Friday, September 20, 2024

Battleground in Review: Sisterly Love Brings Brie Down


The evolution of AJ Lee from NXT to the main roster to the main event was something that was basically unheard of for a Diva in this particular era. The “Summer of AJ” brought someone loaded with talent and passion for the business to the next level, and made all of us open our eyes at just how great a Diva can be when given the chance. It’s absolutely fair to say that the New Jersey elevated a division that often over-looked, pushed to the back burner, and never given the proper chance to showcase the talent it’s loaded with. In fact, I would even go as far as saying that AJ provided her peers with the fire and desire to step up their game and get to her level, so that they could have the same chances she was given.

Rubbing elbows with the likes of CM Punk, Daniel Bryan, Kane, John Cena, and Dolph Ziggler gave AJ a HUGE push and she took everything she was given and ran with it, doing it to the best of her abilities. A title run was inevitable and the icing on the cake for someone who grew up wanting nothing more than to be a champion in World Wrestling Entertainment.

Brie Bella is currently on a similar path, even if it’s taken her a little bit longer to get to the top. Along with Nikki, Brie has always been unique and different, always giving her all in everything she’s been given. And it hasn’t always been a lot, to be honest. The twins spent copious amounts of time being arm candy for celebrity guests, and running around in limbo with no real storyline. But no matter what they were given to work with, it’s fair to say that both of them did the best they could and always looked amazing. It was sad when they left the company, and a void was definitely left. The polarizing personality of the Bella Twins always left fans split – you either loved them, or you hated them. Either way, you there and ready to talk about them, and that’s exactly what you want when it comes to leaving a mark in a male dominated world.

The Bellas returned, thank God, and returned with a starring role on the show, Total Divas. Total Divas not only gave us a look into the off camera lives of the ladies involved, but it gave us a glance at just how hard it is to make it in the cutthroat world of the WWE. Brie was a standout on the show, gaining a ton of popularity for her humble, simple life away from the cameras and her adorable relationship with Daniel Bryan. Fans took notice, so did the company, and Brie managed to break out on her own as a singles competitor thanks to Nikki’s unfortunate injury.

With AJ already established and Brie being right up there with her, last night’s Diva’s Championship at Battleground was very highly publicized. The match was plugged everywhere and it seemed like everyone was looking forward to seeing what these two ladies were able to put together while the television storylines are pretty hot right now. The only question that was left, when all was said and done, was were these two able to deliver? Lets take a look.

The Bellas made their way to the ring first, looking absolutely flawless. Both were in pink thanks to the WWE’s stance to fight breast cancer during the month of October, and Brie’s ring gear was absolutely amazing. Personally, I might have loved it more than the rainbow gear last month… MIGHT! AJ wasn’t without back-up either. She had her bodyguard, Tamina, in tow.

AJ started the match off with a slap right to AJ’s kisser and then went crazy. She was all over the champ with her punches, and just kicking AJ’s butt to start off with. AJ took the high road and rolled out of the ring to regroup, and when Brie went after her, Tamina inserted herself into the picture. There wasn’t anything physical, but she stopped Brie from going for AJ, which gave her client the chance to get back in the ring. Brie followed suit, and got herself in a position to go for the first cover of the match.

AJ kicked out.

Brie continued to dominate, which left AJ a little desperate. When the challenger went to the outside of the ring, AJ seized the moment. Brie was brought down by a dropkick and then slammed absolutely brutally into the ring post. Brie bounced off the post like she was nothing and took a pretty sick fall to the outside. AJ got her back inside the ring, hooked the leg, and went for a pin.

Brie kicked out.

AJ stayed off offense for awhile, and started to soften up Brie’s arm for the Black Widow Submission. At one point, AJ locked Brie in a nice little bridge type of submission, but Brie fought her way back up to her feet and got out of it. AJ battled back from that, caught Brie by the damaged arm, and went for a cover. The Total Divas’ star was able to kick out. AJ broke down at that point, and screamed in Brie’s face. It was pretty violent, but we really don’t expect anything less from AJ, do we? Brie was choked by the ropes for a bit before AJ turned her attention back to the left arm. Brie ended up knocked shoulder-first into the ring post, and AJ went to follow that up. Luckily, Brie moved out of the way, but AJ wasn’t bothered.

Well, maybe she was, because she went nuts at that point. Brie tried to fight her way to the ropes, but she just couldn’t make it. Instead, she managed to get back up to her feet. AJ isn’t impressed and Brie was slammed into the ropes for her valiant effort. AJ then decided to showboat, and that gave Brie an opening to hit a nice looking dropkick to take out the champ. Brie used to the momentum to unsuccessfully pin AJ twice, and that’s when things broke down.

Tamina got involved by attacking Nikki on the outside, choking her out for what appeared to be no reason other than to cause a distraction. Brie dropped AJ and went to see what was going on, right as Tamina hurled Nikki towards the ring. AJ used the chance to roll Brie up for a win, grabbing a handful of tights in the process, and she retained her title in the cheapest of ways.

And I loved it.

You guys know Brie Bella can do no wrong in my eyes, but I stated practically every single day this past week that she didn’t need to win the championship at Battleground. AJ needed to get the cheap victory, and that’s exactly what happened. Now, I don’t know if they will actually go the route of DB and Randy Orton, and have Stephanie declare the Diva’s Championship vacant, but I’m still going to hold out hope. AJ looked very heelish in the win, and Brie looked extremely good in the loss. There is so much to build on now.

