Friday, September 20, 2024

Your Two Cents: What Should Happen if AJ Lee is Sidelined?


Your Two Cents is our interactive feature where we ask for the opinions of our Twitter and Facebook followers.

This week, we’re asking this: If AJ Lee is officially sidelined, what direction should the Divas division take? We’ve read your responses on our social media pages and picked some of the best submissions to highlight here on the website. As always, you can join the debate by leaving your comments!

* Adrian Rodriquez: I think vacating the title would be a wise choice. This would allow for another girl to be built towards the title in a tournament of some sort. AJ could return crazier than before due to this. By the looks of SmackDown the WWE really doesn’t know what to do without AJ.

* Ashley Matthew: Bring some NXT girls to the main roster to make a statement to the current main roster girls that they are the future of the division and deserve their chance to shine on the main roster. Then schedule some matches between the NXT Divas and current main roster Divas to build up a feud between them.

* @Danilo_NNavarro: If WWE strips AJ they have to bring some NXT Divas such as Emma and Paige and make an 8 Divas tournament.

* Gerard Verterano: If they strip AJ of the title, I’ll be extremely pissed. Dolph Ziggler was out for 60 days (who I’m not a fan of at all) and they let him keep the World Title.

* @IAmFozzitude: I say bring up a few of the NXT Divas and shake things up a little bit.

* Jerry Nettle: Tamina vs. Natalya for the title. That would be a great match.

* Jon Vega: They had a good thing going on with the anti-Total Divas storyline. I say make a tournament with a surprise last entry being Paige and she can carry on the anti-Diva gimmick on the main roster.

* @JulesEllington5: WWE should speed up the Nikki Bella turning on Brie process then have AJ return and make a Triple Threat match between them for the title.

* @Kristen_Henners: Have a big tournament to be number one contender for when she returns.

* @LivingByCena: If she gets stripped there won’t be any other direction than down.

* Megan Travis: Tamina targets the Bella twins on the orders of AJ, who blames Brie for her concussion. Tamina destroys Nikki and gets disqualified when fighting Brie, leading to a match between the two at HIAC. In the meanwhile, a side feud develops when Layla and Alicia Fox decide they’re sick of being overshadowed and take on the roles of entitled veterans. They start feuding with Naomi and Cameron, who get betrayed by Natalya who is tired of playing mother and mentor to the younger Divas.

* @NotSoUpForHeart: AJ (if she is injured) could make an angle out of that and have Tamina defend the title for her.

* @oneweaklink: Have some NXT Divas invade against the Total Divas, with AJ leading the charge (even if she can’t wrestle, she can be the spokesperson).

* Samuel C. Garner: Start a huge war between the girls until AJ gets back, and during that time, determine a new No. 1 contender. If AJ is out for more than a month, as much as I hate to say it, vacate the title. It wouldn’t be the end of the world because AJ would have ammunition against the other girls when she came back. She’s the top diva with or without the title.

* Steven Fillmore: I like the idea of a tournament and the top 2 contenders competing at Hell in a Cell. A nice twist would be for Stephanie McMahon to come out and announce an addition to the match. The addition to the match would be none other than Paige.

And now we turn it over to you…

What are your two cents on the debate? What should the WWE do if AJ is sidelined?

WWE Agent Suspended for Actions Towards Diva?


The WWE has confirmed reports that WWE road agent Michael Hayes has been suspended for what it tells PWInsider are “personal reasons”.

This is in response to a report that emerged yesterday saying Hayes had been suspended for offering alcohol to Diva Rosa Mendes just days after she returned from rehab, where she had been treating substance abuse issues.

Rosa entered rehab earlier this year after being sent home from a European tour for reportedly being drunk for most of the tour.

She returned to WWE television in August, appearing on Raw alongside The Miz. It can be assumed that the incident with Hayes occurred around this time.

Though a report like this is never welcome, it’s good to know that the WWE is taking Rosa’s recovery seriously.

In Video: Brie and Nikki Bella Answer Questions for ‘WWE Inbox’

The latest episode of WWE Inbox is a Bella Twins exclusive, featuring Brie and Nikki Bella as they answer questions from fans.

