Friday, March 14, 2025

Mickie James vs Tara Announced for Turning Point Pay Per View


Two former WWE Women’s Champions collide on November 7th live on pay per view when Mickie James makes her PPV in-ring debut for TNA against Tara.

As seen tonight on Impact, the storyline is that Tara is angry at Mickie because she felt that Mickie had a hand in her release from WWE. Obviously not factually accurate as Tara left on her own terms in January 2009, but whatever drives the plot forward.

Thoughts: Thoroughly looking forward to this match. These two weren’t given the feud that they deserved together in WWE, so I’d like to see TNA do a longer program between the two, however it seems like this could just be a stop-gap between Mickie vs Rayne.

In Video: The Epic Knockouts Brawl That Kicked Off Tonight’s Impact


In case you missed it or want to rewatch it, here’s the opening segment to tonight’s Impact that saw a six Knockout brawl spill from the backstage area all the way to the ring! Easily the best Knockouts segment in months. Regardez:

TNA Impact & Reaction Feedback: October 28th, 2010

Get your weekly dose of Knockouts action on tonight’s Impact and then stay tuned for even more on TNA Reaction. To watch, tune into Spike TV from 9pm ET.

Click here to read spoilers for the show.

Discuss the show in the comments!

WWE NXT Pro Says Rookie Diva Had ‘Bad Attitude’


WWE NXT Pro, Goldust wrote on his Twitter page earlier today about the Rookie Divas on the current season of NXT, noting that he felt eliminated and released Rookie, Jamie Keyes had a ‘bad attitude’.

Goldust spoke about each of the five remaining Rookies initially, but when questioned by another Twitter user about Jamie, he wrote: “She’s gone and she had a bad attitude.”

He later added however, “As far as Jamie… I wish her good luck in whatever she does.”

Thoughts: Kind of a controversial comment from Goldust, though he is usually pretty candid on his Twitter page. Though I wasn’t too impressed with her on the show, I thought Jamie came across passionate.

Exclusive: Women of Wrestling Podcast with Serena Deeb



We’ve had a couple of months downtime, but we’ve not been resting on our laurels – as we return with one of our biggest guests yet, recent WWE “Anti Diva” Serena Deeb! A nicer person you could not hope to meet, as despite being inundated with wrestling bookings, she was able to give us over an hour of her time to discuss her career to date – including, but not limited to: her return at SHIMMER in September, training with Rip Rogers in OVW, the early days of her career when she was trying to get noticed, meeting CM Punk, SHIMMER memories, getting signed, comparing FCW to OVW, the Mia Mancini character, thoughts on who should win NXT, meeting Vince McMahon, the hair shaving, walking down the ramp at WrestleMania, scratching the wrestling itch, and her plans for 2011 (and whether those plans include TNA).

Not only that, before Serena joins us, we’ve got quick mentions on recent shows from SHIMMER, Femmes Fatales & Pro-Wrestling EVE, including a quick exclusive chat with Nikki Storm, who had a big coming out party at the last EVE show, solidifying her as one to watch in the European scene in 2011.

Be sure to become a fan of the WOW Podcast on Facebook and follow on Twitter at @wow_podcast.

To listen to the Women of Wrestling Podcast directly on the website, just click on the play button below. You can also download the Women of Wrestling Podcast via iTunes to put on your iPod/iPhone or download the MP3 file straight to your computer by right clicking here and selecting ‘Save Target As’.


Please Note: The ‘Women of Wrestling Podcast’ is the proprietary content of Stew Allen and Lee Burton. By downloading this audio you agree not to repost the content elsewhere including but not limited to other websites, blogs or message boards. Failure to respect copyright will result in legal action.

