Thursday, September 19, 2024

‘Total Divas’ Mid-Season Finale Ratings: 1.03 Million Viewers


The mid-season finale of Total Divas didn’t prompt a spike in the ratings, drawing 1.03 million viewers on Sunday night according to TV by the Numbers.

This is down from last week’s 1.09 rating, which itself was the lowest rated episode of the season. The episode did retain the 0.5 rating in the 18-49 demo, which is definitely a positive.

Another positive? The viewers stuck around for the After Party, which drew 939,000 viewers and another 0.5 in the demo.

Like last week’s episode, these decreased numbers can be attributed to the lack of a Keeping Up With the Kardashians lead-in and a packed NFL Sunday night. In addition to that competition, of course, was the final hour of WWE’s Night of Champions Pay-Per-View.

It isn’t a triumphant way to end the season, but it does give E! some options to consider when building the schedule for Total Divas‘s return in November, comparing the early season successes to these last two disappointing weeks.

Diva Dirt Weekly for the Week Ending September 16th, 2013

Diva Dirt is introducing a weekly wrap up of the week in women’s wrestling: Diva Dirt Weekly.

Each Tuesday following Raw, the Diva Dirt team will take a look back at the week preceding it, hitting every noteworthy event along the way, from Impact Wrestling to Total Divas to Raw.

Joining the audio this week will be team members Chris, Erin and our host Jake.

We cover the following events from the past week:

  • NXT (9/11/13): Paige defeats Sasha Banks, prompting a heel turn by Sasha.
  • Night of Champions 2013: AJ Lee retains the Divas Championship in a Fatal Four-Way match against Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya.
  • Total Divas Episode 8, “No Longer the Bridesmaid”
  • Raw (9/16/13): Six-Diva Tag Team match. Discussion of Stephanie McMahon‘s performance as a heel.

Listen below or download by right clicking here.

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Picture of the Day: AJ Lee, WWE Women’s Champion

Fans have long been wishing that the WWE could bring back the Women’s Championship, and thanks to AJ Lee, we’re at least getting a glimpse of the classic belt.

We all know the story of how AJ grew up with dreams of holding the coveted title, and she probably would have had it not been retired in favor of the Divas Championship. So, she did the next best thing: bust out a vintage replica and pose with it!

AJ posted the exciting picture on her Twitter account, tweeting:

One must ponder whether or not WWE’s resident black widow could be the Diva to resurrect the old title from the grave known as… well, wherever championships go when they become inactive.

Do you think the WWE should resurrect the Women’s Championship?

Raw Response: September 16th, 2013


Get your Monday night Divas fix by tuning in to Raw tonight on the USA Network at 8pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

In Video: ‘After Total Divas’ for Episode 8 Featuring Brie and Nikki Bella

After Total Divas has covered the mid-season finale in all of its dramatic glory, hosted as always by Renee Young and Alicia Fox.

On JoJo and Eva Marie‘s split, Alicia sides with JoJo. Maybe she knows what it feels like to be passed up?

Alicia can’t blame Nikki Bella‘s decision to break her own rule and move in with John Cena before getting engaged, saying that anything can happen in the “heat of love”.

They then bring in special guest Brie Bella, who admits that filming Total Divas was awkward at the beginning, but she liked that the fans were able to see a different side of her.

As for Nikki not being present at Natalya‘s wedding, Brie agrees with Nikki’s decision to choose John, and she thinks Natalya feels the same way.

Brie then reveals who fans voted as the Soundbyte Queen of the first half of the season: Nikki! Upon learning that she’s not getting a trophy, Nikki takes part of the set as her award.

Alicia’s “Love it/Lose it” segment had her loving Natalya at her wedding, saying she rocked her look. She says “lose it” to the puffy custom wedding dress Nattie’s mom made for her.

Watch the final (for now) After Total Divas below:

Who was your Soundbyte Queen/King?

Total Divas Redux: Episode Eight, ‘No Longer the Bridesmaid’ & After Party


Tonight’s episode of Total Divas was EVERYTHING it needed to be for a mid-season finale and then some! All through the week, we posted teaser clips to get everyone hyped up for the episode and needless to say it exceeded expectations. We all knew the wedding of Natalya and Tyson Kidd (TJ) was going to take center stage, but when all was said and done, it perhaps the surprise that “Nena” would be taking the next step in their relationship that stole the show. All season long, we watch Nikki Bella and John Cena slay our television screens with their ridiculous cuteness and when he asked her to join him in West Newberry, Massachusettes for a family reunion, it was hard not to cheer for Nikki. We all know that John is the one for her, and with his past, it’s been hard for them to both to take that next step. John has been cautious and Nikki has been understand, even if she hasn’t been the most patient person at times. The catch to this family reunion is that it was going to take place the same day as Natalya and Tyson’s wedding. For John, it would be the first time his entire family had been able to get together in years. His father, his mother, and all his brothers and their significant others would be there, and he had already decided that he was going to be there even though he would have to miss the wedding. Nikki was given a few days to think about it, but it wasn’t a surprise when she opted to meet John’s family.

It was a surprise to Natalya, though, and it was one she didn’t handle very well. Given the amount of stress she was under, it’s understandable that Nattie got upset, and Nikki was left feeling incredibly guilty. Luckily, things worked for everyone involved. John’s family really embraced Nikki and that was amazing to see. One of the sister-in-laws even said that she didn’t want anyone to scare Nikki off because she really liked her. Nikki seemed to fit in really well with the entire Cena clan, and John definitely took note of that. At lunch or dinner, it really wasn’t specified as to which it was, that same weekend (assuming, of course, lol), John let Nikki know that he wanted to talk about their relationship. It was good news for Nikki because John asked her to move in with him. He confessed that he wanted to see even more of her and that the long distance thing wasn’t enough anymore. Nikki happily agreed and they sealed the next step in their relationship with a super sweet kiss.