Nikki and Tamina getting involved was the icing on the cake. You still can’t convince me that Nikki is going heel until I see it with my own eyes, but Tamina certainly did her job as AJ’s bodyguard. I really can’t wait to see what they do on Raw tonight. I think it’s going to end up being really, really, really amazing.

Nothing is ever perfect, but this was pretty close. I definitely give it four out of fiva stars. They delivered, in my opinion. Both of them had a lot of passion, a lot of energy, and gave it everything they had. Great job Brie and AJ. And kudos to Tamina and Nikki as well. Can’t wait for the follow-up!

Stacy Keibler Return Rumors Debunked (Again)


Rumors of Stacy Keibler returning to the WWE have been debunked once again, this time by TMZ.

TMZ is reporting that, contrary to a recent National Enquirer article that claimed Stacy wanted to return to the WWE for a big payday that would help her maintain a lavish lifestyle post-George Clooney, Stacy has no plans to return to wrestling.

According to TMZ’s sources, Stacy is “very grateful to the WWE for helping to launch her career”, but considers that part of her life to be over. She, they say, wants to focus on other things.

So, to summarize: the sky is blue, water is wet and Stacy isn’t returning to the ring.

Tara on Her TNA Experience: “It Made Me Appreciate WWE A Lot”


Former TNA Knockout Tara has broken her silence about her TNA departure.

Speaking to VOC Wrestling Nation, she discussed the possibility of returning to TNA, the differences between it and the WWE, her future in wrestling and more.

Transcript courtesy of PWInsider:

On her time in TNA and whether she would return: “TNA is out of the question. It wasn’t a good fit for me. I had a great run there, but it was very different from WWE. It made me appreciate WWE a lot.”

Her future in wrestling: “Never say never. I’m 42 and I’m still kicking ass and in better shape than when I was wrestling. It’s in my blood. I’m lucky that I live wrestling at my restaurant. I don’t think I’m done wrestling; I have a lot to give in terms of knowledge and helping other females.”

Working in front of the same crowd each week versus working on the road: “Its apples and oranges. I enjoy going on the road and working different towns. (At TNA) the audience wanted to get more camera time (than the talent). I ended up knowing most of the fans that went there in Orlando. Performing in Madison Square Garden is surreal. I hope some of the TNA talent that has never gotten to do that gets a chance to do it.”

On what’s missing with today’s female talent: “We had Fit Finlay as a trainer and agent. He made us and molded us. He got to know what made us tick, exposed that, and there was nothing we couldn’t do. Today, the girls pick and choose what moves they want to do. If Fit Finlay was around, that wouldn’t happen. We worked stiff. We made contact.

You can listen to the full interview on

Picture of the Day: Sasha “Boss” Banks Has Arrived


For those who have been keeping up with NXT, we’ve all seen a bit of an edgier side emerge from one Sasha Banks.

While she has found a new gal pal in Summer Rae, the above photo highlights what Sasha might have in store for us should she branch out on her own.

Boss Banks posted the photo on her Instagram account, captioning it “The #Boss is in the building! You better recognize! #bankonit #bossbanks”.

With her shades, custom leather jacket and gold “Boss” chain dangling from her neck, it appears that Sasha might have some unique and interesting ideas up her sleeve – ones that we personally want to see on TV as soon as possible.

In conclusion, we leave you with one final question. Answer correctly and you get the honor of being correct.

Get your thinking caps on, because the big thing we want to know is:

Who’s…the baddest?

Battleground Results: Brie Bella Gets Knocked Off Her Game (Photos)

Tonight at WWE Battleground, AJ Lee‘s new ally Tamina Snuka played a big role in helping her retain the Divas Championship.

When Brie Bella appeared to have victory within her grasp, Tamina got ahold of Brie’s sister Nikki, choking her out and distracting Brie. This allowed AJ to sneak up behind her and roll her up for a quick win.

This extends AJ’s Divas Title reign, but by the looks of it, this won’t be Brie’s last shot at the belt.

Check out some shots from the match below:

What did you think of the match?

Battleground Discussion Post


Tonight at Battleground, Divas Champion AJ Lee defends her title against Brie Bella.

To watch, tune in to the Pay-Per-View at 8pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

In Video: ODB is October’s “Knockout of the Month”


TNA has released a video announcing Knockouts Champion ODB as their October “Knockout of the Month”.

In the video, ODB reflects on her recent journey to the title, from leaving refereeing behind to defeating Gail Kim, who she calls one of her toughest opponents.

ODB caps off the video by claiming to be “more of a serious ODB” now. Eh, we’ll believe it when we see it.

