It’s been almost a month since the last SHIMMER match on Ring of Honor, but the wait is over. Watch below as SHIMMER Champion, MsChif (with the equally creepy Jimmy Jacobs) takes on former SHIMMER Tag Champ, Neveah in non-title action:

When I initially heard about this match, I was positive it would be a total squash match for the champ. After all, Neveah is a relative newcomer to SHIMMER and ROH, and is used to competing in a tag team. Much to my delight, Neveah put on a great showing in this match. I was sure she’d fall flat without  Ashley Lane aka Madison Rayne, but thankfully I was wrong.
Neveah starts off the match, keeping MsChif grounded with a series of headlock takeovers and forearms. A well-placed backfist a la Awesome Kong puts the Champion in control and she lets Nevaeh have it with a sick looking double stomp to the back.
Neveah tries to get back in the game, but is taken out by a stiff clothesline. Here’s where things get a bit sketchy. MsChif executes a awkward looking standing submission into a (botchy) modified gourdbuster. The submission reminded me of Melina vs Beth at the Royal Rumble or MsChif vs Melissa on SHIMMER Vol.1, just not as good. Nice try, though.
In a attempt to dust Neveah off, MsChif eats mat on a beautiful moonsault. Neveah takes advantage, executing an impressive flurry of attacks and awesome german suplex.
Fast forward to Jimmy distracting the referee, which allows MsChif to hit Neveah with the green mist followed by The Desecrator for the win.
Steven’s Thoughts:
Once again, the SHIMMER girls impress on Ring of Honor. Like I said above, I expected a squash match to put over the Champion, but was proven wrong. Neveah managed to prove herself as a singles competitor, and I see big things for her in the future. I would even put her ahead of her former tag partner, Madison Rayne, in terms of skills. I wouldnt be shocked to see her competing in TNA sometime in the near future.
MsChif was impressive as usual, save for the slightly botched finisher at the end. My only gripe would be MsChif’s association with Jimmy Jacobs. I don’t care for the way she’s used him as a crutch to win her last two matches. MsChif is more than capable of handling herself; having Jacobs there to cheat and distract just takes away from her as a Champion. Besides that, he’s just really weird and creepy. Â
What did you think of the match? Do you want to see more of SHIMMER on ROH? Sound off in the comments!