Lucky girl! Handsome, beautiful man. Gorgeous, amazing mansion. I’ll be honest, if Total Divas has done anything it has made me into a huge Cena fan. I’ve always been kind of on the fence with him. I respect him so much as a person for everything he does with charity, and the way he carries himself despite the backlash he gets, but he’s never been a top favorite of mine. That’s definitely changed thanks to the show, and I’m so glad for that! I’m really, really rooting for Nikki getting her happy ending, and John being her prince charming. They are so, so, so cute! I love it!

Natalya’s wedding had a happy ending as well, even though it had a lot of drama in the build to it! With the wedding just days away, Nattie’s family came into town. We got to meet her mother, Ellie, and her sister, Muffy, and wrestling fans already know her dad as Jim “The Anvil” Neidhart. Despite the fact that Natalya already had her wedding dress picked out, Ellie had a surprise for her daughter. She put together her own version of what she felt her daughter’s dress should look like. Despite the fact Natalya has a lot of respect for her mother’s work as a seamstress, she wasn’t impressed with the gaudy wedding dress Ellie made. Natalya and Muffy had a quick pow-wow in Nattie’s room, and decided to just be honest with Ellie. Their mother’s feelings were hurt, and that just started the downward spiral for Natalya.

Later on, she found out that Nikki wouldn’t be able to attend her wedding and that set off a whole new wave of emotions. Luckily, Brie Bella was there to do damage control and reminded Nattie that her wedding day was just that, hers, and she has a right to be selfish. Natalya kind of calms down a bit when Brie tells her to just focus on herself and not to worry about everyone else involved. Unfortunately, when it came time for the big event, Nattie had her hopes of an outdoor beach wedding ruined thanks to a thunder storm. The wedding planner, Nicole, decided it would be better move everyone inside. It wasn’t what Natalya wanted at all, but what could she really do about it?

Things got worse for the bride-to-be when Jaret showed up to the wedding and crashed a little get together involving some of the cast and Tyson. Jaret took the time to spill all the beans about the text messages and spending time with Natalya on her birthday. The tension was so evident you could cut it with a night and the expressions on the faces of the other people in the scene were priceless. It was sooooooooooo awkward and Tyson asked to speak to Jaret in private. The conversation doesn’t go all that well and Tyson decides to confront Natalya about everything. He goes upstairs and sees her in her full wedding dress, with her hair and make-up done, and Nattie immediately freaks out because he just ruined their traditional wedding. After kicking everyone out of the room, TJ decides he doesn’t care if he ruined everything because he’s angry. He confronts Nattie with everything and questions whether or not they should even get married. All Natalya can do is tell the truth and it’s no surprise when they work things out. Tyson isn’t happy all this was brought up on their wedding day, but they embrace. The wedding goes on as planned.

The best part of the wedding and the reception is watching everyone come together to cut loose. WWE superstar Damien Sandow being master of the ceremony so to speak was such a treat. If you watch regular WWE programming, you will love this just as much as I did. During the reception, Nikki actually called Brie and asked to speak to Nattie. Once again, Nikki apologized for missing her best friend’s wedding, and this time Natalya was all to happy to forgive and forget. She came to understand that it was an important event in Nikki’s life to meet John’s family, and all was good. When the bouquet was thrown, Cameron avoided that thing like the plague and Brie happily snatched it and waved it towards Daniel Bryan (Bryan). I also want to say that the fun photobooth at the wedding was an amazing idea. I’m so jacking that for whenever I walk down the aisle with Sheamus.

Or Dolph Ziggler. Or Dean Ambrose. Or the actual person I’ll probably end up marrying.

Either way…

The episode wasn’t without Eva Marie and JoJo drama either. We watched last week as their relationship started to fall apart and things came to an ugly head this week when Jane told the girls that there was a valet spot open on the main roster. Obviously both of them wanted it and when it went to Eva, JoJo’s snotty little attitude came out in full force once again. She was majorly over Eva and when Eva tried to talk to her about it, JoJo basically brushed her off. Well, things progressively got worse between the two of them and while at an NXT taping, Eva decided to talk to JoJo in private about what was going on between them. To say the conversation didn’t go over well would be an understatement. Eva basically decided that they spent way to much time together and that things be a lot easier if she had her own place. JoJo ended up storming off at this point, and yikes. I wonder if there’s anything that can repair this relationship at this point?!

The final aspect of the episode was the scary incident with Cameron (Ariane) that resulted her in having to be carted off to the hospital in an ambulance. Cameron and Naomi (Trinity) were at their hotel when Cameron called Naomi crying because she was in a lot of pain. Naomi was kind of scared because she got the feeling something was serious wrong so when she showed up to see Cameron, Cameron was barely able to answer her own door. Naomi wasn’t about to play around, she just straight up called the ambulance and as we saw on the eppy, Cameron was kept for about six hours. It turns out that the problem she was having had something to do with her female body parts, and we found out more about that at the after show. From my own experience, I thought maybe Cameron was having a gall stone attack. When I had those, I experienced crippling pain that basically paralyzed me to the point where I couldn’t even move. All I could do is curl into a ball and pray that it would be over soon. It seemed like that was exactly what was happening to Cameron as well. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be as simple as that. But I will say, that I love the friendship between Naomi and Cameron. They truly are there for one another through thick and thin.

Also, Cameron’s health scare gave Vincent an in. He showed up with flowers and lots of support for his then ex-girlfriend, and I thought that was super sweet. He ended up being Cameron’s date to Nattie and Tyson’s wedding, and it was Nattie herself that said they had basically adopted Vincent into their WWE family. Love it!

This was the perfect episode to end the first half of the season on. I don’t know what I’m going to do with myself until November, but I know the wait will be worth it. The teaser clips they showed was soooooooooooo dramatic, and all it did was leave me incredibly thirsty for more! Total Divas has been the best thing ever to me, and the only downside is the wait, like I said.

And now, time for the After Party section of this Redux.

