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NXT Redux (November 2nd, 2010): The Internet Wedding of the Century Ends With a Resounding Slap!

Previously on NXT….

The Halloween edition of NXT certainly left a positive taste in the mouths of viewers. Brie Bella and AJ put together a match that was perhaps one of the best Diva matches on television this year. Nikki Bella continued her descent into WWE heeldom much to the disgust of her twin. Maxine won a Halloween candy eating contest, while Kaitlyn took home top prize in the costume contest for her Vickie Guerrero impersonation. Was it mentioned that the sexual tension between Kaitlyn and her mentor’s boyfriend, Intercontinental Champion Dolph Ziggler, reached an all-time high?? Oh, lets not forget the fact that Ted DiBiase and everyone’s favorite French-Canadian Diva, Maryse, invaded the show. They set out on a quest to get the Million Dollar Championship back from Goldust and Aksana. Aksana saved the day once again and looked amazing while doing so.

Tonight, the highly anticipated wedding between Lithuanian-born Aksana and the adorable Goldust will take place. Will Maryse and Ted show up? There’s an elimination too. Which rookie is going to be sent packing during the ninth week of competition? Lets take a look!

Note: Please excuse the audio on the videos. It looks like a production copy of the show leaked.

Striker is in the ring and he brings out the rookie girls. Kaitlyn, Maxine, Naomi, AJ, and Aksana make their way to the ring. All the girls look gorgeous tonight as they’re in street clothes which leads me to believe no one will be wrestling tonight. Striker explains to them that tonight is the elimination but adds that with three challenge wins Naomi is eligible for immunity. He also says that with the exception of Aksana, the other three girls can catch and tie Naomi. Since mathematics is not on Aksana’s side, Striker excuses her from tonight’s competitions so she can get ready for her wedding. Aksana waves, walks off, and we’re told that the first challenge tonight is a kissing contest. Striker wants a special guest judge so of course, Hornswoggle is brought out. Maxine is not happy about this but Horny, on the other hand, is overjoyed. Striker tells him that he gets to pick which Diva kisses the best.

Kaitlyn is first. Hornswoggle can’t reach her so Kaitlyn is forced to drop down to her knees. Hornswoggle plays up the fact he has this amazing opportunity and he finally lays one on Kaitlyn. She pushes away and collects herself, while Hornswoggle reacts to probably the first real kiss he’s ever gotten. Maxine is second but she’s not about to touch Horny. They’ve been going back and forth for weeks and she accuses him of getting into this competition just to mess with her. She grabs him by the beard and orders him from the ring. A dejected looking Hornswoggle finally leaves and he practically cries all the way up the ramp.

“Dashing” Cody Rhodes’ music hits and he makes his way onto the stage, mirror in hand. He plays it up and makes his way to the ring. Apparently he is the new judge for the contest. He tells the ladies that they’re welcome and says he is here for his brother’s wedding tonight. But while he’s at it, he may as well have some fun.

Striker resets the kissing contest and Kaitlyn has to go again. Dashing Cody checks his reflection in the mirror before putting on some lip balm. Kaitlyn, in turn, checks her breath, makes sure she’s wearing deodorant, and starts kissing Cody. Once she’s finished, she goes back for seconds and Cody seems pretty impressed.

Maxine is second. Cody stops before the kiss and pulls a small container of breath spray out of the pocket. He sprays his mouth and then Maxine’s, which does nothing but insult the uber heel. She pushes Cody’s face away from hers and demands that he kiss her hand instead. Cody does and moves on to Naomi. She sticks her hand up in his face and says that she wouldn’t kiss him if he was the last man on the planet. And furthermore, Naomi adds, she’s not about to kiss his lips after they’ve done touched Maxine and Kaitlyn. Cody takes the microphone from her and smirks. He says he has to many women carrying around his bags as it is and then of course, he insults Naomi’s backside. She’s furious. He doesn’t care and moves on to AJ.

AJ is nervous but she puts her hand on Cody’s shoulder anyway. Cody stops her, removes her hand, and takes it in his. He pulls out a nail file and begins filing her nails while telling her that he’s rooting for her because he’s sure she’s never kissed a boy before. He also adds that AJ has probably never stood next to someone as dashing as he is. AJ says that she is just going to go for it and she practically mauls Cody, knocking him to the ground in the process. AJ picks herself up from the ground, smooths down her dress, and Cody no doubt chooses her as the winner. She now joins Lucky Cannon as the only other person in WWE history to win a kissing contest.

