Add another former TNA Knockout to Pro-Wrestling: EVE’s big event on November 10th.
Following in the footsteps of Angelina Love, who will make her EVE debut at EVE 10: WrestleFever, former Knockouts Champion Taylor Wilde will be coaxed out of retirement for a special appearance at the same event.
RELATED: Exclusive: Angelina Love Heading to the UK for Pro-Wrestling: EVE
Wilde, aka Shantelle Taylor, originally from Canada, relocated to the UK earlier this year after getting married in February.
As well as appearing on the show, fans in Sudbury, Suffolk will have the unique opportunity to meet and greet with Wilde in her first appearance on the British wrestling scene since relocating.
The former Knockouts Champ and Knockouts Tag Team Champ isn’t expected to compete in a match, which begs the question, what will her role be? And what will happen when she and one-time TNA rival, Angelina, reunite?
Wilde retired from the ring in February 2011 after a match with Alissa Flash in San Francisco.