Okay let me start off by saying that it is so unfair that we have to wait until November to get new episodes of Total Divas. Between the mid-season finale and the after show, I’m on such a total high right now! It more than made up for the disappointment I felt with Night of Champions, but that’s not for here. The entire cast of girls, as well as Jimmy Uso (Jon), Tyson Kidd, John Cena, Sandra, and JARET joined WWE personality Renee Young to dish the gossip.

JoJo and Eva Marie still haven’t patched up their relationship. Eva even went as far to say that she could no longer be a mother to JoJo. JoJo’s personality is apparently a little to immature for Eva to deal with, and said that it would be better if she just lived by herself. JoJo defended herself and claimed to not know where all this was coming from, which prompted Nikki Bella to jump in and kind of compare their relationship to her own relationship with Brie Bella, her twin. She said that Eva and JoJo seemed to have a big sister/little sister dynamic, and then joked that she probably wouldn’t like Brie if they weren’t related. Love it!

The focus switched to the Nattie/Jaret mess, and Nattie tried to avoid it by saying she wanted to talk about her dress. Renee wasn’t going to let her off the hook so Nattie just reiterated that Jaret is one of her oldest and closest friends. She admitted that when she was younger, she enjoyed the physical connection she had with Jaret from their training together, and later on she enjoyed the attention she got from him when Tyson wasn’t giving her any. JoJo gave an impressive amount of insight for a 19-year old, by asking Nattie if the physical connection from wrestling and the chemistry is what made her fall for TJ. Everyone was like, ohhhhhhhhhh!!! They bring out Tyson and he is more than happy to throw shade at Jaret and his lack of wrestling ability. It’s hilarious. There was also more on this later on!

Renee touches base with Cameron, who says that we will see more of her health problems in later episodes. She reveals that she may not be able to have children in the future due to what her body is going through, and that’s really, really sad. Talk turns to Vincent and how quickly they got back together after breaking up at the jewelry store in California. Vincent came to see Cameron after her hospital scare and it made her realize that he was one of the good guys. She said that he is incredibly supportive of her career, and she can’t picture herself without him. So sweet!

Brie Mode is the next topic of conversation, and rightfully so. They show highlights of Vegas, and Brie having her goodies blurred while dancing like a stripper. What’s funny is that before that, they spoke to Queen Sandra who was in the audience. The wardrobe malfunctions were brought up and Nikki was revealed to be the girl who shows her body off the most. Nikki, to her credit, jokes that she paid for her boobs so she might as well flaunt them. You go girl! Talk goes back to Brie, and they show a teaser clip from next season. Daniel and Brie are finding themselves in a difficult spot thanks to his popularity and push, and it’s upsetting to Brie that she’s not his top priority anymore. When the clip ends, Nikki mercilessly teases her sister that she’s so angry because she isn’t getting laid, and thankfully no one brings up Nikki’s purple people eater! They also talk about Daniel Bryan’s beard and Brie says she loves it. She apparently likes hair.

Naomi actually agrees with the beard love, and her man comes out. Let me just say, that I have so much love for Jimmy Uso after this season. His personality is hilarious and they talk about how playful his relationship with Naomi is. They also poke fun at the nickname Naomi has for Jimmy which is “Jurdy”. It stems from the fact they used to refer to one another as peanut butter and jelly, and one day she just butchered saying jelly. Either way, it’s cute and Jimmy’s impression of Nikki walking on her crutches in high heels is even more adorable.

“Nena” also got focused on, and the big step Nikki and John took with their relationship. He is very quick to shoot down Renee’s question of if a proposal is next, and Nikki takes everything in stride. She knows John had a very difficult situation with his past when it came to his ex-wife and then John apologizes for taking Nikki away from Nattie and Tyson’s wedding. Like always, John Cena is a class act and calls the six Divas who put their lives on camera for the entire world to see true pioneers for the sport. He lets it be known that the backstage area has always been kept private and gives them a huge congratulations for breaking those barriers. He’s such a great person. Nikki is one lucky lady!

Nattie probably didn’t feel so lucky when they brought out the special guest. JARET came out to a chorus of boos from the crowd, and no one really looks all that happy to see him. Renee asks Tyson if he got a chance to confront Jaret at the wedding, but Tyson replies that he didn’t want to waste his time. Jaret admits that he still has feelings for Natalya but has accepted the fact she’s with Tyson. The best part of all of this is Nikki harassing the hell out of Jaret. She’s such a troll. TJ more or less calls Jaret an opportunist, and that prompts Naomi to jump in and point out that most people on this planet want to bang Nattie. Jaret accusses Tyson of not treating Nattie like the queen she is, and Brie goes on the defense. Jaret takes it all in stride and simply states that he believes Tyson isn’t the one for Natalya.

Oh. My. God.

He so just went there. What a HEEL!

To wrap up they show some AMAZING footage of next season. Like I stated at the start of this, it’s sooooooo unfair that we have to wait until November. My Sundays are going to be a little less exciting now that Total Divas is on break. I’m sure everyone who is reading this is with me on that! And before I wrap this up, I want to give props to Renee Young. She was absolutely amazing with her hosting duties tonight and I really do hope she ends up on commentary sooner rather than later.

Words can’t even express how much I LOVE this entire group of people, even JoJo’s sulky little girl self. The main cast and the supportering characters – Sandra, Jane, Mark, Vincent, Eva’s boyfriend, and yes, even Sebastien – are everything and I can not wait to see what the next six episodes bring us. I can honestly say that covering reality television has always been a dream of mine and these past eight weeks at Diva Dirt have been my favorite. It’s reignited my passion for wrestling and my love for all the women (and men) who bust their butts for us on a nightly basis. To Nikki, Brie, Natalya, Naomi, Cameron, Eva Marie, and JoJo … thank you! Thank you for giving us a chance to get to know you and share some personal triumphs and struggles with you. To John Cena, Daniel Bryan, Jimmy Uso, Tyson Kidd, and Vincent… thank you! You didn’t have to be part of the show, but you love your partners enough to share this experience with them. Kudos to everyone involved in the process of the show, and everyone who made cameo appearances. Congratulations to everyone for a successful first run and cheers to many, many more.

