Monday, March 10, 2025

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TNA Impact Tapings: Spoilers from Night #2 (New Knockout Debuts)

TNA continues its three night filming spree today at the Impact Zone. Click the ‘show’ link for spoilers:

* Rosie Lottalove (Betsy Ruth) vs. Roxxi. During the match, Madison Rayne runs down and gives Roxxi a belt shot while the ref isn’t looking. Rosie doesn’t like it and argues with Madison. During this Roxxi schoolgirls Rosie for the win. Afterwards JB interviews Rosie and asks what was going on. She says if Madison thinks she can take out all the ugly people one at a time she’s got another thing coming because she’s big, she’s bad, she’s beautiful and she’s got a whole lot of love for everybody. She lays a big kiss on JB and leaves. (Source: Wrestling News World)

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