

The former WWE Champion and fiance of Brie on and off screen was asked by The Miami Herald about which he was more nervous about doing, to which he replied:

“Oh, I was way more nervous to pop the question, way more nervous to pop the question. You would think it would be the opposite, in front of 70,000 people, going out there in your spandex, but absolutely not. Popping the question was way more nerve-wracking.”

Daniel also discussed his role on the E! Network’s reality show Total Divas, and the impact the show has had on women’s wrestling. He said:

“I hope it does [mean something to women’s wrestling]. As of now, I don’t know where it’s at because the audiences are so different, but I would like to think it’s going to bring more female fans to WWE to watch the divas because the divas are really good at what they do. So I’m hoping that cross-section starts coming over. That would be great.”

Daniel also spilled the beans regarding the engagement rings he and Brie picked for one another. Brie and Daniel designed the rings “the way we wanted it” after visiting a “great” jewelry store in New York City. Brie’s ring features a non-conflict diamond, meaning it features diamonds which were not obtained in association with human rights abuses, child labor, violence or environmental degradation.

Great to see that Brie and Daniel respect the planet as well as each other!

You can read the entire interview with Daniel at The Miami Herald.

Ring of Honor Reports on “Altercation” Between Maria Kanellis and Tara

1 maria tara

It seems like a guest appearance from Maria Kanellis at Tara‘s restaurant The Squared Circle didn’t go so smoothly last night.

Ring of Honor have announced on their Twitter account that “The First Lady” of Ring of Honor and Diva Dirt columnist Maria got into an altercation with former TNA Knockout Tara last night. They tweeted:

No more news is available as of yet, but it appears that this could be a storyline-driven move to promote Ring of Honor’s next major show, Glory by Honor XII, which will take place in Chicago on October 26th.

Tara, real name Lisa Marie Varon, has already been confirmed as a special guest at a pre-show signing alongside Maria.

The question now is, will Tara and Maria be doing more than just signing autographs?

RELATED: Maria Kanellis: “Life After WWE”

Picture of the Day: Brooke Tessmacher Previews What Could Happen Come Bound For Glory


TNA’s Bound For Glory is almost upon us, and our Knockouts have a big title match set for the show.

Involved are Brooke and Gail Kim challenging Knockouts Champion ODB for her title. It’s a unique match that we’ve never seen before, but for Brooke, it’s a chance to step back into the limelight of the division and take home her third championship.

Tessmacher posted the above photo on her Instagram account, depicting her action figure holding the title ever so proudly above its head.

In it, she added the caption, “My action figure holding the title. Tess may be gone but Brooke is here. I will be a 3x Knockouts Champion at Bound for Glory! #mytime”

Needless to say, while Brooke may be the underdog when it comes to experience, that’s never stopped her before and it certainly won’t now.

Who are you rooting for come Sunday?

Raw Response: October 14th, 2013


Get your Monday night Divas fix by tuning in to Raw tonight on the USA Network at 8pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

AJ Lee Medically Cleared to Compete



After being pulled from last week’s Raw due to concussion symptoms, Divas Champion AJ Lee has been officially cleared to compete. has provided an update to their original article, adding, “ can confirm that AJ has been medically cleared to compete and will be present at tonight’s Raw at the Scottrade Center in St. Louis, Mo.”

This is fantastic news for both AJ and the Divas division, which appeared to be in flux while AJ’s status remained unknown.

In Video: Natalya and R-Truth Visit Nationwide Children’s Hospital


Recently, Total Divas star Natalya and WWE Superstar R-Truth paid a visit to Nationwide Children’s Hospital in Columbus, Ohio.

The two met with ill children, spending time with them to brighten their days.

On the WWE’s efforts to reach out to the community, Natalya said, “It’s all about giving back, and that’s really what WWE does.”

Watch the video below:

In Video: SHIMMER Releases 8-Minute Hype Video


To promote this weekend’s tapings of volumes 58-61, SHIMMER has released an eight-minute hype video highlighting the promotion’s biggest stars.

SHIMMER Champion Cheerleader Melissa, Madison Eagles, Saraya Knight, Kana and Santana Garrett are among the many women featured in the video.

Watch the full hype video below:

SHIMMER tapes volumes 58-61 this weekend at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL.

If you’re attending the tapings and can send in results, let us know!

Picture of the Day: Michelle McCool Visits the Other Squared Circle


Apparently former WWE Diva Michelle McCool enjoys to take in a few boxing rounds every now and then.

McCool was spotted at the big Bradley/Marquez fight in Las Vegas last night alongside her husband The Undertaker as the two took up the sights, smells and slots that Sin City had to offer.

The above photo of the happy couple was posted on WireImage. Michelle herself posted a photo from a different perspective, which she captioned simply, “Fun night…”

Even though a boxing ring is quite different from a wrestling ring, is anyone else hoping that the mere sight of a squared circle was enough to entice Michelle to a comeback? Okay, we see her hair’s a bit darker, but wigs are always an option. Or she could pull a Trish Stratus and just return with a new set of locks!