I’ve loved covering this show more than anything, and until November…. Cryssi out!

In Video: AJ Lee and Natalya React to Night of Champions Outcome

Following last night’s Fatal Four-Way match at Night of Champions, in which AJ Lee retained the Divas Championship, Renee Young caught up with the champ, as well as Natalya, to get their reactions.

AJ says she has been defying the odds since birth, and that she will continue to hold the title until she’s old and gray.

She also comments on Aksana, Alicia Fox and Layla not being by her side, saying that she doesn’t need anybody. All that’s left for her is to be Divas Champion until the end of time.

Natalya, meanwhile, was visibly upset at the loss, saying that it felt like robbery, being so close to winning and having it taken away from her.

She says it feels like there’s no justice that someone like AJ can treat people so poorly, but still come out on top.

Watch the interviews below:

Do you think Natalya’s reaction is justified?

WWE Divas to Appear on ‘Cupcake Wars’


Alicia Fox and Layla will be appearing on Cupcake Wars this Sunday, September 21st.

Cupcake Wars, as its name suggests, is a reality competition pitting bakers against one another in cupcake-baking challenges.

The Divas will serve as judges as several cupcake chefs prepare treats for the former Divas Champions. The description for the episode reads:

“The bad girls of cupcake wars battle to win the hearts of special guest judges, WWE Diva’s Alicia Fox and Layla. At stake is a chance to bring their cupcakes to WWE’s SummerSlam, as well as a $10,000 prize.”

The episode airs at 8:00pm on the Food Network.

Night of Champions in Review: Outnumbered, But Not Outfoxed

To say that tonight’s Divas Championship match is highly anticipated would be doing it an injustice. This match is more than just a match. For someone, it could very well end up being a career making moment. AJ Lee is the champion, and she’s the won who started this. A few weeks ago on Raw, she tore into the cast of the popular reality show on E!, Total Divas, and placed herself above them. She talked them down, attacked them verbally, and got together a gang of equally pressed Divas to help beat them down physically. Natalya, Brie Bella and Naomi responded with scathing Twitter remarks and a three-on-one beat down of the champ. This match has turned friends into enemies. It has made everyone pick a side. It has given much needed life to the Diva’s division. And most of all, it has promoted the show, the cast, and the champion. For once, the WWE has done a great job of typing everything together in a neat little package and that’s the main reason everyone is excited to see who leaves the historic Joe Louis Arena tonight with the butterfly belt in their hands.

For AJ, retaining her championship could be the very victory that solidifies her as the best Diva on the roster right now. Defeating three other women would not only be historic, but it would back up her claim that she is better than all the rest, and doesn’t need a reality show to get herself over. For Naomi, this could be her breakout moment. No one is really looking at her to win tonight, and it could be just the boost she needs to secure herself as a force to be reckoned with. For Brie, it’s all about redemption and getting a chance at a second title reign. Nikki Bella and Eva Marie will no doubt be there with her, and the Mean Girls having the Diva’s Championship could mean bad, bad things for the rest of the girls in the WWE. Then there’s Natalya, the sentimental favorite of the match and the one person who could walk away with a victory and have very few people complain. We’ve watched her on Total Divas vent her constant frustration at her lack of match time, and winning tonight could validate the third-generation Diva’s reputation of being one of the best to ever step foot inside the ring.

AJ. Naomi. Brie. Natalya.

One title. One Champion. There can only be one. It’s going to be one hell of a night and one hell of a topsy, turvy roller coaster ride of emotion for whoever wins, and bitter, bitter tears of defeat for the three that end up on the losing end.

A backstage segment is the first taste we get of what’s to come. AJ walks up to Layla, Alicia Fox and Aksana.

Ohhhh girl! They just walked off and left AJ to her own devices. I loved the fact AJ had the gall to say that they would all be nothing without her. How cute. Obviously, I have a different opinion but that’s not for right now. AJ is definitely the best actress in the division, and her facial expressions are amazing. She’s going to be carrying a lot of annoyance into the match.

The Divas make their entrances separately, and surprisingly, none of them have back-up. There’s no sign of Nikki, Eva Marie JoJo and Cameron. Going by the earlier segment, we already knew that Alicia, Aksana, and Layla wouldn’t be around. The crowd seems mixed when it comes to this match. No one really got an ovation that stood out and that’s unfortunate.

Nattie out first. She’s by herself. Naomi is out second and she doesn’t have her back up. But her ring gear fucking slays. Brie is out third with no back up either. Queen Brie looking flawless. And here comes AJ, and her reaction isn’t what I thought it would be. The crowd seems mixed on this match. All four stare at one another to start the match off and AJ is the first to bail. Natalya and Brie gang up on the champ, and then Naomi jumps in all. All three Total Divas take a turn tossing AJ into the barricade before they roll her back into the ring. Brie whips around and nails Naomi and Nattie with a vicious clothesline. Brie goes after both of her cast mates, but ends up dumping Natalya off first. That leaves her alone with Naomi, who is quick to try and block whatever Brie is throwing at her. She ends up getting the first chance at a cover, but Brie’s not going down that easy.

Nattie and AJ both get back in the ring and AJ goes for a quickie roll-up on Nattie. The Canadian blond is able to kick out. Naomi gets back in the match by doing her little booty bump to both of them and tries for a cover on Nattie. That doesn’t work for her either. Things get worse for Naomi as she works her way to the top rope for a high risk move. She misses a huge crossbody on Natalya and absolutely eats a face full of mat. That looked SO painful, that I can not even.

