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Pro Wrestling: EVE presented its latest event, After The Storm this weekend. Full results below, courtesy of Diva Dirt’s Jack, who was on hand at the London show.
- Unlike traditional tournaments, the four Queen of the Ring qualifiers will lead to a Fatal-4-Way final.
- Pollyanna defeated Sammii Jayne with a Reverse Piledriver. Blue Nikita came out afterwards to call Polly out for stealing her finisher.
- Kay Lee Ray defeated Erin Angel via Gory Bomb.
- Toni Storm defeated Zoe Lucas via Celtic Cross.
- Blue Nikita defeated Ayesha Ray with a Celtic Cross.
- Rhia O’Reilly defends the Pro Wrestling: EVE Title against Jetta with a double arm DDT. Jetta was legit busted open.
- Blue Nikita defeated Kay Lee Ray, Toni Storm and Pollyana via Reverse Tombstone.
For more information on Pro Wrestling: EVE, visit their
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