Friday, March 14, 2025

Jennifer Blake Works TNA Tryout Match


‘Girl Dynamite’ Jennifer Blake of SHIMMER and Wrestlicious fame worked a tryout match today prior to the TNA Impact tapings, reports Wrestling News World.

Blake wrestled in a losing effort to Knockouts Champion, Madison Rayne.

Blake is best known for her work in SHIMMER as well as Wrestlicious where she competes as Autumn Frost. Of late however, she’s been working in Mexico for AAA.

Raw Redux (October 25th, 2010): Lay-Cool Dominates, Eve Shines and Natalya Disappears


After last night’s impressive showing at Bragging Rights between Natalya and Layla, the WWE Divas took two steps back and put on a random sixty seconds tag match for our enjoyment on this week’s edition of Raw. Watch below as Lay-Cool takes on Melina and Gail Kim for no apparent reason. Enjoy:

We kick things off with all four Divas in the ring (big surprise), and Lay-Cool are doing their usual preening. Across the ring, Gail and Melina mock the Co-Divas Champions in an adorable fashion. The bell rings and Layla sees Melina and Gail’s mimicry and comes charging at Melina. Melina evades and goes straight for Michelle, who ducks out of harm’s way. Layla tries to sneak up behind Melina to gain the advantage, but receives a kick to the mush for her trouble. Totally in control at this point, Melina knocks Michelle off the apron, before knocking Layla down with a modified Shining Wizard and a flying facebuster for a two count.

Melina tries to whip Layla off the ropes (tries is the operative word here), but Layla reverses it and kicks Melina in the shoulder and turns around and knocks Gail off of the apron. Layla turns her attention back to Melina, going for a clothesline, but Melina dodges again. Both ladies come charging across the ring with the same thing in mind it seems, as they collide in midair with dual crossbodies.

Both ladies struggle back to their feet and they both make it to a vertical at around the same time. Melina goes to roll Layla up, but doesn’t realize that Layla has managed to tag in McCool. Melina thinks she has things in the bag, but Michelle lands her patented big boot for the win.

WWE Signs Eddie and Vickie Guerrero’s Daughter


WWE has signed the daughter of WWE Hall of Famer, Eddie and current personality, Vickie Guerrero, reports PWInsider.

Shaul Guerrero, 20 years old, was signed last week and will report to FCW soon.

She is the eldest of Eddie and Vickie’s two children.

See pictures below:

[nggallery id=441]

Thoughts: Perhaps the highest profile signing WWE has ever made in a potential Diva, Shaul’s family has a rich legacy in pro wrestling but she’d be the first female wrestler in the family (no, Vickie at WrestleMania doesn’t count). Hopefully Shaul can match her mom’s mic work with her late father’s ring work. Good luck to her!

Matches Set for Next Week’s Impact


TNA will be taping the following two matches tonight to air on Impact next week, according to

* Mickie James & Ink Inc. vs Generation Me & Tara.

* Sarita vs Velvet Sky

Trick or Treat! Going Halloween Costume Shopping: NXT Edition


For the past two years around Halloween, (view 2008 and part 1, part 2, and part 3 of 2009) we’ve suggested some tongue-in-cheek costumes for Divas and Knockouts. This year, we continue the tradition, starting with the NXT Rookies. Divas and Knockouts will follow later this week, leading up to Halloween. Enjoy, and be sure to vote for your favorite below!

Costume: A jack-in-the-box toy.
Why?: AJ seems to always be bouncing. I’d say she has a spring in her step, but it would probably be more accurate to say she’s got loaded springs at the bottom of her boots. I think she jumps from excitement even when emptying the junk folder on her e-mail. So, aside from dressing her up as a kangaroo, what would be a better way to reference her apparent lack of ability to sit still than to have her made into a jack-in-the-box? She’s certainly tiny enough to be one, being pocket-sized and whatnot. And anyways, I don’t think dressing up as a grasshopper would carry the same charm.
Get the look: Learn how to make a jack-in-the-box costume of your own.

