HomeImpact Wrestling Latest Posts Spoilers Spoilers: WWE Speed Tapings From March 3 WWE Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright Shine During Evolve Debut Social Media Catch-Up Tenille Dashwood (Emma) Gives Birth To First Child Evolution Report: Evolution Event Coming In July Impact Wrestling Spoilers: June 8th & 15th, 2017 By Josue May 30, 2017 Below are spoilers for upcoming episodes of Impact Wrestling taped today from Mumbai, India. Spoiler * Laurel Van Ness (w/ Sienna) vs Rosemary: Sienna tries to distract the referee but Laurel accidentally pushes Sienna off the apron and Rosemary gets a rollup for the win. Sienna and Laurel attack Rosemary until Allie comes out with a kendo stick (more like a broom) and hits them both with it. After the heels leave, Allie and Rosemary are in the ring. Rosemary snatches the kendo stick but instead of attacking her with it, drops the kendo stick and smiles. Allie looked tense the whole time. * Trevor Lee vs Braxton Sutter (w/ Allie): Trevor Lee attacks right from the bell. He hit a deadlift German suplex for a two count. Trevor dominates the match until Trevor goes after Allie outside the ring. Braxton catches him as he’s about to lay his hands on Allie. Back and forth until the Pepper Shaker Neck Breaker gets the win for Sutter. Allie and Braxton are celebrating in the ring until Sienna’s music hits and she’s out with Laurel. She tells Braxton to get that stupid look out of his face, he wears a beanie in India, it’s a 150 degrees. She said everyone thinks Allie is so innocent and pure. Tell her why Allie attacked her with a weapon for no reason? She says since Allie wants to act as a wrestler, she can be a wrestler. Allie and her pal Rosemary. She asks if Allie thinks Rosemary has a decent bone in her body. She says we’ll see if Rosemary even shows up. (Source) May 30, 2017 Josue Please enable JavaScript to view the comments powered by Disqus. Latest Posts Spoilers Spoilers: WWE Speed Tapings From March 3 WWE Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright Shine During Evolve Debut Social Media Catch-Up Tenille Dashwood (Emma) Gives Birth To First Child Evolution Report: Evolution Event Coming In July Don't Miss Spoilers Spoilers: WWE Speed Tapings From March 3 WWE Kendal Grey & Carlee Bright Shine During Evolve Debut Social Media Catch-Up Tenille Dashwood (Emma) Gives Birth To First Child Evolution Report: Evolution Event Coming In July CMLL CMLL Informa: The Amazon’s Are Ready Ahead Of The All Women Event