WSU Blood and Thunder in Review: The More Things Change…


After a year of waiting, Lexxus‘s WSU World Championship dream came to an unfortunate end as Jessicka Havok once again reasserted her status as WSU’s hottest property.

The stars seemed aligned for Lexxus – this was one day shy of a year removed from their previous championship match, a three-way contest which also featured Alicia, and  which ended with Havok picking up the win – but Alicia taking the fall, not Lexxus. Not only was this a prime opportunity to tie up loose ends, but it came on the night WSU were set to announce their new co-owner and enter the promotion’s next era. Change was in the air!

Lexxus looked ready to seize the moment from the second the bell rang, not holding anything back and unleashing flurry after flurry of offense at a Havok who could do little to prevent the one-track-minded assault of Lexxus early on. Though the match became more evenly-contested towards the end, Lexxus was able to use the disparity in the two women’s sizes to her advantage, using speed and precision to keep Havok under control. However, the final stages of the match saw Havok’s sheer strength and resilience shine through, mustering up the power to block Lexxus’s barrage of strikes and land a devastating Air Raid Crash to retain her championship.

After the match, none other than CZW owner DJ Hyde came to the ring, declaring himself the new co-owner of WSU and announcing some improvements to be made to the promotion on his watch, such as an all-new WSU website (finally!) and the streaming of all WSU events on iPPV. As he presented Havok with her championship, however, she replied with a kick to the stomach and another Air Raid Crash, hitting home a message to Hyde that no matter who’s in charge, Jessicka Havok will be THE key player in the new era of WSU.

As if that wasn’t enough, two of the most terrifying women in all of women’s wrestling waged all-out war with each other, as Mickie Knuckles took on former SHIMMER Champion Saraya Knight in a No Disqualification, Fans Bring Weapons, Falls Count Anywhere match! Some creative gifts from the New Jersey crowd – including a miniature guitar, a computer keyboard, a staplegun and a baseball bat covered in tacks – really brought this match to another level, both women taking some sickening shots to the head with whatever was available, and not even making it to the ring until about eight minutes in! After some brutal weapon use, the finish came relatively cleanly as Mickie was able to land a sit-out pumphandle slam on Saraya to pick up the victory, the pair receiving a standing ovation for their efforts after the match.

It was a testament to the overall quality of the event that neither of those contests were the match of the night. That accolade goes to Kimber Lee and Allysin Kay, who put on a wrestling clinic that, though short, was intense and unfettered from bell-to-bell, exchanging strikes, German suplexes and a whole lot more before Kimber hit the Code Red for the win. A superb performance from two women whose 2013 has seen them both reach dazzling new heights in wrestling.

Scottish wonder Nikki Storm has greatly impressed every audience she’s wrestled in front of so far in her US tour, and last night was no exception, taking on Jenny Rose for the first time in another international dream match. From her trash talking to her mannerisms to her aggression and ability in the ring, the way Nikki Storm delivers herself verbally and physically is a joy to watch, and the pair wrestled an excellent match in which Rose came out victorious, submitting Storm in innovative fashion, and ensuring she returns to Pro Wrestling Diana in Japan with momentum on her side.

Another European star on the card was “Portugal’s Perfect Athlete” Shanna, who faced Leah Von Dutch, a woman she’s wrestled numerous times this year in the UK for promotions such as EVE, in the show’s opener. With Chris Dickinson accompanying her at ringside, she was able to use the numbers game to use the numbers game to her advantage, taking Von Dutch with a brutal double stomp from the top rope to kick off the night’s proceedings with a thud.

Elsewhere, enigmatic rookie Hania (Saturyne sans the mask, but I didn’t tell you that) answered Cherry Bomb‘s open challenge, defeating her with a moonsault in a solid match as the Twitterverse exploded in frustration trying to work out how to spell this new talent’s name (Hania? Janiya? Hanaya?), and Marti Belle retained her WSU Spirit Championship against Ezavel Suena in a decent but forgettable contest that picked up in excitement after the winning bell, as Suena attacked Marti in frustration, and Marti responded in kind by challenging her to a Championship vs Mask match at a later show. Also, Nevaeh and Christina Von Eerie defeated Veda Scott and Jessie Brooks in a tag match that, though fine, felt forced and struggled to keep my attention.

The show wasn’t without its misfortunes. An otherwise excellent, frenzied, blink-and-you’ll-miss-it six-woman tag match that saw Jodi D’MiloBarbi Hayden and Jessie Kaye defeat Santana Garrett, Xandra Bale and Jewells Malone was tainted by the news shortly afterwards that Xandra Bale had suffered an ankle injury during the match. No updates as of yet about the severity of the injury, but we wish Xandra all the best and a speedy recovery!

