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Perfect 10: Week of October 13th

The Perfect 10 returns! The premise is simple: We will rank the ten Divas or Knockouts who we think have had the best week of television, similar to’s Power 25. Who will make the grade and who will fall short? It’s all new and exclusive only at Diva Dirt!

WEEK OF OCTOBER 13th – OCTOBER 19th, 2008

10. Michelle McCool (New Entry)
The Divas Champion was barely seen on SmackDown but sent a message to her new No. 1 Contender, Maria, nonetheless. Michelle has been a dominant champion thus far, will she be able to overcome her new challenger?

Erin: As much as I dislike the idea of Maria being a contender, it’ll be nice to see a different opponent for Michelle. Will this twist her babyface image a bit? I sorta hope so.
Melanie: I expect this will be a simple squash on her way to continuing her feud with Maryse

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09. Maryse (Last Week: New Entry)
Last week, Maryse fell off the chart after placing #2 the week before. This week she’s back and has to work her way up the ladder. She seemed to do a good job by dominating the ‘Divas Las Vegas’ pole match on SmackDown, despite losing.

Erin: She came pretty close, but she’s had so many title shots, I’m not surprised she was passed over this time. Maybe she and Michelle will resume their feud after Maria gets her shot. Some have even speculated that it could become a triple threat. We’ll see where it goes..
Melanie: Maryse is still the #1 Contender if you ask me, she was built up so strong.

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08. ODB (New Entry)
ODB and her tag team partner, Rhaka Khan scored a huge victory over the Beautiful People & Cute Kip at Bound For Glory with their partner, Rhino.

Erin: It’s a step down from being a title contender, but a win’s a win. Someone’s got to put the Beautiful People in their place, and she’s definitely capable of doing that.
Melanie: ODB has rarely been on Impact lately, she could be used far better.

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07. Maria (New Entry)
Scoring her biggest victory in her entire career, Maria earned the opportunity to face the Divas Champion, Michelle McCool on SmackDown.

Erin: Her victory really shocked me, as it was starting to look like she was being left behind on SmackDown. I’m not 100% sure she deserves the title shot, however.. But I’m still excited to see how she and Michelle work together – a face vs. face match could be interesting.
Melanie: I agree, a face vs face match is something new and fresh. We’ve seen it done with the Superstars but never the Divas, could make for interesting booking.

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06. Roxxi (New Entry)
Despite a loss at Bound For Glory, Roxxi picked up an impressive win over Raisha Saeed on Impact and continued her feud with the dominant Awesome Kong.

Erin: She’s handling the 2-on-1 thing pretty well, but Kong didn’t factor in much on Impact, so it’s tough to tell if Roxxi can really match up or not. Raisha is more of a thorn in her side than anything else, so that victory wasn’t huge. Kong’s the main target.
Melanie: Roxxi is getting a real push at the moment which is so rewarding to see. She may not look beautiful and Diva-ish, but she’s a great talent and it’s nice to see that rewarded.

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05. Taylor Wilde (New Entry)
A brand new entry at #5 is the Knockouts Champion, Taylor Wilde who successfully defended her title against Awesome Kong and Roxxi at Bound For Glory.

Erin: She just seems to win the big matches and nothing else. Melanie called her a “paper champion” once and I wholeheartedly agree. I’m not sure why they’re keeping the title on her, as they’re not really investing that much in her it seems, but they must have some idea of what they’re doing.
Melanie: I honestly thought Bound For Glory would be where Taylor dropped the title. She’s barely on Impact, never given real storylines or built up as a champion. Her being Knockouts Champion is just a technicality at this point.

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04. Brie Bella (Last Week: #3)
Brie’s winning streak was hit by an iceberg on SmackDown. The latina Diva was on the losing end of SmackDown’s ‘Divas Las Vegas’ match.

Erin: It’s not a *real* loss as it wasn’t really a one-on-one of tag team match, but her momentum was stopped. The Divas Championship wasn’t her goal right now anyways, so it wasn’t that huge of a deal. She still got the best of Victoria and Natalya, who are her main targets, so that’s all that matters.
Melanie: Like Erin says, this doesn’t really affect her undefeated streak.

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03. Rhaka Khan (Last Week: #5)
Last week’s #5 moves up to #3! Rhaka Khan and partners, ODB and Rhino, picked up a victory at Bound For Glory.

Erin: It was cool to see her stick up to Kip and beat on the Beautiful People. She really is a unique Knockout, and I hope to see more of her.
Melanie: She’s got a great look but not a very good worker.

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02. Kelly Kelly (Last Week: #6)
Moving up four spots is Kelly Kelly, a Diva who has notched up two successive wins in as many weeks. Kelly seems to be skyrocketing to the top. Will she able to grab the #1 spot?

Erin: She seems relegated to a feud with Jillian, which isn’t quite a Women’s Title feud. Maybe she’ll get there soon, but continuously beating Jillian doesn’t amount to much when Beth Phoenix is off fighting someone else.
Melanie: I think WWE is slowly building up Kelly and I expect her to get a title shot by the end of the year or even at the Royal Rumble.

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01. Beth Phoenix (Last Week: #1)
Continuing her reign is the Glamazon and Women’s Champion, Beth Phoenix. Despite not being in competition this week, Beth put a stamp on pop culture by bodyslamming Jackass star, Johnny Knoxville.

Erin: She nearly dropped him! That was awkward.. But being on television with a celebrity guest always ensures some outside exposure, and that’s the point. She also displayed her toughness in kicking his ass. That’s our champ!
Melanie: At this point it’s really just a case of what will she do next? She’s gotten a lot of exposure of late outside the women’s division.

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