All four of them hook up again and Naomi is the first to go this time. The match really picks up at this point, with Brie able to get a cover on Natalya. Of course, Natalya is able to kick out and at this point, Naomi is back in the match. Nattie ends up bodyslamming Brie on top of Naomi. Brie literally has Naomi covered FOREVER with no one counting her… seriously! That was your match right there. Finally, Natalya goes for a double sharpshooter on Brie and Naomi, and it’s a thing of beauty. Neither girl taps out because AJ breaks it up. She locks Nattie in the Black Widow submission and eventually Natalya is forced to tap out.

AJ retains her championship!

Oh wow, where should I even start?

It’s kind of obvious to me that they had no clue how to book a four person match, so that’s why we got a lot of one-on-one action. I don’t mind that because for the most part, what we got was super solid. Brie really stood out to me for several reasons, including her ring gear which absolutely slayed everyone and everything, and will go down in history as the best ring gear of all time. She worked most of the match, and looked really good on offense and defense. Her spots were executed prettily, and she worked well with the other three. Naomi ate the mat in a big way when she missed that cross body, but Nattie rolled out of the way and made it look like it was part of the match. The thud was terrifying and kudos to Naomi for getting up and continuing on. I thought she looked beautiful tonight and we all know it’s only a matter of time before she gets to have that moment.

With Natalya tapping to AJ, it’s kind of clear that they want to go with AJ versus Natalya, which is the match most of us thought we were going to get anyway. That being said, I think Brie has a good case as to why she should be next in line. She had Naomi covered forever, and the referee just standing there was truly, truly awful. I guess you could make a case that Brie’s shoulders were down as well, but it was an awkward moment. The ending itself was bad. I’m not to pressed that AJ retained, because now she could have singles matches with all three (more on that later), but after the double sharpshooter spot, both Naomi and Brie were just kind of left there. For the length of time AJ had Nattie in the Black Widow, Brie or Naomi could have gotten up and broke up the hold. The ending was a total cop out. It would have looked a lot better of AJ to have thrown Brie and Naomi out of the ring, then set her sites on Natalya.

On the positive, the WWE has two pay-per-views coming up very close to one another. I would love to see AJ take on either Naomi or Brie tomorrow night on Raw, then face Brie/Naomi at Battleground. That would free up Hell In A Cell for Natalya versus AJ, and should they decide to continue they could do a traditional Survivor Series match at well, Survivor Series. I would love to see AJ recruit a team of NXT Divas to join her in taking on Team Total Divas, but I am getting way ahead of myself.

I guess, in conclusion I was disappointed with the match but alright with AJ retaining. It does open up a lot of possibilities, and hopefully they keep this thing alive.

In addition to that, there’s Summer Rae! And yes, she totally slayed.

Summer looked absolutely flaw free tonight. I love how the Divas pull out all stops when it comes to Pay-Per-Views. Summer is proof that no matter how terrible the gimmick may seem, if you work hard enough you can get over. Like Fandango, she is living and breathing her gimmick and she has gotten so good. She’s perfect at ringside and I can’t say enough good things about her. I loved her interference tonight on the apron. The shriek was hilarious and Fandango was able to capitalize and get the better of The Miz for awhile afterwards. I hope these two start winning more matches before the fans completely tune out to them. They deserve much better and need a few wins under their sequined belts!

That being said, did you guys notice that Summer Rae chant during the match?! Haha, when will your fave get that…

Yes, I just did a sassy finger snap after typing that!

Night of Champions was far from perfect, but I’m going to believe that it was just used as a stepping stone for something bigger and better. I refuse to believe they are going to let Total Divas and AJ just fizzle out for no reason. Overall, I would have to give the action two out of five stars, simply because of how the awkward spot with Brie and Naomi, and the ending. It wasn’t bad, but those two things did ruin it for me. I will say that we now have a lot of delicious possibilities, so not all is lost!

Report: Knockout Parts Ways With TNA


mickie released

Note: This article contains spoilers for this Thursday’s Impact Wrestling.

Has “Hardcore Country” Mickie James parted ways with TNA?

That looks to be the case, according to, who have announced that the three-time Knockouts Champion has left the company.

The report states that Mickie has declined a contract extension, and is thus a free agent effective today.

A match taped last week for this week’s Impact Wrestling will see Mickie drop the Knockouts Title to ODB, thus strengthening the claims made in the report.

With only ODB, Gail Kim, Brooke Tessmacher and Velvet Sky on the roster, TNA’s Knockouts division is definitely in dire straits.

Picture of the Day: Brie, Nikki and Eva Marie Get Color Coordinated


Brie Bella may not have walked out of Night of Champions with the Divas Title around her waist, but she, Nikki and Eva Marie certainly won our award for best coordinated outfits.

The “Mean Girls” donned outfits voted for by fans: three Rainbow Brite-inspired numbers.

Nikki posted a shot of the trio on Instagram, captioning it, “Rulin’ the World. Bella Brite’s.”

It’s a shame we didn’t get to see Nikki and Eva Marie’s outfits at ringside, but we’re sure they’ll be donning these outfits again at some point in the future.

If this partnership between Brie, Nikki and Eva Marie continues through October, we can only imagine what costumes they’ll cook up for Halloween.

Total Divas Talk: Episode 8, ‘No Longer the Bridesmaid’ & After Party


Total Divas airs its mid-season finale tonight at 10pm ET on the E! Network.

Tonight’s episode is titled “No Longer the Bridesmaid”.

Stay tuned for the Total Divas After Party airing at 11pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Night of Champions Results: AJ Wins the Numbers Game

AJ Lee beat the odds tonight at Night of Champions, fending off competition from Total Divas stars Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya to retain her Divas Championship.

In a match that saw alliances dissolve early, Natalya performed an astounding double Sharpshooter on Brie and Naomi.

AJ took the moment to kick Natalya in the back of the head, locking her into the Black Widow submission and forcing her to tap out as the other Divas were prone on the mat.

