Two matches are confirmed for tonight’s NXT with a tag team possibly splitting up by the end of the night.
First, tag team partners Indi Hartwell and Persia Pirotta will go one-on-one in an attempt to find out who is the weakest link between the two. Tensions have built up from them both as they had a heated argument last week over who has been pulling more weight on the team.
Next will be Sarray and Tiffany Stratton in a singles match. Stratton has been taking offense to Sarray declining her help and it has caused animosity. Sarray was attacked by Stratton two weeks ago backstage.
We are also down to two teams for the finals of the Dusty Tag Team Classic. Io Shirai & Kay Lee Ray will be facing Wendy Choo & Dakota Kai where one team will go on to face Toxic Attraction for the NXT Women’s Tag Team Championships. The date of the finals should be in the next weeks to come as the winners will face Toxic Attraction at Stand & Deliver on April 2 during the afternoon of Saturday’s WrestleMania.
As always, feel free to discuss tonight’s show in the comment section below.