HomeWWENXT Latest Posts Indies MLP To Crown First Women’s Champion In May NXT Meiko Satomura Visits WWE Performance Center, Will Be Backstage At NXT Roadblock CMLL Zeuxis Retains CMLL Title in Main Event! Taya Valkyrie and Lady Frost to Compete for the Vacant CMLL Tag Titles CMLL India Sioux Wins The Mexican National Women’s Championship! NXT Spoilers By Melanie August 10, 2012 Spoilers for future episodes of NXT below: Spoiler Taping 1: Audrey Marie defeated Tamina Snuka via pin fall after Tamina misses the Superfly Splash. Raquel Diaz comes out after the match and cuts a promo saying “NXT doesn’t need athletes, it needs Divas like her” then continues to mark an L on Tamina’s forehead with lipstick. Taping 2: Paige defeated Alicia Fox via pin fall following her Knight Light finisher. Paige is hugely over with the NXT crowd. Fox worked as a heel for the match. (Source: DD reader Jordan Novak) August 10, 2012 Melanie Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Latest Posts Indies MLP To Crown First Women’s Champion In May NXT Meiko Satomura Visits WWE Performance Center, Will Be Backstage At NXT Roadblock CMLL Zeuxis Retains CMLL Title in Main Event! Taya Valkyrie and Lady Frost to Compete for the Vacant CMLL Tag Titles CMLL India Sioux Wins The Mexican National Women’s Championship! Don't Miss Indies MLP To Crown First Women’s Champion In May NXT Meiko Satomura Visits WWE Performance Center, Will Be Backstage At NXT Roadblock CMLL Zeuxis Retains CMLL Title in Main Event! Taya Valkyrie and Lady Frost to Compete for the Vacant CMLL Tag Titles CMLL India Sioux Wins The Mexican National Women’s Championship! CMLL Dark Silueta Wins the Irma Gonzáles 2025 Cup!