Watch the “Knocked Up Champ”‘s video below:

Diva Dirt Hype: AJ Lee/Brie Bella “Battle for Power” Video Package

Get hyped for Battleground tonight with a Diva Dirt exclusive video package highlighting the Divas Championship match pitting AJ Lee against Brie Bella, created by Diva Dirt’s own Chris:

Music: “We Got the Power” by Loreen; “The Phoenix” by Fall Out Boy

Battleground Predictions: AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella for the Divas Championship


Tonight at Battleground, AJ Lee puts her title on the line against Brie Bella. Will Brie continue her meteoric rise with a title win? The Diva Dirt team weighs in:

Adrian: Having ignored my gut instinct and incorrectly predicted that AJ would drop the title at Night of Champions, I’m going to actually pay attention to it this time, and say AJ walks out still champion. With Brie’s relationship with Daniel Bryan now a full-fledged part of the WWE canon and with their big engagement public knowledge, I know the stars are aligned for Brie…which would make it all the more heartbreaking to see her big moment ripped away from her. I can see Brie getting more than a little tangled in her fiancé’s feud with management in the coming weeks, and this is a perfect way to kick things off. I think AJ Lee will win this one – and not cleanly – but regardless of what happens, Brie loses.

Bobby: Okay so since what I wanted to happen on SmackDown as shown in the Armchair Creative Team didn’t really go down that way, I’ll make my prediction a bit more realistic and to the point. I think Brie and AJ is a wild card match in that we really don’t know how the quality will be. Pretty sure that when it happened before, the roles were reversed, and I personally find the Bellas to be much better wrestlers and more entertaining as a whole when they’re faces so that could mean good things come from this. It’s definitely going to be a mix of the time they get and how well they work together though, so I’m intrigued to see what happens as I can’t really call how it will be in terms of ring work. For who wins, being that we have a pay per view so soon after this, it would make sense for Brie to win and AJ to get her rematch there since that wouldn’t really be much build needed. However, I don’t think the reign of our Black Widow is done just yet, so I’m going with AJ Lee retaining. Perhaps come Hell in a Cell I’ll have different feelings, but for now I’m sticking with it.

Chris: Woah, hard to believe another PPV is here already. I’m really interested to see what direction they take with this. While I would love to see a new champion, I think AJ Lee is going to retain due to some outside hoopla, leading to a rematch at Hell in a Cell.

Cryssi: I think my feelings on this title match have been made pretty clear through out the week, on Diva Dirt Weekly and in our Armchair Creative Team piece. That said, I find myself with two options. I can either stick to what I’ve been saying this entire week, or I can completely contradict everything I’ve been preaching about. I still stand firm in my belief that both women, AJ and Brie, can benefit from this match if it’s done right. AJ should win in highly controversial fashion and should be stripped of the championship tomorrow night on Raw. That said, I woke up in the midst of a tropical depression named Karen this morning and it dawned on me that what’s going on in the WWE at the moment is a hurricane. Hurricane Stephanie is going to change course and destroy this match, and I think we will see a third competitor added right before the bell rings. Expect Natalya to walk out as champion tonight, because that is what’s best for business. At least in Stephanie’s eyes ;-)

Erin: I really believe that there’s more in store for Brie in this push than just a single, unsuccessful title shot. The WWE has wrapped her in the Administration’s storyline, and though she hasn’t drawn the wrath of Stephanie yet, I think she will. This will require her to pull a Daniel Bryan, winning the Divas Title against their wishes. Thus, Brie Bella is winning the title tonight.

Jack: As much as I wouldn’t mind seeing Brie win, I think AJ will be retaining for sure. I hope Tamina actually decides to do something in her new role, perhaps attacking Nikki to distract Brie? Either way, not enough story progression has been put into this at all, and sadly, I’m not too fussed about the outcome. Either AJ will win and move onto beating JoJo and Eva Marie (if she can even be bothered with them) and then drop the strap to Natalya or she’ll win and Brie disputes Tamina’s interference, allowing her to get another shot. I’d be happy with either as long as things get personal. And no, I don’t mean by talking trash about goat faced babies that don’t yet exist and spanking from doctors. Anyway, the less said about that dodgy promo, the better! AJ Lee retains.

Katelyn: I’m going with a Brie Bella victory. AJ might have Tamina on her side, but Brie has the entire cast of Total Divas on hers. With AJ quickly running out of fresh challengers, I fully expect Brie to claim the championship early in the show, then return to the ring to celebrate alongside Daniel Bryan after he beats Randy Orton for a (temporary) title reign. Bryan and Brie will share a smooch onscreen, the crowd will go bananas, and it will all be caught for Total Divas cameras.

Steven: While the Total Divas crew has been feuding with AJ for a good while now, AJ always seems to get the upper hand. I think that will all change at Battleground. I expect Tamina to get involved, prompting the Total Divas to make the save, leading Brie Bella to victory tonight. What happens after the belt changes hand is what I’m really interested in.

BREAKDOWN: 4 for AJ, 3 for Brie, 1 for Natalya.

Who do you agree with? Who is just dead wrong?

Note: We’re keeping a record of our Pay-Per-View predictions. Check out Team Diva Dirt’s PPV Prediction Scoreboard after the match to see who’s in the lead!

AJ Lee Talks Changing the Divas Division, Shooting on Jerry Lawler, ‘Total Divas’ & More

Ahead of her Divas Title defense tonight at Battleground, AJ Lee sat down with Bleacher Report to talk about changing the Divas division, respecting Total Divas, her tattoo and her spats on commentary.

Jabbing Jerry Lawler on commentary: “When you do commentary you don’t really plan anything. I watch my matches back and Jerry Lawler rubs me the wrong way. The way he talks about the girls and me in particular. As a character I feel like she wouldn’t like him. So, I went out there thinking “I’m ready to fight any of you.”

