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TNA Impact Spoilers: December 23rd & 30th, 2010 + Upcoming Xplosion Spoilers

Spoilers for the December 23rd and 30th Impact below:

December 23rd:
* Backstage Sarita is beating up Velvet Sky and yelling at her. Sarita is using her belt to whip and choke her. Velvet makes some comebacks but is mostly beaten bad by Sarita. Sarita eventually hangs Velvet by the belt. Angelina finally runs in for the save.

* Finals of the Knockouts Tag Tournament, Madison Rayne & Tara vs. The Beautiful People. Velvet is nowhere to be seen. She’s probably too hurt from the attack. Winter comes out towards the end to be Angelina’s tag partner. She gets tagged in and cleans house. Winner via catatonic to Madison from Winter and new Knockouts Tag champions, Winter & Angelina Love.

December 30th:
* Strap Match, Sarita vs. Velvet Sky. Winner is Sarita. She was being choked on Velvet’s back and would hit the turnbuckles as Velvet made her way around. On the 4th one Sarita flipped Velvet over and touched the last turnbuckle. Sarita attacked Velvet after the match but Angelina Love made the save. Velvet was extremely upset afterwards and stormed off in a huff.

* Madison Rayne is out in an evening gown and has four guys in tuxedos with her. They’re carrying her to the ring and open the ropes for her. They all kiss her hand and leave. She screams at everybody to be quiet she has something important to say. She came out to all her adoring fans so they could see what a real champion is. Full of class and elegance, not like some corn fed, poor, country slut. Mickie James comes out and grabs the mic. She says what she’d say might go something like this and hits Madison. She beats her up and then rips Madison’s dress off. Madison bails and makes a run for it.

* Sarita vs. Miss Tessmacher. Winner via sitout butterfly suplex, Sarita. (Source: Wrestling News World)

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