Sunday, March 16, 2025

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SmackDown Redux (July 25th, 2014): Cameron Lends Paige a Hand

Hello all, and welcome to this week’s SmackDown Redux! While no one got arrested on the Blue Brand this week, we did have a match between Paige and Naomi with a special appearance. Check out the match below:

Before the match we are treated to video chronicling the rivalry between Paige and the new Divas Champion AJ Lee, as well as the back story between Cameron and Naomi.

Onto the match, we go to the ring and Naomi is awaiting her opponent. Paige is out next, and she skips around the ring, mimicking a certain former geek goddess.

Paige enters the ring, grabs a mic and proclaims that she’s still friend with AJ, even after the brutal attack on Raw.

The official signals for the bell, but before the match can even get started, Cameron’s music hits and Naomi immediately gets distracted. Paige takes advantage and hits the Rampaige, followed by the P.T.O, for the win.

Post-match, Cameron attacks her former partner in the ring. Naomi tries to fight back, but Cameron gets the upper hand, tossing Naomi out to the floor.

Thoughts: WWE, you mess up a lot of stuff, but you are breathing new life into the Divas division. Between Brie/Stephanie, AJ/Paige and Naomi/Cameron, I am loving the direction the division is heading. I can’t remember the last time this much effort has been put into storylines involving the Divas. Knowing WWE, it can end at any time, so I’m just going to enjoy it while it lasts.

That’s all for this week, guys! Until next time… “This is my house!!!!”

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