You can’t really plan what you are going to say, but I’m kind of a smart a**. I like to jab. That’s who I am. I went out there and they were all sort of attacking me and I was not prepared for that. So I kind of went into smart a** mode. And it happened. We never talked about it, but I think it was fine. It was just a fun little jab I think.”

Her respect for the Total Divas stars: “With me personally, I’m backstage and I see these poor girls with cameras everywhere and absolutely no time at home. They go to sleep and then the camera is there recording them waking up. I feel for them and I give them all the credit in the world. Because I can’t do that. I could never do that.

I give them credit. Of course on screen I’m not going to say any of that. (Laughs). I’m going to take jabs and stuff as part of the story. But I’m not a hundred percent against it. As a person, I couldn’t do it. The whole story is, they asked me to be on it and I told them no. And it was kind of received the wrong way. I was upset about it and there was a lot of friction between myself and the people who kind of wanted me to jump on board with this show.

It’s not who I am. I don’t think it helps with what I’ve done so far either. It may be great for the girls who are kind of spokeswoman kind of women. That’s not my world. But me not jumping on board was kind of perceived the wrong way. I think Vince likes people who are really brave and quirky and like to take risks and stir the pot sometimes. And he was like “OK. She doesn’t want to be on it? Let her tell us all why. No one really knew what I was going to say. So, that’s how that happened.”

Her faith in her fellow Divas: “I do 100 percent think we could close the show. We’re good enough to do that. Could all of us do it? Probably not. But there’s a lot of us who could do that. I think of our match at Payback, which was the closest I came to a dream match, and maybe the closest I ever will. For there to be this really long, involved story that people cared about and watched on Raw— and then to have the 20-minute pay-per-view match was about as cool as it can get.

The chance to see a Divas match go 20 minutes is so rare, but we proved that we could do it. And, if you take me and Kaitlyn out of the picture, there are other girls who can also do that. Right now we’re putting that faith in Brie to do it too. And after that? I don’t know? Is it Naomi?

There are girls who are so capable. It just takes a long time. It took me a year-and-a-half. We just slowly kind of build people, to make you care. Hopefully soon you will care about every single girl in our division. To know their personalities. That’s when we could close a show and people would be invested in it and care.”

Developing distinct wrestling styles: “I think trying to be flashy and doing things that are out of your realm of comfort is the problem with the Divas. You have amazing acrobats like Naomi who should be doing that. She’s like a little Rey Mysterio to me. But that’s not for everyone.

The trick is for Divas to find what works for them. I’ve done some ridiculous stuff in my career, but there’s still nothing that’s gotten a reaction as big as me skipping around the ring. You have to kind of learn from that. Oh, there is this element that people are reacting to? How do we incorporate that into a match? Instead of trying to be something you’re not or trying to compare to the guys.

The key is to be a personality outside of the ring and then bring that personality with you inside the ring. Like, Randy Orton is Randy Orton in the ring. He knows how to do that. Some of the guys are really good at that and we’re slowly jumping on board and understanding that. That’s what we need. Not to see flips and tricks and stuff like that. Unless they can really do it. But we all have our strengths and something really interesting about us. That’s what we need to figure out—how to show that during matches.”

Her “anti-Total Divas” character: “I think it’s OK if people want things outside of this. But I know I don’t. I don’t want to walk any red carpets. I don’t want to be anywhere but here. I don’t want anyone outside of our little world to know my name. I just want to be in the ring, in our company. I don’t need anything else. Nothing else can capture my heart that way.

Our fans are like that too. They live in this world and they love this world. So they can get on board with my argument against people using it as a stepping stone. They can relate to that. But I like to convey that message in as douchey a way as possible.”

What her tattoo really means: “To me it wasn’t just about winning the title. I lived in a car. I lived on the street, I lived in a motel. My whole life I always believed I wouldn’t be in this situation any more. I’m going to be in WWE and I’m going to be the champion.

That was the light at the end of the tunnel. That made me not lose my mind and not give up. To achieve those goals was all kind of dream sequence. To have the opportunity Kaitlyn and I did, a 20-minute match and everything so absolutely perfect. I had imagined it as a kid and it all came true in real life.

I kind of made the tattoo look like a prison tattoo. I was like a prisoner serving time. To me it was like I finally accomplished something and it was time served. Fourteen years of trying to get here. I made it out of a dark past. That’s what it means to me. It just happens to be the date I won the title. That was the ultimate goal. I think that’s the only tattoo I’ll ever get. I probably won’t get a matching one the day I lose it.”

It’s a very interesting interview, and AJ makes a ton of great points about where the Divas division can and should go. You can read the whole interview on Bleacher Report.

Full Results: AIW Girls Night Out 9 & 10

Absolute Intense Wrestling are at Turner’s Hall in Cleveland, Ohio this afternoon for a huge double DVD taping of “Girls Night Out 9 & 10”. The event is part of Female Fight Season, which begins today.

Allysin Kay and Veda Scott headline both volumes, going up against each other with a mystery tag team partner apiece in the main event of Girls Night Out 9, then just mere hours later at volume 10, facing off in singles action for Kay’s AIW Women’s Championship.