Costume: Marlena, AKA Terri Runnels.
Why?: Aksana has become the apple of Golddust’s eye, even going so far as to become engaged to him. However, who could forget Golddust’s past love, Marlena? Always clad in gold and brandishing a cigar, Marlena was the yin to Golddust’s yang. If Aksana has any hope of filling that role convincingly, she better study up on Marlena, and dressing up as her for Halloween would be valuable research. I’m sure Golddust would appreciate the jolt of nostalgia.
Get the look: Grab some gold clothing and accessories, tease up your hair, and carry a prop cigar. Don’t forget the attitude!

Costume: Napoleon Dynamite from the movie of the same name.
Why?: Okay, so the joke’s a little late, but can you think of a costume less flattering than Napoleon Dynamite? I’m sure it would get her mentor Vickie’s seal of approval, as it wouldn’t steal the spotlight from her and further degrade her rookie. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past her forcing it on Kaitlyn in the first place–all the better to avoid Kaitlyn donning a sexier costume. Fans would definitely get a kick out of seeing Kaitlyn in glasses, red curly hair, high-wasted pants, and a blank expression. Not to mention, it’d be a nice opportunity to tell fans to “Vote for Kaitlyn” when she wears it on her shirt.
Get the look: Do it yourself.

Read on to see more costume suggestions.

In Video: Divas Want You to Know How Much They Love Their Jobs


Here’s the latest ‘Stand Up for WWE’ video that aired last night on Raw featuring several of the Divas, as well as the divine Alberto Del Rio and other men we don’t care about. Watch below:

Thoughts: Despite the obvious political agenda behind ‘Stand Up for WWE’, I really enjoyed this video package and I loved hearing the Superstars and Divas talk as fans. I would be more inclined to enjoy this if there wasn’t a political agenda behind this campaign, as I think it does send a very positive message — however the less than subtle timing has me rolling my eyes slightly.

Pro-Wrestling: EVE Presents ‘The Potentials’ on November 14th (Free Wrestling Show)


Pro-Wrestling: EVE’s next live event will be one with a twist — ‘The Potentials’ will see budding hopefuls compete for a chance to make it onto the EVE roster. The event takes place on November 14th and is completely free. Details below:

While the main shows of Pro-Wrestling:EVE don’t return until April 2011, Pro-Wrestling:EVE presents a brand new series of shows entitled “The Potentials” beginning on Sunday November 14 at The Breckland Community Centre in Costessey, Norwich, Norfolk. In association with the WAW Gym the shows will feature female wrestlers from around Europe competing against each other as well as members of the WAW Gym such as Saraya & Britani Knight to try and earn a place on the main Pro-Wrestling:EVE roster! Doors open at 6pm and the first bell is at 6.30….Oh and did we mention IT’S FREE ENTRY!!! ARRIVE EARLY TO AVOID DISAPPOINTMENT!

For more information click here.

Raw Response: October 25th, 2010


Get your Monday night Divas fix by tuning in to Raw tonight at 9pm ET on the USA Network.

Be sure to tune in to the Post-Raw Show LIVE at 11pm ET following Raw!

Discuss the show in the comments!

In Video: Meet New TNA Knockout, Winter aka Katie Lea (in German)


TNA has released a video interview with new TNA Knockout, Winter aka the former Katie Lea, on YouTube, but there is a catch. It’s in German! Yay for those of you that speak German, while the rest of us are — pardon the pun — left out in the cold.

Watch below:

Any German DD fans out there that can give us a synopsis?

TNA Impact Spoilers: October 28th, 2010

Spoilers for this Thursday’s episode of Impact below:

* Backstage, Tara has attacked Mickie James at catering. They’re fighting all over catering but there’s no actual food. They start hitting each other with trash. The lone cameraman gets knocked down. The ladies fight to the outside and a new camera is on. Madison Rayne helps Tara until The Beautiful People run out. We now have a full scale Knockouts brawl. Sarita runs out too. After a big fight, Angelina Love and Madison Rayne fight to inside the (Impact Zone. Velvet and Sarita make their way inside too. They fight up to the announce table. Backstage Tara and Mickie James are fighting their way in as well. Mickie dives off the guardrail onto Tara. Everybody is now in the ring fighting. Ric Flair and security is breaking it up. Tara hits Flair. Flair threatens to fight a girl. Mickie slaps Flair twice and he flops. Flair gets on the mic and asks what the hell are they doing? They all stop for a second and then they all start brawling again. Flair and security break it up again and makes a match for later: Mickie James & The Beautiful People vs. Madison Rayne, Tara & Sarita.