Though AJ’s new allies Aksana and Alicia Fox appeared to be done with the partnership, and Layla was nowhere to be seen, she managed to make it on her own, despite her reservations.

The Total Divas weren’t able to make AJ pay for her harsh “pipe bombshell” promo, but we have a feeling that fight is far from over.

Night of Champions Discussion Post


Tonight at Night of Champions, Divas Champion AJ Lee defends her title against Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya in a Fatal Four-Way.

To watch, tune in to the Pay-Per-View at 8pm ET.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Night of Champions Predictions: AJ Lee vs. Brie Bella vs. Naomi vs. Natalya for the Divas Title

Tonight at Night of Champions, it will be every woman for herself when AJ Lee puts her title on the line against Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya. Which Diva will win this Fatal Four-Way? The Diva Dirt team weighs in:

Adrian: I guess this all depends on where Total Divas is headed. It’s clear that Natalya is being portrayed as the muscle of the Total Divas team, and many signs suggest they might be building up to a title win for her to end the season with a bang. Should this be the case it’s entirely possible Nattie walks out champion tonight, unless they try and really build the chase and wait for the next pay-per-view. In terms of soft power (TV time and freedom on the mic as opposed to significant backstage influence) AJ is simply untouchable right now in the. Her promos, her mannerisms and her ring work are all gold and have been just as much a reason for the resurgence of interest in the Divas Division as Total Divas has. However, a title change tonight might be the perfect way to benefit all parties. A good back-and-forth feud with Natalya is the perfect way to keep momentum going and show the WWE Universe exactly what the top women’s wrestlers of the company can really do in the ring – and I’d have no problem with the title changing hands a couple of times throughout. Natalya wins.

Bobby: The build up to this has been decent to me. The Raw AJ did her big promo and the SmackDown she recruited Alicia Fox, Aksana and Layla were my personal high points, whereas this week was pretty much my low just because it felt like the same thing twice and neither really got a lot of time. Nevertheless, I love the story behind every contender. You have AJ, looking to back up her “pipebombshell” by defeating three Total Divas; Natalya, who is on a quest to reclaim the spotlight we’ve all felt she’s deserved for years; Brie, who looks to cap off her run as a singles competitor by claiming the Divas Title and rejoicing with the Bella Army. And then Naomi, who hasn’t been spotlighted too much in comparison to the three and could certainly make a name for herself should she walk out champion. I’d truthfully be happy with any of the four winning the match because I love AJ’s reign, but I see great things should any one of them dethrone her. I do kind of want AJ to win because I think a Total Divas star taking her title should come after a singles feud with one of them down the road, however, if anyone knows me… they know my love of Naomi burns brighter than the sun. This is her first title match that’s been booked enough ahead of time for me to get to make a prediction, thus I’m going with Naomi simply because I’ve waited a long time for this moment and I clearly wouldn’t be able to live with myself if I doubted her chance to win. Plus, I want she and Jimmy Uso (and Jey Uso by relation) to become this united power couple even if it makes no sense to non-Total Divas watchers. The guys have a tag title shot if they win their gauntlet, so what better way to kick start my own personal aspirations than this?

Chris: When it became obviously before SummerSlam that one of the Total Divas were next in line to challenge AJ, I was a little nervous about how the quality of the feud would be. I have to say for once I have been pleasantly surprised! From the now infamous #Pipebombshell to everything in between, this feud has been awesome so far, and that’s why I don’t want to see it end! I’m picking AJ Lee to retain and continue to feud with the Total Divas over the next month.

Cryssi: I think it’s fair to say that this is a match we’ve been waiting for! When Total Divas debuted and we witnessed a disgruntled Natalya vent her backstage frustrations, we all kind of hoped that she would get this type of opportunity and a title shot on top of it. Well, that time has arrived but I’m not so sure I want Natalya to win. I DEFINITELY don’t want to see AJ retain her title. She’s done nothing for me as champion except drop a scripted “pipe bomb” that had fans hailing her as the second coming of Jesus Christ. Gag me….. yuck! Naomi isn’t my pick either because I don’t feel she’s stood out much in this feud. The person who has stolen the show, in my opinion, and the person who will win the match tonight is none other than Queen Brie Bella. She’s been the champ before and it’s time that title comes back where it belongs. She’s shown the most improvement out of all of them and I really believe she has the best character right now. She’s got her own little stable with Nikki and Eva, and she’s the only one who can bring justification to that title. Sorry Nattie and Naomi! I love you both. AJ…. girl bye! Your days are done. I CAN’T WAIT for Queen Brie’s reign to begin :)

Eleri: I’m torn with this one. On one hand, I want Natalya to win via submission and reign over the divas for a while, proving that she’s dominant. At the same time, I don’t want AJ to lose her title in such a rushed way. I loved her pipe bombshell and I love the two different directions the divas division has taken recently, with Total Divas on one side and proper, developed wrestling stories on the other with AJ and Kaitlyn. But I have to choose… so I’m going to go out on a limb and say Natalya wins this one, pocketing a second well-deserved championship which has been a long time coming. I just hope that, if I’m right, this feud goes beyond Night of Champions.

Erin: I fully believe that the WWE wants to make AJ their new Trish/Lita, meaning she will always have some sort of presence on TV, whether she’s in the Divas Title hunt or not. However, at the moment, I don’t see her leaving the title picture yet, or even merely chasing the title. And, as they’re still filming for Total Divas, I don’t think tonight’s outcome will be what caps off season one. I think there needs to be more buildup for either Brie, Natalya or Naomi to win the title, and I’m sure the WWE wants to ride this division-encompassing feud a bit longer. I say AJ Lee retains the title and goes on to drop it at either Battleground or Hell in a Cell.

Jack: A lot of the Diva Community think Nattie or Brie will win the match tonight yet I see either AJ retaining, or like past Fatal 4 Ways with the outsiders Eve Torres and Alicia Fox winning, Naomi will win. However I have to narrow it down to one person so I’ll take a risk and say Naomi for the win!

