It seems as though Tiffany may remain the interim General Manager of ECW for a while longer. At first, the WWE wasn’t sold on her talents on the mic as well as her inability to connect with the fans. However, now it appears that things are looking up for the ECW Diva. It had been rumored that Tiffany was going to be replaced by Tommy Dreamer once his contract expires in June 2009 (at Extreme Rules), but the catch was if Dreamer even wanted the job. Well, it now has come to light that Dreamer does not want to be the General Manager of ECW if he doesn’t achieve his goal of being champion before his contract expires. He took to his blog to talk about the situation:
I think Tiffany does a great job [as the GM]. She is impartial which I can’t be in that postion and she looks so much better than me in a skirt. I do not want a non wrestling role if things don’t work out after June 6. I am all in as they say in poker. Win and I accomplish my dream. Lose and my dream is over!
From the looks of things, I’d say Tiffany should be pretty thrilled to hear this news. Whether or not company officials like her as the GM remains to be seen, but so long as they can’t find a replacement, she’s set to keep her job.
Aside from this, and I might be the only one, I am really warming up to Tiffany being the General Manager of ECW. I think throughout the time she’s spent as GM, her mic skills have really improved and she seems to be getting over with the audience as a big fan favorite. Plus, I believe keeping her as the General Manager for now will be better for her character in the future.
Judging by her recent match in FCW where she teamed with Angela Fong to take on Katie Lea and Alicia Fox, she has also come a long way inside the ring. As long as she continues working in FCW on her wrestling skills, I think keeping her in front of the ECW audience and working on her speaking will only help her when she eventually transitions into the ring as a full-time ECW Diva where feuds with Natalya and Katie Lea, and maybe even Serena down the line will be great matches.
What do y’all think? Are you finally warming up to Tiffany as the General Manager?