* Madison Rayne, Tara & Sarita def. Mickie James & The Beautiful People. Sarita wins via butterfly suplex on Sky. (Source: Wrestling News World)

WWE Bragging Rights in Review: Divas Seize the Moment, Remain More Flawless Than Brett Favre Cell Phone Pics

It’s fair to say that WWE pay-per-views are either hits or misses. The events are either successful surprises or true epic fails all around. Bragging Rights was no exception. For once, it fell into the positive category as the WWE put together a strong show on all accounts, and for us Diva fans, we were treated to something truly special. The decision to put Layla in the ring against Natalya was met with some skepticism and a few eye-rolls, but judging from their SmackDown interaction it had all the ingredients to make a yummy recipe. To say Natalya versus Layla delivered would be an understatement. They put together a gorgeous, pure wrestling match that told a story and left everyone wanting just a little more. Michelle McCool once again put on a flawless performance on the microphone and on the outside of the ring. And to add the icing to this already delicious cake, Aksana and Maryse got involved in the Bragging Rights action by fighting for their men during the Goldust/Ted DiBiase grudge match.

What a night.

The match us Diva fans waited patiently for all night kicked off in grand style. Lay-Cool made their way to the ring and they had microphones in their hands. Layla and Michelle walked out on stage where Layla promptly demanded that the sound techs in the back cut their music. Once it was quiet, Layla turned to Michelle and with a cheeky little grin, she told her BFF that Natalya was no doubt excited to have a title match in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Michelle looked confused and wanted to know why Natalya could be excited over such a thing and Layla simply pointed out that Nattie would be at home amongst all the stupid accents. Massive heat for that comment. Michelle chuckled and began to imitate the accent in question. She said the men in Minnesota like their women larger because it’s so cold. Layla agreed and said that by the looks of things, it got extremely cold in Minnesota. Cue the collective “brrrrrrrrrrrrr”. Lay-Cool got inside the ring and Michelle continued speaking. She said that the comfortable surroundings won’t help Natalya out tonight. She’s going to need more help than that because tonight, they (Lay-Cool) will beat Natalya faster than they can delete all those text messages they keep getting from Brett Favre.

Real Talk. Ewwwwwww. Stop. According to Lay-Cool, Favre is doing nothing but embarrassing himself. Both members of Lay-Cool agree that Brett can’t help himself when it comes to them because they are flawless. They started to check their reflections in their championships when Natalya’s music hit. The third generation Diva walked to the ring with a smile etched across her lovely face. The commentators went over the fact that this match was for the WWE Diva’s Championship (apparently they’ve dropped the ‘unified’ part) and Natalya played to the crowd. Both girls got ready for the match and when the bell rang, Natalya and Layla started to circle one another. They went for a lock-up but Natalya effortlessly scooped up Layla and grounded her. She tried to work over Layla’s arm, but the British-born Diva was able to reverse it into a headscissors. Natalya was able to spring out of it and land on her feet, but Layla responded with a swift kick to the back of Nattie’s thigh. Layla took hold of Natalya’s wrist and started to twist it, but Natalya flipped through it, reversed it, and got Layla up in the air. While holding Layla upside, Natalya showed off her strength by doing a few squats, an homage to her late uncle, the British Bulldog Davey Boy Smith. She planted Layla in the mat and went for a cover. Layla kicked out right before the two.

In Pictures: Divas Heat Up the Pages of WWE Magazine


If you’re not a WWE Magazine subscriber, chances are you’re missing out on some gorgeous pictures of the Divas. Usually, the magazine has some of the hottest, unique and fresh pictures of the Divas — not just the usual standing-against-a-background pictures — which is probably the best part of an otherwise boring magazine.

Here are a few high quality versions of pictures that have appeared in WWE Magazine over the past several months.

[nggallery id=440]

Thoughts: That A-Fox picture is just wow!

Thanks to Josh for sending these in!

