Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Salinas Confirms TNA Departure

As we mentioned earlier today, Shelly Martinez, the girl formerly known as Salinas has left TNA. She has posted the following blog on her MySpace page, confirming the news:

Hey everyone! First I want to say to everyone who ordered my photos sorry for the delay. The printing held it up so I will send those off this week and have a little gift for you guys or gals for the trouble!!

Anywho, this blog is about choices. Sometimes in life you find yourself saying “I have no choice” and you follow your heart even if it seems at the time your heart may be breaking when you do follow your heart and commit to it. I made a big decision recently and when it is time to talk about it I promise I will have a follow up blog explaining. I care about all my fans and appreciate your support. On a good note, when you find it’s time to close a door another door (weather you looking or not) opens right up and I’ve peaked inside and decided to open it and walk right in LOL

Starting tomorrow I will be begin to film an Italian inspired thriller. I had rehearsal yesterday and my costar and I have great chemistry together so it will be grand!! YAY!! I am working on having my camera guy shoot some behind the scene for my new site!! Yes, I am disappointed to lose something important to me for this role but at the same time change, scary change, always seems to lead to bigger and better things. I will keep you all posted, until then remember no matter what 5150 LAX por vida!!!!


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