Thursday, March 6, 2025

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SmackDown Redux (December 6th, 2013): Tamina Tries to Slow Natalya’s TLC Roll

Hello Diva fans and welcome to this week’s SmackDown Redux! As announced on Monday, next Sunday Natalya will get a shot at the Divas Championship at TLC, when she faces off against AJ Lee. However, Natalya has her hands full tonight, as she takes on Tamina Snuka with AJ on commentary. Can Natalya keep her momentum going strong, or will she fall to the Polynesian Princess? Check out the match below:

We kick off our festivities with Natalya already in the ring. Tamina and AJ are out next (accompanied by Leather Vest). Tamina climbs into the ring, AJ takes her place at the commentary booth and our Divas match is underway!

As soon as the bell rings, Natalya locks in a side headlock, but is tossed away by Tamina. Nattie switches to a different approach and goes for a O’Connor Roll. Tamina blocks the pin attempt, but gets blasted with a discus clothesline from Natalya for a one count.

Natalya rolls out of the ring to the apron and goes for a shoulderblock, but Tamina scouts it and sends her flying into the Turnbuckle. Before Natalya can gather herself, she’s attacked by Leather Vest (what a heel!), allowing Tamina to ram Nattie into the ringframe, before throwing her back into the ring for a near fall.

Frustrated, Tamina tries for a submission, but Natalya reverses the hold and lands two boots in her opponent’s face. Natalya tries to get back into the match, but gets steamrolled into the corner by Tamina. Tamina charges in for a huge splash and gets a face full of turnbuckle for her trouble, which allows Natalya to roll her up for another nearfall.

Natalya goes to finish Tamina off with the Sharpshooter and gets away and planted with a huge Samoan Drop. Tamina goes to the high rent district for the Superbly Splash, but Natalya rolls away and pins Tamina to pick up the win.

Thoughts: Decent, straightforward match between that served its purpose well: Putting Natalya over as a threat to AJ’s reign as champion.

Speaking of AJ’s reign, I really feel like it’s coming to an end sooner than later. WWE really seems to have lost direction when it comes to AJ’s character and it would be wise to step away from her and build someone else up. That said, I do think the better choice would have been Brie Bella, especially during the first half of Total Divas, but I think Natalya could make a good, if not better champion if used well.

That’s all for this week. Until next week, guys!

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