Jim Ross Comments on WWE Signing Shaul Guerrero


In his latest blog, WWE Hall of Famer Jim Ross commented on the signing of Shaul Guerrero. He writes:

I had a nice visit with Vickie Guerrero, who has lost over 30 pounds BTW, in Minneapolis Sunday about her daughter Shaul starting soon with WWE in Florida Championship Wrestling. Like any Mom, Vickie is anxious to see how this matter works out with her oldest daughter leaving El Paso and moving to Tampa. Who wouldn’t be? Vickie will find herself in the unique position of being the wife of a wrestler, the late, great Eddie Guerrero, an active performer and now the Mom of a potential WWE performer. Vickie is very supportive of her daughter’s dream to become involved in the ‘family business.’ I hope that Shaul will continue to take college courses on line which is extremely important for many reasons not the least of which is that the 20 year old beauty is an excellent student. Nothing is more powerful than education and I think that it would be tremendous some day if WWE strongly suggested that anyone seeking a career in a WWE ring have a college degree.

Read more here.

Thoughts: This is obviously the big news of the week. There’s a lot of pressure for these young second and third generation stars to live up to their parents’ own careers. Shaul will likely be judged more heavily than any other FCW Diva when we begin seeing her on TV etc. I just hope she has a good head on her shoulders and can rise above it.

Trick or Treat! Going Halloween Costume Shopping: Knockouts Edition


For the past two years around Halloween, (view 2008 and part 1, part 2, and part 3 of 2009) we’ve suggested some tongue-in-cheek costumes for Divas and Knockouts. This year, we continue the tradition. We started with the NXT Rookies, and next up are the Knockouts. The Divas will follow later this week, leading up to Halloween. Enjoy, and be sure to vote for your favorite below!

Costume: A scientist.
Why?: She hasn’t been around long, but it’s safe to say that Cookie, in emulating “The Jersey Shore”‘s Snooki, won’t be making any medical breakthroughs in the near future. So, to best lampoon her lampooning of the shallow, less-than-genius, party animal, why not dress up as a scientist? Wearing the typical white labcoat and gloves while spouting different stereotypical “smart” phrases (E=MC^2 anyone?) in a New Jersey accent would make it pitch perfect.
Get the look: Go for a mad scientist look or tone it down to look more like the real deal.

Costume: The Cheshire Cat from “Alice in Wonderland”.
Why?: Daffney’s definitely got a soft spot for the quirky, and Alice in Wonderland seems to fit in that spot nicely. Hell, she even dressed as a version of the Queen of Hearts in a Halloween-themed photoshoot on TNA’s website. The Cheshire Cat is easily one of the most iconic characters to come out of the iconic work, and if Daffney wants to up her quirky-ness, dressing as a shape-shifting and disappearing cat is certainly a step in that direction. To keep herself from looking like an extra in the stage show “Cats”, Daffney could act in the lazy, dreamy way the purple-and-pink cat’s known for instead of simply hissing and crawling around. Of course, the disappearing act could be a complication, though if any Knockout could pull off something so strange, it’d be Daffney.
Get the look: Put a costume together and watch the animated movie to get the act down pat.

Tara & Madison Rayne
Costume: Pinky and the Brain from the “Animaniacs” cartoon.
Why?: Former friends Angelina Love and Velvet Sky have recently dubbed the duo of Tara and Madison “Pinky and the Brain”. How about turning that insult into a fully realized costume? The fact that Madison was called “evil” in connection to that comparison leads us to believe that she would be Brain, the short, surly, evil rat who plots every single day to take over the world. His sidekick (or rather, cage-mate) Pinky is a taller, dimmer, sillier rat who goes along for the ride and usually screws us Brain’s plans. Tara is known for her silly costumes, and this would fall right in line with them. It’s far too easy to picture Tara putting on the voice and stumbling around like Pinky, isn’t it? Are you thinking what I’m thinking?
Get the look: Find a partner to pair up with, put on some rat ears, don a tail, wear all-over white clothing, and assume the attitude of your chosen rat–Pinky’s loveable but dumb, and Brain’s serious and conniving.

Read on to see more costume suggestions.

In Pictures: Photos from Pro-Wrestling: EVE (October 16th)


Pro-Wrestling: EVE sent us these pictures from the October 16th show in Sudbury, Suffolk.

Among those pictured in the posed photos are Alpha Female, Britani Knight, Sara Marie Taylor & Carmel Jacob (The Glamour Gym), Shanna, Janey B, Jenny Sjodin, April Davids and Chloe Dale.

