Friday, March 14, 2025

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NXT Spoilers for Tonight

Spoilers for tonight’s NXT below:

Michael Cole came out to a ton of heat. Josh Matthews got some cheers. Matt Striker came out to start the show to some cheers. He introduced this season’s pros and then the NXT Divas came out wearing Halloween costumes. Kaitlyn was dressed as Vickie Guerrero, and Aksana was dressed as a devil.

A backstage shot aired of Ted DiBiase and Maryse.

1. Naomi defeated Maxine. Both women wrestled in their Halloween costume, and Naomi won with a headbutt in four minutes.

Backstage, a man told Goldust and Aksana that if they don’t get married next week, they will take her away. Goldust told her everything will be okay.

2. Brie Bella (w/Nikki Bella) defeated A.J. (w/Primo) Brie dominated the early portion of the match. There was a long chin lock by Bella, but A.J. made a comeback with some kicks and got on a roll. Brie got the win thanks to interference from Nikki. Primo argued with the referee afterward. They actually had a good, back and forth Divas match.

Maryse said she didn’t want to be there because it smelled like vomit. Ted told her he was there to get his Million Dollar Title belt back. She told him he’s rich and should buy another one. He said the belt has been in his family for years. Ted told Maryse that she was going to help him get it back. She walked off.

A table was set up in the ring and all the rookies were brought back out. A “Stand Up For WWE” video was shown.

The rookie Divas had a candy eating contest. Hornswoggle came out to help Striker. The pros cheered on their rookies and the crowd chanted “eat, eat, eat.” Maxine won the contest. She slapped Hornswoggle on the head. A.J. pushed Maxine. Kaitlyn was choking on a piece of candy. Hornswoggle helped get the candy out, and it flew all over Vickie Guerrero.

Vickie was shown screaming backstage. Dolph told Kaitlyn she didn’t want to go into the room with Vickie, and then he flirted with her. Vickie told Dolph to come with him, but he bailed and left Vickie in the room.

A video invitation was shown or the Goldust and Aksana wedding that will take place on next week’s show.

3. Goldust and Aksana defeated Ted DiBiase and Maryse. Maryse slapped Aksana in the face and went on the offensive. Maryse got the better of their exchange. The men tagged in and Goldust jumped out to the advantage. DiBiase dropkicked Goldust to the outside and slammed his head on the announcers’ table. Maryse kicked Goldust while the referee was distracted. Later, Aksana rolled up Maryse for the win.

After the match, they all fought over the Million Dollar Title belt. Goldust clotheslined Ted, and then he and Aksana left with the title belt to conclude the WWE NXT taping. (Source:

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