Sunday, March 16, 2025

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Stephanie McMahon on ‘Live With Chris Jericho’: Talks Childhood, Triple H, #GiveDivasAChance & More

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Tonight, the latest Live With Chris Jericho WWE Network special saw Stephanie McMahon field questions from her former on-screen rival Chris Jericho, touching on her childhood, what it’s like working for her father, her relationship with Triple H, #GiveDivasAChance, her favorite match and more.

Recap below courtesy of PWInsider.

Having her father as her boss: She said it’s very challenging, especially since her father is Vince McMahon. She said everyone’s dad has quirks and with her dad, she has to work super hard because he’s driven and that makes her work so much more. They noted Vince was standing there off-camera giving them the finger. Stephanie cracked up. She said the bar of expectation is set very high. She noted Vince grew up living in a trailer and fought for everything he had and Vince wants her to fight and earn it every step of the day.

How Vince deals with mistakes: Stephanie said that she’s made mistakes and that’s the worst feeling, especially when he’s disappointed because he’s so emotional – especially he’s also her dad. She noted that as a performer, he made her re-shoot things. There was a segment where she and Shane McMahon were sent back out at a TV Taping in Boston to re-shoot a segment during the time period where she “owned” ECW in the storylines. Steph said that making it worse was that it was the Boston crowd, saying, “They knew” what was going on and can be “so unforgiving.” She said it was an awesome lesson to be learned but when she came back out there, she had the weight of the world on her because she didn’t want to let fans or anyone else down. Vince warned her, “You can’t let this effect the rest of your performance.”

Being compared to Vince: Stephanie said that Shane McMahon calls her the “Vincess.” She said that she’s been around him so much and studied him so much, but there’s no one like him. She said that to be compared to him is a huge honor.

Her first WWE memories: She told a story about being young (3-6 years range) and being at a show in the Philadelphia Spectrum and seeing George Steele backstage, completely in character and being so scared, she hid behind her father, who laughed. Knowing her dad would defend her, she was surprised that Vince was laughing and then realized her dad was laughing about how bad Steele felt that she was scared and Steele tried to talk to her to make her feel better.

The early days of her relationship with Triple H: Stephanie said that she feels Vince sort of put them together. Jericho joked that the master manipulator strikes again. Steph said, “Yes, he does.” He would say things like Steph needs a guy like HHH but then Shane would say, but not HHH and Vince would say, No not him. So, in a way, he sort of suggested it.

Shane leaving the WWE: [Jericho] asked her if it’s hard that Shane isn’t in the company anymore. Stephanie said, “Of course it is. Shane is my big brother, right?” She said Shane was her protector and best friend growing up. She said WWE is a business and passion that they shared. She said there were other things he wanted to do and made a decision and she supports it. She misses him in the company and says that there is nothing more fun than working with him and “Boy, does he deliver.” She said that she still has a good relationship with him and will see him on Mother’s Day. She said that maybe he’ll come back one day.

Working an angle with Ronda Rousey: Stephanie said that she doesn’t know what the plan will be going forward because she doesn’t know if Ronda Rousey will be back. Stephanie said she was a huge Rousey fan and she is a woman drawing main event money for UFC. She said Rousey is inspiring and she wants her own daughters to look up to someone like Rousey. Stephanie said Rousey is a legitimate bad-ass and could have broken her arm in a second. Stephanie said the crowd was into it and chanting for Ronda because she ever hopped the rail.

#GiveDivasAChance: Jericho asked whether the type of personality and attitude Ronda brings and the fact that Steph wants women that can inspire her own children could lead to changes in how the Divas are portrayed. She said that she hopes so and talked about the #GiveDivasAChance campaign online and how she’s pushing every day for the women to be given more time. They talked about how amazing the WWE NXT Divas are and that they hope it can translate to the main roster. Jericho suggested perhaps using SmackDown to test it.

Her favorite moment/match: Stephanie said her favorite moment and match was the Summerslam 2014 with Brie Bella because it was the first time in 11 years she had wrestled. She said to have a match at the PPV that was one of the best matches on the show after closing Raw several times was amazing, especially having her daughters in the crowd. She said that was one of her favorite moments and noted that if her kids get into the business, they will be fifth generation.

You can read the full recap on

The interview is available to watch on demand now on the WWE Network.

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