[nggallery id=442]

In Video: LuFisto Wins the NCW Femmes Fatales Championship

Video package from Saturday’s NCW Femmes Fatales show, highlighting LuFisto‘s big championship win:

Diva Dirt LIVE: October 27th, 2010 | Show at 10pm ET | Live Chat at 9.45pm ET | Call 347-989-8156


Join Diva Dirt for the only weekly women’s wrestling radio show every week as we go live all over the world with Diva Dirt LIVE. Tune into Diva Dirt LIVE exclusively here at Diva Dirt and BlogTalkRadio from 10pm ET every Wednesday night! Plus, you can call in and talk to the team — David, Jennifer & Melanie — and take part in our fun and games!

TONIGHT: The Bella Twins breaking up?, plus we preview Sunday’s Bragging Rights PPV match between Lay-Cool and Natalya.

Interact with us throughout the show by calling in to have your say! Call in with your thoughts on our topics tonight or join the chat room below. For full details on how to interact click here.


Join the chat room:

NXT Redux (October 26th, 2010): Halloween Edition of NXT: Trick or Treat?

Previously on NXT…

Rookie Divas Maxine and Kaitlyn stunk it up in what was perhaps one of the worst matches in WWE history. Naomi swept the challenges, putting her first in line for immunity from elimination. Aksana received her engagement ring from Goldust and fawned over it, even during challenges. And last, but certainly not least, the highlight of last week’s episode was the beginning of perhaps the end of the Bella twins as Nikki Bella showed some fire (as well as major heel tendencies) during the tag team main event which pitted Nikki and Brie Bella against Naomi and her pro, Kelly Kelly.

This week can only be better, right?

Mr. Blue Eyes, Matt Striker, was waiting for us as the program began. He introduced us all to the Halloween edition of NXT and brought out the rookie Divas. They were dressed in Halloween costumes of course and kudos to them for not being so stereotypical. AJ was out first this week and she was dressed as Ninja Turtle Raphael. Naomi followed her and was dressed up as the Hamburger Helper hand. Wow. Kaitlyn is out third and she’s wearing a dead-on Vickie Guerrero costume complete with padded backside. Out fourth is Maxine and she’s playing the part of “Ice Queen” tonight. And last, but certainly not least, the future Mrs. Goldust walks out and she’s dressed in a fire engine red devil costume. The girls get in the ring and Striker lets us know that elimination is next week and that currently, Naomi is leading the pack with immunity challenge wins. He tells the girls that there is plenty of time left to catch Naomi and even pass her, and with that being said the first competition of the night is about to take place. Of course, it’s a Halloween costume contest. Each girl will have fifteen seconds to impressed the WWE Universe with her costume and the fans will be the judges.

Aksana went first. Music started to play and Aksana really did nothing but blow kisses, pose, and move around a little bit. She didn’t even dance. She probably should have just done her push-ups again. Maxine went next. Striker asked her what her costume was and she told everyone that she was an ice queen. Striker remarked that she could certainly melt that costume, and Maxine looked up at him. She said that she could melt that costume and that she could send shivers down his spine. Maxine asked Matt if he knew what cold water did to a man. She looked away from him and revealed that she would hate to embarrass him so she is going to use the rest of her time to say that there is only one place for this queen, and that place is on top.

Diva Dirt LIVE & Chat Room Tonight at 10pm ET: How to Call In & Interact


Diva Dirt LIVE is back tonight at 10pm ET (9pm CT/7pm PDT/3am UK)! Plus, the chat room returns tonight and will open at 9.45pm ET. Here’s what’s coming up tonight and how you can get involved…

Tonight: We discuss last night’s Halloween episode of NXT, plus discuss Shaul Guerrero’s signing to WWE.

All the details you need to call in:

Vickie Guerrero Confirms Daughter Has Signed with WWE, Says Eddie Would Be ‘So Proud’


SmackDown’s official consultant and NXT Pro, Vickie Guerrero commented on her daughter, Shaul, being signed by WWE on Twitter today.

Vickie wrote: “I am proud and happy for my daughter getting signed! She has heart and committment. Eddie would be so proud of her!”