When asked about their favorite Total Divas moments, Nikki recalls her The Notebook moment with John Cena from the first episode. She says she was embarrassed while filming it, but enjoyed watching it back.

Brie’s answer has only two words: Brie Mode!

The Divas are asked to name the WWE Superstar that constantly mixes them up, and they both agree on Zack Ryder. They’re not sure if it’s his hair gel, headband or spray tan obscuring his vision, but he can never get them right.

They agree on their favorite WWE moments, too, singling out their Divas Title wins, their debut and wrestling in the “Miss WrestleMania” battle royal at WrestleMania 25.

Watch the latest episode of WWE Inbox below:

What’s your favorite Bella twins moment?

OVW Spoilers: October 10th, 2013

Ohio Valley Wrestling filmed today’s episode last night in Louisville, Kentucky.

The show (#738) can be seen at Spoilers below:

* Pre-show dark match: Taeler Hendrix vs. Ray Lyn. Ray Lyn wants to shake hands, but Taeler smacks it away. She then asks for a high five, but Taeler high fives her in the face. Ray Lyn says she must be a hugger and jumps on Taeler and gives her a hug. Taeler slings her off and smacks her in the face. Ray Lyn says that wasn’t nice and smacks Taeler back. Taeler gets aggravated and shoves Ray Lyn into the turnbuckle and rolls her up with a handful of tights for 3. Winner: Taeler by pinfall.

* Backstage, Jessie Belle is complimenting Ray Lyn & Lovely Lylah and Taeler Hendrix tells her to shut up, because she is the winner anyway. Taeler storms off and passes Dylan Bostic & Evan Markopoulos, who are taking pictures of the ladies. They argue over who can do things better and then recruit two guys to fight for them and coach them better than the other one.

* Michael Titus brings out Lovely Lylah, Jessie Belle, Taeler Hendrix, & Ray Lyn for the finals of the Miss OVW contest. He says the winner will also become #1 contender for the Women’s Title. Ray Lyn gets distracted by Titus’ tie and Jessie Belle has to pull her away. Then, Taeler grabs the tiara and says she knows she is the winner. Titus says she is not and Taeler screams and pouts in the corner. Lei’D Tapa has also come out to the ring to find out who wins and will be her next challenger. Titus announce the winner as Lovely Lylah. Taeler starts a tug-of-war with Lylah over the tiara. Lylah pulls it away, but turns into a big boot from Tapa. Taeler grabs the tiara and runs away as Tapa stands over Lylah.


Picture of the Day: WWE Magazine Takes Us Back to 2008


This month’s issue of WWE Magazine takes a look back at the magazine’s 2008 trip to FCW, the WWE’s former training grounds.

Five years ago, the rookies were decidedly less plentiful than they are today, as the spread features only Brie and Nikki Bella, Rosa Mendes and Angela Fong.

Angela posted the above photo of the spread on Instagram, captioning it, “Someone sent me this. It’s in this month’s WWE magazine. The pic was taken 5 years ago in 2008. Feels like a whole lifetime ago!!”

The number of Divas featured there seems downright paltry compared to the number of women that populate NXT today. We wonder where they’ll be in five years..

Perfect 10 for the Week Ending October 7th, 2013

For each week’s Perfect 10, the Diva Dirt team will compile a list of the top 10 women in wrestling. Placement is determined by performances and achievements from the past week.

The list will be presented in video form by Diva Dirt’s Jake.

The Perfect 10 will follow Raw, taking into account all events leading up to and taking place on Monday night.

Watch the video below to see the countdown:

Visit our Perfect 10 page to see it in list form.

Tweet us your top five using hashtag #DivaDirtPerfect10.

What do you think of this week’s list? What changes would you make?

WWE Main Event Viewing: October 9th, 2013


There’s Divas action on tonight’s WWE Main Event! Tune in at 8pm ET on ION.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: WWE Main Event Spoilers: October 9th, 2013

Trish Stratus Reveals First Photo of Baby Max


He’s just over a week old, and he’s already making his world debut!