All in all, however, this was a fantastic show. WSU over the past year or so has become somewhat of a prodigal daughter in women’s wrestling – despite its takeover last year by Drew Cordeiro of Beyond Wrestling, it has lacked creative direction and struggled to put on and promote shows. This, however, was a throwback to the WSU of old, with solid booking and an array of superb in-ring performances in matches that seem to have a real sense of purpose once again. With the roster they have they are more than capable of making serious inroads in the coming months, while the introduction of overseas stars will add variety to the shows while increasing the company’s international appeal. DJ Hyde promised change, and if Blood And Thunder was anything to go by, it looks like we’ll get it!

OVW Write-Up (October 10th, 2013): And Miss OVW Is…


Finally, the moment we’ve all been waiting for has arrived: the end of the Miss OVW contest. Instead of finishing up the contest at Saturday Night Special (thanks to the wrath of Lei’D Tapa), they’ve taken to television to crown the winner.

Lovely Lylah, Jessie Belle, Taeler Hendrix and Ray Lynn come to the ring dressed in their finest Kentucky prom dresses.

The tiara, which has somehow been retrieved from Taeler’s clutches, is ready to be awarded. Michael Tutus reminds us that the winner will receive a shot at Tapa’s Women’s Title, which sounds more like a punishment than a reward to me.

Just before Titus can announce the winner, Ray Lynn becomes captivated by his tie. Jessie Belle helps the poor girl back to her designated spot in the ring so Michael can get this show on the road.

Again, Titus is interrupted, this time by Taeler, who is ready to give her acceptance speech. He breaks the news to her that she is not Miss OVW – gasp!

Another interruption comes in the form of the OVW Women’s Champion, Lei’D Tapa, who heads to the ring, takes the microphone and announces that she couldn’t care less about the Miss OVW contest. Samesies!

Anyways, after Tapa relinquishes the mic, Titus finally announces the winner: Lylah! Just before she can be crowned, though, Taeler tries to steal the tiara. A struggle over it ensues, before Lylah finally frees it from Taeler’s clutches. She turns around…right into a big boot from Tapa.

With Lylah laid out, it’s safe to say we won’t be getting an acceptance speech tonight. Tapa leaves, Ray Lynn and Jessie check on Lylah and Taeler steals the tiara, running off like a cartoon villain.

Thoughts: To be honest, I’m just glad the Miss OVW contest is over. It was riddled with pointless segments and inconsistencies. Didn’t they loose like five competitors over the course of the contest?

I’m not really looking forward to another Tapa squash match, because everyone knows Lylah won’t stand a chance. The real story is who will make a run-in during or after the match? Hannah and Holly Blossom? I hope so. Their stint in the spotlight was way too short.

In Video: Layla Pays Tribute to Mother for Susan G. Komen


Former Divas Champion Layla has paid tribute to her mother as part of Susan G. Komen’s Everyday Portrait program to raise awareness of breast cancer.

In a video promoting the program, which highlights those who have fought breast cancer, Layla talks about her mother, who battled cancer three times before succumbing to it in 2008.

Watch the video below:

To learn more about the Everyday Portraits program, visit Bank of America’s partnership page.

In Video: The Milk Campaign Presents ‘Stephanie McMahon vs. Your Breakfast’


Stephanie McMahon continues her starring role in Milk’s new Protein Fight Club campaign, this time laying the SmackDown on those who don’t drink milk in the morning.

In the two videos below, Stephanie scolds those who skip out or skimp on breakfast:

You can check out all of the videos on the official Milk Mustache Campaign YouTube channel.

Picture of the Day: Auction Winner Spends the Day With Fandango and Summer Rae


Ever wanted to spend a day with WWE’s resident dance duo, Fandango and Summer Rae? Well for one lucky young boy named Michael, that dream became a reality this past Monday at Raw.

If you’ll remember back around WrestleMania time, the WWE held a variety of auctions in order to benefit Hurricane Sandy recovery. Clearly, it looks like the money was well spent, based on Summer’s description of what went down, which she posted along with the above photo collage on her Instagram account.

Rae wrote, “I had a blast hanging out with #Stars4Sandy winner Michael at #Raw this week! We went to lunch, then went backstage where he met tons of Superstars & Divas, & he even did our entrance with #Fandango & I! Check out the huge plate of cotton candy in this picture!”.

Let’s be real, whose dream ISN’T it to practice the entrance of AND enjoy a huge plate of cotton candy with Fandango and Summer? If you rose your hand, you’re either lying or just downright inhuman!

In Video: Cameron and Naomi Featured in Brodus Clay’s WWE 2K14 Entrance


Cameron and Naomi may not be apart of the official WWE 2K14 roster, but that doesn’t mean they’ll be absent from the game altogether.

The Funkadactyls can be seen in a video released by 2K Sports, which shows Brodus Clay making his entrance with the Divas by his side.

Watch the video below:

Still no word on whether Cameron and Naomi will be included in a DLC pack for the game.

WWE 2K14 hits shelves October 29th.