Jake: I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. My pick for Night of Champions is Brie Bella. Since they returned, the Bellas have been in the spotlight and one of the top faces of the company. This gives them the chance to really be on top and continue Nattie’s frustrated Diva storyline on Total Divas. I love me some Bellas, so hopefully Brie wins the belt and with Nikki returning to the ring soon this will make for some more Twin Magic and a possible face turn for AJ Lee.

Katelyn: I’m honestly really torn between two picks, but in the end, I’ve gone with Natalya as the winner. She began the season of Total Divas by being left off WrestleMania and the ‘ugly duckling’ card has been played up exponentially since. She will get her Cinderella moment and close out the extension of the reality show on a nice note.

Melanie: Despite the odds being against her, I’m suspecting AJ Lee will retain here. Perhaps one of the Total Divas will dethrone her in a singles rematch further down the line?

Steven: I have a love/hate relationship with multi-women matches like these. On one hand, they’re so fun and unpredictable, but the flip side, it’s so hard to determine who will win. I don’t see Brie or Naomi pulling out the win, as they are both currently in tag teams, which leaves AJ to retain or Natalya to capture the championship. Total Divas has been an overnight sensation and is the centerpiece of this match, so I could totally see a Total Divas star taking the win. It would be a perfect note for the first season to end on, don’t you think? My money is on Natalya winning the championship tonight and Team Total Divas banding together to take out Team AJ.

BREAKDOWN: 3 for AJ, 2 for Brie, 4 for Natalya and 2 for Naomi.

Who do you agree with? Who is just dead wrong?

Note: We’re keeping a record of our Pay-Per-View predictions. Check out Team Diva Dirt’s PPV Prediction Scoreboard after the match to see who’s in the lead!

Introducing the Diva Dirt Shop: The Women’s Wrestling Merchandise You’ve Been Waiting For!


Though we’ve recently seen the wrestling business make strides in introducing new women-fronted merchandise, the women’s wrestling world still lacks the kind of representation the men’s half receives.

That’s where the Diva Dirt Shop comes in: we’ve created a plethora of t-shirts and tanks to satisfy any fan. Are you Team AJ? Team Natalya? Team Sandra? We’ve got a shirt for you.

We’ve even created slogan shirts featuring some of the most memorable quotes from your favorite female wrestlers. We also have our own version of those popular Helvetica list shirts.

You may notice that there are no wrestling alumni represented in the shop. Stay tuned for an announcement on how we plan to remedy that.

So what are you waiting for? Check out the shop on Society6.

If you have suggestions for new shirt designs, let us know.

OVW Write-Up (September 12th, 2013): The OVW Gods Have Answered Our Prayers


After last week’s episode of OVW, which saw Women’s Champion Trina vacate the title, things were left up in the air. Let’s see if this week’s episode does anything to get them back on track.

We jump right into the ring, where Gilbert Corsey summons Hannah and Holly Blossom, Taeler Hendrix and Lei’D Tapa to the ring.

He announces that, because these four women were the finalists in the Beach Bikini Battle Royal from last week’s Saturday Night Special, they will be competing next week in a Four-Way Ladder match for the Women’s Title! This is a first for professional wrestling.

Each of the ladies give their thoughts on this announcement. Hannah says this will be an opportunity to prove that she and her sister are the best, which was their goal when moving to OVW all the way from England.

Taeler has the chance to become a four-time Women’s Champion, and she says her victory in this Ladder match will be yet another reason she’s a “step” above the rest.

Holly reiterates what her sister said, adding that she will be the next Women’s Champion. Hannah seems to disagree with that, but what else is new?

Tapa makes poor Gilbert bow down before her with the microphone before she tells the audience that she is here to do one thing: dominate. She says she will do that next week and make Hannah, Holly and Taeler bow down to her.

Thoughts: Wow, what a 180! We go from silly Miss OVW contests to a historic Ladder match? I’d like to think that OVW heard the cries of fans that wanted them to return to their glory days, but regardless, I can’t wait to see this match.

These four ladies are easily the biggest female stars in OVW, so this match will give them a chance to prove why they deserve to be in the big leagues. Here’s hoping they give them the time to put on a barn burner. Also, I’d love for this to usher in a new era of OVW’s women’s division devoid of the silly, time-wasting segments, but I suppose they have the finish the Miss OVW competition somehow.

Diva Dirt Hype: Fatal Four-Way “Total Chaos” Video Package

Get hyped for Night of Champions tonight with a Diva Dirt exclusive video package highlighting the Divas Championship Fatal Four-Way match pitting AJ Lee, Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya against one another, created by Diva Dirt’s own Chris:

Music: “Celebrity” by Cavo

Night of Champions Rewind: One Night, Two Championship Matches (2009)

Leading up to Night of Champions tonight, we’re looking back at memorable Diva moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re looking at 2009’s Night of Champions, which was a big night for the Divas: both the Women’s and Divas Championships were defended that night.

In the first match, Michelle McCool defended her Women’s Championship against Melina, defeating the challenger when she folded the flexible Diva up for an inescapable pin.

The second match saw Maryse put the Divas Championship on the line against Mickie James. Mickie managed to end Maryse’s record-setting (and still longest) Divas Title reign when she hit her with the Mickie-DT and pinned her for the win.

Watch the matches below:

What are your memories of these moments?

In Video: AJ Lee Reacts to SmackDown Beatdown

Following her three-on-one beatdown on last night’s SmackDown,’s Backstage Fallout crew caught up with AJ Lee.

The Divas Champion admits that sometimes she doesn’t think things through – she acts on her emotions.

She paints herself as an underdog, saying that it’s always three against one on her, whether she’s in the ring with Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya or at the commentating table.

AJ knows that it will be every woman for herself this Sunday, and she’s sure she can come out on top saying that the Divas Championship will be coming home with her.

Watch the interview below:

Do you think AJ can overcome the odds?