Today, Trish Stratus posted the first photo of her son Maximus, debuting the snapshot on her official website.

The WWE Hall of Famer also appears alongside Max on the front page of her website.

Trish credits the photos to award winning photographer Tamara Kate.

Okay, all together now: awwwwww!

Daniel Bryan Talks Proposing to Brie Bella, Playing a Joke on the ‘Total Divas’ Crew


Daniel Bryan, the soon-to-be Mr. Brie Bella, spoke to about filming for Total Divas and how his proposal to Brie turned into a rib on the Total Divas crew.

Filming Total Divas: “I’m very lucky that I am not featured on the reality show. I am a guest that comes in and out of the shots based on them filming Brie. But Brie, they’re filming her all the time, and it’s brutal. [Laughs.] But it’s a good show, and it’s been doing really well, and I think a lot of good stuff is going to come of it.”

Deciding where to propose to Brie: “I actually got Brie’s ring back in May, so it’s been several months. The problem is, with our schedule, is finding time to do something special. And no offense to Bowling Green, Kentucky, but I don’t want to propose to Brie in Bowling Green, Kentucky, while we’re doing a live event on a Friday after taking a red-eye flight, and we’re both exhausted. We were both ready to get engaged earlier this year, but I wanted it to be special, and it was worth the wait.”

Ribbing the Total Divas crew during the proposal: “Quite frankly, by the time that that happened, they were barely there because we’d just done a 5-mile hike. Imagine those people, they don’t know where I’m proposing, right? They’re hoping that it’s at the beginning of the hike, but absolutely not. [Laughs.] I waited until we’re at the top of the cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, and everybody’s drenched in sweat, and they’ve got the cameras and sound stuff, and nobody was even sure that’s when I was going to propose. They just had to film us that entire time. It was almost like my own practical joke on the reality-show people to make them hike this far with all of this equipment, and then that’s when the biggest moment happens, when they’re completely mentally and physically unprepared for it.”

Will he shave his beard for the wedding?: “It’ll be interesting to see if she wants me cleanshaven for the wedding or not. I don’t know if I could shave my beard right now if I wanted to. We’re filming SmackDown tonight. Imagine if I just showed up to the arena tonight cleanshaven, how mad everyone would be. [Laughs.] It’s no longer something that I can control myself. I have to accept that this is what I am.”

Something tells us that there will be a title vs. beard match booked the week before the wedding.

You can read the full interview on

Should Daniel go beard-less for the wedding?

Brandi Rhodes Talks About the Rhodes Family’s Redemption at Battleground

Brandi Rhodes, the former WWE ring announcer known as Eden Stiles and new wife of Cody Rhodes, has been mentioned often in the recent Rhodes family storyline.

This week, she made her first official appearance as part of that storyline, being interviewed by after Cody, Goldust and Dusty Rhodes won reinstatement to the WWE at Battleground.

When asked how she felt about the Rhodes family’s redemption, Brandi said, “Oh my gosh, it was probably the most emotional thing that I have ever seen. I wish I was there, but then again, I would be crying on TV.”

She continued, “I would have been just as happy to see either Dustin or Cody get the pin, but we are moving into a new generation of Rhodes and Cody put the stamp on it. Cody hit the Cross Rhodes in the middle of the ring and got the win for our family. No outside interference, no excuses. I am so proud of my husband.” has also posted a gallery of photos from Brandi’s time with the WWE.

Do you think Brandi should reappear on WWE TV?

Photos: Stephanie McMahon Named Honorary Chairwoman for Connecticut Special Olympics


Ahead of the 2014 Special Olympics, the WWE has officially partnered with Team Connecticut, as Stephanie McMahon has been named its honorary team chairwoman.

Earlier this week, Stephanie appeared at the official team announcement, taking to the podium to address the athletes, saying, “I look out at this courageous group of athletes and I know that you will make us all proud at the Special Olympics next June.”

Stephanie also posed for photos with Special Olympics athletes and volunteers, the photos appearing on the WWE’s Community website.

