Friday, March 21, 2025

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Tara Blogs on Brush with Skin Cancer

TNA Knockout, Tara — real name Lisa Marie Varon — posted a blog on her MySpace page, telling fans about her recent brush with skin cancer. Varon, 39, writes that she found a mole near her collar bone which turned out to be cancerous. She adds that the mole was cut off and the remaining tissue around the area will be dealt with next week. Read the excerpt below:

Second, when I was younger, I was a sun worshipper. WORSHIPPER. I grew up in the desert of Southern California, and I would lay out for hours on end. Even recently, I would tan indoors, because I think it makes me look leaner on TV. Well, that has all caught up to me. I went to the dermatologist because I had a bump on my hip. It turned out to be nothing. But the doctor noticed a mole near my collar bone that didn’t look quite right. He cut it off and tested it, and it turned out to be Basal Cell Carcinoma. That is the most common form of skin cancer. He cut most of it off, and next week, they are going to cut out the surrounding tissue and I should be 100% It’s it super minor, because they caught it early. So that some of my MySpace friends can possibly catch it early also, here is a link on what to look for… . Also, always wear sun block for extended periods outdoors.

Glad to hear Lisa found the mole early and is doing just fine. It’s great to see her using her own experience to create awareness for her fans. Be sure to check out the link she posted and exercise due care when out in the sun!

Read her full blog here.

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