Monday, March 17, 2025

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Rosemary’s fight for Allie’s soul finalizes during The Dark War

The saving of Allie’s soul has reached a moment of epic proportions as The Dark War culminates on IMPACT.

The match took place last night between Team Rosemary vs. Team Su Yung. A three-on-three tag team match saw Rosemary – along with Jordynne Grace and Kiera Hogan – save Allie from Yung’s grasp. Allie and Yung sought help from the Undead Maid of Honor (also known as Buggy Nova) to round out their team.

Rosemary made her way to the ring with a skull mask and received a big reaction from the crowd. The ominous red light shines on the ring throughout the match giving it that evil feel. The babyfaces showed dominance at the start of the match. Hogan showed strength over Yung, but that did not last long as Rosemary and Allie tagged into the match.

Allie seemingly wanted nothing to do with Rosemary and tagged in the Undead Maid of Honor to do her dirty work. In continuing to avoid Rosemary, Allie had her moments against both Grace and Hogan. The upper hand for the heels happened when Hogan was tied up in the wrong corner for the heels to take control.

After each Knockout hit their finishers on one another, Allie hits the Codebreaker on Grace. After she “folded Jordynne in half,” per commentator Don Callis’s words, Rosemary lurks up behind Allie to finally get her hands on her.

The Undead Maid of Honor ends up holding Rosemary back to receive the mist from Yung, but she is able to escape resulting in the mist hitting Yung’s wedding companion instead. Rosemary hits the Spear on the Undead Maid of Honor to pick up the win and to retrieve Allie’s soul back.

The aftermath of the match saw Grace and Hogan holding Allie down so that Rosemary could place a collar with a leash around her neck. Father James Mitchell holds Yung back on the ramp as Rosemary walks with Allie. Allie tries to grasp a hold of Yung as she is being led up the ramp to the stage. Mitchell allows the Demon Assassin to take Allie per the deal that was made.

The Dark War is quoted by the commentary as being “over.”

Do you think the war is over between Rosemary and Su Yung? Will The Bunny be officially be resurrected by The Demon? Let us know in the comments what you thought of The Dark War.

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