AIW Girls Night Out 9 begins at 3pm ET (8pm GMT), with volume 10 following soon after.

Live results will appear below:

Girls Night Out 9:

* Annie Social defeated Jewells Malone.

* Jenny Rose defeated Santana Garrett by submission.

* Leva Bates and Xandra Bale defeated Jody D’Milo and Jasmin after Leva hit D’Milo with the Superhero kick. After the match, the Social Network came out and attacked Leva and Bale.

* Angel Dust defeated Melanie Cruise and Heidi Lovelace in a three-way match.

* Leah Von Dutch defeated Mickie Knuckles after interference from The Duke.

* Savannah Summers defeated Sassy Stephie with a roll-up.

* Taeler Hendrix defeated Marti Belle.

* Kimber Lee defeated Nikki Storm by submission with a cross armbreaker.

* Allysin Kay & Mia Yim defeated Veda Scott and Shanna. Mia pinned Shanna for the victory.

Girls Night Out 10:

* Kimber Lee defeated Santana Garrett with an inverted piledriver.

* Jasmin defeated Jody D’Milo.

* Sassy Stephie defeated Jewells Malone.

* Melanie Cruise defeated Angel Dust.

* Heidi Lovelace and Annie Social defeated Xandra Bale and Leva Bates.

* Leah Von Dutch defeated Savannah Summers after interference from The Duke.

* Mickie Knuckles defeated Jenny Rose in a No Disqualification match after putting her through a table.

* Nikki Storm defeated Mia Yim.

* Allysin Kay defeated Veda Scott by submission to retain the AIW Women’s Championship.

Full Results: Bellatrix 7, ‘Bellatrix vs. SHIMMER’

Diva Dirt kicks off Female Fight Season with live coverage of Bellatrix 7: Bellatrix vs. SHIMMER, airing on iPPV today.

Three championship matches take place tonight tonight, as Liberty defends her RQW European Championship against Sammi Baynz, Erin Angel puts her Bellatrix British Championship on the line against Penelope and Mercedes Martinez makes her UK debut, defending her NCW Femmes Fatales International Championship against Norway’s Miss Mina. Also on the card is SHIMMER Champion Cheerleader Melissa, who faces Saraya Knight one more time in what will be the deciding match of their violent and embittered six-year transatlantic feud.

Bellatrix 7 comes to us live from Epic Studios in Norwich, England, starting at 6:30pm GMT (1:30pm ET). Click here to order the show.

Live results of the show below:

Christina Von Eerie defeated Skarlett with a backstabber. A great, calculated match, starting off with excellent ground-based action in the first ten minutes before exploding into life in the latter stages. The pair brawl post-match, requiring all the referees to come out and break them up.

Destiny defeated LuFisto with the 747 Splash. A solid, aggressive slugfest peppered with a few points of comic relief. Good match.

Erin Angel defeated Penelope by two falls to nil to retain the Bellatrix British Championship. The match was fought under British rules (two falls, 10 three-minute rounds). Angel dominated the match early on, picking up the first fall in the second round with a hurricanrana. Penelope started to pick up steam in the third round, landing a nice suicide dive to the outside, but Erin was too much and got the second fall later that round with a reverse rana from the second rope.

Mercedes Martinez defeated Miss Mina with the Fisherman Buster to retain the NCW Femmes Fatales Championship.. Another great, hard-hitting match with plenty of strike exchanges. Mina really took it to a new level for this match, while Martinez had a fine outing on her UK debut.

Saraya Knight and Cheerleader Melissa wrestled to a 20-minute time limit draw. The match, despite under normal rules, was every bit as brutal and violent as you’d expect, with the finish happening as Melissa had Saraya locked in a lethal leg submission for over a minute. Saraya did not give way, and the pair embraced in the ring after the match, having finally gained each other’s respect. Fantastic match.

Sammi Baynz defeated Liberty to become the new RQW European Champion thanks to interference from Courtney Rush. Despite both wrestlers’ relative inexperience they put on a worthy, back-and-forth main event. The finish came when, as the referee was unconscious, Courtney Rush entered the ring supposedly to make the count for Liberty, but instead socking her in the face and dragging Baynz onto her for the pinfall. After the match, Axl Lynch (nope, no idea either) came out and revealed himself to be the master behind this plan.

That’s it for our live coverage of Bellatrix 7. Check back tomorrow for a full review!

OVW Write-Up (October 3rd, 2013): Four Corners for Seven Women


Hello, OVW fans. We’ve got another rare, exciting women’s match to watch this week. I know, right?

It will be a Four-Corners Tag Team Elimination match, pitting the teams of Hannah and Holly Blossom, Lovely Lylah and Taeler Hendrix, BFFs Lei’D Tapa and Ray Lynn and finally, Jessie Belle and… Stephon-ie?

The match starts with the guy in drag and Holly, who tags out pretty quickly after taking a hard shoulder tackle. Lylah comes in and gets scoop slammed. She gets tagged out by Ray Lynn, who tries to shake Stephon-ie’s hand. She dodges an attack and tries to hit him with a snapmare, accidentally taking off his wig in the process, revealing him to be Stephon J. Baxter III.

Ray Lynn then strips him of his dress, and Jessie Belle heads for the hills as the girls gang up on him. Tapa clocks him with a big boot, and Taeler pins him, marking the first elimination of the match.

