Monday, March 17, 2025

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What If?: Angelina Love, Knockouts’ Title and SHIMMER

 You guys ever wonder what could have been in WWE? Ever think that a few less ‘future endeavors’ would have made a difference in today’s division? Ever think of how things would be without the Diva Search? No? Well, don’t worry cause I’ve done the thinking for you. Here’s a couple of circumstances that woulda, coulda or shoulda created an alternate reality in Diva world.

What If: Angel Williams hadn’t been released from WWE? 
For those who didn’t know, Angelina Love AKA Angel Williams was once contracted to WWE. She spent a while in Deep South Wrestling, feuding with the likes of Taylor Wilde, Kristal Marshall, Michelle McCool and Krissy Vaine. While in developmental, several opportunities for a call up passed her by, including JBL’s image consultant (given to Jillian) and Orlando Jordan’s valet. When WWE dropped DSW as a farm territory, Angel was shipped to OVW where she defeated Serena Deeb in her first match. She was released the next day. 
I bet WWE is kicking themselves now. Angel was quickly scooped up by TNA when they started the Knockouts division and has been on a roll ever since. Changing her name to Angelina Love, she joined forces with fellow Knockout Velvet Sky to form Velvet Love Entertainment (soon changed to The Beautiful People, now known as Mi Pi Sexy) to become of the most prominent wrestlers in TNA. 
Let’s face it, if Angelina had been called up to WWE she would have a fraction of the success she has in TNA. In WWE she would be lost among the the endless flood of blondes. I could see her jobbing out constanly  (a la Jillian), before finally getting released and picked up by TNA anyway. WWE just helped her cut out the middle man. 

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What if: There was no Knockout Title? 
Two years ago, TNA took a revolutionary step when it comes to women’s wrestling. They introduced the Knockouts Title. If you’re one of the three people who watched TNA since it’s inception, you know very well the roles women played there. Valets, interviewers, occasional wrestlers, cage dancers. Yeah, cage dancers. The introduction of an actual title ushered in a new era for TNA. The roster reinfored with girls from the indies and SHIMMER, as well as WWE rejects like Shelly Martinez and Taylor Wilde. 
We got to see some great matches from the Knockouts, like of which made critics give WWE Divas the shaft in favor of the newer division. Unfortunately, the division is at the middle of a nosedive from their former splendor. Even so, it seems they still have the edge on WWE. 
TNA gave girls who had been busting their humps on the indies a chance to shine, as well as giving some like Gail Kim and Christy Hemme a second chance. They also redefined the conventional ‘look’ of female competitiors by hiring the likes of ODB and Awesome Kong. TNA singlehandedly changed the face of women’s wrestling and fans of the sport will be eternally grateful.  

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What If : SHIMMER had its own cable show? 
It was recently announced that Ring Of Honor is getting their very own cable show. Since SHIMMER is a promotion linked to ROH, it’s likely we’ll see plenty of SHIMMER on the program, but what if they broke away from their ‘DVD only’ roots to have their own hour long program. 
Women’s wrestling is generally scoffed upon by the majority of wrestling fans, so I would love for the SHIMMER girls to be able to show people what women’s wrestling is all about. Maybe if  people are made more aware of what women are capable of in the squared circle, the WWE Divas can get more respect from the fans (even if they’re not as good).

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