SmackDown Redux (September 13th, 2013): The Odds Aren’t in AJ’s Favor… Yet


Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s SmackDown Redux! Big thank you my partner in crime Cryssi for filling in for me last week. This week on the blue brand, we have a rematch of Monday night’s Six Diva tag match as Brie Bella, Naomi and Natalya lock horns with Aksana, Alicia Fox and Layla with the Divas Champion, AJ Lee on commentary and Nikki Bella, Cameron Eva Marie and Jojo at ringside.

Can Natalya and co. come out on top or will Friday the 13th prove unlucky for the Total Divas? Check out the match below:

We kick off the match with all six Divas in the ring already. Brie starts off against Aksana, taking her down with a few strikes, before slamming her face into the canvas. Brie takes a moment to talk smack to the champion and Alicia Fox takes a shot at her, causing a brawl between all six Divas. Once the smoke clears, Brie levels Aksana with a flying facebuster.

Before Brie can get in any more offense,  Aksana escapes her grasp and scrambled to get her corner and tags Alicia in. Meanwhile, Naomi gets a tag and takes Alicia down with a standing hurricanrana. Naomi goes for her patented Rear View, but Alicia has her scouted. Alicia evades and hits a clothesline for a nearfall.

Alicia locks in front facelock, keeping Naomi away from her corner, but Naomi counters with a back bodydrop, leaving both Divas reeling. They both make it to their corners, making the hot tag to Natalya and Aksana, respectively.

Natalya comes in like a house of fire, but AJ runs in and attacks her, causing Team AJ to lose by DQ.

Post-match, the champ finds herself surrounded by her challengers at Night of Champions. Brie and Naomi both hit their finishers on her, but she’s saved by Team AJ before Natalya can lock in the Sharpshooter.

Thoughts: Not a bad match, but I preferred Monday’s match to be honest. This match felt hectic and a bit sloppy at times, but that’s just my opinion.

Match aside, can I just say how much I’m loving this storyline? One of the best things about AJ’s ‘Pipe Bombshell’ is that she said the things that a lot of Diva fans have been saying for years and to see it incorporated into a storyline is pretty cool. I have my own ideas about how this might all culminate (but you’ll have to check out the Night of Champions predictions for that), but this is easily the most excited I’ve been about the Divas division in some time. Let’s just hope they can keep this momentum while Total Divas is on hiatus.

Night of Champions Rewind: Candice Michelle vs. Melina for the Women’s Championship (2007)

Leading up to Night of Champions this Sunday, we’re looking back at memorable Diva moments from the history of the Pay-Per-View.

Today, we’re looking at the very first incarnation of Night of Champions, when it was used as the theme for 2007’s Vengeance. Every year since, Night of Champions has been its own PPV event.

Back in 2007, Candice Michelle faced Women’s Champion Melina with the title on the line. The Divas had had a back and forth feud for a while, and though Melina no longer underestimated the former Diva Search contestant, she couldn’t overcome that underdog momentum.

Candice would defeat Melina, becoming the first Diva Search alum to win a wrestling championship. In this moment, she paved the way for the likes of Layla and Eve Torres to become multi-time champs.

Watch the match below:

What are your memories of this moment?

‘Total Divas’ First Look: Nikki Bella Meets John Cena’s Family

While Natalya‘s getting married, Nikki Bella‘s taking a big step of her own: meeting boyfriend John Cena‘s family.

On this Sunday’s Total Divas, Nikki goes out to dinner with John’s big – and we mean big – family, and things couldn’t have gone better, as far as she’s concerned.

She also surprises us by revealing that she’s not attending Nattie’s wedding. Uh oh. Was there a conflict between that and the Cena family gathering?

Watch the clip below:

The mid-season finale of Total Divas airs this Sunday at 9pm ET on E!.

In Video: Thea Trinidad Thanks Fans for Support on Anniversary of 9/11

Former TNA Knockout Rosita has posted a video blog thanking fans for their support earlier this week on the anniversary of the September 11th terrorist attacks.

Thea’s father died in the attack on the World Trade Center, and since then she has been heavily involved in various organizations and events honoring the victims and supporting their children. In 2011, she appeared on NBC’s special Children of 9/11.

In the video, Thea admits that she’ll never be able to move on from her father’s death, but it has made her stronger. Whenever she gets depressed or run down, she thinks of him, and battles on.

Thea also clarifies that, though she is no longer with TNA, she is still very involved in wrestling, and has goals she is working to achieve. She also has a horror movie, Army of the Damned, set to screen at a film festival next month.

Watch the video blog below:

In Video: Kaitlyn, Naomi and Lilian Garcia Go Shark Diving in South Africa

Over a month ago, we heard that the WWE’s Superstars and Divas had a close encounter with some sharks during their South African tour, and now we’re finally seeing it all go down.

In the latest episode of’s Outside the Ring series, we see Divas Kaitlyn, Naomi and Lilian Garcia go on a shark diving excursion, taking a helicopter and a boat out to a certain spot on the coast, where experts drew in the sharks with bait and chum.

Kaitlyn described the experience of looking a shark in the eyes as “the most terrifying thing.” She laments, though, that she didn’t get to punch a shark in the face.

Poor Lilian was one of many to suffer from motion sickness, losing her lunch over the side of the boat. None of that seems to have deterred Kaitlyn, who says she would do it again “a thousand times over.”

Watch the latest episode of Outside the Ring below:

Would you go shark diving?

‘Total Divas’ First Look: Natalya and Tyson Kidd’s Wedding Day Showdown

In a follow-up to yesterday’s preview of the tense meeting between Tyson Kidd and Natalya‘s friend Jaret, Tyson cuts right to the chase: should they even get married?

Nattie tries to explain the situation, but Tyson can’t help but wonder what’s been going on behind his back. Talk about a last minute crisis!

Watch the clip below:

The mid-season finale of Total Divas airs this Sunday at 9pm ET on E!.