Tapa enters the ring, but Taeler’s not too crazy about facing her, so she tags in Lylah and shovers her into Tapa. Lylah gamely tries to fight Tapa, but it’s no use. Tapa gives her a head butt.

Tapa continues the assault on Lylah, catching her in a chin lock as she taunts Hannah, who desperately wants a piece of her. For some reason, Tapa decides to tag out of the match, bopping Ray Lynn on the forehead in probably the funniest tag I’ve seen in a while.

Ray Lynn hops on Lylah and applies a sleeper hold. Lylah is soon able to fight her off, tossing Ray Lynn off her back. Lylah tags in Taeler, who shoves Ray Lynn into the Blossoms’ corner. Holly tags herself in.

Holly gets Taeler doubled over and tags in Hannah, allowing the twins to hit Taeler with a double dropkick. Taeler goes to tag in Lylah, but her partner drops off the apron, leaving her high and dry. Hannah drags Taeler over to her corner and tags Holly back in.

Taeler fights off Holly and hurries over to her corner, tagging in Lylah before she can dodge it again. In comes Lylah, who walks right into a double team from the Blossoms. Holly goes for the pin and eliminates Lylah and Taler.

Tapa suddenly decides she wants to enter the match and, because she’s Tapa, she’s automatically recognized as the legal woman. She manhandles Holly a bit, and Hannah busts into the ring, eager to get a piece of her. Holly dodges an attack from Tapa and tags in Hannah, who comes in guns a-blazing. She fights Tapa tenaciously until a head butt stops her in her tracks. Tapa gets ready to hit a big boot, but Holly runs into the ring and takes the boot for her sister.

Hannah, distracted by this, gets trapped into a TKO. The move gets botched a bit, but Tapa turns it into a pin, easily eliminating the Blossoms and winning the match.

Tapa decides this isn’t enough and turns the celebration into a beat down. She stomps on Hannah until Holly comes into the ring to defend her sister. Tapa easily disposes of her, though, and proceeds to plant Hannah with the TKO twice!

Needless to say, Hannah’s first title defense at the Saturday Night Special will be a tough one.

Thoughts: This match could have been a lot better, had they not relied on the whole man-dressed-as-a-woman comedic relief spot. Have you learned nothing from Santina, OVW? Well, at least he didn’t win the match. My bet’s on him to win Miss OVW, though.

The TKO botch and the confusion over Lylah’s elimination (didn’t it look like Taeler broke the pin?) marred the match as well. Still, I’ve got to give OVW credit for finding new ways to get the ladies in the ring. I’d take a sloppy Tag Team Elimination match over a Miss OVW competition any day, even with Stephon-ie parading around with a bra on over his button-down.

OVW Saturday Night Special Results: Lei’D Tapa vs. Hannah Blossom for the Women’s Title

Saturday night in Louisville, Kentucky, OVW put on its October Saturday Night Special, which featured an OVW Women’s Title match between champ Hannah Blossom and Lei’D Tapa.

The show will be available on OVW on Demand. Results below, courtesy of OVWMania:

* Michael Titus is in the ring for the finals of the “Miss OVW” contest. He brings out Lovely Lylah, and then Ray Lynn. As Holly Blossom makes her entrance, she is attacked from behind by Lei’D Tapa. Hannah runs out to check on Holly, and Tapa says that was a message. Tonight, it’s her ring, her island, and Hannah will bow down!

* OVW WOMEN’S TITLE: Lei’D Tapa vs. Hannah Blossom (c)
Hannah comes out swinging, angry at what she did to Holly. Tapa keeps knocking her away, but Hannah keeps coming back. Hannah locks in an arm submission twice, but Tapa flings her down and starts stomping away on her. Holly runs out and gets between them, but Hannah shoves her away and Holly says she doesn’t want to see her get hurt anymore. Holly gets out and Hannah turns into the big boot from Tapa for the 3.
Winner and new OVW Women’s Champion: Lei’D Tapa

That makes for a short reign for Hannah Blossom, as this was her very first defense of the title.

Are you happy about Lei’D Tapa’s win?

Picture of the Day: Reby Sky and Matt Hardy Get Married


Today Reby Sky became Rebecca Hardy when she married former WWE Superstar Matt Hardy in front of a large crowd of friends and family.

The wedding was a unique one, as the couple encouraged guests to tweet pictures of the ceremony using the hashtag #SkyHard. One of those photos, shown above, featured Reby during her walk down the aisle.

You can check out more from the wedding by searching under the #SkyHard hashtag on Twitter. Their wedding website is pretty nifty, too.

From what we’ve seen of her so far, Reby looked amazing. Setting the stage on the edge of a forest didn’t hurt the view, either.

Congrats to the happy couple!

In Video: Brie Bella and Natalya Tout About Battleground

Brie Bella and Natalya have both taken to the WWE’s Tout channel to express their confidence in one thing: that AJ Lee‘s Divas Title reign is going to end tomorrow at Battleground.

In her Tout, Brie says that, as October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, she will dedicate her win to breast cancer survivors. Their strength inspires her, and that’s one thing AJ and her schemes can’t take away from her:

Natalya, meanwhile, says she’s on Team Bella and is firmly in the corner of her Total Divas co-star:

WWE Battleground takes place tomorrow night at 8pm ET on Pay-Per-View.

