Tuesday, December 31, 2024

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Ratings Are in for Impact Wrestling’s Knockouts Main Event

Quarter-hour ratings are in for last week’s final Impact Wrestling of 2011 which was headlined by a Knockouts Championship match.

The show averaged a 1.16 cable rating, according to PWTorch.

Meanwhile, in the quarter hour breakdown, unfortunately the Knockouts weren’t able to grab the highest ratings for the night as the Gail Kim versus Mickie James main event match scored a 1.13 rating in the final quarter of the two-hour show. While it wasn’t the most watched segment of the night, the good news is that the match didn’t lose viewers either. The segment held on to the 1.13 rating from the previous match which featured Kurt Angle vs RVD.

The opening segment, which featured Madison Rayne, Gail Kim, Tara and Brooke Tessmacher, achieved a 1.17 rating, higher than the main event.

The most-watched segment of the night was quarter two which pulled a 1.22 rating.

On the whole, the show was on par with TNA’s average ratings for 2011, reports PWTorch.

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