Saturday, March 1, 2025

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WrestleMania Rewind: Trish Turns Heel at WM20

Over the next few days, in the lead up to this Sunday’s big WrestleMania 26 event, we’ll be taking a look back at some of the memorable moments in WrestleMania history that involved the WWE Divas. Each of the Diva Dirt team have picked a moment that they loved to share with you all. Today, it’s Melanie’s WrestleMania rewind.

Melanie: Trish turning heel at WrestleMania 20 is perhaps one of the most memorable segments that she has been part of. After a few years of being the fan favourite and getting a little stale, Trish turning heel changed things up in a big way and was absolutely the best thing to do with her character at the time. The new Trish was bold, brash and extremely entertaining — exploring more character than we’d ever seen before from her. This started out as a foursome with Jericho & Christian trying to score with Trish & Lita, which saw an interesting battle of the sexes match, and then it turned into them both vying for solely Trish. As a huge fan of Christian, it was great to see him and Trish together and the stuff they did for months to come was gold. She may not have been part of a match at this particular ‘Mania but still managed to set tongues wagging in this segment.

Share your memories of this match in the comments.

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