In Pictures: NCW Femmes Fatales 4


NCW Femmes Fatales has uploaded tons of ringside photos from the Femmes Fatales 4 taping that took place on Saturday.

Sift through all the pictures at this link.

Results can be found here.

TNA Knockout Announces Engagement


One half of the Knockouts Tag Team Champions, Taylor Wilde announced her engagement via Twitter this morning.

Taylor wrote: “I can’t contain my joy and excitment anymore! I’m engaged to @olivermitchell. :)”

Congratulations to the happy couple!

Beth Phoenix Expected to Return Soon


Former WWE Women’s Champion, Beth Phoenix is set to make her return to television ‘in the next few weeks’, reports PWInsider.

The Glamazon has been out of action since May with a torn ACL. Beth has been working out in FCW in Tampa, FL over the past couple of months preparing for her comeback.

Thoughts: That sound is David (Mr Glamazon) letting out a sigh of relief! I wonder if Beth will be this year’s post-Survivor Series return? For the past two years, we have seen a Diva return on the first show back after Survivor Series (Melina, Maryse), so it seems to make sense that Beth would be placed on the first SmackDown after that pay per view. Obviously, it’s expected that Beth will pick up where she left off against Lay-Cool and rightfully so. That storyline never ran its course due to Beth’s injury and I’m excited to see them pick it back up. It’ll be interesting, to say the least, to see Beth go after the Divas Title (lulz). The question this then leaves is, where does this leave Natalya?

Athena Heading to WSU

Diva Dirt can reveal exclusively that ‘The Wrestling Goddess’ Athena, who is based out of the Anarchy Championship Wrestling promotion in Texas, will be joining Women Superstars Uncensored beginning December 11th.

Athena was recently featured in our ‘Five to Watch‘ and is definitely one of the up-and-coming girls to watch on the independents.

She debuted for SHIMMER in September and can be seen on a few of the upcoming volumes. From what I’ve heard from the DD team members that attended SHIMMER, she really impressed the fans.

Also set to debut on 12/11 is our very own Kristin Astara, as we broke over the weekend.

WSU on the Road Results for October 23rd: Alicia in Action

WSU’s Alicia took on Candy Cartwright over the weekend in a ‘WSU on the Road’ match at Fight the World Wrestling in New York. Results below courtesy of WSU:

Women Superstars Uncensored (WSU), the leader and most active womens wrestling company today, returned with another “On The Road” match last night, as Alicia took on Candy Cartwright at Fight The World Wrestling in Ronkonkoma, NY this past Saturday night. (10/23)

Candy Cartwright, was competing in her second ever match, and is a graduate of the FTW Pro Wrestling School. Cartwright gave up skill, experience and know-how to the only grandslam champion in WSU history, Alicia. Despite having an uphill battle to climb, Cartwright gave it her all. However, Cartwright was not in Alicia’s league, but matches against top women stars can only progress the young career of Candy Cartwright.

Alicia, who will challenge for Angel Orsini‘s Unsanctioned “All Guts, No Glory” Championship on 11/6 ,when WSU comes to iPPV, was able to defeat the rookie with her special 1-2 punch of the yakuza kick, followed by the A-Bomb. (Michinoku driver).

Alicia told after the match, “Just because I don’t currently have a championship in WSU doesn’t mean I’m going to stay idle and allow Angel Orsini to stay fresh. I’m going into this match 100%. There is a reason why I’m the only person in WSU history to win the World, Spirit & Tag Team Titles. I’m also the only person to win the J-Cup & King/Queen of the Ring tournaments. I don’t care that Angel is pissed off at WSU and wants respect, I have won everything there is to win in WSU and on 11/6, on iPPV, I’m adding another piece of hardware to my mantle.”

Diva Dirt LIVE Does WWE Bragging Rights | Live at 11pm ET | Call 347-989-8156

Join Diva Dirt LIVE for this exclusive post-Bragging Rights episode! We will be on the air right after the PPV, to discuss all the Divas action and give you the opportunity to call in and discuss your thoughts too! Tune in at 11pm ET.

Interact with us throughout the show by calling in to have your say on the PPV. You can also tweet us at @divadirt on Twitter or alternatively, add the hashtag #ddlive when discussing the show. You can also comment with your opinions in this post. We’ll read out a sample of tweets/comments throughout the show. For full details on how to interact click here.