We go backstage where AJ is walking along the corridor. Primo Colon, her pro, walks up behind her and he actually admits that he’s jealous of the way AJ kissed Cody. She blushes and tells him that she wants to talk to him about something. Primo encourages her to open up to him but AJ wants to do it in private. He takes his hand and leads him into a room which has WWE Hall of Famer Dusty Rhodes inside. He’s with the Bella twins and they’re fussing over his suit. Amazing. AJ and Primo stand there for a minute while Dusty talks and the Bellas hang all over him, then they exit. NXT fades to a Survivor Series promo.

Alicia Fox versus Kelly Kelly is up next. A-Fox is in the ring when our shot returns and Kelly starts making her way out. Can I just say that I hate her American outfit? I’m proud to be an American but geeze. That’s like Fourth of July or something. Anyway, the match gets started with shoving that leads into Kelly jumping on Alicia and pounding her into the mat. Alicia throws her off and starts taking control of the match. Kelly tries to get away from her by jumping on the ropes, but Alicia kind of stops that from happening and starts to work on Kelly’s arm. She whips her into the ropes, but Kelly is able to duck the clothesline attempt. She comes flying back at Alicia with a nice head scissors take-down but when she goes to follow it up, Alicia pulls her from the ring. Kelly lands on the outside with a thud and the referee begins the count.

Eventually, the Jacksonville, Florida native is able to pull herself back in the ring but Alicia is waiting. She hits Kelly with a backbreaker across her knee and starts to bend the blond beauty back in an uncomfortable position. Kelly fights back with a few knees to the side of Alicia’s head and the former Diva’s Champion is forced to break the hold. Alicia goes back towards Kelly, but Kelly fends her off with a jawbreaker. She gets to her feet and bounces off the ropes, but Alicia meets her with a drop kick. Both girls are down. Alicia bounces up first and she’s looking to finish the match off with her patent axe kick. She misses it this time and Kelly is able to send her back with a kick. 2K goes to the ropes, jumps on the second one, and takes Alicia down with a nice sunset flip. She goes for the cover, but Foxy kicks out. Kelly gets back to her feet and hits her finisher, which Alicia takes pretty badly. Nonetheless, the match is over now and Kelly has picked herself up a nice little win.

Backstage we see AJ and Primo again. They’re still holding hands and they’re still trying to find a private room. They open another door and this time they find Maxine and Hornswoggle. Maxine is all over the little guy and they’re full on making out. You really can’t deny what’s going on here. Maxine freaks when she sees AJ and Primo, and she pushes Hornswoggle away like he’s diseased. She desperately tries to cover up the situation but we saw what we saw. Maxine and Hornswoggle… I’m shaking my head!

The second challenge of the night is up next. It’s a wedding present scramble. Whichever girl opens the present with a flag in it wins. If AJ wins she will tie Naomi for immunity. Simple right? The contest gets underway and it takes no time for Kaitlyn to find the flag. She celebrates her victory, but it doesn’t really matter. Naomi, with three challenge wins, has become immune from elimination tonight.

We fade to some promos and whatnot. Then we’re treated to a shot of the ring. It’s being set up for the wedding and of course, the theme is gold!

After some more promos, we finally go backstage again. AJ and Primo are still walking around and AJ finally gives up on her mission to find a private room. She ends up taking Primo to a secluded spot by a large piece of equipment and she starts to tell him what she’s been trying to tell him all night. As she’s speaking, she notices that the equipment is shaking and she peaks around the corner. Low and behold there’s Dolph Ziggler and Kaitlyn locked in a passionate embrace. Dolph catches them staring and he breaks the kiss and it’s like a deer in headlights. Vickie is watching on the Titan Tron and she takes off backstage. Dolph and Kaitlyn desperately try to explain the situation to AJ and Primo but it is what it is. Vickie attacks Kaitlyn but Kaitlyn fends her off and tosses the wedding at her. Vickie ends up covered in a sheet cake and we cut back to the ring. Wow.

