For the past two years around Halloween, (view 2008 and part 1, part 2, and part 3 of 2009) we’ve suggested some tongue-in-cheek costumes for Divas and Knockouts. This year, we continue the tradition, starting with the NXT Rookies. Divas and Knockouts will follow later this week, leading up to Halloween. Enjoy, and be sure to vote for your favorite below!
Costume: A jack-in-the-box toy.
Why?: AJ seems to always be bouncing. I’d say she has a spring in her step, but it would probably be more accurate to say she’s got loaded springs at the bottom of her boots. I think she jumps from excitement even when emptying the junk folder on her e-mail. So, aside from dressing her up as a kangaroo, what would be a better way to reference her apparent lack of ability to sit still than to have her made into a jack-in-the-box? She’s certainly tiny enough to be one, being pocket-sized and whatnot. And anyways, I don’t think dressing up as a grasshopper would carry the same charm.
Get the look: Learn how to make a jack-in-the-box costume of your own.

Costume: Marlena, AKA Terri Runnels.
Why?: Aksana has become the apple of Golddust’s eye, even going so far as to become engaged to him. However, who could forget Golddust’s past love, Marlena? Always clad in gold and brandishing a cigar, Marlena was the yin to Golddust’s yang. If Aksana has any hope of filling that role convincingly, she better study up on Marlena, and dressing up as her for Halloween would be valuable research. I’m sure Golddust would appreciate the jolt of nostalgia.
Get the look: Grab some gold clothing and accessories, tease up your hair, and carry a prop cigar. Don’t forget the attitude!

Costume: Napoleon Dynamite from the movie of the same name.
Why?: Okay, so the joke’s a little late, but can you think of a costume less flattering than Napoleon Dynamite? I’m sure it would get her mentor Vickie’s seal of approval, as it wouldn’t steal the spotlight from her and further degrade her rookie. In fact, I wouldn’t put it past her forcing it on Kaitlyn in the first place–all the better to avoid Kaitlyn donning a sexier costume. Fans would definitely get a kick out of seeing Kaitlyn in glasses, red curly hair, high-wasted pants, and a blank expression. Not to mention, it’d be a nice opportunity to tell fans to “Vote for Kaitlyn” when she wears it on her shirt.
Get the look: Do it yourself.

Read on to see more costume suggestions.
Costume: Oprah.
Why?: Maxine’s pretty fixated on being on top and crushing the competition. Well, if she truly wants to be a powerful woman, who better to emulate than Oprah? Arguably one of the most powerful women in the world, Oprah can make anyone do anything, from TV execs to A-list celebrities to suburban mothers. Oprah’s retiring her long-running television show next year, so there’s no better time to take advantage of the Oprah phenom than now, Maxine! Maybe some of her power will rub off on you!
Get the look: If you haven’t got the hair naturally, buy a wig. Then, dress in a professional manner (sharp-angled collars are good) and be sure to project your voice like only Oprah can. Let it be known to any trick-or-treaters that EVERYONE GETS A PIECE OF CANDY!

Costume: On-and-off NXT commentator Michael Cole.
Why?: I doubt there’s any NXT viewer alive that doesn’t want to strike Michael Cole with a blunt object. He (in kayfabe, of course) continuously gets under the skin of viewers with his constant complaints about the season 3 competitors, going so far as to walk off the show one week, only to return soon after–good times can’t last forever. Someone has to confront him, and Naomi seems like a good candidate. I can’t lie that the inspiration for this choice comes from a tweet from a fan to Naomi herself. I’m sure she’s got it in her to pull off a convincing (and appropriately annoying) take on Cole. Though, all she’d really need to do is sob into the microphone and run away.
Get the look: It’s really more about the grating attitude than anything else, but wearing a sports jacket, a tie, and a microphone headset wouldn’t hurt.

Vickie Guerrero
Costume: Kathy Bates’s fanatic character Annie Wilkes in “Misery”.
Why?: NXT mentor Vickie’s been long portrayed as a shrill, conniving witch, so it wouldn’t be a leap to imagine her as a twisted crazed fan that Kathy Bates so eerily played. I wouldn’t go so far as to have her confine a Superstar to a bed, but carring around a sledgehammer would certainly send chills down anyone’s spine, calling to mind that foot-smashing scene.
Get the look: Wear dark conservative clothing such as sweaters, pants, and long skirts, as well as a cross around your neck. Wear a creepily vacant expression and find a (preferably prop) sledgehammer to taunt your enemies with. Don’t forget to let your targets know how much you admire their work.

So, which costume idea did you like best? Cast your vote below and sound off in the comments!