Please Note: ‘Diva Dirt LIVE’ is the exclusive content of Diva Dirt (, for which we hold copyright. By downloading our audio you agree not to repost the content elsewhere including but not limited to other websites, blogs or message boards. Failure to respect copyright will result in legal action.

WWE Bragging Rights: Lay-Cool Take It Again, This Time with Help from a Boot…


Earlier this month, Layla‘s shoe-throwing helped Michelle McCool retain the Divas Championship for the duo, but this time they retained with help from a boot. Well, Michelle’s big boot, rather.

In the closing moments of a hotly-contested Divas Championship match between Layla and Natalya, Michelle McCool hit a devastating big boot to Natalya’s head while the referee was distracted, allowing Layla to roll her up for the win.

For the second pay per view match in a row, Lay-Cool have outsmarted Natalya but once again, it looks as though this feud is far from over. Will Lay-Cool be so lucky third go around?

WWE Bragging Rights 2010 Discussion Post


The Divas Championship is on the line tonight at Bragging Rights when Layla defends against Natalya. Will the Hart Dynasty Diva finally realise her dream?

Tune in at 8pm ET live on pay per view to find out.

Discuss the show in the comments!

Be sure to tune into Diva Dirt LIVE Does Bragging Rights at 11pm ET right after the pay per view!

PPV Predictions: WWE Bragging Rights 2010


Tonight at Bragging Rights, the Divas Championship is on the line between Layla and Natalya, but who’ll come out on top? We weigh in…

Cryssi: With Layla being placed in this match instead of Michelle, I definitely see Natalya having the advantage. I think Michelle ends up getting kicked from ringside which will leave Layla at Natalya’s mercy. The two will put on a brilliant match with Natalya ultimately getting the victory. As she’s celebrating her long awaited Divas Championship win, Michelle comes running down to ringside with Teddy Long screaming at him that she is the rightful Divas Champion, and the contract Lay-Cool had was only good when they were co-Women’s Champs. She will make the argument that the title can only change hands if she were to lose, because she is the OFFICIAL champ seeing as how she unified the titles at Night of Champions. Long will have no choice but to declare Natalya’s championship reign over before it even starts, and once again Lay-Cool will escape with that title firmly in their clutches.

David: At Bragging Rights, Natalya gets her second straight championship match on PPV, this time against the other member of Lay-Cool. After a few slow months I think Lay-Cool is hot again and I’ve enjoyed their program with Nattie (Michelle’s Bret impression was hilarious). Sunday night, I expect Michelle’s interference to give Natalya a DQ victory so Layla will once again retain the title. However, if Kelly Kelly comes down to help her buddy, maybe this time Lay-Cool won’t throw shoes in the ring, maybe this time they’ll throw in the towel.

Eric: Whereas last month’s Hell in a Cell was a predictable Lay-Cool victory, this match up could really go either way. Unfortunately, the booking team has painted the Divas division into a corner. Either Lay-Cool wins and we have a continuous, pointless Divas division, or Natalya wins and has nobody to feud with but… Lay-Cool. So who wins? I see Natalya picking this one up. Unfortunately, I don’t see her keeping the belt long. Who will Natalya feud with next? I will give free hugs and a (false) promise to vote for Linda McMahon to the creative team if its not Lay-Cool.

Erin: Part of me is always reluctant to believe that the WWE would do anything to hold back a Lay-Cool push. However, I feel like this feud can be sustained even if Layla doesn’t pick up the win, which means the inter-brand Lay-Cool shenanigans would continue. With that loophole available, I think Natalya’s chances of winning are high. She’s been chasing them for a while (okay, not long, but in Diva land a few weeks is a long time, all things considered) and winning the title could be a turning point in the feud. So, I say Natalya wins the title tonight. How long she keeps it, however, is anyone’s guess.

Results from NCW Femmes Fatales 4 DVD Taping: First Champion Crowned, Luna Tribute

Complete results from last night’s NCW Femmes Fatales 4 DVD taping below, courtesy of John Hyperion:

* Sherbrooke Connexion and Angie def. Sengolene, Missy, & Eve via double team Ace Crusher. The masked Kira picked up the pin.

