Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Results from NCW Femmes Fatales 4 DVD Taping: First Champion Crowned, Luna Tribute

Complete results from last night’s NCW Femmes Fatales 4 DVD taping below, courtesy of John Hyperion:

* Sherbrooke Connexion and Angie def. Sengolene, Missy, & Eve via double team Ace Crusher. The masked Kira picked up the pin.

* Moonlight def. Xandra Bale via reversal into crucifix pin. This was a pretty high-flying match. Both ladies are young but have tons of potential. Xandra spiffed up her look quite a bit from FF III.

At this point a very nice Luna tribute video was shown, as well as a discussion of her importance to Montreal wrestling, and a 10 bell salute.

Main Show:
1. LuFisto def. Kalamity via submission to Konnichiwa-Goodnight! This match was a very good opener where Kalamity again showed how solid she is, like an evil version of LuFisto. LuFisto looked incredible and had brand new gear with wicked Chaparrita ASARI like shoulder pads.

2. Portia Perez (w/ Nicole Matthews) def. Cheerleader Melissa via Superkick. Portia came out with a mouth full of cookies (double chocolate chip) and offered one to Melissa, which was not accepted. Massive assist goes to Nicole Matthews, as she got quite a bit involved in this one and helped Portia win when she took Melissa’s foot off the ropes during the final 3 count. Melissa took out her frustration by chewing up a cookie and spitting it on the ref.

3. Mistress Belmont def. She Nay Nay via Michinoku Driver II. Belmont has a bit of a love story going with the ref, but he turned down her advances post-match.

4. Mary Lee Rose and Karen Brooks def. Anastasia Ivy and Roxie Cotton (w/ Evilyn Fox) via Tornado DDT then Ace Crusher.

Post-Match Ivy stayed in the ring as it was announced that she’d be taking on Allison Danger at Femmes Fatales V on March 12th. The crowd was quite excited and changed “Queen of Old School” for Danger. Ivy did not seem to invite the step up in competition.

5. Mercedes Martinez def. Nicole Matthews (w/ Portia Perez) via Fisherman Buster.. This was a really good, hard hitting match. If you want to know why Nicole is called the “Strong Style B*tch* in some places, this is it. Portia had a special chair brought out to ring side so that she could “relax” before her title match. Mercedes still chopped her.

7. La Parfaite Caroline def. Sweet Cherrie via Jackknife pin. This was another good match and both ladies were very impressive. LPC came out in a full body containment suit and sprayed the fans, and her opponent, with disinfectant.

8. Triple Threat: PJ Tyler def. Sassy Stephie and Cat Power via top rope crossbody. The baddies tried to work together initially, but ending up bumping heads and dropping a good one to PJ. After the match Cat viciously attacked PJ, then cut a promo about how they came up in wrestling together and that PJ was always favored by the trainers. She said she wanted to end her career at the next FF show, so there will meet in a Street Fight.

9. Amazing Kong def. Anna Minoushka via Amazing Press. Wow is all I can really say. This was a spectacular brawl that saw it’s way all past the guardrails and into the crowd. Fantastic showing from both, with no sign of Kong slowing down a bit due to her recent injury issues. Wonderful!

10. Femmes Fatales Title Match – No DQ: LuFisto def. Portia Perez (w/ Nicole Matthews) via Burning Hammer. Another stellar match that saw both brawl all over including Portia getting tossed through the concession window. Nicole got involved with a MASSIVE lariat to LuFisto. Kalamity also came out to attack LuFisto, however Melissa and Mercedes saved the day and dragged them to the back.

LuFisto got a standing ovation from the crowd for her performance and was very emotional as NCW-FF promoter Stephane wrapped the title around her waist. It was a truly special moment as LuFisto has gone through so much and done so much. To see her overwhelmed with emotion after wrestling two great matches, with a broken hand mind you, is something I’ll never forget.

However, the celebration may have been cut short a bit by the announcement that the first challenger for the title with be Joshi legend Ayako Hamada. Ayako was previously scheduled to appear at FF II but travel issues prevented it. March will be the perfect time to bring her back though, it seems.

Overall this show was an absolute blast. Femmes Fatales continues to grow and improve much in the same way SHIMMER did. It’s really fantastic to the expansion of serious women’s wrestling across the continent. I am already looking forward to attending the next show!

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