Check out a few of those photos below:

You can view the full gallery at

Jim Ross on Eva Marie/JoJo Push: NXT Divas “Should Feel Relieved”

Diva fans have been vocal in their criticism of the decision to have Eva Marie and JoJo make their televised in-ring debuts on Monday’s Raw.

Former WWE commentator and Hall of Famer Jim Ross was asked about this, specifically in connection to the Divas who have been training for years down in NXT.

JR responded, “I don’t feel badly at all. The NXT Divas will get their chance in due time and should feel relieved that they are not coming to WWE with zero build up as the E Total Divas show did for Eva Marie and JoJo.”

Ross makes a good point: part of the reason Diva fans aren’t enthusiastic about Eva Marie and JoJo are their lack of refinement as Divas. There’s no hiding their weaknesses on live television. Meanwhile, those down in NXT will have a better shot at making a positive and lasting first impression.

Do you agree with JR’s sentiments?

Luna Vachon, Natalya & Stephanie McMahon Featured on List of WWE’s Greatest Families has compiled a list of the greatest families in the history of the WWE, and three women are among them.

The late Luna Vachon, Natalya and Stephanie McMahon are featured on the list at #11, #2 and #1 respectively.

Luna’s family was highlighted for her accomplishments as well as those of her father, uncle and aunt:

One wrestling family that no one wanted to mess with was the Vachons. Led by brothers “Mad Dog” Maurice and “Butcher” Paul, the unpredictability of both men was well known in the industry. For four decades, The Brothers Vachon wreaked havoc everywhere they went. Maurice was inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame in 2010. In addition, there were two female Vachon family members. Vivian Vachon was the sister of Maurice and Paul, and was a successful competitor mainly in the ’70s. And, of course, there was Paul’s daughter, Luna, whose unforgettable looks and volatility made her one of the most successful females in WWE rings in the ’90s.

The list honors Natalya for carrying on the Hart legacy left behind by her father Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart and her uncle Bret Hart:

The Harts’ legacy began with patriarch Stu Hart’s founding of Calgary’s Stampede Wrestling in 1948, continued with Stu’s son, Bret “Hit Man” Hart, becoming one of the most beloved WWE Champions of all time and remains with Bret’s niece, Natalya, staking claim on the Divas roster.

The Hart Foundation first debuted in WWE during the 1980s when Bret and his brother-in-law, Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart, Natalya’s father, battled Davey Boy Smith and The Dynamite Kid, who also became members of the family by marriage. At Survivor Series 1993, Bret and his brothers Owen, Keith and Bruce were victorious as a team, and Owen later defeated Bret in the main event of WrestleMania X. In 1997, The Hart Foundation was reborn with Bret, Owen, Neidhart and Davey Boy.

Twelve years later, the family reemerged in WWE as The Hart Dynasty , including Natalya and Davey Boy’s son, David Hart Smith. And today, Natalya continues to represent the Harts’ storied legacy in WWE.

Topping the list, Stephanie’s accomplishments and marriage to Triple H are recognized the extension of the McMahon lineage:

Not just sports-entertainment’s greatest promoter, but one of the genre’s biggest stars, the mastermind behind WrestleMania’s in-ring battles with “Stone Cold” Steve Austin brought his company record television ratings and box-office receipts. His kids pitched in too as both Shane and Stephanie McMahon were key players in the squared circle and at the corporate offices. With Stephanie’s 2003 marriage to Triple H, the family lineage extended to include not only sports-entertainment’s greatest minds, but one of the ring’s biggest legends.

You can view the full list on

Who’s your favorite wrestling family?

WWE Officials High on Aksana?


If internet reports are to be believed, it appears that WWE Diva Aksana is impressing WWE officials.

According to PWInsider via Lords of Pain, some within the company, including WWE’s Chief Operating Officer Triple H, believe that Aksana has “something special” and thus want to keep her around.

Aksana has been given plenty of opportunities to impress in recent months, having been featured frequently on WWE television as part of a group of Divas desperate not to be overshadowed by the cast of Total Divas.

The Lithuanian will also be in action on this week’s edition of Main Event, which airs tonight at 8pm ET on Ion Television.