* Moonlight def. Xandra Bale via reversal into crucifix pin. This was a pretty high-flying match. Both ladies are young but have tons of potential. Xandra spiffed up her look quite a bit from FF III.

At this point a very nice Luna tribute video was shown, as well as a discussion of her importance to Montreal wrestling, and a 10 bell salute.

Main Show:
1. LuFisto def. Kalamity via submission to Konnichiwa-Goodnight! This match was a very good opener where Kalamity again showed how solid she is, like an evil version of LuFisto. LuFisto looked incredible and had brand new gear with wicked Chaparrita ASARI like shoulder pads.

2. Portia Perez (w/ Nicole Matthews) def. Cheerleader Melissa via Superkick. Portia came out with a mouth full of cookies (double chocolate chip) and offered one to Melissa, which was not accepted. Massive assist goes to Nicole Matthews, as she got quite a bit involved in this one and helped Portia win when she took Melissa’s foot off the ropes during the final 3 count. Melissa took out her frustration by chewing up a cookie and spitting it on the ref.

3. Mistress Belmont def. She Nay Nay via Michinoku Driver II. Belmont has a bit of a love story going with the ref, but he turned down her advances post-match.

4. Mary Lee Rose and Karen Brooks def. Anastasia Ivy and Roxie Cotton (w/ Evilyn Fox) via Tornado DDT then Ace Crusher.

Post-Match Ivy stayed in the ring as it was announced that she’d be taking on Allison Danger at Femmes Fatales V on March 12th. The crowd was quite excited and changed “Queen of Old School” for Danger. Ivy did not seem to invite the step up in competition.

Homicide to Challenge Top Female Wrestler to Intergender Match

Former ROH and TNA wrestler, Homicide will challenge WSU World Champion, Mercedes Martinez to a match when he appears at WSU’s Internet pay per view next month.

WSU had previously been teasing that Homicide would appear at the all-female promotion’s iPPV on November 6th to make a challenge. We can reveal that his eyes are set on Martinez, who ranked #3 on the PWI Female 50 for 2010 and is considered one of the elite female wrestlers in North America today.

No word on when the match will take place, that is if Martinez accepts the challenge.

Additionally, WSU released the following footage this morning:

Thoughts: Homicide is considered one of the top male wrestlers in the northeast (New York, New Jersey), while Martinez is obviously the star attraction of WSU based out of New Jersey. Earlier this year, Alissa Flash (Cheerleader Melissa) took on male wrestler Joey Spector in a series of hard-hitting intergender matches in RCW based out of Texas. If this is anything like that feud, it has the makings of being an epic encounter.

In Video: Video Leaks of Raw Divas Rehearsing Monday’s Bucket Throw (and They Still Got it Wrong!)


Footage of the Raw Divas practicing the bucket-throwing segment that aired on Raw this past Monday has leaked online.

In the video, the Divas involved and Vickie Guerrero can be seen practicing the skit. As seen on Monday, even with the rehearsal, Gail Kim still managed to get it wrong. Oops!

Check out the video below:

Thoughts: Not sure how or why this managed to leak onto the Internet, but it’s pretty cool to see candid footage. It’s also hilarious to see that such a segment takes rehearsal and it still went t*ts-up.

WWE Drops ‘Unified’ in Divas Championship Name

Small note, but worth mentioning anyway: WWE has stopped referring to the Divas Championship as being the ‘Unified Divas Championship’.

The belt was referred to under that name in the early weeks following last month’s Night of Champions match which saw the Divas and Women’s Championships unified.

In the last week or so, the ‘Unified’ has been dropped on television and on

From now on, the belt is simply the Divas Championship with Lay-Cool being referred to as ‘Co-Divas Champions’.

Diva Dirt LIVE Does Bragging Rights Tonight at 11pm ET: How to Call In & Interact


Diva Dirt LIVE returns for a pay per view special as we dissect all the fallout from tonight’s Bragging Rights pay per view. We’ll be discussing tonight’s Layla vs Natalya match and as always, taking your calls throughout the night too in a 90 minute post-PPV special.

All the details you need to call in, tweet and comment are after the cut: