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Tweets of the Week: July 5th, 2009

It’s official: Twitter has become a full-blown internet phenomenon. I mean, what’s better than seeing the inner thoughts of your favorite celebs? I’ll tell you what – seeing the inner thoughts of your favorite Divas! That’s why we’ve devised a new weekly feature, titled Tweets of the Week, where we’ll take a look at what the women of wrestling have been tweeting this week: the funny, the poignant, and the random. We’ll scour Twitter and serve it up for you, complete with the requisite Diva Dirt charm.

This week’s #5 is FCW Diva and WWE trainee Angela Fong (@missangelafong) witnessing an age-old Fourth of July tradition with a mixture of fear and awe:

Clearly, competitive eating isn’t on her list of things to do. Maybe, as a Canadian, she doesn’t truly appreciate the good old fashioned American hot dog? Diva Dirt will have to air-mail her one.

#4 sees Divas Champion Maryse (@maryse0uellet) takes advantage of a recent tour through Australia to admire some of the locals.. sort of:

Her thick French accent vs. an Aussie accent? Tough choice.. Kind of like Marion Cotillard vs. Nicole Kidman. Gotta go with Kidman on this one. ;)

In #3, brings us Indy darling, former TNA Knockout, and SHIMMER girl Nikki Roxx (@RoxxiNikki) recounting an incident that proves physical humor is always the best humor:

Hopefully the guy’s okay, but I’d be lying if I said I wouldn’t be laughing my ass off too. But dude, watch out: car beats bicycle every time!

To see the top 2, follow the link:

Dropping from #1 to #2, Awesome Kong (@awesomekong) uses her time on the road to her advantage, offering us some words of wisdom:

I don’t know about you guys, but when it comes to opportunistic travel scheming, I’d trust a road-weary wrestler every time. They really should collaborate on a travel book. I’m thinking, “Hurry Up and Wait: A Professional Wrestler’s Guide to Traveling”.

This week’s #1 is brought to us by SHIMMER big wig and competitor Allison Danger (@allisondanger), whose tweet is just vague enough to work:

Dark? Ominous? Silly? Sexy? Who the hell knows, but it’s enough for me to crown it this week’s #1.

And that’s it for our Tweets of the Week! Be sure to keep an eye out for your favorite Knockouts and Divas and their tweets of wisdom. For a handy-dandy listing of confirmed Twitterers, check out @divadirt on Twitter and take a look at who we’re following.

Remember: Suggest your favorite tweets by messaging us on Twitter!

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