SmackDown Redux (October 4th, 2013): AJ Talks the Talk, but Brie Walks the Walk

Hello everyone, and welcome to this week’s SmackDown Redux!

Just a few days ahead of challenging Divas Champion AJ Lee at Battleground, #1 contender Brie Bella is looking to build some momentum on the blue brand, as she faces off against Aksana. Can the newly engaged diva knock off the Lithuanian bombshell? Check out the match below:

We kick off the match with Aksana already in the ring and Brie follows shortly after with her twin sister, Nikki in tow. The official signals for the bell and our match is underway.

The Divas lock up and Aksana muscles Brie into the ropes, but Brie catches her follow-up kick and sends her flying across the ring. Brie takes her opponent down with a flying clothesline, but only gets a two count.

Aksana tries to go back on the offensive, whipping Brie across the ring, but eats a dropkick and a kneestrike to the face for her trouble. Brie tries to keep the pressure on Aksana, chasing her across the ring, and gets thrown throat-first into the middle rope by Aksana.

Aksana sees her opportunity and unleashes a flurry of stomps and a few elbow drops for a nearfall, followed by a modified headlock. 

Brie fights her way back to a standing position, only to be yanked back down to the mat with a handful of hair. Getting a bit overconfident, Aksana does her patented sexy (?) crawl, before nailing Brie in the face with a kick fire another nearfall.

Brie struggles to her feet once again, blasting Aksana with a few forearms, but Aksana gets the better of her, pinning her in the corner. After a couple of shoulder blocks from Aksana, the referee intervenes and Brie seizes the moment and hits a modified Bella Buster off the ropes to pick up the win.

Post-match, Brie and Nikki celebrate in the ring, but AJ Lee and her enforcer Tamina come out to rain on their parade with a promo on their match at Battleground.

Thoughts: I’m never really excited to hear about an Aksana match, if I’m being completely honest, but I thought both ladies did pretty well. I especially loved Brie’s new spin on the Bella Buster. The match was short, sweet and it got Brie some momentum going into her title match on Sunday, so I think it did its job well.

As for AJ’s promo, it wasn’t exactly that infamous pipebomb promo, but I thought it was still a solid promo. Still not quite sold on the AJ/Tamina partnership, but we’ll see if it comes into play during the title match on Sunday.

Well that’s all for now,  kiddies. Come this time next week, we could have a brand new champion! Are you #TeamAJ or #TeamBrie? Pick your side in the comments below. Until next time!

In Video: WWE Simulates AJ Lee/Brie Bella Battleground Match

Heading into tomorrow’s Divas Championship match at Battleground, the WWE’s YouTube channel has uploaded a video simulating the match between AJ Lee and Brie Bella in WWE 2K13.

In a match that is barely three minutes long, AJ defeats Brie after hitting the Shining Wizard.

Watch the simulation below:

Whether you’re rooting for AJ or Brie, we’re sure everyone hopes that the match is longer than this one.

Do you think the simulation was accurate?

Diva Dirt TV for October 5th, 2013: Baby Stratus, Angry Madusa and a Not-So-Blind Item


Hosted as always by Jake, Diva Dirt TV will be posted every weekend, wrapping up the week in women’s wrestling by naming the best moments of the week as “Match of the Week”, “Tweet of the Week”, “Story of the Week” and more.

On this week’s episode: The arrival of Trish Stratus‘s baby boy, Brie Bella‘s role in the main event storyline, Madusa‘s Facebook rant and a not-so-blind item about AJ Lee and CM Punk.

Watch the show below:

Subscribe to our channel on YouTube to get each episode before anyone else!

What are your “of the week” picks?

NXT Divas Return and Debut at Tampa Live Event


Thursday night’s NXT live event in Tampa, Florida, was a big one for the Divas: two of them returned and one made her very first appearance for the company.

According to Diva Dirt reader Jordan, Devin Taylor, who had been sidelined since suffering a dislocated knee in July, returned and shared ring announcing duties with Becky Lynch.

Raquel Diaz, who left the company last year, made her first appearance since her return, participating in a t-shirt giveaway alongside Becky Lynch, Devin Taylor, Lana, Veronica Lane, JoJo and debuting Diva Leah Van Damme.

Are you excited that Raquel is officially back?

Picture of the Day: Natalya, Brie and Nikki Go Way Back


It wasn’t long ago that Natalya was feuding with Brie and Nikki Bella, but a few months can make a world of difference. That, and the actions of AJ Lee.

These days, Natalya is firmly in the corner of the Bellas and is vocal in her support of Brie for this Sunday’s Battleground.

It’s not the first time she’s been chummy with the twins, though. Today, she posted the above picture to prove it, tweeting:

Wow.. #FlashbackFriday indeed! It’s hard to believe that this photo was taken six years ago. The years have been very kind to these three!

SmackDown Reaction: October 4th, 2013

There’s Divas action on tonight’s SmackDown, so tune in at 8pm ET on SyFy.

Discuss the show in the comments!