RELATED: WWE Main Event Spoilers: October 9th, 2013

Maryse Talks Returning to the WWE: “Never Say Never”


While appearing at the London Film and Comic Con, former WWE Diva Maryse spoke to Headlocks2Headlines‘s Chris Kelly about her non-wrestling ventures, her upcoming wedding to The Miz and her future in wrestling.

On a possible WWE return: She says to “never say never”. It’s not in her immediate plans, and she’s satisfied with her run, but she admits that “you never know!”

What she’s been doing since leaving WWE: Maryse says she’s been working on her House of Maryse fashion line and planning her wedding to The Miz, which will take place this February in the Bahamas.

Her wedding plans: She wants the wedding to be “dreamy” and to feel like Cinderella. She says she’s getting nervous about the large ceremony, which is ironic given her experience performing in front of large crowds.

On Total Divas: She hasn’t seen the show, as she’s been wrapped up in watching Breaking Bad, Homeland and House of Cards.

Her favorite career moments: Aside from winning the Divas Title, her favorite moment is getting involved in a 2010 Money in the Bank match, climbing the ladder and trying to grab the suitcase for Ted Dibiase.

Listen to the full interview below:

Would you like the see Maryse return to the WWE?

Picture of the Day: Melina and Jillian Get Their Karaoke On


Jillian Hall may not have been the most gifted when it came to singing in front of WWE crowds – their belief, not ours – but she hasn’t let that stop her from continuing to share her love of singing with the world.

Alongside her best friend Melina, Jillian took to a karaoke stage, as shown in the picture above, rocking out (and twerking) to some Britney Spears.

Melina posted the picture on her Instagram account, captioning it, “You may not be able to tell but Jillian was Twerking at Karaoke. #TwerkWhileYouWork #TwerkTeam #TwerksRUs.”

Though, in typical Jillian fashion, they eventually found themselves kicked out of the karaoke bar. Seriously!

SmackDown Spoilers: October 11th, 2013

Below are spoilers for this week’s SmackDown:

* Vickie Guerrero kicks off SmackDown with a recap of her and Alberto Del Rio from RAW. She says Big Show needed to be fired a long time ago. She says his house is already for sale. Del Rio interrupts and wants the match against John Cena at Hell In a Cell to be canceled. Del Rio kisses Vickie on the lips. She wants him to kiss her rear. Damien Sandow interrupts and Vickie makes Sandow vs. Del Rio for tonight. Del Rio lays out Sandow with a mic and attacks him.

* Cameron, Naomi and Brie Bella beat Eva Marie, Natalya and Kaitlyn when Naomi pinned Kaitlyn.


WWE Main Event Spoilers: October 9th, 2013


Below are spoilers for this week’s edition of WWE Main Event:


Allysin Kay and Taylor Made Announced for SHIMMER 58-61 Tapings


We’re less than two weeks away from the tapings of SHIMMER volumes 58-61, and two names have just been added to the weekend’s list of competitors.

“Made in Sin” members Allysin Kay and Taylor Made have been officially announced to appear, joining previously announced talent Hiroyo Matsumoto, who was booked a few weeks ago.

This SHIMMER weekend will feature talent Cheerleader Melissa, Nikki Storm, Ayako Hamada, Madison Eagles, Jessicka Havok and many more.

Check out the full announcement on the official SHIMMER website.

The tapings take place October 19th and 20th at the Berwyn Eagles Club in Berwyn, IL. You can purchase tickets at

What are you most looking forward to for SHIMMER 58-61?

In Video: Nikki Bella Thinks Brie Blames Her for Battleground Loss

During Raw last night, Josh Mathews caught up with Brie Bella to talk about her tough loss the night before at Battleground.

Brie said that she lost not because of AJ Lee‘s superiority, but because of one Diva. But before Brie can name that Diva, Nikki cuts in to say that it wasn’t her fault Tamina attacked her, assuming that Brie was blaming her.

She stops Nikki, clarifying that she was talking about Tamina, not her. She says she knows Nikki always has her back.

Brie then vows to keep chasing the title until it’s hers.

Interesting bit of development here. Are we seeing the first signs of tension between the Bellas?

