Saturday, March 15, 2025

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Xplosion Write-Up (March 4th, 2015): An International Commotion

Hola Knockout fans and welcome to another edition of TNA Xplosion Write-Up. TNA wraps things up in Manchester, England for Impact Wrestling this week but for Xplosion this week, we skip over to the Wembly Arena in London, England.

As with the last Xplosion Write-Up, we are treated to a mixed tag match featuring a collaboration of a few members of TNA’s roster along with the finalists (minus Grado) of TNA’s British Boot Camp. The team of Dave Mastiff, Rampage Brown, Samuel Shaw and Madison Rayne take on the team of British Boot Camp winner Mark Andrews (or Mandrews as he now goes by) with Noam Dar, Crazzy Steve, who is being accompanied by his lady friend Rebel and Kay Lee Ray.

Starting this eight person tag match are Noam Dar and Dave Mastiff, with Noam getting an upper hand early on. Seeing this, Madison quickly enters the ring and begins to get a bit neighborly with Noam, flattering him with her warm touches. The distraction allows Mastiff to take down Noam with a powerful dropkick, while also infuriating Kay Lee Ray.

Mastiff tags in his Rampage Brown next, looking to keep the power balance on their side but it’s short lived when Noam is able to escape and make a tag to Mandrews. The British Boot Camp high flyer enters the ring with a spring board cross body but gets caught mid air by Rampage Brown and slammed down to the ring for his troubles. Brown follows up with an elbow drop, only to miss when Mandrews rolls out the way.

From a the second rope, Mandrews lands a hurricarana to Rampage Brown. With one of her tag partners down yet again, Madison enters the ring to try and warm up to Mandrews. Unlike Noam, Mandrews doesn’t exactly receive Madison’s approach and she trades her warm touch for a slap to Mandrews’ face, with Rampage Brown finishing up the job with an attack from behind.

Rampage Brown tries to keep control over his smaller opponent but Mandrews is able to escape Brown’s grip and hit a dropkick from behind. From the outside, Madison applies a new tactic to help her team member by pulling some Mandrews” golden locks and taking him down. Kay Lee Ray has has enough of these interferences from Madison and begins a chase after the Queen Bee all around the six sided ring as we head to a commercial break.

Upon returning, the chase outside the ring may have stopped but the tag match continues. Mandrews serves as a punching bag for his opposing team who routinely tag each other in. Samuel Shaw landing a leg drop, Dave Mastiff with elbow shots and Rampage Brown with power slam. After enduring all this, Mandrews gets his quick break when he is able to connect a kick to Samuel Shaw’s head, immobilizing Shaw temporary as the race for a hot tag begins. Mandrews managing to tag in Crazzy Steve and Samuel Shaw tagging in Rampage Brown.

The hot tag favors Crazzy Steve, who surprisingly manages to bring Rampage Brown to a corner, going as far as hitting a running cannon ball to Rampage Brown. Still, not even Crazzy Steve is immune to Madison’s interference, as she climbs on the clown’s back who tosses her over his shoulders. This prompts Kay Lee Ray to briefly get her hands on Madison until Samuel Shaw makes a save.

Making the save for Kay Lee Ray is Noam Dar who takes out Samuel Shaw with a big boot to the face, sending the creepy bastard outside the ring. Likewise, Kay Lee Ray sends Madison outside the ring with her own kick to Madison’s face. With their opponent outside the ring, Noam Dar and Kay Lee Ray both have the same tactic in mind. They meet in the middle, exchanging claps with each other and hit a suicide dive each to the outside, clearing out the outside of the ring.

Back on the ring, still the legal man, Crazzy Steve hits his signature DDT from the second rope onto Rampage Brown. He makes the tag to team leader Mandrews, who puts away Rampage Brown with a Shooting Star Press for the three count and win for his team!

Thoughts: Despite the number of people included in the match and the women never actually getting tagged in, it turned out to be a fun match overall, with everyone managing to still have their own moment to shine through out the match.

While I do wish Madison and Kay Lee Ray were more engaged against each other in the ring, I think they were still able to tell a tale and get some sort of action in, what with Madison constantly interfering and us wanting for Kay Lee Ray to put a stop to Madison’s schemes.

As I’ve mentioned before, I think it’s great when we’re treated to new and fresh talent. I stand by the theory that any of these international talents would make a great addition to the TNA roster. We’re still rooting to see you in the Knockouts division someday Kay Lee Ray!

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