Shaul will be reporting to FCW in Tampa, FL soon to begin her wrestling training.

Thoughts: This is a great moment for the Guerrero family. Congratulations to Shaul and Vickie.

NXT Voting Open for Next Week’s Elimination; Opinion Poll: Who Should Go?


It’s time once again to vote to save your favourite NXT Rookie Diva. The Rookie will the least votes will be eliminated next Tuesday night, joining Jamie.

Click here to vote to save your favourite.

• • • • •

It’s also time for our second pre-elimination poll. If you remember, a week prior to the first elimination, we asked you who you thought should go. The majority of you voted Jamie and lo-and-behold, she was the first Diva cut. Will you make it two in a row? Vote below:

Who should be eliminated on NXT?

Maryse Comments on Her WWE Character, Says Some Fans Spit at Her Hair (Really!)


Former Divas Champion, Maryse gave a rare interview to Among the highlights include the French poodle discussing her character and how she’d love to develop it further to make fans want to “fricking kill her.” Quotes below:

On her character, she says:

“I don’t take anything seriously. But Maryse’s ring character is like, ‘you want to look like me, be like me, have everything I have but you can’t.’

“I’d like to get my character to point where people really, truly want to fricking kill me.

“Fans know my hair is my thing – I flip my hair every time I get in the ring – and believe it or not some spit in my hair.

“They can’t touch to you so they spit on you. They get really into it.”

Maryse also comments on the Divas dressing PG:

“We do wear revealing outfits but it’s not like wearing a g-string like in the past.

“I’d never wear that – I don’t think it would be very comfortable.

“Our outfits are sexy but not provocative to the point where people will say, ‘oh my God, my kids can’t watch this.'”

Read the full piece here.

Thoughts: A rare glimpse at the woman behind the character shows that Maryse is an intelligent, business-savvy woman. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this and getting to know Maryse a little bit more. She comes across really well, I’d say. It’s also great to see that she has aspirations for her character and wants to continue to evolve rather than just remain complacent in the position she’s in now.

SmackDown Spoilers: October 29th, 2010

Spoilers for Friday’s SmackDown below:

* Teddy Long and Hornswoggle come out to host a Divas Halloween Costume Contest. Alicia Fox is Cleopatra, Rosa Mendes is a leprechaun, Melina is Spider Woman, Kelly Kelly was Little Bo Peep, The Bella Twins were Batman
& Robin and LayCool were Beyonce & Lady Gaga. This turns into a match.

* Michelle McCool, Layla, Alicia Fox and Rosa Mendes vs. Kelly Kelly, Melina and The Bella Twins is up next. Kelly pinned Rosa to win it for her team. (Source:

NXT Week 8 Opinion Polls: Rate This Week’s Episode, Who Impressed You Most?


NXT week eight is in the books. That means once again, it’s time to vote. What did you think of this week’s episode? Rate the show below & vote for the Rookie Diva who impressed you most?

Vote below:

NXT Week 8: Who Impressed You the Most?

NXT Week 8: Rate This Week's Episode

NXT Discussion: October 26th, 2010


Watch and root for your favorite as the Rookie Divas compete for dominance in the 3rd season of NXT.

Remember: NXT is now airing online at 10pm ET and is only available to US viewers. Click here to watch.

Be sure to tune in to the Post-NXT Show LIVE at 11:30pm ET following the show!

Discuss the show in the comments!

NXT Spoilers for Tonight


Spoilers for tonight’s NXT below:

Michael Cole came out to a ton of heat. Josh Matthews got some cheers. Matt Striker came out to start the show to some cheers. He introduced this season’s pros and then the NXT Divas came out wearing Halloween costumes. Kaitlyn was dressed as Vickie Guerrero, and Aksana was dressed as a devil.

A backstage shot aired of Ted DiBiase and Maryse.

1. Naomi defeated Maxine. Both women wrestled in their Halloween costume, and Naomi won with a headbutt in four minutes.

Backstage, a man told Goldust and Aksana that if they don’t get married next week, they will take her away. Goldust told her everything will be okay.