Watch the interview below:

Raw Redux (October 7th, 2013): Women Make Waves, But Not in the Ring


Before we even start to talk about last night, I just want to send well wishes to the Divas Champion, AJ Lee. As the WWE’s website stated yesterday, AJ was sent home with concussion-like symptoms and ordered not to do anything physical or strenuous. Head injuries of any kind are always frightening, and we certainly wish her a speedy recovery. Now, on to Raw! What I like to do is sit back and watch, and take down notes so I can put together the Redux without feeling like I missed anything important. Well, this week I don’t need any notes because everything that happened is burned into my brain, never to be forgotten no matter how incredible bad I want it to go away. Two authority figures ended up making the most impact, while Summer Rae continued to be Summer Rae. There was also a match, and for once in my life, I wish I could say that it only lasted about two seconds.

We’ll start with Vickie Guerrero first who was working with World Heavyweight Champion, Alberto Del Rio. Skip to 24:15, please:

It’s been awhile since we’ve seen our favorite cougar on Raw, and she returned in fine fashion in this segment. I’ve always enjoyed Vickie and the best part of this is how both of them, Vickie and Albie, both thought they were playing one another. When she dropped his scarf to the ground I cheered. Even Vickie Guerrero doesn’t like Alberto as champion. That’s how bad he is right now. HAIL CHRISTIAN.


Vickie promised Alberto she would find him a worthy opponent so obviously, I’m getting jacked up on Coke Zero, holding my breath, and waiting for her to introduce bb Christian back to my television screen.

Womp. Womp.

Naughty Nurse Nikki Bella must have some incredible healing powers. John Cena was set to be out four to six months. Now he’s magically coming back in two. Like, what? Who heals from surgery that quickly? Is he bionic? Is he really Superman? It’s absolutely ridiculous he’s coming back this early and I don’t want to hear this crap about the ratings declining. Ratings always decline when Raw has to go head-to-head with Monday Night Football and as far as pay-per-views go, well when you expect people to pay for something they see on Raw the week before or after, what do you expect?


Either way, it was good to see Vickie again on Raw, just like it was good to see Stephanie McMahon lay down the law to Big Show.


Stephanie was legitimately the best part of Raw last night. She totally spilled the tea and slapped around a very big man. It was insane. I’ve said this before so many times but it bears repeating, Stephanie is in a class of her own when it comes to this kind of stuff. No one does it like Stephanie, and she was absolutely spot on last night.

Brad Maddox also had to suffer her wrath last night, but thankfully for him, he wasn’t just up and fired like Show.

Talk about making someone feel so small! Stephanie even blamed the power outage on Brad, which is a little harsh! Funny, though, because I’m not a fan! I kind of wish she would have fired him, but the McMahons need as many people to do their bidding as possible, so for now Brad gets to stay. Stephanie also had another small segment, this time with Brad and Triple H. It was mainly about Hunter, though, and led up to a huge ending that closed Raw. Something tells me that Stephanie’s going to be in an even worse mood come next week!

Summer Rae continued to impress by doing very little. She didn’t get involved this week in her man’s match, but seeing as how he was facing Zack Ryder, she didn’t need too.

I wish I could say that was the end of this, but sadly it isn’t. There was also a tag match that put Natalya with Eva Marie and JoJo taking on Alicia Fox with Aksana and Rosa Mendes. I say “with” because Nattie and Alicia would have been better off having a singles match. Yuck.

First of all, I’m not sure what genius decided it was alright for JoJo and Eva Marie to make their in-ring debuts, furthermore, just leave JoJo out all together. Secondly, why Rosa and Aksana were used is beyond me. I’m not going to pick apart Eva because that isn’t fair. She’s brand new to this and has probably spent the majority of her time with the company filming for Total Divas. This was her first televised match and only her second match (that I know of…) period. She has everything to improve on and all the time to do it if she really feels passionately about the business, and I believe she does. Eva needs to learn to sell moves and inject her personality into things a little more, and I feel like she will.

But really, Rosa and Aksana have no excuse for being so basic.

