Monday, December 23, 2024

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Will Eve Be Feeling “Blue” Soon?

With today’s news of numerous roster cutbacks, one must wonder if Eve is next. I know, I know.. She won the Diva Search, so she’s safe, right? Well, tell that to Christy and Ashley. With her TV use just barely ahead of the late Lena‘s, maybe Eve’s crossing her fingers and hoping that her latest photoshoot, “In Navy” is good enough to prove her worth. (Yeah, let’s just imagine that photoshoots hold that kind of weight.) I love the navy combined with the gold accessories, but the makeup is a huge distraction. Frosty lips? Have we fallen into a timewarp and landed back in the 90s? Eeek. Ponder the photoshoot for a moment and tell me – with the string of releases expected, would you want Eve to land on the cutting block? For me, I probably wouldn’t care either way. She hasn’t had the opportunity to show her worth, but I’m not sure she amounts to much, talent-wise, anyways.

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