2. Brie Bella (w/Nikki Bella) defeated A.J. (w/Primo) Brie dominated the early portion of the match. There was a long chin lock by Bella, but A.J. made a comeback with some kicks and got on a roll. Brie got the win thanks to interference from Nikki. Primo argued with the referee afterward. They actually had a good, back and forth Divas match.

Maryse said she didn’t want to be there because it smelled like vomit. Ted told her he was there to get his Million Dollar Title belt back. She told him he’s rich and should buy another one. He said the belt has been in his family for years. Ted told Maryse that she was going to help him get it back. She walked off.

A table was set up in the ring and all the rookies were brought back out. A “Stand Up For WWE” video was shown.

The rookie Divas had a candy eating contest. Hornswoggle came out to help Striker. The pros cheered on their rookies and the crowd chanted “eat, eat, eat.” Maxine won the contest. She slapped Hornswoggle on the head. A.J. pushed Maxine. Kaitlyn was choking on a piece of candy. Hornswoggle helped get the candy out, and it flew all over Vickie Guerrero.

Vickie was shown screaming backstage. Dolph told Kaitlyn she didn’t want to go into the room with Vickie, and then he flirted with her. Vickie told Dolph to come with him, but he bailed and left Vickie in the room.

A video invitation was shown or the Goldust and Aksana wedding that will take place on next week’s show.

3. Goldust and Aksana defeated Ted DiBiase and Maryse. Maryse slapped Aksana in the face and went on the offensive. Maryse got the better of their exchange. The men tagged in and Goldust jumped out to the advantage. DiBiase dropkicked Goldust to the outside and slammed his head on the announcers’ table. Maryse kicked Goldust while the referee was distracted. Later, Aksana rolled up Maryse for the win.

After the match, they all fought over the Million Dollar Title belt. Goldust clotheslined Ted, and then he and Aksana left with the title belt to conclude the WWE NXT taping. (Source:

TNA Impact Spoilers: November 4th, 2010

Spoilers for next week’s TNA Impact below:

* Sarita vs. Velvet Sky. Winner via butterfly suplex, Sarita.

* Generation Me & Tara vs. Ink Inc. & Mickie James. Winner via Last Kiss Goodnight & Ink Inc’s finisher to Matt Buck, Ink Inc. & Mickie James. After the match Jeremy Buck and Tara attacked the winners and laid them out. (Source: Wrestling News World)

Jennifer Blake Works TNA Tryout Match


‘Girl Dynamite’ Jennifer Blake of SHIMMER and Wrestlicious fame worked a tryout match today prior to the TNA Impact tapings, reports Wrestling News World.

Blake wrestled in a losing effort to Knockouts Champion, Madison Rayne.

Blake is best known for her work in SHIMMER as well as Wrestlicious where she competes as Autumn Frost. Of late however, she’s been working in Mexico for AAA.

Raw Redux (October 25th, 2010): Lay-Cool Dominates, Eve Shines and Natalya Disappears


After last night’s impressive showing at Bragging Rights between Natalya and Layla, the WWE Divas took two steps back and put on a random sixty seconds tag match for our enjoyment on this week’s edition of Raw. Watch below as Lay-Cool takes on Melina and Gail Kim for no apparent reason. Enjoy:

We kick things off with all four Divas in the ring (big surprise), and Lay-Cool are doing their usual preening. Across the ring, Gail and Melina mock the Co-Divas Champions in an adorable fashion. The bell rings and Layla sees Melina and Gail’s mimicry and comes charging at Melina. Melina evades and goes straight for Michelle, who ducks out of harm’s way. Layla tries to sneak up behind Melina to gain the advantage, but receives a kick to the mush for her trouble. Totally in control at this point, Melina knocks Michelle off the apron, before knocking Layla down with a modified Shining Wizard and a flying facebuster for a two count.

Melina tries to whip Layla off the ropes (tries is the operative word here), but Layla reverses it and kicks Melina in the shoulder and turns around and knocks Gail off of the apron. Layla turns her attention back to Melina, going for a clothesline, but Melina dodges again. Both ladies come charging across the ring with the same thing in mind it seems, as they collide in midair with dual crossbodies.

