Thursday, March 20, 2025

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Your Predictions: Bayley vs. Nia Jax; Asuka vs. Emma (NXT TakeOver: London)

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Today at NXT TakeOver: London, Bayley defends her NXT Women’s Championship against Nia Jax, while Asuka and Emma collide for the first time.

We asked for your predictions for these matches on our social media pages and picked some of the best to highlight here. As always, you can join in by leaving your comments!

  • @ClydeEDawkins: I say Nia wins with Eva Marie‘s interference, and Asuka beats Emma, possibly setting up a Nia/Asuka feud!
  • @fearlessblxss: It’s obvious! Asuka is going to continue her momentum and probably knock Emma out as she has been incredible and has much to prove! I feel like although Bayley has been incredible it’s time for Nia Jax to continue her momentum and her streak.
  • @HarryOddie: Bayley will win by DQ from an Eva Marie interference to get into the title picture. I think Emma will hand Asuka her first defeat.
  • Khris Colon: For Bayley vs. Nia Jax, I predict Bayley strongly retaining the title this time, but if the feud continues I predict Nia winning like Beth did with Kelly Kelly‘s reign as Divas Champ. I say Emma’s winning because it will keep the feud going as Emma and Dana Brooke will boast about the victory and Asuka will look to shut them up. Basically, along with the predictions, I’m hoping both feuds aren’t over.
  • Mauricio Córdova: Bayley somehow will retain the title. Nia isn’t ready to become champion yet, so that’s why Bayley won’t drop the title tomorrow night. Bayley hasn’t have the chance to give us good matches since the rest of the Four Horsewomen left NXT and she still has a lot of show us! About Emma/Asuka’s match, I love Asuka but I can see Emma and Dana Brooke as the next top heel duo in WWE and they need to start looking like a real deal for the other Divas, so, I can see Emma wining the match, cheating of course.
  • Michael Benzinger: Bayley will retain somehow. She might win via DQ but I don’t see the feud ending. Emma will beat Asuka. Asuka has been booked as almost invincible, which is why I actually see her losing, to make Emma look stronger and continue the feud.
  • @RyanSebei: Nia vs. Bayley: DQ/count out, results in Eva winning the title.
    Emma vs. Asuka: Asuka wins and Athena debuts after Emma and Dana attack.
  • @TheBellaGuy: Emma deserves the win, but Asuka will take the win. I think Nia Jax is destined for greatness as she’ll win the NXT Women’s Title!
  • @TheJoseCanUC: Asuka will make Emma submit to the Asuka Lock and I think Bayley will hit a Bayley to Belly on Nia (did it to Murphy) to retain.

What are your predictions for Bayley vs. Nia and Asuka vs. Emma?

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