RELATED: SmackDown Spoilers: October 4th, 2013

Impact Write-Up (October 3rd, 2013): Lei’D Tapa Lays Claim to a Bigger Island


Hello, Knockouts fans! No, this isn’t Eleri, but the name is close. I’m filling in for her this week, and it’s good timing, because one of the subjects of my OVW Write-Ups has made her TNA debut tonight. But that’s a little bit later on. Let’s start with Brooke, who accompanied Bully Ray for his tete-a-tete with AJ Styles:

The conversation’s most interesting parts concerned the newly evil TNA President Dixie Carter, who Bully calls a “gorgeous woman”, but not as gorgeous as Brooke. I’d love to see any of the Divas dismiss WWE COO Triple H as a “handsome man”. Grumble..

Anyways, after that segment, we see Styles backstage with Dixie. She reminds him that he’s no longer under contract, and tells him to leave the building. While she’s at it, she should have advised him to ditch that Peter-Parker-in-Spider-Man-3 hair style.

Not long after, we catch our first glimpse of Velvet Sky as she accompanies deadbeat boyfriend Chris Sabin to the ring for his match:

Sabin and his partner Kenny King are defeated by Jeff Hardy and Manik. After the loss, Sabin throws another temper tantrum, attacking Manik and Hardy and bringing in our favorite crotch-thruster Austin Aries into the ring. He challenges Sabin, Manik and Hardy to e Four-Way Ultimate X match at Bound For Glory with the X Division Title on the line.

Now it’s time for a #1 contendership match, the winner getting a shot at ODB‘s Knockouts Title at Bound For Glory. As Brooke and Velvet Sky head to the ring, I can’t help but wonder: who did Gail Kim piss off?

Anyways, before the match can even start, Lei’D Tapa‘s music hits, and she heads to the ring. Brooke heads for the hills while Tapa beats down Velvet, yelling all the while.

She tells the fans that this is HER RING! HER ISLAND! Any OVW fan will find that phrase very (very very) familiar.

This debut was no Kharma-beating-up-Michelle-McCool moment, but I’ll take what I can get. Tapa is a fresh addition to the Knockouts division, and will inevitably mix things up a bit, which is what the division desperately needs. I think she’ll definitely play some part in the Bound For Glory Knockouts Title match, whether it’s one-on-one or a multi-Knockout match.

If you’ve seen Tapa in OVW, you’ll know that this is pretty much what she offers: she is a powerhouse who yells and chokes her opponents. If you’re looking for a ring technician, find another Knockout. Still, like I said, any new blood is a good thing for the division.

Later, Brooke stops running away from Tapa long enough to accompany Bully Ray for his match against Samoa Joe. Bully gets DQed because he got caught using a chain. Come on, Brooke! You need to help him dispose of that a lot quicker. It’s Heel Manager 101.

We cap off the night with GM Hulk Hogan‘s big decision: will he join #TeamDixie and stick around TNA? After Dixie cuts another heel promo, playing the victim and saying that fans just don’t understand the position she’s in, Hogan joins her in the ring.

He’s sporting the Tiffany watch Dixie gifted to him, which seems to be a hopeful sign for Dixie. Hogan swerves her, though, telling her that her offer is a great one…for someone else. He quits!

Hogan tries to leave, but Dixie grovels at his feet – litterally. She latches on to his leg, but he eventually gets free and leaves her on the entrance ramp. Dixie makes a quick recovery, though, essentially telling him “you can’t quit, you’re fired!” as Impact fades to black.

I know not everyone is loving heel Dixie, but if it eventually leads to Hogan really leaving TNA, I’ll love her forever. TNA needs to focus on the future, not the past, and as far as I’m concerned, Hogan holds them back in a big way. Happy trails, Hulk!

In Video: Melina Invites Fans to Legends of the Ring Convention


Anyone who follows former WWE Diva Melina will know her enthusiasm for interacting with her fans on Twitter and Instagram.

With that in mind, Melina posted a video blog encouraging fans to bring that interaction face-to-face at the Legends of the Ring convention.

The convention, which takes place tomorrow in Monroe, New Jersey, allows fans to meet and greet female wrestling stars like Melina, Tara, Lilian Garcia, Rosita and more.

Watch Melina’s video below:

For more info on Legends of the Ring, check out their official website.

Are you attending the convention?

In Video: AJ Lee, Stephanie McMahon and Natalya in WWE 2K14 Gameplay Trailer

2K Sports has released an official gameplay trailer for WWE 2K14, showing Divas AJ Lee, Stephanie McMahon and Natalya in action.

AJ is seen making her trademark skipping entrance, while Stephanie is shown giving a hell of a slap to Natalya.

Watch the trailer below:

How do AJ, Stephanie and Natalya look?

Photos: NXT Diva Gets a Purple Dye Job


In an effort to stand out from the pack, Divas often reach for the hair dye.

Eva Marie went stop sign red, Cameron went ombre, and now NXT Diva Alexa Bliss has gone…purple?

That’s right! Alexa debuted her new look on Instagram, posting the below photo:

She captioned the picture, “Oh man, somebody has purple hair!” We wonder if “Heel” Jane Geddes had a similar reaction.

Clearly, we’re far from the days of Divas only sporting blonde, brown, red or black hair. This color looks great on Alexa, and we’re sure it will add that extra spark to her already on-point NXT character.

What do you think of Alexa’s new look? Should more Divas sport unnatural shades?