Both ladies struggle back to their feet and they both make it to a vertical at around the same time. Melina goes to roll Layla up, but doesn’t realize that Layla has managed to tag in McCool. Melina thinks she has things in the bag, but Michelle lands her patented big boot for the win.

WWE Signs Eddie and Vickie Guerrero’s Daughter


WWE has signed the daughter of WWE Hall of Famer, Eddie and current personality, Vickie Guerrero, reports PWInsider.

Shaul Guerrero, 20 years old, was signed last week and will report to FCW soon.

She is the eldest of Eddie and Vickie’s two children.

See pictures below:

[nggallery id=441]

Thoughts: Perhaps the highest profile signing WWE has ever made in a potential Diva, Shaul’s family has a rich legacy in pro wrestling but she’d be the first female wrestler in the family (no, Vickie at WrestleMania doesn’t count). Hopefully Shaul can match her mom’s mic work with her late father’s ring work. Good luck to her!

Matches Set for Next Week’s Impact


TNA will be taping the following two matches tonight to air on Impact next week, according to

* Mickie James & Ink Inc. vs Generation Me & Tara.

* Sarita vs Velvet Sky

Trick or Treat! Going Halloween Costume Shopping: NXT Edition


For the past two years around Halloween, (view 2008 and part 1, part 2, and part 3 of 2009) we’ve suggested some tongue-in-cheek costumes for Divas and Knockouts. This year, we continue the tradition, starting with the NXT Rookies. Divas and Knockouts will follow later this week, leading up to Halloween. Enjoy, and be sure to vote for your favorite below!

Costume: A jack-in-the-box toy.
Why?: AJ seems to always be bouncing. I’d say she has a spring in her step, but it would probably be more accurate to say she’s got loaded springs at the bottom of her boots. I think she jumps from excitement even when emptying the junk folder on her e-mail. So, aside from dressing her up as a kangaroo, what would be a better way to reference her apparent lack of ability to sit still than to have her made into a jack-in-the-box? She’s certainly tiny enough to be one, being pocket-sized and whatnot. And anyways, I don’t think dressing up as a grasshopper would carry the same charm.
Get the look: Learn how to make a jack-in-the-box costume of your own.

Costume: Marlena, AKA Terri Runnels.
Why?: Aksana has become the apple of Golddust’s eye, even going so far as to become engaged to him. However, who could forget Golddust’s past love, Marlena? Always clad in gold and brandishing a cigar, Marlena was the yin to Golddust’s yang. If Aksana has any hope of filling that role convincingly, she better study up on Marlena, and dressing up as her for Halloween would be valuable research. I’m sure Golddust would appreciate the jolt of nostalgia.
Get the look: Grab some gold clothing and accessories, tease up your hair, and carry a prop cigar. Don’t forget the attitude!

Costume: Napoleon Dynamite from the movie of the same name.
Why?: Okay, so the joke’s a little late, but can you think of a costume less flattering than Napoleon Dynamite? I’m sure it would get her mentor Vickie’s seal of approval, as it wouldn’t steal the spotlight from her and further degrade her rookie. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past her forcing it on Kaitlyn in the first place–all the better to avoid Kaitlyn donning a sexier costume. Fans would definitely get a kick out of seeing Kaitlyn in glasses, red curly hair, high-wasted pants, and a blank expression. Not to mention, it’d be a nice opportunity to tell fans to “Vote for Kaitlyn” when she wears it on her shirt.
Get the look: Do it yourself.

Read on to see more costume suggestions.

In Video: Divas Want You to Know How Much They Love Their Jobs


Here’s the latest ‘Stand Up for WWE’ video that aired last night on Raw featuring several of the Divas, as well as the divine Alberto Del Rio and other men we don’t care about. Watch below:

Thoughts: Despite the obvious political agenda behind ‘Stand Up for WWE’, I really enjoyed this video package and I loved hearing the Superstars and Divas talk as fans. I would be more inclined to enjoy this if there wasn’t a political agenda behind this campaign, as I think it does send a very positive message — however the less than subtle timing has me rolling my eyes slightly.