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TNA iMPACT! – May 08, 2008


Tonight on Total Nonstop Action, there was a small segment where all the Knockouts were crowded into Jim Cornette’s office. Cornette stated that he may have went over the top for making the “head shaving” match at Sacrifice, but planned on making it up to them by planning a special match for tonight. The match that was made was all the Diva’s that were participating in the head shaving match Sacrifice, were to compete in tonight’s “immunity” match. There would be a long metal pole in the corner of the ring, and the Knockout who climbed the pole and grabbed the pair of sheers at the top – would win immunity and be able to avoid getting her head shaved completely bald at the Pay-Per-View.

Later on, the match went underway and all the Knockouts piled out to the ring one by one. As the bell sounded each Knockout ran at one another and clobbered each other to the mat. Angelina Love and Velvet Sky double teamed everyone, Christy Hemme and Salinas battled it out quite a bit, and it kept changing variously. Out of all the Knockouts within the ring, the Knockout that seemed to be getting the biggest push out of the bunch was Traci Brooks. If anything, I can see her winning the Number One Contender’s match for Knockout Championship at Sacrifice above everyone else.

The match was pretty strong for the most part. I enjoyed it more so than WWE’s Diva matches from the past two weeks or so. TNA Production is starting to have a little more value, and I’m beginning to have a deep admiration for it’s Women’s Division.

Individual Assessments 

Angelina Love: Did good within the ring. Both her and Sky’s double team moves were well worked out. Angelina seems to be good with double team moves due to her previous experience in Ohio Valley Wrestling with Krissy Vaine. I’ve seen better from Love – and expect to next week.

Velvet Sky: Still working the cheap highlights and flabby ass this week. She did good within the ring, mostly on the parts where Angelina Love was there to help her execute the double team moves.

Traci Brooks: Love the fact that TNA finally got her out of that dragging angle with Robert Roode. Traci has definitely spread her wings and is heading for the Knockout Championship.

Jacqueline: Boring. Not much to say here.

Salinas: Liked the little Cinco De Mayo hat she had during her entrance. She did better within the ring tonight. I hope to see more improvement for future matches.

Christy Hemme: Loved the outfit, loved the hair. I’d kill myself if I saw Hemme go bald. I love her too much and don’t want to see her walking around looking like a bald teenage boy with a rack. She did well in the match and I liked how she went for her finisher instead of the sheers.

O.D.B: Usual loud pop from the fans. She seemed to get knocked on her ass quite a few times; more so, than usual. I thought for sure she’d get the win, but then who would go bald at Sacrifice?

Roxxi Laveaux: Eerie. Nailed an amazing Voodoo slam on Salinas. Sold many of the other Knockouts’ moves. Definitely had good ring work tonight on iMPACT!

Gail Kim: The match didn’t show too much of Gail Kim. She seemed to be in the background most of the time, fighting with whoever got in her way. In the end, she snuck into main focus and took the win from O.D.B; I expected as much. Why would TNA shave it’s “Knockout Pioneer’s” hair, anyways?

Make sure to purchase TNA’s Pay-Per-View, Sacrifice, if you want to see which Diva wins a shot at the title, and which Divas get her hair cut, snipped, and shaved off! Totally exciting!

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