At this point, they should be able to carry someone who isn’t very experienced but that didn’t happen last night. Rosa fared better than Aksana, but I mean really. That being said, I would much have rather either seen that singles match between Nattie and Alicia, who both did amazing, or something different. It would have made more sense to team Alicia with Layla and Aksana, and left Aksana out. And on the other side, Nattie should have been paired with Naomi and Cameron.

Annoying match.

I will say this because I like to try and find the positive side of all things. The Divas weren’t the worst thing about Raw. It was just a very bad show and luckily for everyone involved, there’s nowhere to go now but up. Hopefully, SmackDown ends up being a lot better than Raw.

In Video: Eva Marie Talks Making Raw In-Ring Debut

Renee Young caught up with Total Divas stars Eva Marie, JoJo and Natalya to talk about their Six-Diva Tag Team match victory on Raw.

The focus of the interview was on Eva Marie’s television wrestling debut, which she admitted didn’t feel real.

Natalya says she thinks Eva Marie did great and that the victory was a great thing for Total Divas. She says she and JoJo were mostly just cheering Eva on.

Watch the interview below:

Mickie James Reveals She Originally Planned Her “Crazy Fan” Storyline With Lita


While appearing at Hamilton Comic Con, former TNA Knockout Mickie James spoke with Live Audio Wrestling‘s Jason Agnew about her status in wrestling, the difficulty in playing a babyface, pitching the Trish Stratus storyline with Lita instead and more.

Pitching the Trish storyline: She originally pitched the “crazy” Trish Stratus fan storyline, but with Lita, because she knew Lita personally. At that point, she wasn’t as close with Trish.

Her TNA heel turn: Her heel turn was a matter of “finally convincing them” to do it.

Playing a babyface vs. playing a heel: She says there wasn’t a lot of depth to playing a babyface, as she was essentially playing herself. Playing a babyface is harder, though, as fans are more jaded now. It’s hard to make fans love you. The key to being an amazing heel, she says, is to make people hate you, but still want to pay to see you.

The “Piggie James” storyline: She wishes she could have left the WWE at a more uplifting point, but the intent was to confront the bullying epidemic. She says Layla and Michelle McCool were hesitant to say some of the things they did, but Mickie encouraged them to go out there and make it awesome.

Her status in wrestling: Mickie describes herself as a “free agent” in the wrestling world. She says she’s “far from finished” with wrestling.

Watch the full interview below:

Picture of the Day: Madison Eagles Shows Off Anti-Kong Shirt for SHINE Dream Bout


It’s no surprise that when SHINE revealed the card for their upcoming 14th show that Amazing Kong (Kharma) and Madison Eagles‘s bout was dubbed an “International Dream Match”.

Some might prepare for a big match like this by training hard, eating right, and making sure they are in peak condition. Madison Eagles, on the other hand, does all of that AND busts out a snapshot of the awesomely edited t-shirt she’ll be wearing to the ring in Ybor City.

Eagles posted the picture on her Twitter account, tweeting:

Personally, we would never ever tempt an already fired up Amazing Kong with such tactics, but then again, Madison is way more of a threat than we could ever be.

Who do you think will walk out of The Orpheum with the victory?

Raw Response: October 7th, 2013


Get your Monday night Divas fix by tuning in to Raw tonight on the USA Network at 8pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

AJ Lee Leaves Raw, Suffering from Concussion Symptoms is reporting that Divas Champion AJ Lee has been sent home from tonight’s Raw, having shown symptoms of a concussion following her match at last night’s Battleground Pay-Per-View.

The site spoke to the WWE’s on site physician, who said, “We spoke with AJ and she informed us that … she struck her head against the turnbuckle and was having headaches and some difficulty remembering her match. We examined her and noted that she had some problems with balance and memory recall. She was, therefore, diagnosed with a concussion, instructed to rest and not do anything either physically or psychologically strenuous.”

He continued, “She was re-evaluated today and was still having some symptoms so we are currently waiting for her symptoms to improve before administering an impact test.”

We here at Diva Dirt wish AJ a safe recovery. Any wrestling fan will know that concussion symptoms are nothing to mess around with.