The wedding is next.

The rookies, pros, and Matt are all on stage when we return. Cody’s theme music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. Once his music fades, the music of Hall of Famer, “The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes hits. Everyone gives him a round of applause and he follows Cody. He’s the best man. Hornswoggle is out third and he is playing the role of ring bearer tonight. Interesting. Finally, the groom makes his way to the ring and Goldust is looking oh so dapper in his tux. Goldust hugs his father and brother and takes his spot. His music fades and the minister asks everyone to rise. The wedding march begins and Aksana walks out onto the stage. Wow, she looks stunning. She makes her way to the ring and Goldust helps her between the ropes. They take their spots and the minister begins the ceremony.

He welcomes all of us to the wedding and says that tonight we will witness the union of Aksana and Goldust. The bride and groom have written their own vows and Goldust is up first. He begins by telling Aksana she is beautiful and then admits that their relationship has been bizarre and very nontraditional. He tells her that by the time everything is done that she will never, ever forget the name of GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLDUST.

Aksana goes next and she thanks Goldust for saving her. She tells him that from this day forward she will love him like she loves this country and she starts chanting “U-S-A! U-S-A!” This is so adorable. The minister begins to speak again. He asks if anyone has any objections. When no one stands up, it cuts back to the minister and he says that if no one else will object, then he will.


Ted DiBiase makes his way on stage with Maryse on his arm. The minister joins them on stage and Ted tells everyone that they shouldn’t be surprised. This isn’t the first time money has destroyed a marriage. He tells Aksana and Goldust that since they’re not married, Aksana is going to be deported. He brings out Agent Dickapopulous (spelling fail much?) and Agent D has a set of handcuffs. Before Ted sends the agent to the ring, he tells Goldust that there is something he can do to save his mail order bride and pathetic sham of a marriage and that’s to give him back his Million Dollar Championship belt. Goldust and Aksana don’t want to do that.

Thankfully for them, Papa Rhodes jumps in. Dusty gets on the microphone and reveals that he had a feeling something like this was going to happen. He said he went all the way down to Mississippi and found himself a nice Southern minister and told him he had to perform this ceremony to make this couple happy. The music of WWE Hall of Famer Ted DiBiase, Sr. started to play and he made his way out to the ring. Teddy Jr. and Maryse were not happy to say the least. Senior got in the ring while Junior demanded to know what was going on. Senior says he’s doing it only because the look on his son’s face is priceless. Awwwww poor Teddy!

Ted Sr. asks for the rings. Goldust and Aksana place their rings on each other’s fingers and Ted Sr. officially announces them as man and wife. He tells Goldust to go kiss the bride. Dusty sneaks one in on Aksana before Goldust can manage but finally it looks like Goldust and Aksana are going to share that first kiss.

Then she slaps him.

Are you kidding me?

Aksana leaves the ring and everyone standing inside is completely baffled over what has just transpired. Methinks the new Mrs. Goldust just used her pro to gain citizenship.

Wow, and we still have an elimination.

When NXT returns, all the girls are standing by the ring. Aksana is smirking and the rest of the girls look nervous. Striker says that one of the girls their dream is going to end tonight after nine weeks of competition. The girls’ pictures start flashing on the screen and once it stops, it lands on Maxine. Maxine is the second girl eliminated from season three. She says her goodbyes in the most classiest of manners. She thanks the audience for the experience and wishes everyone else the best of luck. Alicia looks devastated that her rookie is gone and Maxine pauses on the ramp to hug Alicia and thank her for everything. NXT comes to a close.

Seriously, the best season three episode? It’s not difficult to make a case for it. I feel redundant having said “best episode ever” several times now, but surely that’s a good thing, right? As mediocre as this season has been as a whole, there have been several little gems to come out of it and tonight was no exception. Without further ado, lets take a look back at the top five highlights of tonight’s episode.

