Monday, March 17, 2025

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WWE vs Hollywood: Wrestling With the Stars

We are about 65 days or so away from WWE WrestleMania XXV, the 25th Anniversary of WrestleMania. Each year, the WWE has invited celebrity guests to be a part of the event. Last year, Kim Kardashian was the night’s host and Snoop Dogg sat ringside for the Bunnymania match. This year’s celebrity guest is actor Mickey Rourke, who is rumored to be going in a one on one match with Chris Jericho. Other such celebrities who competed against our WWE wrestlers include boxer Louis Mayweather who competed against the Big Show and Kevin “Fed-Ex” Federline, who wrestled John Cena, though that was on a New Year’s edition of Raw.

To add a little spin to this, I decided to do a fun weekend blog by making my own compilation of a few celebrity vs Divas matches that I think would be a spectacle to see. If you’ve got any other ideas, feel free to add along in the comments!

Match #1: The Olsen Twins vs The Bella Twins
celeb-olsensIt’s a battle of the twins! The dynamic duo of the Bella Twins would be a great opponent to take on Hollywood’s most famous twins, billionaires Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. There’s no telling what kind of crazy twin tricks these four will get into. The main people I’d feel sorry for are Tazz and JR; those two can never figure out which Bella is which, though it is really easy to do so! God help them when there are 2 sets of identical twins in the ring!! They’d probably start talking about something else like they tend to do when they can’t figure out who is who. I see a lot of switching without legal tags and possibly some going under the ring. However, there can only be one winning team, and when it comes down to it, Mary-Kate and Ashley would be too upset that their precious line of Walmart clothing was getting ruined to focus on the match.
Winners: The Bella Twins

Match #2: Britney Spears vs Jillian:
celeb-olsensThis would hands down be the match of the century. The Queen of Pop, Britney Spears vs. the ultimate wannabe, Jillian. Somehow, I think this match will quickly turn into a dance-off, and knowing Jillian, she will come out singing and looking like Britney Spears. Annoyed and ticked off at the horrible comparison, Britney Spears will shut Jillian down, especially if she has access to an umbrella. After the match, the infamous hair clippers will probably be used on Jillian and put a screeching end to Jillian’s singing career.
Winner: Britney Spears

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