Coming in fifth is the series of backstage skits between AJ and Primo. AJ has long been labeled as just a “wrestler” and with good reason. She started on WWE television with an unlikeable personality, often coming across as fake and forced. That said, as the weeks have progressed, AJ seems to have gotten more and more comfortable in her own skin and tonight, she was just downright adorable. After giving “Dashing” Cody Rhodes the kiss of his life, AJ was shown backstage with pro. Primo actually admitted to AJ that he was jealous that she kissed Cody the way she did, and AJ, in turn, told Primo that since tonight was the elimination she wanted to tell him something. Primo encouraged her to open up to him and I loved watching them try to find a private place. Everytime they went to talk, something happened and AJ never got a chance to say what was on her mind. Who doesn’t love a good cliff-hanger?

In fourth place tonight is the match between Alica and Kelly. I don’t mind pro versus pro so much, especially on an elimination episode. We’ve seen it in seasons past (The Miz versus John Morrison S2) and Alicia doesn’t get to wrestle nearly enough for my tastes. The match was good. Kelly is really coming into her own as a performer, and I don’t really care to hear the argument that she’s limited in the ring. What Diva isn’t? All Divas do the same things in their matches and it’s ridiculous that Kelly seems to be the only girl who gets slammed for it. In fact, you can even go as far as to look at Superstar matches. Some of the top performers in the WWE today have about as many moves in their repertoires as the Divas. They just don’t get picked on as much because they have the benefit of storylines and great booking. Hello John Cena. Kelly hit her spots tonight, as did Alicia until the very end. The finish was blah, but the match was yay. Alicia is turning into one of my favorite workers. I truly hope she ends up getting another push in the near future.

I reckon I’ll give the kissing contest the middle spot tonight. It basically set the tone for the night and lead into all the great backstage segments that I thoroughly enjoyed. I’ll admit that I was pissed off when Hornswoggle came out and horrified that the girls were going to have to kiss him. But the way this segment was put together was just great. I loved Maxine kicking Hornswoggle to the curb and when Cody walked out, I was like “this is an improvement?!” Naomi dissing Cody was the highlight of the segment. Maxine acting like a lady and forcing Cody to kiss her hand was priceless. And of course, AJ just going for it was so fun to see. Cody seemed genuinely shocked as well as intrigued. Ew, is it wrong that I think I would find them adorable together? AJ should totally have a love triangle with Cody and Primo. It’s not like those two have anything else going on especially since Cody broke up with Drew McIntyre after losing the tag titles.

And kissing was definitely the theme of the night. We’ve already touched on AJ and Primo’s quest to find privacy but along the way they found both Maxine and Kaitlyn being naughty. After weeks of bad blood between Maxine and Hornswoggle, Maxine was caught kissing the little creature and she flipped out. Her acting was spot on. I’m going to miss this girl so much. She was brilliant tonight. My favorite couple, Dolph and Kaitlyn, were finally caught kissing. I love these two so much and I’m so glad that they finally made out! Love it.

Runner-up for highlight of the night is the wedding. There are so many elements that made this one of the better WWE weddings in recent memory that I’m unsure of where to even start. It amused the heck out of me to see Goldust’s family involved, and when the preacher objected I just knew Aksana was about to get deported/eliminated. The preacher revealing that everyone had a price made leap for joy because I thought DiBiase and Maryse were finally going to turn into the uber heels they should be. But Dusty Rhodes, God bless him, had a back-up plan and when Ted DiBiase, Sr. (who is actually a minister) I flipped out. Junior was understandably upset and the creepy immigration officer didn’t get a chance to arrest Aksana. The golden couple of NXT exchanged their vows, were pronounced man and wife, and when Goldust leaned in to kiss Aksana she slapped him right across the kisser. Wow! I’m embarrassed to admit it, but I never saw it coming. Great wedding. I love WWE weddings.

As far as the highlight of the night, that honor belongs to Maxine. She’s impressed all of us with her fantastic promo skills and even after an injury and a disaster of a match with another rookie, she came out smelling like a rose. Maxine had a lot of obstacles thrown her way and personally, I’ve been impressed with the way she’s handled herself through all the adversity. It had to be scary almost having your neck injured and I’m sure she felt awful after her match with Kaitlyn. She came back with a great match with Naomi that certainly shut me up about her wrestling skills and I truly hope that Maxine ends up on the main roster. I want to watch her climb her way to the top because in my mind there’s no doubt that’s where she belongs albeit as a wrestler or someone’s manager.

Until next week, Cryssi out!

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